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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

Page 15

by Renee Lindemann

  The initiation of grief counseling before I officially kick the bucket has been instrumental in preparing my son and family for my passing. Holiday assessed those closest to me and tailored her care specifically to maximize coping. How amazing! Not only is my family prepared but it gives me the courage to lose any fears I may hold about death. My son has taken a supreme interest in Holiday. I know you think it evolves from hero worship or the propagation of grief, and while those may play a part. The part they play is minimal. He refuses, of course, due to timing and ethical concerns to act on his feelings. However, I can’t promise he won’t pursue Holiday after my death. I understand this poses dilemmas for your company and the state licensing board. I am asking, no begging, you all to stand aside. I can see the mutual attraction between Jax and Holiday and I don’t think any of us have a right to stand in their way. As you can see, I am selfish when it comes to my son. I put his happiness above all others. Holiday is his happiness. I have never seen this much love in his eyes except when he looks at her.”

  Colette let out a loud snort, “Yeah right! You should see him when he looks at me.”

  Dr. Griffith sighed and continued reading the letter.

  “Holiday has maintained a professional posture at every turn, despite my not so subtle urgings for her to pursue my son. What they have is real. I am asking that should the need arise this board will support the possibility of their union. Holiday has proven herself to be worthy of what I hold dearest to me. I know they love each other, even if they aren’t willing to admit as much yet. I am comforted as my health declines that my son and Holiday may find the happiness I wish for them both.

  No doubt there will be some snakes crawling from under various rocks upon my death. One snake in particular will try to throw a wrench into the blossoming relationship between Jax and Holiday. Colette Pierce, will resurface upon my death and after taking one look at Jax know that he loves another. She will cause trouble for my son, Holiday, and this facility. All cards on the table, Colette left my son for her rich employer over two years ago. My son was holding out hope of a reconciliation. As such, he only made abysmal moves to divorce. Then he made no moves because of my failing health. Now that his heart has healed and moved on, he will be ready to close that portion of his life. I can assure you, Colette will not allow a peaceful resolution. She is and will make trouble. I am setting aside monies to mount and provide a defense for Holiday Titus should the need arise. I do not want this wonderful woman to lose her livelihood because of my selfish wishes and the selfish desires of my wayward daughter-in-law. Please, I am asking, no begging you to support Holiday should she chose to follow her heart. I know my son. He will try to protect her. I don’t want him exhausting himself to do so.

  I can’t thank you all enough for allowing this wonderful hospice program. The best way I can thank Holiday for all that she has done for my family is instigating a love connection with what I hold most dear to me, my son. This letter is not the ramblings of a sick and deranged woman. Please take all that I have stated as my final act of love. I appreciate your time and assistance in granting a mother her last and final wish.

  Dr. Griffith finished, “Sincerely, Mrs. Emma Pierce.”

  Holiday reached for a multitude of tissues as he read the letter aloud. Colette hissed, and harrumphed through the reading but in the end, she cried as well. Her tears were for a completely different reason altogether. Dr. Griffith cleared his throat and looked from Holiday to Colette once more. Mrs. Emma Pierce had the foresight to send this letter to the State Board of Nursing well in advance. They had been prepared to launch an investigation should her letter ring true.

  “Ms. Pierce, we take complaints around here very serious,” Dr. Griffith stated. “We have investigated your claims along with the State Board of Nursing. Miss Titus does this letter hold merit in regards to your feelings for Jax Pierce?”

  “Yes,” Holiday said quickly. “I do care greatly for Jax.”

  “See, how do you care greatly for someone if you haven’t already slept with them,” Colette interjected. Holiday threw the woman a dirty look before relaxing into her chair.

  “Holiday, the rules and regulations we follow in this organization are finite. We do not want to provide any care that would be deemed unethical. However, we recognize the precarious situation you’re in with your role as a hospice practitioner. You get close to families in their final hours of need and it is that compassion that helps them to transition. It is not in your scope of practice to form intimate relationships with patients or their families. I do believe you understand this and have acted accordingly within the scope of practice, albeit skirting the edges. After combing through the regulations set forth by Optimal Hospice during its genesis we have found no such clause that specifically limits your interactions with patients and families outside of the facility. Moving forward we will change that language to avoid this issue in the future. However, at this time we must go with what was set forth. This incident will go into your employee file as you have openly acknowledged your feelings for Jax Pierce, a customer. I have also taken the liberty of getting a statement from Mr. Pierce and he is also adamant about his feelings for you and only you. We have also received more than two dozen letters of support on your behalf, mostly from Mrs. Emma Pierce’s remaining family members and co-workers. The State Board will provide a statement in regards to this issue as well.”

  Holiday felt the tears fall as he spoke. It took everything she had not to launch herself at Colette. The jealous bitter bitch had made good on her promise. If she couldn’t have Jax then no one would. What she didn’t figure was that if Holiday lost her license there would be nothing stopping the union. The loss of her medical license would probably cause a riff but she would and could pursue a relationship without any threats of reprisal. Plus, if she were inclined, Emma left monies to aid her financially.

  “Dr. Griffith, I know this institution placed its trust in me. I know that I allowed my personal feelings to blossom however I never let them compromise the care I provided. I understand that the company has a reputation to protect. I care about Jax and while it would kill me to lose my license, I will accept whatever punishment you and the State Board deem necessary. No matter the outcome, it will not diminish my interest in Jax,” Holiday replied. “The fact remains that I love him. I will not give him up.”

  “You can’t love him. You aren’t allowed to love my husband,” Colette screamed.

  “Please calm down Ms. Pierce. Miss Titus is right whether we suspend her license or not they are allowed to pursue a relationship. Had you not considered the possibility that they would still forge ahead even if Miss Titus’s license is suspended? In your attempts to separate them, you may have inadvertently brought them closer, that’s just my opinion,” Dr. Griffith said calmly. Colette’s mouth opened in closed in true guppy fashion. Holiday didn’t change the expression of determination on her face. She would accept her fate.

  “We will issue a citation that will go on your permanent record with Orion Optimal Care only. The State Board has reviewed the information and determined you to be eligible to maintain your nursing license. They will keep a close eye on you from now on. You will not have any restrictions to your license, however this complaint will follow you. We need you to understand the severity of these charges and how close you came to losing what you worked so hard to achieve. We need competent and compassionate hospice nurses therefore we cannot afford to lose one based on a need for revenge. I think this matter is concluded at this time. You will both receive written documentation of our investigation and decision,” he concluded.

  “No! Fire this whore,” Colette yelled. “She stole my husband from me.”

  “Ms. Pierce please get a hold of yourself,” Dr. Griffith insisted. Holiday extended a hand to Dr. Griffith and exited his office with the yelling Colette. She was happy to see her parents, Lacy, and Tobias waiting for her. The bright smile on her face confirmed she was still able to practice as a nurse pr

  “Thank God!” Simone exclaimed. Holiday was enveloped in hugs as she explained the terms of the decision.

  “Thank you all so much for your support,” Holiday beamed. “I couldn’t have done it without you guys in my corner.”

  Colette emerged from Dr. Griffith’s office enraged.

  “I hope you are proud of the whore you raised,” Colette growled at Simone.

  “I didn’t raise a whore but I bet your mom is real proud,” Simone retorted quickly. Colette turned to the facility and began to shout.

  “I hope you will take your patients out of this horrific facility. They let their staff sleep with patients and family members,” Colette announced. A few individuals, including staff, paused to take in the loud woman.

  “I didn’t see that in the brochure,” one man stated. “Where do we go for that? Sign me up right now.”

  “Mr. Evans,” Holiday exclaimed. “You, dirty old man.”

  The man was seated in a wheelchair with his son pushing him around.

  “Oh! It wasn’t for me dear. I was trying to get my boy some action, especially if it’s a new policy. It’s some fine women in this facility,” he explained with a laugh. The son blushed and admonished his father as everyone else laughed.

  “They are letting this slut keep her job because they have been paid off.”

  Mr. Evans spoke first, “Cool! Maybe we can get one of those Foosball tables around here.”

  Again, laughter pervaded the area. Mr. Evans’ son began to wheel him away as Colette’s murderous gaze fell upon the man.

  “This whore stole my husband, Jax Pierce, and I will make sure everyone knows it,” Colette announced.

  “Does Barbara King feel the same way about you? Oops, she kicked your ass out and took her husband back,” Holiday growled. “Now get out of our way.”

  “You will pay,” Colette exclaimed. “When he doesn’t get his way, he will butcher your entire family. It runs in his family. Why do you think I left? He is a psychopath just waiting to happen.”

  “So, either you want him or you don’t,” Henry stated. “He is a psychopath in waiting or your beloved husband. I think you need to see a therapist.”

  “Let’s go,” Holiday said her teeth clenched. Simone looked at Holiday with growing concern. The small group left the facility amid more taunts from Colette who followed. Outside, Jax stood waiting by his car. She paused to issue a bright smile in his direction. Holiday couldn’t help the urge to run to him so she did just that. Jax wrapped her up in his arms lifting her off the ground. He plied her with kisses. They had been separated long enough. There was no more denying the love they felt. Whatever happened they would face it together. No more sleepless nights.

  “I have missed you,” he whimpered.

  “I have missed you too,” she replied. Jax held her tight, never wanting to let her go again. Colette was quick to scream out her ire. Everyone ignored her as they watched the couple reconnect. Lacy and her mother wiped away a few tears.

  “If,” he said then trailed off.

  “I would have still come running to your arms,” she added. “Perhaps with more tears but then nothing would have been able to stop us from being together.”

  “I told her she only had one shot. I told her once she played her one card, that I would spend the rest of my life loving you,” he stated. Holiday resumed the kisses despite the large audience forming. Colette was attracting lots of attention with her hysterics.

  “I think we need to sit down with my people,” Holiday added. “Colette let the cat out of the bag about your family.”

  “Let’s grab some food and head to my condo,” he decided. “I will explain and answer questions there.”

  Holiday parted just long enough to tell her family the plan.

  “Sweetheart, should we be worried,” Simone said nervously. Holiday smiled and shook her head. Jax retained his grip on her hand, afraid to let her go. When she moved to talk to her family Colette was right there squawking. He ignored it all, gazing intently on Holiday.

  “Okay we will grab a couple of pizza pies and head there,” Lacy added. Holiday gave her the address to Emma’s condo and the keys to her truck. The two friends shared a quick embrace. Tobias tried to maintain a neutral expression. He faltered a bit but issued a quick hug.

  “Thanks for being here,” Holiday said softly. “You don’t have to.”

  Tobias shook his head as the family moved towards the parking lot.

  “I will see this through. I would have preferred a different outcome in the relationship department but I know you love him. I am happy that you get to keep practicing. If it’s okay, I would like to stick around. I value our friendship,” he stated with some pain. Holiday reached up to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek before giving him a huge hug.

  “Thanks,” she finished. “We will see you in a little bit then.”

  Holiday walked back to Jax who was ignoring a screaming Colette. His gaze was intent upon Holiday and her conversation with Tobias. He knew the man cared greatly for her but that would end soon. Jax was never letting Holiday go again.

  “How could you be so stupid? She is just using you for your money. She can’t make much in this shit wiping factory,” Colette screamed. “You used to beg me for sex and love. What happened to you, you, pathetic piece of shit? How could you do this to me?”

  “You played the game and lost Colette,” Jax hissed, extending a hand to Holiday. “Good luck!”

  “I love you Jax, doesn’t that mean anything to you,” she replied honestly.

  “It used to but it doesn’t now,” he said opening the car door for Holiday. He walked around to the driver’s side of the door.

  “As soon as you saw me, you were jealous. You are a pathetic jealous bitch,” Colette screamed at the car window. Holiday said nothing as Jax locked the door then reached over to provide her with a panty crushing kiss. Colette tried desperately to open the car door.

  “Stop it! Stop hurting me Jax, this has gone far enough. You can’t love her,” she yelled. Jax reluctantly broke the kiss and pulled the car out into traffic. Colette broke down, collapsing on the ground as they sped away.


  Jax walked into the condo with a tight grip on Holiday’s hand. He knew she would have apprehension about being in the condo he shared, for the last two months, with Colette.

  “Look, nothing happened, she…” he said before she interrupted.

  “I don’t really want to know. I do know that I don’t want my health in jeopardy,” she said quickly. Jax’s encouraging smile forced her nerves to calm a bit.

  “It isn’t and I would never put you in that predicament,” he said softly. Holiday turned to face him with a bright smile. Jax was on her in a heartbeat. His mouth kissing and hands lifting her up. Jax carried her to the ornate couch and sat down. Jax pushed up the pencil skirt to make her more comfortable as his mouth sought to make up for the last two months. He immediately began to unbutton her blouse wanting contact with her flesh. Hungrily he attacked her breasts nestled in the lacy bra. Their breathing was ragged and desperate as the desire to touch and taste blossomed. Jax slipped a finger underneath the skirt hooking into her panties. Holiday moaned loudly as he immediately connected to her clit.

  “Ah fuck,” she cried. “I have missed you.”

  “Can I have you,” he whimpered. “I know it will be fast but I will take my time later.”

  Holiday chuckled, “It better be or my people will be here to witness it.”

  She quickly reached for the button on his pants, freeing him in record speed. Jax wasted no time pushing her panties aside. He plunged deep as they cried out loudly.

  “Fuck,” he growled. “I am going to go fast. I want you to come with me.”

  Jax wrapped his arm tightly around her waist and began to move. Holiday moved with him and in no time, she was cresting the hill of a most fabulous orgasm. Two months without him and having him in the vicinity had her body full
y primed.

  “Jax baby,” she whined. His cock throbbed with need as he plunged over and over into her wet folds. Jax was lost in the sweet innocence of the woman he loved. The once sexually repressed woman, he first met, was now a vixen that captured his cock but also his heart.

  “I need to come in you baby,” he snarled as his body bucked faster. Holiday found his mouth joining them together once more. Within minutes, she was letting go. Jax was close behind as his cock swelled around her internal contractions.

  “Holly, baby, God!” He loudly moaned. Their bodies moved with rapid speed as they hit the peak of pleasure. The insane kissing returned even as their breathing became more labored.

  “I need you so much,” he whimpered.

  “Not as much as I need you,” she replied.

  Jax held her tightly for a few quiet minutes. He hated to pressure her into a quickie but it would make telling his story easier if he were relaxed. He missed Holiday enough that it would be a struggle to keep his hands off her, even with her family present. When they parted, they had just enough time to clean up from the quick lovemaking session.

  Jax changed into jeans and a t-shirt while Holiday watched. When his shirt was off she walked over and placed her face against his naked muscular back. Jax placed her hands over his heart. They stood like that until the buzzer snapped them out of the intimate moment. He quickly pulled the shirt over his head while Holiday gave herself a quick once over in the full-length mirror. She hoped the temporary look of sexual afterglow didn't alarm anyone. If anyone noticed it would be Lacy.


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