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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

Page 7

by Renee Lindemann

  “What the hell is going on Jax,” she demanded refusing to get into the car.

  “Get in the car Holiday,” he ordered. “It’s getting late.”

  “No! I am going home,” she retorted and tried to storm off. Jax stopped her forward progress and the tight set of his jaw made her pause. He was absolutely pissed off right now.

  “Get in the car,” he ordered once more. Holiday balked but slid into the front seat, once again folding her arms over her breasts. Jax entered the driver’s side after unbuttoning his suit jacket. He inserted the key into the ignition and waited. Holiday pouted but said nothing. He reached over and she flinched, afraid he was going to kiss her. Instead he pulled the seatbelt across her folded arms, clicking it into place. He sped out of the alley and hit the streets. Holiday tried to maintain her anger at being manhandled but fuck he looked so good. The navy-blue suit with the white button up shirt complimented his tanned skin. She needed a distraction. Holiday pulled her phone from her purse to let Lacy know she was on her way home.

  Lacy, “You so suck for that. Poor Terrance looks rejected.”

  Holiday, “I already gave him my number. I’ll text him too.”

  Holiday, “Sorry T, I didn’t feel too good. Hopped in an Uber. Call me some time.”

  Terrance, “Damn I wanted to kiss you good night.”

  Holiday, “Raincheck.”

  Jax grabbed her phone and powered it down before she could read the next text message.

  “What the fuck Jax?” She yelled and tried to retrieve her phone from his jacket pocket. Jax dropped a hand to her thigh pushing up the material of her skirt. Holiday didn’t mean to hiss or stop the retrieval of her cell phone. He yanked her body closer and pushed her skirt up higher. His fingers skimmed her panties. Holiday placed a hand over his hand to stop him from further advancement. Jax was comfortable stroking the skin alongside her panty line.

  “Stop please,” she whimpered. Jax’s jaw clenched again but he didn’t stop. When he finally removed his hand, it was to steer the car into a parking space. Holiday finally peeled her eyes open to see they were not at her home.

  “Where are we,” she commanded. Jax turned off the car and turned to look at Holiday. She waited for an answer but she already knew they were at his home. He popped the locks and exited the car. Holiday resumed her pout and waited for Jax to open the passenger door. He extended a hand to Holiday and waited for her. When she didn’t take his hand, he reached inside and helped her out. Jax pressed Holiday against the car but didn’t kiss her. He dropped his head to her shoulder. Holiday instinctively wrapped her arms around his body as he held her waist. He lifted his head and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. Jax took her hand and pulled her to the elevator. Inside the elevator, he kept his hand on her waist. She fidgeted from foot to foot unsure of what was going to happen. Who was she kidding? Jax would have his way with her and she wouldn’t stop him.

  Inside the beautifully decorated home, Jax led her to his bedroom. Holiday didn’t know how she felt about him taking her to his bedroom. After flipping the light switch, Jax pulled off his suit jacket. She stood next to the door and waited. Jax walked to the private bathroom and returned with a warm soapy wash cloth. He moved closer to Holiday and wiped her neck and shoulders. After rinsing off the wash cloth, he returned to remove the soap. She huffed and understood that he was removing Terrance’s strong cologne.

  “What are you doing,” she asked when he was finally done.

  “Your neck smells like another man,” he growled. Holiday couldn’t help the smirk on her face. Jax’s brow furrowed as he took a seat on the bed. Holiday could see he was having a hard time. His deep blue eyes looked haunted. She reached down and removed her heels before padding over to him. Jax’s hands ran the length of her legs before stopping at her butt. He placed his face against her stomach and exhaled. Holiday lowered to his lap as he held her tightly. Jax moved them onto the bed, repositioning their bodies. They spooned for a while without saying a word. Eventually, they dozed off.

  Holiday felt his body go ridged then he struck out at the air.

  “No stop please,” he cried out. “That hurts!”

  “Jax, baby wake up,” Holiday yelled. His body bolted upright as he clutched her hand. Holiday soothed his ruffed hair with her free hand.

  “It’s okay baby,” she soothed. “I am here.”

  Jax wrapped both arms around her body. He covered her mouth in kisses dragging her down to the pillow.

  “Are you okay baby,” she murmured between kisses.

  “Yes, with you here,” he replied. “I need you.”

  Holiday accepted his kisses and the removal of her clothes. Jax bound from the bed and dimmed the lights. Holiday watched as he undressed. Damn the man was sexy! He moved quickly to cover her nearly naked body, save for the scant panties. His mouth grazed her lips before moving down to her breasts. Immediately, he took a nipple into his mouth sucking deep.

  “Fuck,” she exclaimed. “Baby!”

  Jax slid a hand down and cupped the warmth between her legs. His fingers deftly snaked inside and grazed her wet lips.

  “So, wet for me, right?” Jax questioned much to Holiday’s dismay. She sat upright disconnecting his mouth from her nipple.

  “What the hell Jax,” she exclaimed. Jax didn’t answer the question right away. Instead he reached down and ripped off her panties.

  “Mine,” he groaned forcing her back to the mattress.

  “You are the only one to get me wet,” she murmured as he pushed her legs a part. Jax greedily kissed her mouth pushing his tongue inside. He pressed his throbbing erection against her clit causing her to buck forward. He repeated the motions over and over until she cried out, her back arching. Jax wasted no more time, freeing himself from his boxer briefs. He slid inside calling out her name repeatedly.

  “Fuck, I need you,” he groaned. “So, wet for me!”

  “Only you,” she whimpered. “You are all that I need.”

  Holiday wrapped long cinnamon colored legs around his body as he slowly pumped into her. She was absolutely possessed by Jax. There was no going back, she would never want or seek another. Jax was equally as lost in Holiday. This woman had captured him and he would find a way to have her permanently, even if it killed him. Right now, her soft core was taking him to unimaginable heights. It took everything in him to fight back the desire to come.

  “Jax, oh God! Baby, don’t stop,” she begged. He increased his thrusts despite the overwhelming urge to let go. His body could wait no longer, especially after she internally coiled around him. The sensation was overwhelming causing them to both announce their orgasms.

  “Coming baby,” he growled in a low throaty voice.

  “I’m coming, fuck,” she shrieked. It was unlike any orgasm to date. It was so powerful her back arched off the bed. She shook with pleasurable convulsions unable to find the words. Jax rode out his orgasm in bliss as he hit both her clit and g-spot. When her body calmed slightly, she erupted in tears.

  “What was that,” she wailed. Jax provided her with soothing kisses.

  “Me, making you mine,” he replied his breathing ragged. Holiday sighed and resumed kisses to Jax. When he broke the contact, she snuggled into his arms.

  “How did you get your name,” He asked running a hand through her soft hair.

  “My birthday is fourth of July. My mom thought it would be cute to name me Holiday since I was born on the most ironic holiday of them all,” she informed.

  “How so?” He asked with curiosity peaked.

  “No one really got their freedom that day, most certainly not my ancestors,” she explained.

  “Ah gotcha,” he replied with a smile.

  “What was this all about? I thought we said one night,” she asked nervously. Jax shifted and brought his face within inches of her face. He closed his eyes as he spoke.

  “I told you that I needed to have access to you whenever I wanted. You agreed.”

  “I ag
reed during sex, you know heat of the moment agreement,” she replied quickly.

  “Well it was an answer. Plus, the thought of that guy pawing all over you made me want to punch stuff or someone,” he said honestly.

  “But we are not,” she said trailing off. She tried to shift out of his hold but Jax held firm.

  “I don’t know what this is because I have shit I have to deal with but no one else is touching you Holiday,” he snarled. “No one but me!”

  Holiday looked up at him curiously. He closed his eyes once more and shook his head.

  “Why can’t you tell me,” she asked. Jax pressed a kiss to her lips and moved down to her neck. He didn’t want to deal with this subject. Holiday pulled away to get him to refocus.

  “I don’t want you to look at me differently. I don’t want you to know some things about me,” he explained. “I like the way you look at me. I like the way you respond to me. I don’t want that to change.”

  “How bad is it? Am I in danger? Or is my health in danger?” She squawked her voice rising.

  Jax shook his head, “Nothing like that. I told you, I haven’t been with anyone in a long time. I am clean, no diseases. I don’t have a bevy of angry girlfriends waiting in the wings. It’s not like that, its bullshit tied to my childhood.”

  “But I thought Emma was the perfect mother,” she stated.

  “She was, but there were things she couldn’t protect me from,” he reasoned. “Please, I have enough to think about with her in that facility dying. I can’t do both.”

  Holiday wanted to let the subject drop and she did after stating, “If there is something I need to know please tell me. No matter what, I wouldn’t keep you in the dark.”

  Jax dropped his head sighing loudly. “It’s nothing Holiday. It’s working itself out as we speak, trust me please.”

  Holiday reconnected their mouths as an answer to his request. Jax appreciated the tender affection and with renewed vigor made love to Holiday again. He enjoyed the lack of tension in their coordinated movements. If only for a little while it felt like they were in a normal relationship. Jax basked in the visual of her riding him into hedonistic bliss. When they finally collapsed from exhaustion after a sex filled shower, he slept without nightmares. Sometime in the early morning, Holiday had left his bed. Jax prayed that she would return.

  Chapter 13

  Jax stretched his muscles and opted to run on the treadmill. Waking up to an empty bed was disappointing. He could have used a morning workout with Holiday to help him face the day. Me-Me was now actively dying, per the nurse report this morning. He wanted to be there to fulfill his promise but he didn’t want to watch the light fade from her eyes. The grief that cinched his heart was powerful and he dropped to one knee. Although this felt like his own private hell, Holiday was the bright light of peace. His mind focused on her lovely face. That bedazzling smile that captivated him from day one, helped him to stand. He thought about her yielding to him the last week and managed to get dressed.

  Jax sat in his car outside the nursing home. Everything came crashing down once more as he knew this was the day he would say goodbye to his mom, his savior. She had rescued him from the depths of hell and shown him nothing but love. Even when he made the most asinine of decisions, she would be there to clean up the mess and softly admonish him. Today was the last day he would get to hold her hand or cry on her shoulders. Jax slipped out of the car, no coffee and no book in hand. He strolled into the facility greeting the familiar faces as he walked to Me-Me’s room. Opening the door, he exhaled sharply unprepared for what awaited him. A finely dressed platinum blond, in six-inch stiletto heels was at Me-Me’s bedside weeping softly. Jax looked from the woman to the nurse in the room.

  “She is still with us,” Laura, a hospice nurse, explained. “But she is very close.”

  “What are you doing here,” he growled at the woman kissing his Me-Me’s hand.

  “I came as soon as I heard,” she cried. “I love her too you know.”

  “Get away from her,” he said fighting the tears. Me-Me’s frail body looked tired and worn. She was ready to go and he desperately wanted her to stay. Laura instantly jumped in.

  “Is she not supposed to be here,” Laura asked prepared to call security.

  “She,” he said then stopped when Me-Me launched into violent spasms. The nurse reacted quickly adjusting her oxygen machine and providing medications to calm her. Jax moved the woman out of the way and knelt at the bedside. He pushed the long gray hair out of the way gazing into Me-Me’s open eyes.

  “I love you so much mom,” he cried. “I don’t want you to go but I don’t want you in pain either.”

  The woman began to rub his back and he bristled. She continued the administration as a few more family members poured into the room. Most stood off to the side and let Jax have his time with his mother. They understood his importance to the dying woman. Thousands of daggers were being thrown at the well-dressed blond woman by the family members.

  “What are you doing here,” one woman finally demanded. The woman ignored the question and continued to rub Jax’s back. Me-Me’s grip tightened on his hand and Jax openly wept. Holiday walked into the room in white Capri pants and a black blouse with the trusty lab coat. There was a look of alarm on her face. Laura had called a half hour prior to let her know that Emma was active. Without looking at Jax or the other family members, Holiday made her way to Emma’s bed.

  “Oh Ms. Emma,” she whimpered taking the other hand. “It’s okay sweetheart.”

  “Who are you?” The well-dressed woman asked.

  “I am her nurse,” Holiday said not looking up from Emma’s relaxed facial expression. “I was off today but asked to be called if her condition changed.”

  “She’s the woman that’s been taking care of Emma,” the one woman spoke up. “She has helped us all to process this better. Emma loves her as we do.”

  “How are you holding up,” Holiday said to Jax then trailed off when she noticed how the woman was tenderly rubbing his back. For the first time, she took in the unfamiliar woman, blond, blue-eyed, and buxom. Just the kind of girl she thought Jax would date. The woman’s steely gaze only relented when Emma gasped a few times. Holiday wanted to ask a thousand questions but now was not the time. Jax was sobbing quietly while holding Emma’s hand. The jerk almost went unnoticed until it happened again. Holiday looked down to see Emma jerking her hand. She bent to give the woman a kiss on the forehead but instead Emma whispered into her ear. The soft voice, almost imperceptible conveyed her message. Holiday nodded her head and explained, “It’s okay for you to go now.”

  One more jerk of her hand and Jax was at her mouth. She whispered once more and closed her eyes. The family surged forward all shouting out their love for her as she took her last breaths. Laura watched Holiday remove the stethoscope from around her neck. She checked her heart then shook her head. Jax erupted into loud sobs as the well-dressed woman wrapped him in a tight hug. Holiday felt her hand go to her mouth as she watched the lifeless body of her patient change before her eyes. Several family members enveloped Holiday in a hug in need of solace. She did her best to be there for them as her own tears fell. Normally, she could keep her emotions in check but not right now.

  “What did she say to you,” the outspoken woman asked.

  “I am not at liberty to say,” Holiday apologized. She refused to look at Jax. He was getting all the comfort he could stand against the woman’s hefty bosom. Mary, the outspoken woman, turned to glare at the woman.

  “Why are you here Colette,” she asked. “You have missed the last three years.”

  “Now is not the time Aunt Mary,” she whimpered. Mary looked on the verge of violence. Holiday took her hand and placed it on her sister’s.

  “Let’s honor and remember Ms. Emma,” she softly admonished. Mary leaned into Holiday and shook her head. Most of the family ignored the woman, except Jax. Holiday and Laura went through the spiel together about what happens
next. After a few more hugs Holiday made to take her leave, she wasn’t up for seeing Ms. Emma taken out in a body bag. Laura agreed to see it through.

  “Thanks so much for the call,” Holiday said with a hug to Laura. As she made her way to the door, Jax took her hand. Holiday immediately snatched the hand away. His look of alarm was followed by sadness. When he went in for a hug, Holiday kept her body ridged and tense. Colette immediately, stepped in with a fake hug of her own, when Jax released her.

  “Thank you so much for all that you did for my Aunt,” Colette stated then dabbed at her eyes.

  “You are welcome,” Holiday replied eying Jax curiously. His head hung low and the woman resumed the rub to his back.

  “My husband and I appreciate all of your efforts to keep her comfortable,” the woman continued. She then wrapped a protective arm around Jax’s waist.

  “Your what?” Holiday asked softly.

  “Jax is my husband,” she beamed.

  “Oh, I didn’t know. Nice to meet you Mrs. Pierce. I wish it was under better circumstances,” Holiday said extending a hand.

  “No, it’s not nice to meet her. She disappeared almost three years ago and now a glorious return the day my wealthy sister dies,” Mary said unable to keep the bite out of her voice. “How convenient? And don’t call me Aunt Mary. I am not your damn Aunt. My sister married her uncle, she is an in-law, in the worst way.”

  “Enough Aunt Mary,” Jax bellowed. “Please not right now.”

  He pushed Colette’s hand away and returned to Emma’s bedside. Colette followed shooting a dirty look at Mary, who returned a scowl and the finger. Holiday gave Laura an appreciative look before turning to leave.

  “Holiday thank you for all that you did for my mom,” Jax said wistfully.

  “She is most welcome,” Holiday whispered and left the room.

  Chapter 14

  A few days later Mrs. Emma Pierce was laid to rest. Holiday had been present at the church, as requested by the family. However, she didn’t attend the gravesite with the family. She just couldn’t face Jax again with that woman hanging off of him. Most of the funeral goers were on the way to the memorial dinner at a local restaurant. Colette had relented her hold on Jax, enjoying the attention of the funeral goers. She allowed Jax some private time at Emma’s grave site. When the cemetery was empty, Holiday walked over and placed a rose atop the silver casket. The tears fell for the woman she had come to love nearly seven months ago. She also grieved the broken promise to watch over Jax. He had made his decision already.


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