Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance Page 6

by Renee Lindemann

  “We taste good,” she murmured. Jax’s eyes slid shut as his body shook. His eyes popped open when she took every inch of him into her mouth.

  “Fuck,” he cried out. Holiday’s vixen like gaze was his undoing. With one last look up at Jax she gave him the blowjob of his life. Clearly, she had no gag reflex as she took him repeatedly to the back of her throat. Her hands gripped his thighs and encouraged him to move. He was thrusting into her mouth as she sucked, licked, and teased him.

  “Holiday baby,” he whined. “That feels so fucking good.”

  She said nothing and kept up her wonderful ministrations. Jax could see she was enjoying this even more than he was. Then her amazing tongue ran the length of him in spite of his rapid thrusts. The tips of her fingers grazed his balls and he exploded.

  “Coming! Oh, shit,” he cried out loudly. Holiday looked up at him as he filled her mouth. She paused to open her mouth slightly and Jax’s legs almost gave out. The visual forced his body to jerk wildly but she managed to maintain her hold on him. As soon as she released him Jax collapsed on the shower bench. His breathing ragged and his legs clumsy. Holiday stood and adjusted the water on the shower panel before taking a seat next to Jax.

  “Bullshit, you’ve never really done that before. Who are you?” He whimpered. Holiday wanted to smile but she didn’t want this to be the end.

  “I can promise you, I am just as surprised by my actions. It’s you,” she stated. “You bring the freak out in me.”

  Jax placed a hand on her cheek pulling her in for kisses. She tried to enjoy the kisses but the pang in her chest prevented the pleasure. This was it and things would have to go back to normal. Emma would die and they would mourn. He would move on with his life and she would be stuck. Holiday never felt one tenth of what she felt with Jax with other men. He aimed to please her and she only wanted to return the favor. She reached for a clean wash cloth and soaped it.

  He sat on the bench while she kneeled and washed him. He enjoyed the sight of her wet body focused on cleaning him. Holiday was trying to record every inch of the man to fuel future fantasies. They had these few moments but she knew a girl like her didn’t end up with a guy like him. Some leggy, blond, with huge breasts that worked as a model would end up with Jax. She would be that one time he was wrapped with grief and went slumming. The thought forced tears to her eyes. She took that time to turn away from him and wash her body.

  Jax sat on the bench watching her move unaware of the tears. With wet hair and water dripping off her breasts, he stood at attention once more. He could not get enough of Holiday. He wasn’t totally oblivious to the change in her mood. She seemed to be lost in thought. He hoped that she wasn’t second guessing her decision to let him in. Of course, he didn’t regret any of it. He had to figure out how to keep her and not jeopardize her career. When Me-Me eventually passed, their relationship would come to an end. But did it have to? He would love to date Holiday but the demons of the past would indelibly ruin it for them. Jax stood his legs still shaky, the woman gave amazing head, and walked behind Holiday. He wrapped his arms around her stomach planting kisses on her shoulder.

  “I don’t want to let you go,” he admitted. Holiday closed her eyes pushing back her emotional response.

  “Me either,” she stammered. Jax held her under the water until it started to run cold. When they exited, they dried off in silence. Neither wanted this to get weird but it was too late for that. Holiday knew he needed to leave before it was too light outside. As much as she wanted to hold him, it was time for him to go. He dressed quickly while she slipped into pajama pants and a tank top.

  “Fuck,” he cursed. “I just saw you naked, wet and naked, but seeing you in pajamas is just as hot. What are you doing to me woman?”

  “Just being myself apparently,” she smiled. Jax kissed her deeply wanting nothing more than to crawl back into her bed. They walked to the front door. He held her face in his hands looking into her sad hazel eyes. He would figure this out, his heart demanded he do so.

  “I’ll see you later,” he said hesitantly. Holiday nodded and gave a tender smile that reached her beautiful eyes. Jax exited the front door to his car. She watched the BMW pull away and closed the door. It sucked that her bed smelled of him. She contemplated changing her sheets but decided against it. Several hours later, she was unable to sleep. Holiday changed the sheets and clutched the pillow finally drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 11

  “So are you going to tell me about the mystery man or not,” Lacy asked when Holiday arrived on the third floor. She looked up from the patient chart a questioning gaze on her face.

  “What are you talking about,” Holiday stammered. “I wish there was a man instead of wine and a good night sleep.”

  Lacy eyed her skeptically before sighing, “If you say so, but you are glowing. One of us should be getting lucky. How can we both be going through dry spells? We should go out tonight.”

  “Maybe I am your bad luck friend. At least you have regular dates no matter how much they suck. I am a buzz kill.”

  Lacy shook her long black hair loose then pulled it into a neat bun.

  “If that’s the case what was my problem before I met you? We should totally go out tonight. Even if we don’t meet any hot guys it will be fun,” she insisted. Holiday looked up from her chart and considered the request. With Jax and their night of fun behind them, she should live a little more.

  “I am in,” she smiled. The smile faltered when Jax cleared his throat. Lacy turned to face the gorgeous man and beamed.

  “How can I help you,” Lacy asked each word separately. Jax gave her a panty crushing smile before asking for ice water. Holiday returned her gaze to the chart and her note. Lacy moved over to the vending room to retrieve the ice water.

  “How are you doing today Holiday,” Jax asked calmly. He rested his arm on the counter of the nursing station.

  “I am good, thank you,” she replied without looking up.

  “So, a girl’s night out,” he said raising a brow.

  “Were you listening to our conversation? That’s rude,” she stated finally looking up. Jax looked positively livid but for what reason she couldn’t fathom. His mouth was set in a hard line along with a very furrowed brow. Had she done something wrong? Lacy arrived with the water and he wiped the expression off his face. The anger still radiated behind those deep blue eyes. Holiday gaped at him not sure what was under his skin so early in the morning. Yes, they sexed it up most of the night but she still managed to get some sleep.

  “You two be good now,” he commanded. Lacy practically melted upon hearing his words. Holiday’s mouth was still agape. Was Jax mad that she made plans? What the hell? Holiday shook the desire to punch him in the throat. She was the one that would have difficulty moving on.

  “My God,” Lacy whispered to Holiday. “Just give me one night with that man.”

  Holiday spluttered, “Right! He is gorgeous to look at.”

  “I’d never let him come up for air,” Lacy giggled. More staff arrived to the nurse’s station, a few of the women openly gawked at Jax as he walked to Emma’s room.

  “He is beautiful,” Angela the desk clerk insisted. She and Lacy slapped hands as Jax turned around to give them a devastating smile. Holiday felt the green-eyed monster rear its ugly head. He was being an ass openly flirting with her co-workers. What was she saying? He wasn’t her boyfriend. They weren’t in a relationship. It strengthened her resolve to go out tonight and enjoy herself. Holiday pushed Jax out of her mind and finished her rounds. She lost one patient that day.

  “Thank you so much Holiday for making my dad’s transition as comfortable as possible,” Misty stated through tears.

  “I am so glad he went peaceably surrounded by family,” Holiday said giving the young woman a gentle hug.

  “All of you guys were awesome,” she whimpered. “I know my mom is still in shock and she wasn’t the easiest to get along with. Thanks for not taking it out on my

  Holiday offered a reassuring smile.

  “Your mom was grieving in her way. We know better than to take it personal. We wanted to be here for your dad as well as his family. If we can be your emotional punching bag, then so be it. I am glad you all let me be a part of his journey.”

  Misty reached for Holiday’s hand giving it a quick squeeze. They shared a quiet moment before exchanging a final hug. Holiday walked away feeling sad but confident that they had served the family well.

  “Are you okay,” Jax’s voice asked from the doorway of Emma’s room.

  “I am fine. I was going to check on Emma soon,” she explained. “Let me get my computer.”

  Jax watched her walk away and knew this job took a toll on her, especially the male patients. That situation had to remind her of her father. He wanted so desperately to hold her. In a perfect world, she would come home to him. He would rub her feet while she lamented about her tough day. As it was he couldn’t even offer her a hug without it looking suspicious. He ran a hand through his hair and slipped back into his mother’s room. Emma wasn’t talking anymore but the smile on her face let him know she heard their encounter.

  “I know Me-Me,” he whispered. “I am working on it.”

  When she returned to the room, Lacy insisted on being her assistant so she could gawk at Jax again. Holiday laughed it off and pushed the jealous feelings down.

  “We are going to get her cleaned up,” Holiday informed. Jax gave a nod and returned to his book, pretending to read. Holiday gave the pain and anxiety medications both in liquid form after sitting up the head of the bed. Lacy filled basins with warm water.

  “Ms. Emma, we are going to get you cleaned up,” Holiday explained. Emma said nothing but continued the relaxed expression.

  “She is smiling,” Lacy replied. “I hope the meds are kicking in Ms. Emma. We don’t want the Queen B to have any pain.”

  Emma gave Jax’s hand a squeeze and he told the ladies as much.

  “I think she is good to go, she just squeezed my hand,” he explained. His voice was low, husky, and panty wetting. Lacy’s breath hitched in her throat. Holiday thought he was being a smart ass and ignored his voice. They prepared for the bath as Jax moved away to give them room to work. As they were getting Emma cleaned up he tried to gather information from Lacy.

  “You guys do work very hard,” he stated. “Thanks for taking such good care of my mom.”

  “No problem,” Lacy replied turning to look at Jax for a few seconds. “We love Ms. Emma.”

  Jax sighed, “I know it can’t be an easy job to do every day. Enjoy your night out tonight, you have both earned it.”

  Holiday caught the snort threatening to spill from her mouth. He was fishing for information and she knew it. She couldn’t warn Lacy without giving herself away.

  “I can never drag this one out so I seize every opportunity to have a little fun with my bestie,” Lacy replied. “I know you have a lot to deal with but if you want to stop by for a drink, it would be my treat. We are going to Club Smoke tonight around nine.”

  “Why thank you Lacy,” he said with that devastating smile. Holiday violently rolled her eyes and prayed he would stay away. She didn’t think she could stand being in a club with Jax. All those women would vie for his attention. No doubt some would try to go home with him. She felt jealousy flair up in her chest and fought to push the unwanted sensations down. Holiday knew he was baiting her. He wanted her to stay home so they could have another clandestine night. She didn’t think she could handle another night with Jax. Her feelings were already working overtime.

  “I might do that depending on how Me-Me is doing later,” he threatened. Lacy looked up with a wide-eyed gaze and beamed hopefully.

  “Ms. Emma just squeezed my hand. I think she wants you to come out with us tonight,” Lacy giggled. “Ms. Emma are you playing matchmaker.”

  Jax looked up from his book and smiled.

  “She does tend to meddle in my affairs.”

  “You should listen to your mother,” Lacy replied her voice low and flirty.

  “I plan to,” he cooed. For a second he gave Holiday a direct gaze. She tried to appear unaffected but everything south of her navel clenched in response. Fuck! She hated the effect he had on her! Lacy was thrilled that he had accepted her invitation. Holiday got to hear about it the rest of the day into the evening.

  Chapter 12

  “Don’t get your hopes up if he doesn’t show,” Holiday warned. Lacy applied lip gloss and shook her head of long black hair. She looked amazing in a blue Bodycon dress that hugged her curves. The plunging neckline put her breasts on display. This outfit was a far cry from her usual nursing scrubs.

  “Oh, I hope to have a bevy of men vying for my attention, not just Jax. Men only want women that other men want,” she informed. Holiday adjusted the high waist red and black striped skirt once more lamenting it as too short. The black sleeveless lace-up crop top was even sexier. If Jax showed up, which Holiday was really hoping he wouldn’t, she wondered how he would react.

  “Stop touching that skirt. It looks amazing on you,” Lacy insisted. “We are some fine bitches tonight. Don’t skip out on me tonight.”

  Holiday tried to show mock indignation. She could only tolerate the party scene for a few hours. She had never been into pulling all-nighters or shutting down the club, as Lacy could whenever they venture out.

  “I wouldn’t think of skipping out on you,” she lied. Lacy hit her playfully on the behind.

  Later, they entered Club Smoke without an issue as one of the bouncer’s mother had been a patient at the facility. Lacy took great care of her so he looked forward to seeing her on the few times they ventured for a night out.

  “Thanks Bryce,” Lacy said with a peck to his cheek. The man looked to want more but he was married and therefore on the no go list.

  “You two look amazing tonight,” Bryce smiled. “I will have to keep an eye out for you both.”

  Inside the club Lacy and Holiday spotted a few of their other friends. The ladies complimented each other’s outfits before securing a table and drinks. It didn’t take long for the men to make a beeline to the table of gorgeous woman.

  “That guy is making googlie eyes at you,” Becca whispered to Holiday. She turned to see an average height, decent looking guy gazing in her direction. She smiled her shy smile and hoped to hell that Jax didn’t show up. It would be awkward. The guy, Terrance, made his way to the table with several friends in tow. Within minutes they were integrated amongst the women. Additional drinks were ordered and the laughs began to flow as much as the alcohol. Lacy stood next to the table and turned to survey the club. She knew if Jax showed up women would flock. She hoped he would make a beeline for them. Unfortunately, she didn’t see him before a blond-haired guy asked her to dance. Lacy hit the dance floor with the guy. Holiday listened as Terrance talked about his job as an engineer. She sipped her drink and said all the appropriate things.

  By the time Terrance pulled Holiday to the dance floor, she had a nice buzz going. He could move and they gyrated their bodies to the fast-paced music. Several times she felt as if she was being watched. Shaking off the feeling, she enjoyed dancing with Terrance. He loved touching her whenever the moves permitted.

  “You are so damn sexy,” he remarked in her ear.

  “Thanks, looking good yourself,” she giggled. The drinks definitely kicked in to calm her nerves. They moved to several songs before returning to the table for more drinks. Lacy and the blond-haired guy, Michael, were engrossed in conversation. Lacy abruptly stood and scanned the club before sitting back down.

  “Are you waiting on someone,” Michael asked.

  “We had more friends coming,” she smiled. Lacy stood and pulled the man to the dance floor. He obliged and after she threw her ass all over him, he settled down. Holiday felt him watching and tensed. Terrance kept an arm around her waist. At one point, he put a tender kiss on her shoulders. Holiday took tha
t as her cue to go to the ladies’ room. On her way to the ladies’ room, Lacy stopped dancing to give her a look. She knew that Holiday would slip out of the club after a few hours. Holiday gave her a reassuring smile. Inside the bathroom, she calmed her nerves. Her eyes hadn’t deceived her at all. She saw Jax chatting with a blond-haired woman. The feeling in the pit of her stomach almost made her vomit. When she composed herself, she made a plan to leave before he would spot her.

  Outside the bathroom, she surveyed the layout and tried to make her escape. A warm but firm hand on her arm, jolted her. Jax didn’t say anything when he guided or dragged her down the hallway leading away from the club floor.

  “What are you doing Jax,” she squealed. He didn’t say anything but his jaw clenched tightly. He was pissed. She had no idea why he was pissed. He was the one with a date.

  “Jax, stop it,” she begged. He stopped his forward momentum to gaze at Holiday. Butterflies released a torrent in her belly. She couldn’t stop the wetness that pooled between her thighs. How could she be this horny so soon? Jax’s jaw tightened once more and he uttered one word, “Mine!”

  They were moving once more but his hand went from her arm to her waist. The contact with her exposed skin made her knees go weak. She tried not to look worried and held on to false anger. Who did he think he was? He wasn’t her boyfriend. He had no right to yank her out of the club, even if she was already plotting her escape. Holiday folded her arms like a petulant child. They eventually reached an emergency exit door. Bryce was there with a huge smile to open the door without setting off the alarm.

  “Thanks Bryce,” Jax said tight lipped. He gave the man a few large bills as he pulled Holiday through the door. Holiday gaped at Bryce who smiled. He had helped Jax kidnap her.

  “No problem Jax,” he chuckled. The two men exchanged handshakes before the door closed. Jax ushered Holiday to the passenger side of his car, conveniently parked at the back door.


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