Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance Page 13

by Renee Lindemann

  “Hello Jax, come in,” she stated trying to hide the butterflies.

  “Holiday, you look beautiful as ever,” he replied. Jax was relaxed in jeans and a t-shirt. Holiday tried not to melt under his withering gaze.

  “You remember my best friend Lacy,” she introduced. Jax nodded but eyed her skeptically.

  “Hey Jax,” Lacy said shaking his hand. “Don’t worry, I am completely in the know and as silent as the grave.”

  “Oh okay,” Jax stammered. His hand immediately went to his hair pushing through the soft locks a few times. Holiday indicated the couch as Lacy beat a hasty retreat. When she was no longer within ear shot, he stated, “Reinforcements?”

  “Something like that,” she replied taking a seat.

  “Is she listening in,” he asked. “I have some very sensitive stuff to talk about.”

  “No, she isn’t listening in per se. If she hears moaning, her job is to come out and break it up,” Holiday explained. Jax smiled and Holiday melted. She shook off the desire coursing through her veins and focused.

  “You need security to be around me Holiday? Why is that?”

  “You tend to get touchy feely and I tend to do nothing but encourage it. I need to hear what you have to say without letting your lips, hands and the Hulk, is it, interfere with my decision-making skills.”

  Jax had a gut-wrenching laugh but then quieted when he realized how she knew that term.

  “Sorry, she is a bit of a bitch,” he stated regaining his composure. “For what it’s worth, the Hulk loves you very much.”

  Holiday hated how much his words affected everything south of her navel. She internally clenched and hoped it didn’t register on her face. Too late! Jax was kissing her but thankfully he quickly pulled away.

  “Sorry again,” he mumbled. Holiday wiped the stunned expression off her face and encouraged him to continue.

  “I know you have every right not to trust me. I promise Holiday, I didn’t mean to keep it from you. Things were going between us and I, selfishly, didn’t want to ruin whatever it was that we had. I know if I told you I was married no amount of lips, hands or the Hulk would have convinced you to compromise your morals. I also didn’t think my honest explanation would have swayed you either. Colette and I grew up together. She befriended me when I had no friends. I was in love with the idea of her even as we technically grew a part. When she popped up in my life after I graduated college, I thought I was the luckiest guy on the planet. After law school, we were married, much to Me-Me’s chagrin. I was blindsided when she left. I was so focused on building my career and our life that I missed the fact she was still a cheating, lying, whore. I will admit, I held out hope that she would come back. I had hoped my threats of divorce would bring her back to me, it didn’t. After Me-Me declined even more, I forgot about Colette. Honestly, she was the furthest thing from my mind. Then I met you. I fell for you hard and fast. You and my mom were all I thought about. I wanted her well but I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I wanted her to see us together,” he said then paused to push back his grief. Holiday extended a hand to his arm. He patted the proffered hand and continued.

  “That first kiss in the basement was amazing. I don’t know how I peeled myself out of that office. After the first time, I couldn’t think of anything else but you. Me-Me figured out we had consummated at some point. She desperately wanted and probably still wants me to make an honest woman of you,” he said then smiled. Holiday laughed and waited for him to continue.

  “Like I said, I know you don’t trust me and you have every right. Life wasn’t kind to me as a child. Me-Me isn’t my biological mother,” he said then paused. Holiday’s look of surprise took long moments to subside.

  “But you guys were so close,” she stammered. “I thought.”

  “I was born to a much worse set of parents. My birth name is Jackson Prescott. Emma Pierce was a neighbor who took me in after what happened to my family.”

  “What happened to your family Jax,” she said with rapt attention. Fear and sadness crept up her spine.

  “They were murdered and not by me before you ask,” he stated with pain lacing his voice. Jax went on to explain the details of his childhood and how he came to know Emma Pierce. Holiday listened with zero interruptions. She allowed him to take a few breaks to collect his thoughts. He continued his tale of woe bringing tears to her eyes.

  “If she hadn’t been there, I don’t know what would have happened to me,” he said with a few errant tears. He dashed them away quickly. Holiday wanted to hug him, she should hug him, but it was so dangerous. In the end, she hugged him and they enjoyed a quiet moment. Lacy peeked out to see the chaste embrace and returned to the bedroom.

  “I am so sorry that happened to you Jax,” she whimpered. “I am glad you survived. I am glad you are still among us. No matter what happens between us, I am glad we met.”

  Jax pulled away from the hug, his dower expression remaining.

  “I am not so sure you will continue to feel that way. I am officially divorced. Colette walked away with a little over twenty thousand dollars, so she is pissed. I had offered her fifty thousand from the sale of our home but she balked at that sum. Now she is livid. I am afraid you are now the subject of her anger. I think, no, I know, she is going to start an investigation on you. It’s the only thing she has left. I have ninety days to pay her the twenty-one grand. I am, of course, going to drag my feet. She is desperate and hurting. That makes her very dangerous. I was hesitant in coming here but she keeps hanging around my condo causing trouble.”

  “Why can’t she crawl back under her rock?” Holiday interjected. Her sadness turning to burning anger.

  “I wish she were that simple. Colette does not like to allow people to do better. She wants to see me fail as a personal vendetta against Me-Me. She can’t get revenge on her now so she is picking the next best thing, me. Which ipso facto includes you. She knows you are the object of my desire. Apparently, I have revealed much while I slept.”

  “And in the shower,” Holiday pointed out. “She let me know how she figured things out between us at the gym.”

  “Yeah sorry about that. She was upset that I wouldn’t,” he said then stopped when Holiday put up both hands.

  “I don’t want to know,” she exclaimed. “What happens between a man and his wife is his business.”

  Jax visibly flinched under her words.

  “Ex-wife,” he mumbled. Holiday shrugged, “Potato, po-ta-toe. The fact remains that you kept your marital status a secret from me. I understand why the rest was so hard to tell. However, it doesn’t negate the fact that since I met you, I have had to compromise my entire belief system. If I am brought up on charges, I will have to lie my way out. Also, I can now add certified mistress or adulterer to my resume. I had a simple life, no matter how pathetic, until you walked into my office. Now it could all go away because some bleached blond is hell bent on revenge. How do I process that Jax?”

  Jax dropped his head and felt his heart break. She would always associate him with the ruination of her life. Yes, he had lifted her views on sexual misconceptions but at the expense of all she held dear.

  “I am sorry isn’t enough. I never expected her to be in Me-Me’s room. I never expected to see her again. I planned after Me-Me’s passing to file immediately wait the thirty days and then take it to court alone. I hoped that we would have a clear chance to be happy together,” he stated with pain. “I want for once to be happy with a woman who loves me besides my mother. Was it too much to ask for that I get a chance to love someone who loves me back?”

  “No, it wasn’t but was it too much to ask for that I know the truth? You took away my right to make an informed decision. I was blindsided by your revelation at the worst possible time. The tears I have shed since, I can’t get them back,” she stated moving off the couch. Her anger was palpable. The fact she would have to defend her license against a mad woman incensed Holiday. Jax had brought some measure of happiness, mo
st certainly pleasure, but also a heaping of pain.

  “I didn’t mean to upset the balance of your life,” he said wistfully. “I just wanted to love you, I still do. I know that’s a stretch once Colette is finished with her destruction. I came here to let you know that Me-Me made provisions for this eventuality. She set aside a separate account for you.”

  “What? I can’t accept money from a patient’s estate. That’s truly unethical. I am already fighting one front only to break another set of rules,” Holiday said shaking her head. “I do not want her money. Donate it to charity or you keep it.”

  “I have both those options. She thought something unsavory might come of our relationship. She hoped, rather prayed, it wouldn’t end this way. The money she set aside was her ultimate thank you gift, if we didn’t work out. Otherwise, she meant it as a sort of dowry if we did work out,” he explained.

  “What is this the sixteenth century, dowry?” Holiday asked incredulously. Jax shook his head smiling.

  “Me-Me had a flair for the dramatic and loved old world English customs. I know it sounds crazy but she did see this coming. I think she has done more but I don’t have any proof of that right now.”

  “But why me,” Holiday stammered. “I don’t need or want all this attention. I just want to do my job in peace.”

  “Just like me, she saw something in you that first day. She saw the connection between us being made before either of us could acknowledge it. Me-Me was always ten steps ahead which is why she made a comfortable living by investing. She was not only business savvy but a hopeless romantic. I know that I want us and it makes sense to me. I need to convince you. I will spend all the time you need convincing you that despite, no, in spite of everything we belong together Holiday. I love you so much it hurts.”

  Holiday felt the traitorous tears and swiped at them. Jax was off the couch, his arms encircling her waist.

  “It shouldn’t be this hard if it were meant to be. I don’t know why you two picked me. I am not about this life. I can’t process all this drama,” she cried. Jax nudged her neck with his nose grazing it with his lips.

  “You are an amazing woman. I don’t think I have taken more than ten breaths around you. I am always wanting more and needing more of you. Everything about you intrigues me and entices me. Getting to sleep with you, and no I am not talking about sex, was the best sleep I have ever had in my life. Having you there to comfort away my nightmares was the greatest feeling in the world.”

  “Jax, I comforted you with my vagina,” she said softly.

  “Yeah that was wonderful,” he said with longing. “I miss that awesome technique.”

  “Be serious Jax,” she admonished. “It can’t be only about sex.”

  Jax sighed, “It’s not just about sex. I will never ever be able to keep my hands off you. But there is so much more here. I know if we didn’t have to hide our relationship then it would blossom into something wonderful.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want to spend that time watching my back. Colette is a psycho and I don’t need that kind of negative energy in my life.”

  “I know and if I had a magic wand, I’d send her right back to John. She only showed up to see if she could claim some of Me-Me’s money. Apparently, she blames me for their rift. Her life’s mission has been to hurt me. However, I don’t think she countered on actually falling in love with me. A huge part of her return was centered on really getting back together. I might have fallen for her deception if not for you Holiday. You showed me that being with a woman doesn’t have to be a constant tug o’war. It turns out that two people can get along and be happy together.”

  Holiday snorted, “I could tell that for all her bravado and peroxide that she really did have an epiphany at some point. I’m not sure how it got past the retarded hamsters roaming in her brain. But she really thought she could bat her false lashes at you and have you fall again. I suspect that it has always been that easy for her to keep you around. She would eventually get bored again and bail. It’s a vicious cycle that I don’t want for my life. Now I have to deal with this investigation.”

  “Holiday, if you just give me a chance. I know that we could do this. No matter what happens with the investigation. I will take care of you for the rest of my life, even if you didn’t want to be with me. Better yet Me-Me and I would see to it that at least financially, you wouldn’t want for anything.”

  Holiday pulled away from Jax disgusted by his offer.

  “I am not some kept woman. I can take care of myself with or without my license,” Holiday argued. “I am not Colette looking to get rich quick. Me-Me was your mother and whatever she had now belongs to you. I don’t want any part of that. I need to get prepared and check my options. Are we done?”

  Holiday folded her arms across her breasts as anger radiated from her body.

  “I wasn’t insinuating that you would just roll over and take a payout. I was letting you know that I am on your side. I am a source of emotional, mental, and if need be, financial support. Holiday, despite everything, you can trust me. I would never trap you or make you beholden to me by using money. I want you to want to be with me. If that doesn’t happen, I am still very much obligated to take care of you because it was my lack of self-control that put you in this situation. It is my bitch of an ex-wife that is howling for your blood. Whether you want it or not we are connected for life. I will not let you wither on the vine because Colette crawled out from under her rock. I do not love her and never will. I love you and I mean it every time I say it. I want to be here for you, like you were there for me in my many hours of need. Let me be there for you please!”

  Jax resumed his hold on her body despite her folded arms. He bent to nuzzle her neck once more and felt her body relax even with the present scowl on her face. She needed him just as much although she might not give in tonight, she would eventually. At least he hoped.

  “I don’t know what to do Jax,” she whimpered. He moved closer, a kiss threatening. She could feel the heat of his body coming online. Their lips met and immediately a soft moan escaped. It felt like they had been a part for ages. Jax wasted no time deepening the kiss. As much as he wanted to keep it simple, he was hungry for Holiday. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he lifted her. The feel of long legs around his waist nearly sent him coming in his jeans. Jax moved toward the nearest wall. The leverage allowed him to grind into the crotch of her shorts. Each time he made contact, his cock throbbed with want and need. He trailed a kiss to her neck diving into the delectable skin with vigor. Holiday let loose a soft moan of pleasure as he hit a sensitive area on her neck. Jax had so much he wanted to say in this moment but he thought better of it.

  Lacy stepped out of the bedroom once the animated voices died down. Jax had Holiday against the wall grinding against her with deft precision. The two looked to be in absolute heaven during the make out session. Lacy thought she would be perverted and watch a bit longer before announcing her presence. She watched Holiday tug at his soft black hair while he nipped at her nipples through the t-shirt. Her hand snaked down to graze the front of his jeans. Jax’s low growl was followed by his hand up her t-shirt.

  Holiday was overwhelmed with sensations at the moment. When she paused just long enough to look down at Jax, he gazed up at her. His deep blue eyes filled with so much love and desire it was unnerving. This beautiful man wanted her more than anything else right now. He wanted nothing more than to carry her to the bedroom and make love to her for the remainder of the night. A new sensation snapped her out of any cohesive thoughts. His mouth was on her nipple. When had that gotten free?

  “Fuck,” she whimpered. “Jax, please!”

  “I need you,” he replied around her nipple.

  Lacy saw that moment as her cue to interrupt. Otherwise for posterity sake she was going to have to watch them fuck. It boggled her mind that Holiday Titus was making out with Jax Pierce, a most desired man. Jealousy tugged at her desire but she pushed it away. At least one of them got t
he guy. Besides, he was crazy in love with her best friend, a major turn off for her.

  “Excuse me, the third wheel is here to execute the terms of her assignment,” Lacy called out. Jax continued to move while Holiday froze. The lustful gaze upon her face dissipated as she focused on Lacy. Immediately, she put a halt to any further administrations. Jax’s low rumble of disappointment did not go missed by either of them. He released his hold on her body but Jax did not let her walk away. Without touching her, he pinned her to the wall with a dark blue gaze.

  “I want you and I will have you again,” he whispered. Holiday could see his chest rising and falling with each deep inhalation. He pressed against her once more and she could feel the twitching of his cock against her belly. Desire unfurled deep within her core making her shudder. She was grateful for Lacy in this moment, otherwise she would have been caught in a most unfortunate position in the next few moments.

  “Uh, thanks Lacy,” Holiday stammered nervously. Jax placed a few more kisses on her lips before turning, unabashedly towards Lacy.

  “Yeah, thanks Lacy,” he said with extreme irritation. Lacy couldn’t help but to take a lingering gaze at the bulge in his jeans before finding his smiling face. Holiday blushed violently at being busted and having her best friend ogle her love interest’s junk.

  “Ok! Down boy,” Holiday sighed. Jax turned back to pin her against the wall.

  “How much would it cost me to pay Lacy to look the other way,” he joked with a low growl.

  Holiday gulped, “My friend cannot be bought off.”

  Lacy raised her hand, “Hmm, that’s not entirely true.”

  “Lacy,” Holiday exclaimed. Lacy shrugged her shoulders and pretended to think of a tidy sum. Jax erupted in laughter as he turned once more to Lacy. He had no concerns that his straining erection still throbbed rhythmically in his jeans. The laughter in the room stopped as the voice on the other side of the door called out.

  “I know my husband is here you slut,” Colette yelled. “Open the fucking door!”


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