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How To Marry A Billionaire: A BWWM Billionaire Romance

Page 20

by Westwood, Susan

  Derek remained very still as Ellyn came to sit on the other side of the bed. Colton’s hand snaked out. He wanted to touch his family. To hold onto them.

  “You seem more lucid today,” Ellyn said.

  “I asked them to dial back the medications. I was a little too loopy.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Are you okay like that?”

  “I told them they could give me a full dose at night so I sleep. Otherwise, I still have a company to run.”

  “Colton. You need to heal. Everyone can wait until you are better.”

  He smiled. “I’ve already been on the phone.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You have to take care of yourself. Where’s your phone.”

  She held out her hand as if he were an errant child. He blinked. Was she serious? “You want my phone?”

  “Yes. You cannot make any calls for the next two days. I’ll give it back to you when you get out of here.”

  He handed her his phone, which had been sitting on a table next to his bed. “Well, I have something to talk to you about.”

  He glanced down at Derek who was rolling a toy car over the bed. He didn’t want Derek to be part of this conversation.

  At that moment, Marcia appeared in his doorway. Colton smiled at her. “Hey Marcia.”


  She knew his tone of voice. Guess she could read him well. “Could you take Derek for a snack?”

  “Sure.” She turned to Derek whose face had lit up. “Let’s go, Derek. We’ll find you something to eat.”

  Derek hopped off the bed and followed Marcia out. Colton hadn’t let go of Ellyn’s hand. “Okay. Spill it.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at the door then back at Colton. “It’s not as if you don’t already know what happened. I’m sure Paul told you everything.”

  “I wanted to hear it from you.”

  “Chance took Derek. Told him I was dead. Told his wife I was a crack addict so she took in Derek. Can’t completely blame her in this.”

  “But you can blame Chance.”

  “Yes, but he’ll go back to prison.”

  “Yes, he will. And that seems like a good place for him. He kidnapped your son. He didn’t tell you where he was taking him. That’s wrong, no matter who you are. He shouldn’t take Derek without you knowing about it. He’s your son and your responsibility.”

  “I know all this, Colton.”

  “Then do what needs to be done and press charges against Chance. Do you really think he’s a good role model for Derek?”

  “And you are.”

  “Yes. I’m a damn good one and frankly I’m tired of Chance being around at all. He’s been high around Derek and that alone should make you think twice about Derek spending time around him.” Colton took a breath. “He took Derek across state lines so that makes it a federal offense.”

  Ellyn sucked in her lip then let it go. “You’ve been thinking about this.”

  Of course. Why would she think otherwise? “I have. Why not? I married you and that makes both of you my responsibility.”

  Ellyn blinked. “I’ve never had anyone want to do that for me. Or my son.”

  He put a hand on her face and she turned into it. Her skin was soft and warm. He tugged her to him and lay her head on his chest.

  “We’re in this together. You and me and Derek. Please do this. For me and for Derek.”

  He never thought he’d be in this place. He didn’t want to be anywhere else. Well, other than out of the hospital. The doctor said he could be released in a few days. Then he’d be home with his family. Ellyn might have to take care of him for a few days, but he didn’t think she would mind.

  “Okay. I’ll file charges. I promise.”

  “Thank you.”


  Ellyn held Colton’s arm as she helped him out of the elevator. He’d been released from the hospital that morning. Derek wanted to stay home from school, but Ellyn insisted that he go. Colton would need some sleep before dealing with a five-year-old. She held him close, Ellyn did not know what she would do if he fell. He was a large man. She’d never seen him so weak and it unnerved her.

  “You doing okay?” she asked.

  “I’ve had surgery, Ellyn. I’m not an invalid.”

  She stopped to unlock the door. He braced his hand on the wall.

  “You are clearly weak and pale.”

  “I am not pale,” he said.

  What a man. An obstinate alpha male. “You’re sweating from just riding in an elevator. Right to bed with you.”

  “Only if you come with me.”

  “You are not up for sex,” she said, opening the door for him. “Are you hungry?”

  He managed to kiss the top of her head as he walked by. He was dressed in sweatpants and a t-shirt which was so odd to see him in. He was always impeccably dressed. Ellyn closed the door then leaned on it.

  Her job, for the next few days, was to keep Colton from overdoing it. That was going to be a task and a half. She watched him walk slowly into the living room then and ease himself onto his couch.

  The incision had been small. They hadn’t fully opened him up, but the doctor had said he’d be sore for a few days. The stitches had to come out in three days. Her job was to make sure he didn’t pull any out accidentally.

  She frowned. “I asked if you were hungry.”

  “I am. I’d love some good food that is not eaten off a plastic tray,” he said. “If you’re tired, we could order pizza.”

  “No, I’ll make something.”

  “Come sit with me for a minute.”


  She settled on the coffee table in front of him. His blue eyes didn’t hold their usual luster, but he was clearly trying to be brave.

  “I’m glad you went through with the charges against Chance.”

  “I still feel guilty.”

  “You are being too nice to him, Ellyn. I understand forgiveness and all, but he’s way past deserving your forgiveness.”

  She sighed. “You’re probably right, but I don’t want to think about it. Or talk about it. He’s still on the loose.”

  “Are you worried about him finding you? He can’t get in here.”

  “A little. I expect there will be retaliation.”

  “Do you want to move Derek to a new school?”

  “No, the person who let Chance have him has been fired. They all know that Derek is to go only to you and Paul and me. We’ve made that clear.”

  “Then what?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t think he is going to go gently into the night.”

  “When is your next shoot? I’ll hire security for it,” he said.

  “Not for awhile. I have to take care of you first.”

  “I can hire a nurse if you need to go to work,” Colton said.

  Of course, he would. He was going to make her life as easy as possible. Because that’s who he was. Colton was a fixer. He was going to fix whatever he could. Ellyn had never had anyone like that in her life.

  “You want some soup?”

  “Yes. Did you make it?”

  “I had to do something to keep myself busy while you were in the hospital. Soup’s good for you. Will help you heal. Now don’t get up.”

  “Yes, Mom.”

  She shot him a “mom” look and he smiled at her. She guessed he probably wasn’t used to being taken care of, but that was her job now. She was his wife. His partner. The big bad billionaire was wounded and she had to get him back to healthy. She’d never taken care of a grown man before.

  Odd how life threw you curves. This one was an excellent one and she wondered what she’d done to deserve it as she waited for the soup to heat up. Chicken and rice, this one.

  She brought back the soup a few minutes later. Colton was watching one of Derek’s cartoons. She set the bowl on the table in front of him and handed him the spoon. He took it.


  “You’re welcome.”

sp; He patted the cushion next to him, and then looked up at her with puppy dog eyes. He clearly didn’t want to be alone. “Sit with me?”

  How could she resist. “Sure.”

  She sat next to him as he ate and laughed at inane jokes geared for kids. The scene was so domestic and so different than the one she grew up with. Her mother had worked two jobs. Derek was going to grow up with two parents and Ellyn couldn’t be more thrilled.

  She was getting used to this partnership. She hoped Colton wasn’t going anywhere. She liked having someone to lean on. She’d never thought she would, but now that he was in her life, she wanted him to stay.

  He put his hand on her leg. A very possessive maneuver, but Ellyn was not going to complain. She would gladly be his. Forever.


  A few days later, Ellyn left to get groceries then pick up Derek from school. With his phone back, Colton began to make some calls to find Chance.

  First call was to Doug who, as a lawyer, could possibly know some shady enough people who could find Chance.

  “Hey, buddy. Feeling better?” Doug said.

  “For the moment. I am itching to get back to work.”

  “I’m sure. How’s that lovely wife of yours treating you?”

  Colton laughed. “Very well. I’m going to be fat before I get back to work. She’s been cooking up a storm. Apparently that relaxes her.”

  “You’re making her tense, I’m sure.”

  “Wow. Thanks, bud.”

  “Truth hurts. You were never one to sit still. So what can I do for you besides plan your escape?”

  “You’re a lawyer.”

  “That’s what my diploma from law school says.”

  “Right. I need to find a shady private detective,” Colton said.

  “And you assume because I am a lawyer, I might know one? Do you know what I bill per hour?”

  “Yes, because you’re my lawyer. Still. I bet you could find me a shady detective.”

  Doug laughed. “I have one and I already have him working.”

  “I can’t borrow him.”

  “He’s already working on finding Chance. Remember? Ellyn is still my client. I have her best interests at heart, too. Not just you.”

  Colton laughed. Of course Doug would be on top of this. “I would be there if I hadn’t had surgery.”

  “I know, but we’ve been friends for years. I knew you’d want me to do this so I did it.”

  “Okay. I only have a limited time so let me make my other calls.”

  “Is Ellyn out?”

  “Yes and if she knew I was conducting business, she’d take away my phone.”

  Doug laughed. “She took away your phone. I would have paid to have seen that.”

  “Laugh it up, buddy. Wait until you get married.”


  Colton hung up, but for the first time ever, Doug didn’t deny he would get married. Guess Shalia was getting to him.

  Next on his list was his father. The man had done business with everyone and probably even a few mobsters.

  “Hello Junior,” Colton Hamilton the second said, when he answered.

  “Hi, Dad.”

  “How are you feeling? You sound good.”

  “I am good. I need a favor.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “I need to find someone. Someone who is a criminal and is in hiding somewhere.”

  His father laughed. “And you thought of me.”

  “Well, I know you did business with lots of people.”

  “Some of them might have been criminals. Yes. I know. Not something I’m proud of, but I do still have their numbers. Who are you looking for?”

  Colton told him about Chance and what he’d done.

  “Okay, son. Let me go look at a list and I’ll email you some people to call that owe me favors.”

  “Dad, you are the best.”

  He waited for the email. When it arrived, he dialed the first man on the list.

  Vinny Scarpone. Colton had a vague memory of him coming to dinner once or twice when he was a kid.


  “Mr. Scarpone, this is Colton Hamilton the third.”

  There was a pause on the line. Colton hoped the man had remembered his father.

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Hamilton?”

  “I’m looking for someone.”

  Once again, he explained the story to someone. Scarpone understood. He promised Colton that he’d get a few men on the job.

  “Thank you, Mr. Scarpone.”

  “I’m even with you father now.”

  “Yes, he knows that. I won’t call you again.”

  He hung up, yawned, and realized he needed a nap. He never napped, so this was new and meant he wasn’t completely healed. He closed up his laptop, turned off his phone and laid down to nap.

  When he woke it was dark and Ellyn was standing over him. She had a serious look on her face.

  “Sorry to wake you, but we have company.”


  Not Chance?

  “Some FBI guys who want to take my statement,” Ellyn said.

  “Okay. Let me get some clothes on and I’ll come out there.”

  “No, I’m sorry Colton. You don’t need to.”

  He squeezed her hand. “You’re nervous and I’m here. Let me help.”

  She nodded. He dressed, then found her in the living room with two gray-suited men. He introduced himself and they showed him their badges.

  “This is about Chance?”

  “Yes. We’ve found him and we just want to verify Mrs. Hamilton’s statements,” the younger one said.

  Colton sat next to her and took her hand. “Okay. Makes sense. You found him?”

  “Yes. We got an anonymous tip about his location. He was right where the person said. Odd, since we’ve been having so much trouble finding him.”

  “Guess you were lucky,” Colton said.

  Ellyn eyed him, but she didn’t say anything. Did she have any idea about his intervention? She turned back to the agents. “What do you need verified?”

  They had her read her statement and she signed it again, then they left.

  When they were gone, Ellyn returned to where he sat. “What were you doing while I was gone?”


  “You didn’t nap the whole time.”

  He shrugged. “Maybe.”

  A smile broke out on her face. “You helped them find Chance, didn’t you?”

  She wrapped her arms around him in a fierce hug.

  “Okay, I did.”

  “Colton, you are the best husband ever.”


  Ellyn had just dropped Derek off at school when Colton sent her a text.

  “I’m cleared to have sex.”

  She stared at those words on her phone. Did he want her to come home? Okay that was stupid. Well, she had a surprise for him, too.

  She hurried back to the penthouse. Colton stood in foyer, waiting for her.

  “Sex, huh?” she said as she leaned on their closed front door.

  “Yep. I can’t carry you into bed, but I can make love to you.”

  He stood with a large grin on his face. She didn’t think she’d seen him any happier. Not even on their wedding day.

  “Then let’s go.”

  She ran into the bedroom and had all of her clothes off by the time Colton arrived. He looked her over. “I could lick all of you.”

  “I think we can dispense with too much foreplay. I’m a little in need.” He chuckled as she stalked to him and began to take off his clothes.

  “You little minx. I hope those condoms haven’t expired.”

  “No need for them,” she said as she dropped his shirt on the floor.

  “No need?”

  “I’m on the Pill,” she said.

  His grin got even bigger. “Get on that bed, woman.”

  She did and leaned on her elbows, hoping she looked sultry and sexy. She must have because he was ready f
or her.

  He licked and nipped and sucked until she thought she’d explode. And then she did, into a million pieces. Then he was on top of her and then inside of her. His rhythm matched what she needed and wanted.

  God, yes. This was it. She’d missed this. Colton on top of her and inside of her. Sex and love and oh goodness. That, too.

  Those lights going off behind her eyes as he thrust into her, quicker and quicker until Colton got his release on top of hers. He slumped across her, only part of his body on her.

  “Tell me if I’m too heavy,” he said.

  “I like the feeling of you here, so don’t move yet,” she said between breaths.

  A chuckle rumbled up out of him. “When did you go on the Pill?”

  “A month ago. I wasn’t ready to tell you, then.”

  He shifted onto his elbow. “Why not?”

  “Because I wasn’t sure about all of this.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I haven’t been the best husband.”

  “You can’t blame yourself. You married me under odd circumstances. And you took in my child, too.”

  “I’m glad I did, Ellyn. Don’t leave. I’m happy when you’re here.”

  That made her smile. She finally caught her breath. “Let me see it.”

  He rolled onto his back. She hadn’t seen the scar yet. It was still red and probably a little irritated from their lovemaking. She kissed it. He didn’t flinch, but she heard him hiss.

  “It still hurts a little,” he said.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I wanted this,” he said. She guessed he’d wanted her, too. And he looked like he might want her again soon. Her grin grew wider.


  Colton lay there with Ellyn in his arms, not wanting to move. Not wanting to break contact. He knew they’d have to eat soon. The moment was perfect.



  Was she asleep? She wasn’t snoring like usual. “You asleep?”

  “No, just comfy.”

  “I want to talk to you about something. Well, two things.”

  “Right now? While we’re naked?”

  “Yes, right now. If I don’t say these things I’ll burst.”

  “Okay,” she said.


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