Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance Page 5

by Renee Lindemann

  “You are so fucking beautiful when you come,” he snarled. Jax sat up his hips still thrusting upwards as her movements stilled. He slipped a hand to her cheek caressing while she whimpered softly. His thumb wiped the lone tear that descended down her cheek. Jax slid his tongue into her mouth and the rest of her cries were muted as they moved together. When she recovered from her orgasm, she moved faster. Jax was right, she was a natural and he was forced to wrap his arms around her waist to hold on. She swiftly moved up and down without his additional thrusts. After finding a good rhythm, she would lift and ride just the tip, forcing his hips to thrust upward.

  “Baby please,” he whined. “You are killing me.”

  Holiday gave a devilish smile, all trace of self-doubt and shyness gone. Each time the lips of her pussy grazed the tip, he thought his heart would explode. Holiday slid down every inch of him rocking her hips side to side as if getting comfortable. Jax lost his hold and moved her faster up and down while he thrust upward.

  “The best baby,” she murmured wrapping her arms around his neck. Using her knees for leverage she lifted once more as his arms tried to push her back down. Her hips moved quickly up and down the head of his cock before she seated him deep inside. Jax felt it in his back first as it arched awkwardly. Then his orgasm burst forward as his balls contracted upward.

  “Holiday, ahh, fuck,” he hollered nearly scaring her off him. Jax’s hips thrust wildly up into her while shooting jets of his warm seed inside her body. The orgasm seemed to go on forever. Holiday covered his mouth with kisses as he keened. She could feel every muscle in his body go ridged then slowly relax. His grip on her body tightened, as he never wanted to let her go. In this moment, she wasn’t his mother’s nurse, he wasn’t about to be orphaned, Emma wasn’t dying, and he could openly love Holiday. That’s what this was plain and simple. Jax Pierce loved Holiday Titus and never wanted to let her go. If only the demons would let him love her properly.

  Chapter 10

  Jax moved beneath the sheets to pull Holiday closer. Now that his body had snoozed for a short time, he wanted to talk. Holiday snuggled against his lean body with her ass nestled against his crotch. Jax looked down at her rounded ass and hissed. One night with Holiday was going to be impossible. Of course, he planned to fuck her again before he left. He was already stirring to life against her ass. The conundrum would be the coming days. He didn’t think he could go more than a couple of days without her.

  “Why me,” she asked in a soft whisper. Holiday felt her body tense awaiting his response. She hoped he hadn’t struck out elsewhere and she was the runner up. It occurred to her with his good looks women were probably throwing themselves at him daily. The thought made her gag a bit. She didn’t want other women to touch him, even if she had no right to demand such a request.

  “Why not you?” he said turning her in his arm. His body was both relieved and saddened now that her ass wasn’t keeping his cock warm. Jax looked down into lovely hazel eyes and smiled, “You are very sexy. I don’t care if you are in scrubs or a dress. I liked you the first day I laid eyes on you. This unruly curly brown hair and striking hazel eyes, drive me nuts woman. I just noticed the adorable freckles. Holiday, you are hot as hell.”

  Jax ran a finger over the top of her nose. She frowned and then tried for a soft smile. He could tell the self-doubt and uncertainty was back. It amazed him she could be so confident during sex. Didn’t she realize she had him climbing the walls only moments ago.

  “Let me ask you something. Why did you sleep with me? Why did you let me in tonight?”

  Holiday blushed before speaking. She wanted to turn away and answer but Jax wasn’t having it.

  “You are freaking beautiful. I am not an idiot. Even if I used to think sex was overrated, I could never turn you down. It’s obvious everyone at the facility with a vagina and a few penises thinks you are gorgeous. You sparked something in me,” she admitted. Jax’s smile was wide and he looked genuinely touched by her words.

  “Bingo,” he announced. “I don’t think you pay attention to people as much as I do. Half the guys in that facility would give their left nut to take my place right now. You are fucking hot Holiday. The way you carry yourself and your smile is as bright as the sun, drives most of us crazy. I am sure there are a few vaginas that think so too.”

  Holiday laughed and he bent to kiss her lips. Jax murmured, “So I sparked something in you? And you don’t think sex is overrated anymore?”

  Holiday nipped at his bottom lip a few times before answering. She was still in awe that Jax Pierce was in her bed right now. He wanted her, as evident by the erection pressing into her side right now.

  “Yes, you awakened my libido. I had the libido of a ninety-nine-year-old woman. I’ve only had two uh, relationships, and it was nothing to write home about. Nothing curled my toes or rocked my world as my friends would say.”

  Jax’s brow shot up and the devilish smile reappeared on his face.

  “Oh! So, I rocked your world and made your toes curl? Good to know,” he laughed. Holiday sighed, “Yes, you can write that in your diary for today’s events.”

  Jax continued to laugh between kisses.

  “What else should I write in my diary for today? Should I put that you almost killed me with those slick moves?”

  Holiday giggled unsure of what he was talking about.

  “I don’t have any slick moves. That was all you baby,” she replied.

  “I beg to differ,” he stated. “You put it on me. I don’t know what I like better, these long legs wrapped around me or you riding my dick.”

  Holiday felt desire instantly pool between her legs as his erection twitched against her hip.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” she lied. The blush spread across her face and down her neck.

  “You are a natural baby,” he insisted. “You let your body do all the talking this evening. I love how you did what felt good.”

  “It’s easy, you feel good. I didn’t think we would fit but now I know better. Are you trying to ruin me for future relationships?”

  Jax’s smile slid away as he considered another man touching her. Jealousy coursed through his veins and illuminated the deep blue of his eyes.

  “Yes,” he growled nuzzling her neck. Holiday decided to leave that statement alone and move on to something else.

  “You like pushing my buttons and boundaries,” she asked looking up into his eyes. The tension in them receded but only by millimeters.

  “Fuck yes,” he replied quickly. “You melt under my touch. You get so wet for me.”

  “Seriously Jax, have you looked in a mirror,” she squealed. “What woman turns you down? Is she blind, deaf, and dumb?”

  The smile returned to his face but the tension remained in his eyes.

  “You’d be surprised,” he said moving a few centimeters away. He pretended to readjust the sheets but she could see he had a bad relationship in his past.

  “I didn’t mean to…” she said trailing off. Holiday assumed he would try to make his escape soon. As much as that tugged at her heart, she understood this was just meeting a need. Jax was wrapped up in his grief and this was the release he needed. He lay back on the pillow exhaling softly, “Tell me about you. Not the work version, tell me your story.”

  “Uh, my story is more like a pamphlet. Girl loses father goes to college to become a hospice nurse to help others. Has two lackluster relationships along the way. Girl focuses on work and traveling,” she summarized. “I am not complicated.”

  “I find it hard to believe that’s all there is to you,” he replied. Holiday nodded, “Losing my dad was one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with. I was a daddy’s girl and he was my hero. When he died, my life became a quest. I saw how much it nearly destroyed my mother, so I have never allowed myself to get that close to someone.”

  “Until now,” she thought but did not say.

  “Why? I am sure your mother wouldn’t trade ever
ything that happened with your father to never feel the pain of losing him. A good relationship, even if it ends too soon, will always be worth the pain,” he informed. It was Holiday’s turn to move away.

  “Me-Me was married to her high school sweetheart. He died twelve years into their marriage. As much heartache as that caused her, she kept his memory alive. She wouldn’t undo those years for anything. It really is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.”

  “That sounds good in theory but it’s too dangerous out here. People don’t take love or relationships seriously. If I am being honest, I guess that’s why you have appealed to me,” she said then stopped. Jax shifted and moved her body closer to him.

  “I am a nice distraction or a fun toy,” he said raising an eyebrow.

  “Honestly, yes! There is the added danger of this blowing up in my face and destroying all that I have worked for as well,” she replied.

  “I told you, I won’t let that happen to you,” he quipped. “I am a really good lawyer.”

  “Do you ever think you will settle down?”

  A cloud of pain crossed his eyes.

  “I uh, tried that already. I am not so sure about it. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like a relationship, it’s just when you start affixing labels, it can get messy. With Me-Me being sick the last few years, I haven’t dated much.”

  “Bullshit! I call bullshit!” Holiday laughed. Jax’s smile rose and fell. He was serious.

  “Aside from me, the last time you had sex,” she questioned. Jax sighed, “You won’t believe me. This is just a face and some women find it handsome. That doesn’t mean that it equates to wanting or needing every woman that does find it handsome. Just because I am a guy doesn’t mean I don’t want substance. Yes, the occasional casual fuck to release tension is good but nothing beats having a connection with someone. I haven’t had tons of sex. My focus has been my business and Me-Me’s health. I moved back home when she could no longer care for herself. You don’t want to bring a bevy of randoms to your mother’s house. So, to sum up before you it has been a great while, unless you count the relationship with my hands. These hands and I are in love.”

  Holiday giggled but relaxed into his arms. She supposed sex was the last thing on her mind when her father was first diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Even if she was at the point in her life where everyone was doing it and experimenting. Her father’s illness took precedence over everything back then.

  “How about you?” He asked looking down at her furrowed brows.

  “A couple of years,” she said casually. Jax erupted in laughter unable to believe a word of her answer. Holiday playfully hit his chest as she nodded her head.

  She joked, “What? You didn’t feel the cobwebs when you penetrated me in my office.”

  “Now I am calling bullshit,” he chuckled. “I met you six months ago and were my situation different I would have tried to fuck you the same day. You are going to tell me men have not pulled out all the stops to get into your panties.”

  “I have dated, just not slept with anyone. My job can be very demanding. I am wearing a lot of hats at work to keep this program going,” she answered.

  “So, what you are saying is none of them ever gave you the desire to put work on hold. None of them interested you enough to want to get naked.”

  Holiday thought about that then stated, “I guess so. I haven’t been interested in anyone for a long time, then you come along and panties fall off.”

  “I am honored,” he said moving down to her face.

  “Don’t be,” she giggled. “As soon as it’s safe to say without fear of reprisal, I am letting my friends know I tapped this a few times.”

  Jax laughed and pulled her in for kisses.

  “Only a few times,” he murmured into her mouth. “We may have to increase that number a bit. I mean if you want to earn your street cred, it has to be more than a few times.”

  “Oh really,” she said skeptically. Jax sighed and dropped his head to her shoulders.

  “Don’t think I am a horrible person. I know my mom is dying and that part is killing me. Is it still okay for me to enjoy this?”

  “There is nothing we can do to stop what is happening to your mom. I know our timing is off but this is what we both need, albeit, for different reasons. I can see the permanent grief in your eyes. I am envious of the bond you have with Emma. My mother and I are close but what you two have trumps genetics. I have been in your shoes and I wish during that time, I had an escape even if only temporary,” Holiday stated. The sadness during the time of her father’s death descended on them. Her mother had folded in on herself, Holiday had been left virtually alone to process what was happening to her father. A hospice nurse tried to offer comfort and it made a lifelong impression on her.

  “I didn’t mean to use my vagina, tits, and mouth to offer comfort,” she giggled. “However, you did book the ultra-premium platinum once in a lifetime hospice coverage.”

  “I am such a smart man,” he said with a grin. “How often is that package available? I know a few people who aren’t feeling too well.”

  Holiday erupted into laughter then held her hands up to protest.

  “It was a one-time deal and you are the lucky recipient.”

  Jax dropped his mouth to her lips murmuring, “Lucky indeed, now turn to your side.”

  Holiday did as he ordered positioning her ass against his erection. Jax rubbed his hands all over her body settling between her legs. He explored her sweet center with deft fingers. He loved the rush of fluids, it thrilled him that some of that might be him. He was inside her and that idea made his cock twitch. Jax moved the stiff appendage against her ass and moaned. Every part of her was so soft, he assumed she bathed in a vat of lotion. Purposely, he avoided touching her clit and she did exactly as he hoped. She begged him to touch her there.

  “You want to come again,” he whispered.

  “Yes please,” she whimpered.

  “Play with your tits for me baby,” he ordered. “And kiss me.”

  Holiday did as he ordered. She palmed the sensitive flesh of her left breast, pinching the nipple. Her head craned back to find his lips. Jax moved his fingers just long enough to slide inside. As they kissed she mewed and moaned into his mouth. Jax’s fingers found the sensitive nub alternating strokes and pressure.

  “Oh fuck,” she cried out. “So, damn good. Don’t stop.”

  His mind was unraveling with all the sensations at once. Watching Holiday lose her mind was the greatest sensation. She was lost in desire and pleasure. He had single handedly changed her mind about sex. The heady feeling along with her wet, tight space pushed him to the edges of his orgasm. He had more in mind for her and forced the sensations down.

  “Harder,” she begged, her hips moving with his strokes. She lifted her left leg which allowed him deeper penetration. Fuck, he almost blew it, literally.

  “Come for me baby,” he growled deep in his throat.

  “Oh shit, coming for you,” she wailed. Her body tensed then released a flurry of contractions that locked him inside her body. He watched as her stomach violently sucked in and out. She released her breast to grip his thigh, her nails digging in as she rode out the wave of her orgasm.

  “Jax, fuck,” she cried out extending the “K” in the word. Jax whispered in her ear, “I’ll have you, when I want you.”

  “Yes baby,” she agreed. He pulled out as she whined disappointment. His erection glistened with her release. He fought to control the desire to pull her to her knees and forcibly fuck her. Instead he helped her to her feet and lead her to the bathroom. He then started the shower, holding her up as the water warmed. The bathroom was her place of Zen. He could tell by how much money she sunk into the modern design. The spacious shower with the bench seat would be his target area. She had a tub that could easily fit two people or more. The things he would like to do to her in that tub. When the water was warm enough he stepped inside pulling her with
him. Holiday felt drunk but without the alcohol. She wrapped both arms around Jax appreciating his handsome face.

  “Tell me about the nose,” she murmured. Unfortunately, pain raced across his face and she covered his mouth in kisses before he could answer.

  “Some other time,” she whispered. “What are you going to do with me in here? You didn’t finish and I want you to come.”

  Jax managed to recover and replied, “It took everything I had to hold back. You are fucking hot when you come.”

  “I worry about how I look but then it feels so good I don’t care,” she giggled. Jax laughed as the water rained down on them.

  “Your face contorts and your mouth gapes open,” he explained. “You wrinkle your brow before you scream my name. I am the only giver of orgasms.”

  Holiday laughed again shaking her head up and down.

  “The giver of many orgasms.”

  Jax agreed before capturing her mouth. All conversation ceased as he took her against the shower wall. Strong legs helped him to thrust deep into Holiday. The sound of her pleasure was a heady rush as the first two times were considerably muted. Jax was lost in the sweet sensation of her tight core. Fuck! He would never get enough of this.

  “One more time,” he begged his voice ragged. Holding off his climax was getting much more difficult. Holiday was lost in Jax’s expert skill and the fact she was finally being fucked in a shower. The man’s direct line to her ability to orgasm was quite impressive. She was pretty sure she could spend hours doing this with Jax. He was an absolute dynamo and as such he had ruined her for other men. He would be the platinum standard by which she judged sexual ability. Once again, her body unfurled a lethal release. She made sure even the neighbors knew how good this sex was with her cries. Jax relaxed his thrusts as her orgasm receded. When she was somewhat composed, he released her legs.

  “What’s the matter baby,” she asked her chest heaving violently. Jax’s wonderful hands pushed down on her shoulders. Holiday sank to her knees immediately taking Jax into her mouth. Jax held onto the walls as he watched her work. Holiday looked up at him as she ran her tongue the length of him.


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