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How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 4

by Westwood, Susan

  She touched her glass with his. “Yes.”

  She sipped again and loved how the flavors danced across her tongue. Colton took a sip, then put down his glass. He interlaced his fingers on the table in front of him. “So, let’s get down to business, and then we can talk about other things.”


  “Yes, to me this meeting is two-fold, but mostly about business.”

  “Go ahead,” Ellyn said.

  “I’d like to sign you to my agency.”


  “I think you can make a lot of money with face work, as I said to you at the party. Mostly print ads, but I do have to see how you photograph to be sure. You could do lipstick ads and any kind of makeup that goes on a face.”

  She blinked. He wanted her to model? He’d said that, but she hadn’t believed him. “Uh, okay.”

  “I’m getting the impression I’ve already overwhelmed you. I did talk a little bit about this at the party.”

  “I didn’t think you were serious,” she said.

  He laughed. Had she offended him?

  “I’m very serious. I don’t sign just anyone. I’m particular because I’m not interested in working with divas. You don’t strike me that way at all.”

  “Good, but what does all this entail?”

  “We’d sign a contract that you can have a lawyer review. That would entitle me to fifteen percent of your income from modeling. We would create a portfolio for you and book jobs. The contract would have an end date and escape clauses that are agreeable to us both.”

  Her head spun. Modeling? Contract? What? She was just a waitress.

  He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. “Here’s a copy of the contract for you to look over. You can let me know if you need changes and we can discuss those. I don’t want you signing anything you aren’t happy with. That said there are certain things that are not negotiable.”


  She took the paper from him and put it in her purse. Where was she going to find a lawyer to look at it?

  “Now, let’s put business aside because I don’t expect you to make a decision today. You’re in graduate school.”

  “Yes, at NYU,” she said.

  Her mind pondered his offer. She couldn’t make a decision now. She had to talk it over with her mother and Shalia. What would be best for Derek, that’s what she had to think about first. Her nerves were even more frayed than they had been. Modeling could change her life. She wouldn’t need a billionaire. Then she realized how much she was attracted to Colton.

  “What do you do for fun?”

  “I love movies.”

  She tried to focus on the conversation, but he’d put a lot in her lap. He had no idea how much of a change it would all be if she signed with him. If she made some real money and could move her son to a place that didn’t have roaches in it, maybe even closer to a park where he could play; would she have to travel; so many questions.

  “Movies? Going out or at home?”

  “Home. Netflix is my best friend.”

  He laughed. “That’s great. I love Netflix and Amazon Prime for viewing movies. Best thing to happen to movies. I can watch them in my pajamas.”

  Oh, that did it. She had a vision of him in a silk smoking jacket watching movies in his screening room. She tried to picture herself there but ended up laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  She shook her head. She couldn’t tell him that. “Never mind.”


  Colton wanted to keep her laughing because the sound of it filled him with joy. He didn’t have that good a sense of humor but he did wonder what had made her laugh.

  “So many people I run into insist they don’t watch movies or television. I love reading but movies are my true escape,” he said.

  The waitress put down their plates. Colton smiled at her then she left again.

  “You can watch movies no matter what’s going on. Even if you’re sick,” Ellyn said. Her face was lit up, her eyes wide. This was clearly a good subject for them. He was happy to find something in common with her.

  “What’s your favorite movie?”

  “I’m not sure I have a favorite.”

  “What have you watched again and again?”

  “Probably Sweet Home Alabama.”

  “So you like happy endings.”

  “Yes. You can’t always count on one in real life but you can in a movie like that.”

  “I see. A romantic.”

  “In some ways, yes. I’m more of a pragmatist.”

  “I see.” He cocked his head. “I’m guessing because life has not been altogether kind to you?”

  “Something like that.” She stopped making eye contact with him. He’d hit a nerve; something to explore later when they got to know each other better.

  “My favorite is Citizen Kane.”

  She frowned. “I think that movie is over-hyped. It’s just a sled.”

  “But it represents so much to him.”

  She shrugged. “It’s just a sled.”

  He laughed. “I’ve never heard anybody assess that movie that way.”

  “I guess I’m not into those deep, intellectual movies.”

  “What about Inception.”

  “I loved that movie.”

  “That’s deep and intellectual.”

  “Fair enough. It is.”

  “So was he in a dream or was it reality?” Colton asked.

  “It was reality. I like happy endings, so for me, it had to be reality. For all that he went through to get back to those kids, it better be real.”

  “I think it was a dream. That ending goes with the rest of the movie better.”

  “At least Christopher Nolan left it up to us. Sometimes that’s better than being spoon-fed an ending,” Ellyn said.

  “I agree.” He smiled and reached out to touch her hand. “I like talking to you.”

  “I’m having a good time, too.”

  She hadn’t stopped looking around the restaurant as if she expected to see someone she knew but didn’t want to. He wondered about that, but this was too early to ask. Was this going to be business or pleasure? If she signed with him, he would have to back off, but he didn’t want to. He liked a lot of things about her. This was a dilemma. He wanted to sign her, but he didn’t. Signing would make his business better. Not signing would make his life better.

  “You’re deep in thought,” she said.

  “I like you, Ellyn, but I have a policy of not dating my clients.”

  “I’m confused. I thought this was a business meeting.”

  She leaned her chin on her hand, those eyes assessing him. Could she see straight through to his soul?

  “I thought it was also, but I’m enjoying myself as if I’m on a date. I guess I’ll leave it up to you. You sign with me, I back off. You don’t want me to back off, I’ll get another agency to take you on.”

  She blinked. “Do you think someone else would take as good care of me as you seem to want to? Another agency, I mean?”

  She had a good point. He did not want to leave her career up to someone else. He knew exactly where he could take her because he didn’t just focus on runway models, he had a lot of connections some of the other agencies didn’t. Advertisers came to him for unique looks as well as every day looks. He had them both in his corral.

  He rubbed his chin. “Probably not. I have this rule.”

  “I get that. I’m just asking questions so I can make an informed decision.”

  “Makes sense. I’m assuming this won’t be like anything you’ve ever done before. This could change your life.”

  “Yes, in many ways,” she said.

  Her face was so open and honest. Another agency might chew her up and spit her out, leaving her a bitter person. She didn’t seem bitter, but then he had no reason to think she would be. Something in her eyes spoke of hardship, more than a fresh-face graduate student should have seen.

  Something about h
er touched him deep in his soul. He wanted to protect her and he didn’t often feel that way about clients. This was business, not personal, though he wouldn’t work with a person he didn’t like. If a model chose not to sign with him, he went on to the next one.

  No harm. No foul. There were plenty of people in New York who wanted to model.

  This time it was personal, and he should see that as a red flag, but he chose to ignore the warning bells going off in his head. He would survive no matter what happened.

  “I’m assuming you need some time to make a decision?”

  “I do.”

  “I want you to feel free to call me anytime. I’ll answer any questions you have.”


  Ellyn had good instincts and she trusted them. They’d told her not to get involved with Derek’s father, but she hadn’t listened. She wouldn’t ignore them ever again. Her instincts were telling her that Colton was the real deal. He was giving her a way to make her life better without snagging a billionaire.

  Not that he wasn’t offering himself, either. She still scanned the restaurant for any of her usual customers. She hadn’t seen any. If she signed with Colton, she’d have to come clean. Would that adversely affect his offer? She’d have to hold off with that information until she signed a contract.

  She liked Colton, too. That was a huge part of her dilemma; she wanted to get to know him better. She hadn’t been this interested in a man in a very long time, not since Derek’s father. She hadn’t thought her heart was capable of being attracted to a man. Well, maybe it wasn’t her heart that was involved in this, but her libido was for sure.

  Could she balance just a sexual relationship with a business relationship? She bit her lip.

  She smiled at him. “Any time?”

  “Yes. Any time. I don’t need much sleep. I’m up at all hours,” Colton said.

  She nodded, thinking about that. Part of her wanted to sign this contact now, but she knew she had to find a lawyer to look at it, or at least someone else to study it. Would she understand any of it?

  “This is all a little overwhelming.”

  “I can guide you through it all. I won’t just desert you, I promise.” He reached out and squeezed her hand. His touch infused her with warmth and she also felt a spark of attraction. His gaze took her in, almost pleading with her to believe him.

  That was her problem: she had trust issues. Despite knowing in her gut Colton would do the best he could for her, she still did not trust easily. Damned men in her past, like her father. She shook off that thought. No need to go there.

  She was enjoying one of the best pieces of meat she’d ever eaten, sitting across from a handsome man who wanted to better her life.

  “You want some dessert?” he said.

  “I’m not sure I could eat another bite,” she said.

  She’d have to bring home the rest of her dinner. Was that okay to do that on a date? She hoped it would be.

  “They’ll wrap that up for you.”

  “That’ll be good,” she said.

  “When will you have a decision for me?”

  “In a hurry?” She asked coyly.

  “Well, we need to pull together a portfolio for you before we can book jobs. I figure the sooner you sign the contract, the sooner we can get started. I think I could have you booked in a job in a few weeks. Would that work?”

  “I’ll have to check my schedule and consult with my lawyer.” Did that sound professional? She hoped it did.

  “Okay. You want some coffee?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “Do you mind if I have some? Do you need to get home?”

  Shalia had chosen to sleep over so Ellyn didn’t have a curfew. Though, if she stayed out too late, she would regret it when Derek was up early. Shalia would want to sleep in but she was on the couch, so that might not happen.

  “Uh, no, I have time,” she said.

  “Good. I’m not ready to let you go, yet.”

  “So tell me about your company,” she said.

  His eyes lit up. “I started it a few years ago, sort of as a hobby.”

  “A hobby?”

  “I was born into money. I’m not going to apologize for that. I don’t have to work but I like to. My parents instilled in me a strong work ethic so I don’t have it in me to just sit around.”

  “I understand. I could not imagine not working.”

  Of course, she couldn’t afford to stay at home. As much as she’d wanted to, and it broke her heart to leave Derek every day, her only alternative was welfare but she’d been raised with too much pride to go that route.

  “Working gives me purpose. I think that I might not be in such a good place in my life if not for work. I like that I’ve built something on my own, separate from my parents.”

  “I would imagine that does make a difference that it is yours.”

  “They supported me in my decision to do this but I had to go to the bank like anyone else,” he said. His gaze went past her as if remembering it all. He had a small smile on his face.

  “It means more when you do it yourself,” she said.

  His gaze came back to her. “Exactly.” He stared at her for a moment, a small smile on his face. “I wish the weather was a little warmer, we could go for a walk.”

  “Not tonight.”

  Cary came back. She’d been hovering just inside Ellyn’s peripheral vision. Did she have no other tables to take care of?

  “I’d love some coffee,” Colton said.

  “None for me, thanks.”

  Cary took away their plates.


  Colton decided he was going to drink his coffee as slowly as possible. Ellyn didn’t look tired, so he’d keep her out as long as he could. He didn’t want this date to end, ever, but it would have to. She could probably sleep in tomorrow but he didn’t know for sure.

  He knew so little about her day-to-day life, but he wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about her and how to make that dimple on her left cheek come out. She had to be laughing very hard for him to see it. Guess he’d have to brush up on his jokes and improve his sense of humor.

  “So what are your dreams, Ellyn?”

  She let out a breath. “That’s a pretty deep question for this late at night.”

  “Yes, I guess it is. I have an ulterior motive: I don’t want this to end, whatever this is. Whether it is a date or a business meeting.”

  She nodded. “I’m enjoying myself, too, but at some point I will have to go.”

  “I understand. You say the word and I’ll have my driver take you home.”

  She opened her mouth, but he put up his hand. “I insist, Ellyn. You shouldn’t be out walking or on the subway at this time of night.”

  She shrugged. “I feel safe.”

  “I don’t care. I would feel better if you just took me up on my offer.”

  “Do you treat all of your clients this well?” she said with a twinkle in her eye.

  “No, I don’t, but if I was concerned about someone getting home then I would offer my car.”

  “Do you know where I live?”

  “No. Never asked and my driver wouldn’t offer anyway. He knows about being discreet.”

  Her right eyebrow went up. “What goes on in the back of your car that he has to be discreet about?”

  There had been that one blow job, but really, nothing else. Colton coughed a little thinking about it. “Nothing, really, but he is sometimes privy to some business conversations, ones that need to be confidential. I trust him implicitly.”

  She nodded. “He seems like a nice guy.”

  “All he said about you was that you sat in the front.”

  “I felt like royalty sitting in the back. Didn’t sit well with me.”

  He nodded, taking that in. Humble beginnings, he assumed. You could take the person out of the ghetto, but not the ghetto out of the person. Didn’t mean she didn’t have class. Just meant she remembered where she came from. That was a go
od way to be. No pretentions. She would fit in well at his company. That idea warmed him. His loyalty would not be misplaced with Ellyn.

  “I understand. I often need the back of the car to do work in. And I’m used to it.”

  “Do you go anywhere without a driver?”

  “Not in Manhattan. I have a car in a garage in New Jersey.”

  “Do you ever leave Manhattan?” She had a small smile on her face.

  “Yes. My parents live in New Jersey. When I go see them I take a train to where my car is and drive the rest of the way.”

  “The train? How pedestrian.”

  He was going to protest then he saw the mischief in her eyes. He smiled. “Yes, I know, me on a train. I even wear blue jeans.”

  “You don’t wear a suit all the time?”

  He laughed. “No, I don’t. I even have a few pairs of sweatpants.”

  “How scandalous.”

  She was teasing him. She’d finally loosened up and stopped looking around the restaurant. Did she think she didn’t deserve to be here? He finished his coffee then walked her outside. He wanted to touch her and, in fact, his hands reached out to her. This was supposed to be business. He had to step back but his lips itched to touch hers. His hands itched to feel if her skin was as soft as it looked.

  He sighed. His car pulled up and Ellyn walked towards it. “Thanks Colton, I’ll be in touch.”

  This was his chance. He took a firm grip on her arm, spinning her around, and he planted a sweet kiss on her lips. It didn’t convey what he was really feeling but he didn’t regret it. He couldn’t. He regretted little in his life. She responded by kissing him back but he kept the kiss light. He didn’t want to maul her on a street in Manhattan.

  Then, he let her go. She looked at him with swollen lips and large eyes. She didn’t say anything, just stepped into his car and he closed the door. When the car pulled away, he put a hand to his lips. Should he have done that? What was she thinking? Mixed signals were not a good thing. He pulled out his phone and dialed Doug.

  “I just kissed Ellyn.”

  “What? Are we girls now? Do we have to talk about our feelings?”

  “I’m trying to sign her to my agency.”

  “Sounds like you’re trying to audition her for your bed, not your business.”


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