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Royal Guard of Draga

Page 8

by Emma Dean

  Alpha grinned up at her and started to undo his pants. He pushed them down slowly as she watched. Adelina licked her lips. “Was that what you wanted?” he asked her huskily. His rock-hard cock sprang free from the fabric and Adelina felt the emptiness inside. It was like she starved for him.

  She grabbed Alpha and pulled him down on top of her. “You are exactly what I wanted.” His hard length pressed against her and she soaked him with her wetness. Alpha bit her lip and couldn’t keep from growling as she reached down to wrap her hand around him. “I want you to take me,” she demanded, squeezing gently for emphasis. “I want you to have my virginity, freely given with love.” Adelina licked his lip and nibbled softly when his hands spasmed on her waist.

  His eyes were dark with lust and he nodded. Alpha gently pulled back and allowed her to guide him. The tip of his cock pressed against her entrance and Adelina moaned at the sensation. She was so wet there was barely any resistance as he slowly pushed into her. That awful feeling of emptiness abated as his hips finally met hers and he filled her completely; stretching her.

  Adelina threw her head back as he slowly pulled out and then pushed back in. The sensation was almost more than she could bear, but she wanted it. She wanted him to take her harder and faster. She gripped Alpha’s hips hard and dug in, pulling him against her every time he drew out. As the pain dissipated the pleasure mounted hard and fast. Adelina whispered his name, begging him silently to take his fill of her.

  Alpha’s breathing grew ragged as he pumped in and then out, increasing his tempo against his will it seemed. He leaned down and kissed her hard enough to bruise. Adelina dug her nails into his ass and whispered against his lips. “More.”

  It was his undoing. Alpha groaned and obeyed. He shuddered into her one last time right as she felt the pleasure burst like molten fire. She screamed and felt herself clench around his pulsing cock. The feel of his hot seed inside made her shiver. Adelina held on tight as Alpha roared when his orgasm gripped him. He collapsed against her once he was spent as she shuddered and pulsed around him.

  Adelina stroked his hair as she caught her breath. She felt drowsy and languorous. Alpha lifted his head up and gave her soft sweet kisses as he murmured his adoration against her skin. He rolled them over and Adelina rested her head against his chest. She enjoyed the feel of him against her and inside of her.

  Before she knew it she was fast asleep.

  When Adelina woke up, the bright Kala sun streamed into her room from the open window and Alpha’s hard cock was inside of her. She gasped as he slowly, so slowly pulled out. His tip pressed against her lower lips and his hands ran up her thighs. Adelina couldn’t help the way she scored his back with her fingernails.

  Their lovemaking was much quicker than the night before, but no less passionate. He took her gently and Adelina cried out against him as he stroked in and out. Her orgasm ripped through her and it sent him over the edge. Alpha pressed his hips against hers hard as his seed filled her. It was enough to make her scream again as another wave of pleasure hit her and overtook her senses.

  Alpha kissed her and Adelina lost herself in his smell and taste. The way he surrounded her made her feel safe and loved in a way she had never experienced before and she wanted more of it. He got up and smiled at her before disappearing into her washroom. Then she heard the water turn on for the shower.

  She rolled onto her stomach and rested her head on her pillowed arms with a smile. If she could wake up every day like this she would be happy. From the floating glass spheres above her nightstand it was later in the morning than she normally woke up, but still before her scheduled ai-kuda lessons with Alpha and her sisters.

  Adelina ticked off what she would need to do that morning in her head while she listened to Alpha wash himself. She had half a mind to join him, but she wanted to enjoy the lazy and sated sensation just a little while longer.

  Her simulcast went off at the same time the water did. Adelina reached for it and managed to brush it with her fingertips, coaxing it towards her. She pressed her finger against the plas-glass and the device lit up with an emergency code.

  Instantly Adelina was up and her mind clear of the sexual fog she’d been enjoying. Footage from the Kharan galaxy was all over the newsfeeds and her mouth dropped open in horror as she watched the royal family butchered by a race she could only assume was the Neprijat per the whispers she’d had her ear to for the last few months.

  The recorder zoomed in as the crowned one sliced a chunk of skin from one of the young princesses. He chewed the flesh with delight as he raped her from behind. The recorder dropped to the floor and shattered in a million pieces. Adelina retched and everything in her stomach splashed against the plush carpet of her room.

  Instantly Alpha was by her side, holding her and rubbing her back. He said comforting words she couldn’t hear through the ringing in her ears. Adelina knew the Kharan royal family. They’d had longstanding peace for decades and decades. She’d played with the princesses in their gardens and hers. The king and queen had been kind and generous. The crown prince, despite the age difference, had rode with them through the Draga forests.

  The news stated the entire royal family had been slaughtered that way. The youngest prince, an acquaintance since childhood, was missing but the Neprijat hunted him. Her heart pounded and Adelina couldn’t think straight.

  Alpha stopped rubbing her back for a moment and his eyes took on a faraway look. The implanted simulcast all guards had must have alerted him. He tapped his temple and agreed to whatever orders he’d been given.

  “Lina, my love…” Alpha looked her over and shook his head. He took her in his arms and carried her into the washroom. Carefully he drew a bath for her and placed her in the huge tub. He stepped in and pulled her back against him.

  With his arms wrapped around her Adelina felt protected. Her entire body shook with the shock and horror. “Varan got me proof of their existence only last night, how could this happen so quickly?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Adelina couldn’t comprehend what she’d seen.

  Alpha said nothing as he absorbed what she’d said. He pressed his lips to her neck. “I don’t know,” he said gruffly. The sight must have affected him as well. His entire body was rigid.

  “They’re going to come for us next,” Adelina whispered. She stared out the huge window of her washroom to the gorgeous day outside that felt so at odds with the chill deep inside her bones.

  “Not if I have anything to say about it,” Alpha growled, holding her tighter. He was silent for a moment. “The royal family is convening. They want your presence within the hour. All but the announcement is cancelled today.”

  Adelina nodded dumbly. Prince Nash might still be alive, but it was doubtful he would stay that way. The ramifications of that shook her. Peace was no longer guaranteed and it seemed they were on the brink of war for the first time in centuries. “I am afraid,” she admitted. “If they come for us I will take my own life before I allow that to happen to me.”

  Alpha stroked her hair. “I swear on my honor, Lina. I will never let them do that to you. I would kill you before they could even touch you.”

  She sagged with relief. Her guard would keep her safe. The man she loved would protect her. He’d given her an oath. “It is time I step back into my world,” she said with regret. Adelina had to put her crown back on and be a princess once more. She turned and kissed Alpha one last time before the day begun. “Will you come back tonight?” she asked, half afraid he would say no.

  Alpha pressed his forehead against hers. “I will come back for as long as you will have me.”

  His words made her smile despite everything.

  Adelina climbed out of the tub and stood under the nila. “Then I expect to see you.” She selected the style and watched him eye her from the tub. He nodded in acquiescence. “I need to speak with my father and sister about this horror and see what their plan of action is.”

  Chapter Seven

bsp; The Palace

  Planet Draga

  Adelina was furious. She clenched her hands into fists and tried not to glare with the recorders on her. Her father and sister had decided to do nothing for the time being. There would be no retribution for their allies and friends. It may be the smart choice, but it was also a cowardly one.

  She waited for the moment she was supposed to walk across the balcony and join her family. Her skin felt flushed and her jaw was clenched tight enough her teeth might crack. The announcement from her father was only moments away. She stood tall with her hands clasped in front of her and a small smile on her face, it never felt more fake than it did right then.

  The king and queen had already crossed the massive palace balcony facing the city to take their thrones. Each and every announcement and appearance by the royal family was broadcasted to every livestream and cast. Citizens would be watching on their simulcasts and their viewers in their homes if they weren’t attending as nobles, already seated behind the thrones or down in the streets with the rest of the capitol.

  Raena crossed when she was announced. She stalked across the marble and stared down the crowd. She didn’t smile and she curtseyed with her head up. It was an impressive show of spirit and dominance. Raena smiled when the crowd cheered wildly. The people loved her. They had no idea how drastically everything was about to change.

  The horror of the vid was gossip on everyone’s lips but the Khara galaxy was far away and easy to forget if they wished. It was a fact that made Adelina’s nails dig into her palms hard enough to break the skin. The tang of Adelina’s blood was only noticeable to her.

  Giselle was demure in comparison to Raena, but she waved – something she loved to do simply because it irritated their grandmother. More cheers as she sat to Raena’s left. Each of the smaller thrones was lined up slightly behind the king and queen; three daughters on the queen’s side and three sons on the king’s.

  Nerves broiled in Adelina’s stomach. She hated this part. A broadcast always made her nervous. The attention was heavy and she was under constant scrutiny. Adelina always feared she would do something atrocious on a livestream and would never be able to live down the embarrassment. Then her name was called. She would have thought after so many cycles she would be used to it by now, but it was just as horrible each time.

  Her hands shook and she kept them clasped tight as she crossed. Alpha caught her eye and she felt the anger cool slightly when he smiled at her. Adelina’s smile widened when the people cheered for her as well. Her curtsey was deep and graceful, eyes downcast. She kept repeating her dance teacher’s words as she held the precarious position a second longer than was required.

  When she sat in her chair she slowly let out the breath she’d been holding so no one could see, not even the recorder. Her brothers’ announcements flew by and it wasn’t until her father stood before his people she was able to quiet the roar in her ears. Her heart pounded as though she’d run for hours and hours, but with the submissives’ breathing exercises she was able to remain calm.

  Her father’s advisor stood as well and joined the king at the banister, a few steps behind as usual. “Thank you for attending,” King Orion’s voice boomed across the city streets with the amplifier activated. He planted both hands on the rail and he looked strong and sure. No one would have guessed he was ill if they weren’t already aware. “As has been mentioned, I’ve been diagnosed with hypomalarya and as such will be retiring earlier than expected.” King Orion had a way with the truth. His simple and direct approach had earned him the love and respect of trillions. He always spoke to them as if they were equals. The king had a deep respect for his people and never assumed their work was unimportant. It was the most important thing he’d taught Raena in Adelina’s opinion. Without their citizens everything would come to a screeching halt and it was wise not to forget that.

  Adelina kept her eyes on her hands but slid her glance over to Giselle, who held perfectly still, and Raena next to her. Raena looked out at the crowd without the slightest wrinkle on her forehead. She may be panicking on the inside, but she had a cool and serene exterior; her lack of fear would bolster the people during the difficult transition.

  “My heir, Princess Raena will be crowned Queen of Draga two weeks after Princess Adelina’s coming-of-age and I invite you all to attend the coronation of your new queen.” Their father turned and held out his hand for Raena. She rose gracefully and crossed to his side, taking his hand respectfully before curtseying again.

  The king’s advisor scanned his simulcast. Questions had to be flooding in from the public. Even the nobles looked restless and Adelina’s anxiety skyrocketed. They’d expected a commotion but the feeling in the air was almost hostile rather than confused. She glanced back at Alpha standing at attention behind the thrones with the other royal guards. He looked distracted and his gaze faraway. There had to be chatter on his earpiece.

  “Questions from the public have come in on the livestream,” the advisor said loud and clear for all to hear. “The overwhelming majority want to know why so soon? How can the crown princess possibly be ready so many cycles before she was scheduled to reign?”

  The king smiled at the crowd and then Raena as though the question didn’t bother him. “Hypomalarya is an aggressive disease with no known cure. It is best Princess Raena take over sooner rather than later.” The reasons why fell heavy on Adelina’s mind. “Over the next six months she will slowly take over one step at a time. Now would be the perfect moment to ease some of your concerns. Princess Raena will answer the remainder of the questions.”

  The king bowed to his eldest daughter and returned to his throne. Raena would be required to answer every question for the next fifteen minutes and Adelina couldn’t imagine the stress of it all. Raena never once wavered. Each question she answered with a clear and logical response.

  Finally her time was up and she placed her hands on the banister as their father had. Her closing statement would send the people either against her, or for her. “My father, the king, has done an admirable job for Draga. He has kept the peace and ensured the citizens of our galaxy have voices. He has ensured that our vast resources are available to everyone and I intend on continuing his legacy. I was trained by the best, and plan to prove that to you all.” She curtseyed deep and the crowd cheered despite the flurry of questions and comments Adelina could feel on her simulcast in her pocket.

  The second Raena sat down there was an explosion.

  Heat burned the air and screams echoed against the marble. The blast threw Adelina to the ground and the balcony cracked beneath her. She grasped for purchase, not quite able to believe what was happening. Nobles ran and the guards were everywhere. Adelina couldn’t find the source of the explosion. She tried to get to her feet and another blast rocked the palace hard enough to make her fall.

  Adelina tried to break her fall but the marble was cold and hard. Pain shot up her wrist and she rolled towards the banister. The balcony’s cracks spider-webbed until they reached the palace itself. She tried to find her parents, her siblings, but there was so much chaos and so many people running Adelina couldn’t focus.

  Someone screamed her name as she tried to get up and then collapsed. A loud crack resounded and Adelina felt it in her bones right before the entire slab of marble underneath her started to shift. As she slid Adelina realized what was happening. Again she tried to get to her feet, but her wrist wouldn’t hold her weight and she collapsed again. The bones had to be broken even though she couldn’t feel the pain yet.

  Adelina cradled her wrist to her chest and looked up to try and find anyone who could help her. Her father and mother were ushered off the marble balcony despite her mother’s protests. Once again her dual roles as queen and mother split with no regard to emotions. Her children were missing and there was nothing she could do about it.

  Where was Alpha?

  Adelina placed one hand on the floor and kicked off her shoes. Her bare feet were able to hold on to t
he slick marble better and she pushed herself towards the palace. She was so slow and the rumble of the stone beneath her was ominous. She heard her name again and looked up. Giselle screamed again and reached out to her but her own guard carted her off like a wild animal, kicking and screaming. Adelina almost smiled at her sister’s bravery.

  The shudder below made her refocus. Adelina was so far from the rest of them and the angle of the balcony grew steeper. The guards rushed for equipment to get the rest of them to safety. A woman a few feet from Adelina sobbed as she tried to hold onto a large crack. She recognized the girl. She was a Deytis, a lady with no guard of her own. Adelina shuffled over to her and murmured words of encouragement.

  The girl was frozen with fear. “Lora,” Adelina snapped. “You will die here if you do not move.” Finally the girl looked up at the stern words and nodded through her tears. Gods she was so young. “Good girl, Lora. Climb up and stick to the sides.” With any luck pieces would crumble and fall, not the entire slab of marble.

  The two made their way from crack to crack as the balcony continued to break apart, shattering against the ground so far below them. If there was another explosion Adelina knew she wouldn’t be able to make it, not with only one good arm. Where was Alpha? He should have been by her side seconds after the initial explosion and she couldn’t find him in the chaos. Had they reassigned him during the emergency?

  Screams from the crowd below reached her and Adelina had to catch her breath. Her gown was ripped and her wrist hurt worse than she could ever remember. Lora looked back down and hesitated. “Keep going,” Adelina urged. “Find someone and get help.”

  The girl nodded and climbed as though she were born to it. Orders from a princess motivated her and Adelina was glad she could help one person at least. Her arm started to tremble as she held on and she didn’t think she would make it to safety. The balcony wouldn’t hold for long and she could not climb such a steep incline with only one hand. She rested her sweaty forehead against the cold marble. Her breath was shaky and the smell of the explosive was thick in the air among the dust.


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