Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance Page 12

by Renee Lindemann

  “Drink up honey,” he laughed. “I don’t think we will be ordering this again at five hundred dollars a bottle.”

  After the first and second courses where finished Holiday excused herself to the restroom. She tried hard to forget that Jax was in the same room with her. It was difficult because she could feel his heat and the pulse of blood in her ears. The desire that coursed through her body made her uncomfortable. She walked lost in thought to the ladies’ room towards the kitchen.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute,” Jax asked.

  “Jax, I have to use the restroom,” she lied.

  “No, you don’t,” he replied. “You needed an excuse to get away from the table.”

  “Either way, I still need to go in there,” she stammered. Jax lifted off the wall taking her arm in his arm.

  “What are you doing? This isn’t funny. My parents and date are waiting for me,” she hissed. Jax gave a nod to a man near the kitchen and he unlocked a small office. Jax pulled her inside shutting the door quickly. Holiday felt tears brim her eyes as she took in the well-dressed man.

  “I just wanted to have a few minutes with you that’s all. I miss you Holiday,” he whispered.

  “Stop please,” she said fighting tears. “I can’t do this now. I am trying to get over you.”

  Jax was on her in an instant his lips and hands roaming her body.

  “Don’t get over me,” he whimpered. “Please, I still need you.”

  “Jax, please this isn’t fair,” she whined. He reluctantly pulled away and opened the door. The hard set of his jaw made her flinch. He looked ready to explode with anger and something else, desire maybe? Holiday didn’t know what to do in this moment.

  “I really did want to talk to you about something. If you could give me a call sometime. It’s in regards to Me-Me’s estate,” he said all business. Holiday took the offered business card and deposited it into her purse.

  “Okay, I will give you a call next week,” she stated.

  “Tomorrow please,” he said then added softly, “I love you.”

  “I wish that were true,” she sighed. “You are still hiding things from me. I can see it in your eyes. You don’t trust me and that makes me not trust you.”

  Holiday turned to walk away and saw the hell fire in her mother’s brown eyes.

  “Holiday, what is going on here,” Simone demanded her voice low. She didn’t believe in causing a scene.

  “Nothing mom,” she sniffed. “We are done here.”

  Holiday pulled her mom into the ladies’ bathroom while she leveled daggers at Jax. Inside she gave her mother a very condensed version of the story. She was sure to include Emma’s deathbed confession as well. Simone covered her mouth as the story unfolded, grateful the bathroom was empty.

  “So why aren’t you with him,” Simone asked confused.

  “It’s complicated mom,” Holiday answered. “For one, he forgot to tell me he was married until very recently. His ex-wife accosted me at the gym threatening to report me to the state. I just don’t need the drama. Plus, he is hiding something major. I can’t risk everything that I have worked so hard to achieve.”

  Simone offered a rare hug for her daughter. Holiday let a few tears fall before composing herself.

  “I don’t get to have a guy like that,” Holiday whispered. Simone lifted Holiday’s chin up and the look of anger and mirth rivaled Jax’s look.

  “What in the hell do you mean? You are deserving and worthy of men greater than that. Sweetheart, you are an amazing accomplished woman, never settle. You deserve the very best,” Simone stated honestly. “You have always deserved the best my love.”

  “Thanks mom,” she replied fighting tears. When they returned to the table both men eyed them skeptically.

  “Sorry,” Holiday said opening her purse. She removed the small obituary card for Emma, which she carried in her purse daily.

  “Seeing Jax made me think of his mom. I was really attached,” she said passing the card to Tobias. Her step-dad and mother took the card when he was done.

  “So, this was the friend you lost when we met?” He said offering a tender hug. Holiday accepted the hug and fought more tears.

  “Yes,” she said softly. “She was an amazing woman. I miss her very much.”

  “It has to be difficult with your job not to get attached,” Tobias added. He placed a hand on hers and squeezed. She smiled up at Tobias, not sure how she was going to tell him they could only be friends. Her heart still wanted, no, craved Jax. She held out no optimism on a joyous reunion but until her heart healed completely, she needed to avoid relationships. The rest of the meal continued without incident. Holiday found a second gear and temporarily shook off the feelings of a shattered heart.

  “It was really nice meeting you Tobias,” Henry said extending a hand outside the restaurant.

  “Likewise, sir and Mrs. Simone,” Tobias said shaking both their hands. Simone shook his hand then turned her gaze to Holiday. The bright smile on Holiday’s face didn’t reach her eyes but it looked believable. Simone knew her daughter was going to end things romantically with Tobias tonight. She could see that he knew it as well. Before they could take their leave Jax approached them outside. Tobias tried to look indifferent but his anger was brewing.

  “I am sorry,” Jax said stammering. “Can I have a word with Holiday?”

  Tobias sighed loudly, “I am not her keeper. Sweetheart, I will bring the car around.”

  Tobias placed a kiss on her cheek as she shook her head that it was okay. He stalked off towards the parking lot.

  “What do you want Jax? You can’t keep injecting yourself into my life,” she stated firmly. Jax dropped his head and replied, “I know and I am sorry. I have no right but I don’t know how to leave you alone. I just wanted to remind you to call me tomorrow. It is really important.”

  “Why can’t you tell me now,” she asked shifting foot to foot.

  “It’s not something we should talk about in public,” he explained unable to take his eyes off Holiday. His heart fluttered and the butterflies exploded in his belly. She looked absolutely beautiful in the stunning black dress and silver heels. Jax’s brain conjured up many images of him peeling her out of the dress and fucking her in the heels.

  “Okay, Jax, I will call you tomorrow,” she explained. Jax was lost in his pornographic montage and shuttered at the thoughts running wild in his head. Holiday eyed his lustful gaze curiously as Tobias pulled up.

  “Bye Jax,” she said snapping him out of the light fog. He moved close to awkwardly hug Holiday. He murmured into her ear, “I will never get over you.”

  Jax placed a tender kiss on her neck before she walked away. He watched Tobias get out of the car and open the door for Holiday. She slipped inside a look of confusion and worry on her face. Jax hated that he kept interfering with her life. Eric clapped him on the back and redirected him to his car.

  “You, my friend, have it really bad,” Eric announced smiling. “I mean she is gorgeous, how is she not already married with kids?”

  “Yeah I really do. I love her,” Jax replied. Eric’s mouth dropped open as Jax nodded for confirmation.

  “It’s that good man,” he laughed. “I never thought you would fall in love again after Colette.”

  Jax slipped into the passenger seat and waited for Eric to pay the valet. When he was behind the wheel, he looked at his best friend for an answer.

  “It’s fucking amazing,” he hissed. “I don’t know what I ever saw in Colette after meeting Holiday. She is nearly untouched and pure heaven.”

  “Are you spouting sonnets? That must be some an amazing snatch,” Eric laughed. Jax turned to look at his best friend, his stern face conveying all there was to say.

  “I dare say it is,” Eric confirmed. “I wish I had gotten to her first then.”

  Jax growled, “I would have to kill you. Fuck! Colette is going to ruin this for me. I might have lost her to that clown she was with. I hope he could tell
she is mine.”

  “I don’t know about that. She looked rightly confused but not over you my friend,” Eric said helpfully. “I think their might be another shot lined up for you. Her poor date is going to get the shaft, what did you do to her at the restaurant.”

  “I can’t keep my hands off her when I am around her. I had to touch her but she looked so truly heartbroken that I didn’t fuck her,” he answered. “I could have and then let her go back to her table. I realized I can’t keep doing that to her. I have to fix the rest of this shit and hope she still loves me and doesn’t want to join Colette in hunting for my head. Both of them.”

  “I used to say I don’t envy you with a hyena like Colette for a wife but I have to say this Holiday might be worth the fight. If what you are saying is true,” he smiled.

  “Shit Eric! You have no idea how much she is worth the fight. I wish she knew how much I am prepared to fight. Me-Me begged me, on her death bed, to make this a reality. She knew right away how I felt about her. It was love at first sight. Then after I had her, she became my drug of choice. These last six weeks without her have been sheer torture. Losing Me-Me and Holiday feels like I was killed brought back to life and then killed again.”

  “Damn man! You really do love her. I don’t think you guys are done just yet,” he assured. “Give it some time. She will come around and realize what a good guy you are.”

  “Thanks man!” Jax acknowledged his friend with a fist bump as they drove to his condo.

  Chapter 23

  Holiday walked up the steps to her condo absolutely hating the conversation she needed to have with Tobias. When she turned to look at him, he looked pensive. The car ride had been quiet each of them lost in thought.

  “Would you like to come in,” she whispered. His face remained impassive but his eyes were alight with opportunity.

  “Yes, if you are okay with that,” he replied trying desperately to maintain his cool. Perhaps running into Jax was a good thing for him. He didn’t mind, for now at least, if she took her sexual frustrations out on him. Holiday entered the townhome venturing no further than the kitchen. She took down a few wine glasses and poured. Returning to the living room, she took a seat on the couch. Holiday had no idea how to proceed. Jax touching her and setting her body on fire was absolutely unfair. Should she try and move on with Tobias? Was there any chance that Jax would figure everything out? Could they have a future together?

  “Look just make out with me,” Tobias interrupted. “If you don’t feel anything then we both know you are still in love with the dude from the restaurant.”

  “What? Wait! What,” Holiday stammered in rapid succession. Tobias’ shit eating grin was all that greeted her.

  “I am not stupid Holiday. I can see the effect Romeo had on you. Clearly, there is some history beside caring for his mother. He gave it away more than you. The man is head over heels in love with you. No matter how much time has passed since whatever you two shared, it hasn’t been enough for him. I can see you wrestling with what to do about me. I am a little hurt, I’ll admit that. I never wanted to hover on the edges of the friend zone with such a beautiful woman. I like you, really like you but I understand I approached at the wrong time. So, kiss me and find out if there could ever be anything other than friendship between us,” he explained. Holiday’s mouth gaped open and closed before she placed the glass of wine on the table.

  “Tobias, I don’t, uh, know how to do this really,” she stammered nervously. “I am not a worldly girl. Did you say Romeo?”

  Images of Jax bending her over the desk in her office popped up in her mind. That image was followed up by the image of her blowing him in the supply room and the shower. Shaking her head, she cleared the images from her mind. Tobias made his move and they were kissing. He was a damn good kisser, not overly excited or moist. He introduced his tongue slowly and kept his hands to himself for the most part. Eventually, he pulled her to straddle his lap as he deepened the kiss. Holiday could feel his response to the make out session on her leg. Not bad Tobias! However, the kisses, while nice, just weren’t Jax. The mere thought of him sent her blood boiling. Tobias took this as interest and began to roam her body with his hands. Holiday moaned as the recent contact with Jax flooded all of her senses.

  Tobias was flickering a tongue across her breast not Jax. The realization hit her like a Mac truck. Instantly, her libido shut down and she had to politely pull away.

  “No, no, no,” he begged. “I want you.”

  “I am sorry Tobias,” she whined. “You feel good but you are right. We are better off as friends.”

  When she tried to move off his lap, he kept her positioned over his straining erection.

  “Tell me what you like and I will do it,” he indicated. “I know what I am doing.”

  “I don’t doubt that and where this a few months ago. I would definitely want to know what that means,” she sighed. “I have to figure this out with Jax and it’s not right to string you along.”

  “No, it’s not, but it’s okay if we have some fun,” he said hopefully. Holiday laughed, “I have only been with two guys.”

  She purposefully left out Jax for the time being. If she were going to have to defend the lie someday, she might as well start believing it.

  “I am not a ‘let’s just have some fun’ kind of girl,” she finished. Tobias’ eyes rolled back and he pressed his erection against the crotch of her panties.

  “You could always get back at Romeo by sleeping with me,” he joked mostly. Holiday laughed with him and managed to slide off his lap. The man was fully aroused and looked devastated that it wasn’t going to happen.

  “Sorry Tobias. I didn’t mean to lead you on. When we met, I thought it was time for me to get out and start dating. I haven’t been in a relationship in years. I met Jax and we flirted. I was crushing on him along with nearly every woman at my job. He made comments and suggestions that we could be more. I was starting to believe we might have something and his mother was pushing hard for the connection. Then she died and I met his wayward wife. He never told me he was married and I was hurt before it even began. I miss his mother, her sage advice and wit. But I also miss my interactions with Jax. I have to figure this out because now his ex-wife is threatening to report me to the state for misconduct to have my license revoked.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? You said she walked out on him years ago only to resurface when his mother dies. That’s horrible timing,” he stated with disgust. “So now she is mad because he is clearly in love with you. What did she expect that he would keep waiting for her to return? Is there anything she can really use against you?”

  “No but just being accused can hinder future opportunities for me,” Holiday answered. “I mean she is a real piece of work, tall, painfully thin, big boobs, and platinum blond hair. It’s hard for me to believe he was married to that but loves me. We couldn’t be more different and not just our skin color.”

  “Um! What you described is eye candy. What you are is entirely different. You are gorgeous, smart, and kind. I am not trying to win brownie points. You are a total package. She is all body, no substance. We men get fooled from time to time,” he said with a bright smile.

  “From time to time?” Holiday laughed. “You mean all the damn time. This woman left him for another man and he was holding out hope of a reconciliation. That makes no sense to me.”

  Tobias quickly retorted, “Um what you described is a fantasy woman. When prospects are low, you go with what’s familiar. He had a reason for giving this woman multiple chances. Men like to conquer and he probably wanted to prove that she belonged with him. He wanted to win not lose to some rich bastard. He probably couldn’t believe a woman like that could be with a man like him, most of the time they were together. Then you come along and show him a very different kind of woman. You show him not just your outer beauty but your inner beauty. His tunnel vision has cleared and now he wants to pursue the right person. I can’t fault him for wising u
p, I just wish he let me at you first, then there would be no confusion.”

  “Wow! Tobias that was really deep. I think you are right about him. However, I hate the idea of living in fear of having my livelihood snatched away. I am pretty sure this divorce, while freeing for him, will put me in some kind of employment prison. She is going to get back at him through me.”

  “I am sure she is plotting your demise as we speak. Quick, sleep with me to piss her off,” he laughed. Holiday laughed as well before playfully hitting him on the arm.

  “Honestly, Tobias, you are amazing. I really meant if I had met you a few months ago, we could have figured this out. Right now, I have no idea where my life is going,” she explained. “I do not want to lead you on in anyway.”

  “I get it trust me. I am just very attracted to you,” he added. “I hoped that after a night together you would see that we had something. I want to kick myself for waiting to ask you out. I couldn’t tell if you were married or not and didn’t want to get shot down. At least I got to kiss you and become your friend. If he ever fucks up though fuck the friend zone.”

  “You are my dick in a glass case,” she laughed. “Break in case of emergencies.”

  “I feel an emergency coming on soon,” he smiled. Holiday was happy that this could end as amicably as possible. They agreed to be friends and keep things casual between them. When he prepared to leave, she did allow him a few more kisses. However, she refused to let him, “just put it in half way”, much to his consternation.

  Chapter 24

  Holiday paced nervously around her living room. She was grateful to Lacy for her presence. There was no way she was meeting with Jax without a chaperone. Holiday didn’t intend for Lacy to listen to their conversation. She needed her interference if he got handsy. It was obvious Holiday couldn’t resist his kisses or hands once they got going. She decided against wearing anything too sexually suggestive. Khakis shorts and a t-shirt would have to do. When the doorbell rang, Holiday nervously opened the front door. She allowed Jax to enter and he quickly placed a kiss on her cheek.


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