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Jax's Holiday: An Interracial Romance

Page 18

by Renee Lindemann

  He turned to check out Holiday once more but she was enveloped in a multitude of hugs. One hug in particular immediately got under his skin. A tall, lean, but muscular man in a lightweight suit held on a little too long. Jax could see the man’s hand itching to inappropriately touch his woman.

  “Well isn’t this interesting,” Colette chuckled. “Looks like you aren’t the only player in the game.”

  Before he could answer, Holiday was pointing out Jax. The group of friends, two guys and three girls all gaped at him. Jax gave a wave and returned to the ladies.

  “Megan, you were saying Colette was a slut even in high school,” Jax stated. “Yes, I know but I didn’t care. What an idiot I was back then and up until very recently.”

  “Oh please! You loved every minute with me,” Colette laughed again. “You couldn’t get enough of me.”

  “I remember those few months,” he smiled. “Then I wised up and played the same game you were playing. I stopped when we were married thinking we both settled down from that foolishness. But alas, I was wrong.”

  Colette’s eyes went wide as Megan laughed shaking her head up and down.

  “I remember you thought he was so stupid and faithful,” Megan giggled. “I even gave Jax a blowjob in the eleventh grade. Didn’t get the rest until much later. All the girls were too eager to pay you back for your man stealing ways.”

  “I got more sex because you cheated on me in high school than I ever did on my own. Girls were eager to pay you back and smile in your face. I was an all too willing participant,” Jax laughed.

  “Wow! I was right to run out on you. You are an asshole Jax,” Colette stammered. Jax pointed to his chest laughing.

  “I was the asshole you made me to be. All I had to do was look sad that you had cheated on me and boom, I was up to my elbows in young flesh.”

  “Megan, what a fucked up friend you turned out to be,” Colette scoffed.

  “Right back at you Colette,” Megan said defensively.

  “Well as entertaining as this stroll down memory lane is,” Jax said then paused to look at Holiday. “I am off to socialize with my woman.”

  “You know you are going to hurt her, like you hurt us,” Colette stated before he walked away.

  “I didn’t hurt you. Remember you left me? Besides, I beg to differ. I have never loved any woman, the way that I love her. These last six months with her have been some of the greatest days of my life. I am not referring to sex, although it is fucking spectacular. I am referring to building a life that is uncomplicated and happy. Finally, I get to see what all the fuss is about. Happiness isn’t a figment of my imagination. I have the real deal. Enjoy your evening ladies.”

  Jax strolled off before either of the two dumbfounded looking ladies could reply. They watched his retreating form, each lost in private thought.


  Holiday walked over to the chatting group of people she spent years studying with to become a registered nurse. As she neared the group, Jacob, was the first to spot her.

  “OMG! Is that Holiday Titus strolling over here looking all glamorous?” Jacob questioned with a squealed. The group turned almost as a single entity. A few mouths gaped open as they took in her navy dress and adorable hair.

  “Get the hell out of here,” Aisha said making a beeline for Holiday. The friends embraced one by one gushing over each other’s attire.

  “I thought that was you guys. How the hell did you all end up here together,” Holiday asked.

  “Regency Hospital is one of the sponsors. We all work there on different floors,” Jacob explained. Nathan hugged Holiday a little too tight and too long. When he finally released her, he licked his lips and gave her breasts a lingering stare.

  “Stop that fool,” Lindsey said pushing Nathan’s face away.

  “What? I am admiring a very beautiful woman,” Nathan insisted then asked. “How are you doing Holiday, looking good beautiful?”

  Holiday laughed, “I am doing well Nathan. Thank you. It’s so good to see all of you.”

  “What are you up too? Who did you come here with,” Aisha asked in rapid succession. Holiday turned to point at Jax while he talked to Colette and Megan.

  “Um, who is that,” Nancy asked her blue eyes going wide.

  “Down girl! That’s my boyfriend Jax,” she explained.

  “Wow! He is gorgeous,” Nancy added. “Is he a model?”

  “I didn’t know you were down with the swirl,” Jacob laughed.

  “I didn’t either until I met Jax,” she chuckled. Nancy sighed, “Why are you letting him talk to those models?”

  Holiday laughed, “Those aren’t models. One of those ladies is his ex-wife and the other is an ex-fling or something of that nature. Doesn’t matter he belongs to me now.”

  “Oh, shit! Mr. GQ is coming this way. How do I look?” Jacob asked fixing his clothes. Holiday and the remaining individuals laughed. Jax walked right to Holiday and slipped his hand around her waist. He inhaled then placed a tender kiss on her hair.

  “Jax this is Aisha, Jacob, Lindsey, Nathan, and Nancy,” Holiday introduced.

  “Nice to meet you all,” Jax said his voice low and husky. Holiday felt a shiver travel up her spine as Jax’s fingers drummed over the small of her back. She turned a hooded gaze on him that he pretended not to see. Holiday bit her bottom lip and sighed softly.

  “So, Mr. Jax what do you do for a living,” Jacob asked jumpstarting the conversation.

  “I am a corporate lawyer. I own a small internet company that supplies legal advice to small businesses,” Jax explained. They stared in awe as he spoke.

  “Jax, we finished our nursing degree at San Francisco State University together,” Holiday indicated. “I actually went on to finish my master’s and now I am a nurse practitioner with hospice.”

  “Get out of here,” Jacob exclaimed. “We haven’t been out of school that long Miss Holiday. Why you gotta go and show us up. Lindsey is in the nurse practitioner program.”

  “I need to definitely pick your brain,” Lindsey sighed. “It’s an exhausting program.”

  “I completed my thesis on hospice care,” Holiday added. “My business plan was picked up by my job. I am sorta running Optimal Hospice out of Orion Optimal Nursing Care.”

  “Please, she is running it. The director is but a figure head. Holiday sees to the day to day operations plus carries a full patient load,” Jax bragged on her behalf.

  “That’s so cool,” Nancy stated gazing at Jax. Holiday supposed this was her life now. Women would constantly ogle her man. It didn’t matter in the end because she trusted him to remain loyal. Before they could continue the conversation, they were interrupted by Colette.

  “Fuck nuts,” Holiday thought to herself. Jax sighed, “What do you want now?”

  “I was just wondering with so many nurses in one spot if you could answer a question for me,” she said and everyone turned to look at her. Nathan openly ogled her exposed breasts while everyone else rolled their eyes.

  “Who are you,” Jacob asked peeved. He wanted to keep talking to Jax. The man was downright gorgeous.

  “I was Jax’s wife until very recently,” she said pointing a finger at Holiday.

  “And so,” Aisha stated. “What do you want? This is a private conversation.”

  Colette ignored Aisha and thrust her chest forward for Nathan’s enjoyment.

  “Do you guys sleep with your patient’s family members?”

  The five friends turned in unison away to study something on the opposite wall or their clothes. Without preempting everyone erupted in laughter garnering looks from other guests. They appeared to be having a separate party. Jax pulled Holiday in for smooches while Colette smiled.

  “I guess it is a common thing among nurses because you can’t find dates. I think it’s because you wipe asses for a living,” she laughed.

  “What did you say Miss Thing? We do way more than wipe asses. Besides our patient care techs do that heavily l
ifting,” Jacob questioned his hackles raised for sure.

  Aisha retorted, “And what is your profession? Let me guess hoe or mistress. Since we are going off stereotypes.”

  Colette tried to snap back but it fell flat.

  “I am self-employed. I don’t work for anyone but myself.”

  Holiday held up her hands to interject, “I met Jax when I took care of his mother on hospice. She is alluding to the fact that Jax and I fell in love during that time. We didn’t have an official relationship until later. Meanwhile, she left Jax for her boss nearly three years ago and popped up when his mother was dying. After which Jax officially divorced her and started dating me. She reported me to the State Board and tried to have my license suspended.”

  “What the fuck? And you are still talking to this hoe,” Nathan growled in a low voice.

  “I am not no, she doesn’t know how to go away because she has no life now,” Holiday stated. “She keeps coming around and has now violated her personal protection order for the third time. Tsk tsk.”

  “Oh please,” Colette retorted. “I am not violating anything. I am not harassing you or Jax. We just happened to all attend the same event. It is merely coincidence. Besides Holiday, you have no reason to feel insecure with me around.”

  “You are damn right! She doesn’t feel insecure. What we have is something you know nothing about Colette. We have love and trust,” Jax replied. “Now please leave so that we can continue enjoying our evening.”

  “I am just making conversation,” Colette sneered. “Calm your boxer briefs.”

  “Nice! I like a man who wears boxer briefs, very sexy,” Jacob said with a wink. Everyone erupted in laughter. Colette huffed, “You don’t want to wrestle with the Hulk in your back door.”

  “Go away,” Holiday demanded with a dismissive way.

  “Wow! I must really intimidate you,” Colette said thrusting her breasts out smiling at Jax but talking about Holiday.

  Jacob interjected, “Excuse me Hoe-lette, can you leave our conversation?”

  The group erupted into laughter as Colette tried to process the mispronunciation of her name. When it finally dawned on her she cut narrow blue-eyed slits at Jacob.

  “Shut up you, fa…,” she said then thought better of it. “My name is Colette.”

  Jacob glared right back at her pointing a finger directly at her face.

  “What were you going to call me? A fag,” he laughed. “No offense taken if you want to call me one. I know what I am Miss Thing. I know who I am.”

  “I was not going to call you that word,” she lied, a blush rising to her cheeks.

  “See no one asked you to sashay into our conversation, but since you are here,” he stated. Everyone in the group inwardly groaned. Colette was about to regret this intrusion. She tried to say something first but Jacob talked right over her.

  “I called you Hoe-lette for a reason. You and I have a lot in common Miss Thang. We both suck a lot of dick and take it up the rear for sport. I am going to call a spade a spade. I see right through the make-up and big tits, an insecure little girl not loved enough by her parents. Same here,” he lamented. “But I have come to terms with who I am. You are still pretending to be an upstanding member of society when we both know you don’t stand for very long. Flat on your back or kneeling are your most effective positions. Now I am sure you wish you never walked over here. We will hold our laughter for your retreating back, now run along.”

  Jacob waved a dismissive hand at Colette before returning to the group. Megan overheard the entire conversation and momentarily felt bad for the woman. She walked over and took Colette lightly by the arm. She tried to maintain some dignity when she acknowledged Megan. However, the look of defeat and embarrassment showed through the make-up.

  “Colette, can I talk to you for a minute,” Megan said with a bright smile. Colette allowed herself to be lead away but continued to keep her gaze on Jacob. He had stripped her down in a matter of seconds.

  “Where were you six months ago? That woman made my life, our life, a living hell. She reported me to the state, vandalized my car, and traumatized my neighbors,” Holiday explained.

  “Oh, I should have beat her ass then,” Jacob said moving away. Holiday stopped him and laughed, “I think your words just did. Never seen her shut up like that before.”

  “You sure are a genius,” Jax said clapping Jacob on the back. Jacob cooed, “Ooh do that again, a little to the left next time.”

  The group erupted in laughter as Jax began massaging Jacob’s shoulders.

  “Uh, Miss Holiday, is there something I can help you and your man with,” he joked.

  “Sorry Jacob,” Jax answered. “I am no homophobe but I like vagina. More specifically this vagina.”

  He removed his hands from Jacob’s shoulders and enveloped Holiday in a full hug.

  “Damn,” Jacob said snapping his fingers. Holiday giggled under his hug but appreciated the warmth and candor with her friends.

  “I misspoke,” Jax said releasing Holiday from the hug. Jacob’s brows shot up with hope. Jax shook his head side to side. Jacob deflated once more.

  “I don’t like anything about Holiday. I love her,” he said calmly. “She is everything to me.”

  “I love you too,” she replied a dazzling smile on her red lips. The friends looked on with appreciation however Nicholas would have preferred if Holiday was still single.

  “I don’t know what I would have done without you this last year,” he stammered. Jax reached into his jacket pocket and dropped to one knee. A collective gasp from the group could be heard. It drew attention to the small group of friends. Thankfully, Megan had Colette’s attention for the time being.

  “Holiday, sweetheart, I have never loved a woman the way that I love you. I can’t thank you enough for saving me from grief and my demons. I can’t thank you enough for trusting me when I didn’t deserve it. I, especially, can’t thank you enough for loving me. You show me every day that life can be very beautiful. I want to capture that beauty with you. I would be absolutely honored if you would consent to becoming my wife,” he exclaimed. Holiday was shaking her head immediately as the tears fell. With absolute confidence, she answered, “Yes Jax!”

  The group of friends and onlookers erupted into applause and cheers. Jax placed the engagement ring on her finger and stood. Holiday snaked hands around his neck as he gave her a Jax Pierce patented panty crushing kiss. Her knees went weak as he sealed the decision to marry. When the kiss was over the room, it would seem, cleared their collective throats. Holiday and Jax stood forehead to forehead.

  “You really do hate the term boyfriend, don’t you?” Holiday chuckled with tears.

  “Yes I do. We are so much more than that,” he replied. Holiday gave him a soft kiss before wrapping him up in a hug. Those around the couple could see the look of relief and absolute love on Jax’s face. The man was unapologetically in love with the woman in his arms.

  “Can I get a hug before y’all start having sex,” Jacob said breaking the quiet. Laughter erupted once more as the couple finally parted. Holiday dashed a few more tears and turned to embrace her nursing school friends. Strangers were congratulating Jax while Megan and Colette stared in disbelief. Eventually, Megan made her way over to the couple. She embraced Jax and rubbed his back.

  “I guess, I stand corrected,” she smiled. “This isn’t a rebound fling.”

  Jax tried to release the woman, who held on a little too long.

  “Never was a rebound thing. I already had that relationship,” he explained. Megan’s blue-eyed gaze reflected a little pain in his statement. She had been his rebound fling for those few short months.

  “Colette is going to go postal,” Megan admonished. “Watch your back.”

  “Yeah she has been going postal on us since my mom died. She knows she only has one strike left before the judge issues her ninety days in jail for violating the personal order of protection.”

  Megan’s mouth
gaped open and closed.

  “Wow! It’s been that serious?” She turned to look at Colette as the woman fumed a few feet away.

  “From harassment, to calling the nursing board on Holiday, vandalizing her car, and just being a bitch,” he explained. “We have dealt with it all from her.”

  “That, uh, package is quite powerful,” Megan giggled.

  “What?” Jax asked with a raised brow. Megan quickly gazed down at his crotch and back to his face. Jax smiled and then laughed as the meaning kicked in.

  “I do recall being a little strung out myself,” she added wistfully. Jax didn’t miss the longing in her blue eyes. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could or would do about it.

  “Well, trust me, Holiday has me quite enamored. I love how unassuming people are when they meet her,” he smiled looking at Holiday. Her friends were gushing over the engagement ring. She caught his gaze and sent a wink his way while biting her bottom lip. It was going to be time to go soon.

  “My fiancée is amazing in all that she does. I am one lucky man,” he explained.

  “I don’t think I have ever seen this side of you Jax. It is, um, refreshing. I guess I always assumed Colette held that place in your heart for all eternity. I guess I was wrong.”

  Jax smiled, “I was wrong too. I feel a Tom Cruise moment coming on. I could jump on a couch confessing my love for Holiday and it still wouldn’t do it justice. She is amazing and I am amazing with her.”

  “Damn Jax,” she snorted. “Did you drink the Kool-Aid or fall in love?”

  “Both!” He answered quickly. “And they are equally as delicious. If you will excuse me. I think it’s time to celebrate properly with my fiancée.”

  Megan placed a hand on his arm before he walked away. Her voice was small and vulnerable, “Why? I thought we had a good thing. What was so wrong with me?”

  Jax exhaled, “It was bad timing on our part. I wasn’t over Colette at that point. Plus, my mother getting sick put everything into perspective for me.”

  “You know it wasn’t a rebound for me,” she whispered. Pain crossed his face as he recalled the short relationship. He hadn’t been in a good place and then Me-Me was diagnosed. Nothing or no one else mattered after the diagnosis.


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