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I Gave It ALL ~The Sequel~

Page 3

by Will Brown

  “Whoa…whoa, I didn’t mean to offend you. I’ll get with you tomorrow and we’ll talk. I just wanted to follow up with you. I see you’ve dotted your I’s and crossed your T’s. I hope you’re not upset with me. ”

  “Well, quite frankly I am. I’m tired of everyone being so damn concerned about Shaun. When is this going to end? I’m trying to handle my business. Better yet, if he would have been taken care our business his name wouldn’t have to keep coming up.”

  “Listen for the second time, I apologize if I offended you.” JJ responded. “I’ve got to go. I have to give Trey a call on something we’re putting together. I’ll see you tomorrow. Is that okay?” he then asked.

  “Sure JJ. I have to go, too, so you have a good night.”

  T-Bird then took a minute to lay her head back on the chair pillow to let go of her frustrations as the D.J. began to wind down the evening. She was now wishing that Darnell was there by her side to love all the hurt and disappointment away.

  At that very moment, the phone rang again. Saturated by her emotions, she felt if her phone rang just one more time, she was going to snap. Reluctantly she look at it, noticing it was Darnell.

  “Hey bebe.”

  “How are you? I couldn’t sleep until I heard your voice” he said in a deep tone.

  “Bebe, you’ve already pushed all my buttons. I just wanna close my eyes and feel your arms around me.

  “Don’t worry. I’m right here. I’m the man you need,” he said.

  “I need to hear that” she responded while letting out a sigh.

  “I’ve got so much to give baby,” he said as his voice deepened.

  “Bebe please, we can’t have another night like last night. The sound of your voice alone is making me wet all over again.” T-Bird said.

  “I would be lying if I didn’t tell you I want you... don’t you like the way I give it?” he continued.

  “Oh yes — I love it so just keep giving and I’ll keep taking” she said passionately.

  Suddenly, the radio began to softly play her song “Lover-Lover” the perfect ending to their conversation and the night. Making her way to the bed, she laid down without any further interruptions to fall asleep.


  "Wake up! Wake up its 7:00 a.m. and it’s time to rise! There’s a big day ahead of you, but if you put the Most High first and let Him lead the way, there’s nothing that can stop you, especially while you’re listening to your favorite radio station with the dominator, the elaborator, who’s hot with the flavor, as we do it now or we can do it later — on the wheels of steel. That’s me, D.J. Lockdown on WKK 103.9 hitting you hard and heavy. So get ready, get ready, get ready baby!”

  T-Bird had no choice but to get up. Compelled by the words of DJ Lock Down, she got right on her knees needing to find a moment of sanctity. It was a new day before her and nothing else meant more than being able to realize who had brought her so far in her personal journey. The peace, joy, and love of God for that moment had overwhelmed her, regardless of her sins or shortcomings.


  Believe in Yourself

  Finally it was 9:30 and she was texting Andre to advise everyone to meet at the studio for a 2 p.m. rehearsal. As soon as she completed the text, Trey called.

  “Hello T-Bird, Good Morning. What’s going on? I haven’t talked to you since yesterday morning. What a remarkable meeting I had in Connecticut. How are the new phones working that I gave you?”

  “Trey! How are you bebe? Yes, the phones are working fine. Do you remember Andre, Shaun’s partner?”

  “Andre? Of course,” Trey said.

  “I’m letting him manage me. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. He just got back from L.A. and is available to work with me. He’s even got his own group over in the U.K.”

  “I know. I had dinner with JJ last night and he told me all about it. That’s great! It looks like things are looking up.”

  “Yes finally they are. Can you come by the studio later? I would love to see you.

  “Sure. I think I can do that. Let’s say around 6:30? I’ve got just a few more things to do at the office, then I can be on my way.”

  “Fantastic. Have you told Carlotta that I accepted her invitation for dinner? Why don’t you bring her with you tonight?”

  “I only spoke to her briefly, but I’ll bring her with me and you can tell her yourself. She’s so incredible. You know something T-Bird? I believe she’s the one.”

  “Um...bebe...just watch yourself lover boy. You just got out the fire, dealing with Octavia. Don’t jump into the frying pan too fast. Are you that sure? You haven’t dated her long enough to make any decisions yet.”

  “No, I’m convinced. It’s kind of like the situation with you and Darnell. If you know what I mean.”

  “And what is that supposed to mean? How did Darnell and I get pulled into this conversation?”

  “Oh come on, don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. I know how you really feel about him; it’s all in your eyes. I know you like a book. You can’t fool me. You may be able to fool Q and JJ but not me. Q told me everything that Desiree shared with him about you two, but don’t worry, it’s cool. But I will tell you this. Just be careful.”

  “Thanks for the advice. I’ve always felt like I can talk to you. You’ve always been more reasonable than Q and JJ. They’re just too damn protective.”

  "No, they just don’t want you to get hurt. The way they feel about you is what any man would about their sister or friend. I hope someday you’ll understand how we really feel about you. But let’s get back to Carlotta. Every time we’re together it just feels right. There’s no other way to explain it. Love can really make you feel crazy.You know?”

  “Well… I just don’t know what to say. She’s the juice in your glass. Just sip slowly. Her taste is all up in your mouth.”

  They both began to laugh.

  “Yeah right. You won’t say it, but I know you feel the same way about Darnell. I guess some things are better left unsaid and kept to ourselves. I have to get going. We'll see you this evening”

  As soon as they hung up the phone, DJ Lock Down came back on the radio.

  “Okay everybody, I’m live and back at you. It’s me, the one and only D.J. Lock Down and the weather is real nasty out there, so be extra careful. We’re already getting reports of multiple accidents on the roadways so all you speeders out there, take it easy and slow it down. Call and tell your boss you’ll be a few minutes late or better yet, take the day off and get back in bed with your lover. They tell me this is baby-making weather when it rains like this and in the meantime, let me play this hot number by T-Bird called "Lover, Lover." It’s all about that love thing, baby, and if you don’t know, you betta ask somebody. Man! I have to say it again... this lady has got her head on straight. She’s a stone cold businesswoman and fouine too. Right down to her hips, lips, finger tips and green eyes... And she’s doing some wonderful things in her community with a foundation she started if you don’t know..."

  "..I said it yesterday and I’ll say again, if you missed her album release party, you really need a kick in the head! Everybody who is anybody and that you think is somebody was there and we partied all night long to the break of dawn. Everybody, let's give this sister her props, she has truly earned it. Big kudos to you, Tamara "T-Bird Robinson!"

  T-Bird couldn’t help but smile, as she listened to DJ Lock Down.

  Her phone was Andre.

  “Hey T-Bird, what’s up?! I got your text and if you’d like I can pick you up. Is that cool?”

  “Sure Dre, that will be fine.”

  “Man! Were you listening to the radio a few minutes ago? Did you hear DJ Lock Down give you your props? That brother laid it all out for you. I hope I can get that kind of flavor when I bring my group to the states. I need someone like him in my stable to do my P.R. work on the side. Well, one thing's for sure, he's crazy about you.”

“Oh stop it, my head is already leaning over my shoulders..."she released a big laugh as she continued..

  "But I must say, I’m honored that D.J. Lock Down speaks so highly of me. This is where I live. It’s my stomping grounds so I should leave my mark behind. Don’t you agree? The two most important towns that I really want to make an impact in with my show is this city and New Orleans. That's my roots. My family has really been supportive of my career.

  “I feel you. Let me let you go. I’ll be there before you know it,” Andre said. “We’ll have plenty of time to talk, so I’ll see you shortly.”


  By the time Trey finally completed all of his contracts, he made a three-way call that included Q and JJ.

  "Hey guys what’s up? I’m going see T-Bird at the studio. Are you stopping by for a few minutes? I’m sure she’s looking forward to our opinion of her show.”

  “No problem,” JJ said.

  “Most definitely!” Q responded. “I just have to make sure everything is in order before I leave. I have a councilman coming in from Virginia and I just want to make sure he’s taken care of. After that, I’m good.”

  “Cool. That will give me time to pick up Carlotta. I haven’t seen her in a few days and T-Bird asked me to bring her along.”

  “Well in that case, I might as well go home and pick Vivian up,” JJ continued.

  “She just called me to say she and my brother just finished a scene in the movie they’re starring in together. I’m sure she would appreciate feeling a part of us again. And also I’d like to bring my brother. I’m sure he won’t have any objections since he’s going to be here a month before going back to L.A.”

  “Let’s make it happen. Bring a few bottles of wine.” Q continued. “I believe this will be more than just a rehearsal. It’s going to be more of a celebration, because we’re going to party.” As soon as Q hung up with Trey and JJ, Desiree was calling.

  “Hello my charming lover. How are you?”

  “Hey baby, I’m doing fine,” Q said. “So, were you thinking about me?”

  “Um hum, I’m going to Phoenix in the morning,” Desiree said. “I just thought I’d let you know that.”

  “Really, Phoenix huh?”

  “Yes. I’m covering the Western Championship for a few days and I was hoping you’d come out and see me? I’ve got a nice king size bed if you can make it.”

  “That sounds like an invitation I can’t refuse, but let me look at my planner before I say yes.”

  “Fine, do what you have to,” Desiree said.

  “Oh before I forget, everyone is meeting T-Bird at the studio tonight. She’s having her first rehearsal. Isn’t that pretty cool?”

  “It sure is bebe. You know I talked to her last night. Well, have fun. I’m sure she’ll be glad for you to be there.”

  “I’m sure she will, but look, I have to get going. How about I call you once I get there?”

  “Sounds good to me. I know you’ve got a million things to do so I’ll wait for your call...”


  As Trey left the office, he called Carlotta to tell her that he was picking her up. She wanted to invite Amelia and Jessica since they were together having a drink. In the meantime, JJ was picking up Vivian and his brother Maurice. By the time they all arrived at the studio, it was already 7 pm. Moments later, Q walked in the door with two cases of champagne.

  The studio was jam-packed with people everywhere as everyone engaged in conversation while T-Bird and the band prepared to warm up. Suddenly Desiree walked into the studio. You could hear a pin drop as everyone stopped in their tracks to stare in disbelief at the resemblance between her and T-Bird, as she made her way through the crowded room.

  Q was lost for words knowing he’d just talked with her hours before and she had given him no indication that she was coming up from Atlanta. She stopped right in front of him.

  “What’s wrong bebe?” As she waited for his response. “Yes it’s me. You act like you’re not glad to see me.”

  “You know something, you’re full of surprises. I just talked to you earlier and now here you are, standing in front of me. What should I expect from you next? I thought you had a basketball game to cover in Phoenix?”

  “I do, but that’s not until tomorrow bebe, but we will have some fun tonight,” she whispered in his ear, while caressing his face. Q pulled her into his chest and put his arms around her waist.

  “Well, are you going to kiss me since you came this far to see me or what?”

  Then she put her hand on her hips and turned around so he could get a full view of the jeans clinging to her hips and ass.

  “Take it easy, now Tiger. We’ll have plenty of time for all that. I just walked in the door remember? For now let’s just enjoy the party. Don’t you know by now I can be anywhere I want when it comes to you or my cuz? I thought that’s what you liked, my ability to be spontaneous.”

  T-Bird rushed off the stage and over to Desiree. “What in the world are you doing here, girl? You never cease to amaze me, just showing up out of nowhere.” she said while giving her a hug.

  “Girl I came up here to have some fun with yawl, so let’s keep the party going. And is somebody going to give me a drink? I could have sworn I saw some glasses in yawl’s hands,” she said, smiling seductively.

  “I guess that’s a job for your new boo.” T-Bird responded before returning to the stage. She noticed Maurice, Andre and the entire band all gazing over her cousin, clearing her throat.

  “Excuse me guys, but can we get back to work now? She’s not going anywhere. You’ll have plenty of time to look a little later and believe me I’ll be sure to introduce any of you who’d like to meet her.”

  All the guys in the band tried to laugh off T-Bird’s comment and focus on the rehearsal. Everyone else mingled and got comfortable as the band began to perform.

  “Oh yeah... Put it down baby,” Andre said while holding his glass of champagne in his hand and attempting to keep up with the music. He then looked at Q.

  “Man this girl is hot! There’s no doubt in my mind she’s going to kill it when we hit the road! What do you think?”

  “I believe she’s ready and we’ll be there every step of the way with her. Look at her on that stage. She makes you just want to jump up there and pull her off and love her to death!”

  It was almost 2 o’clock in the morning before T-Bird finished and everyone was preparing to leave, but not before JJ could invite them to the club for breakfast.

  As everyone left, Carlotta walked over to her friends, “I’m not going into work, so I’ll just have Trey drop you off,” Carlotta said. Trey then interrupted.

  “Wait a minute.. maybe they want to come along. “We’ve got enough room on the bus if they want to consider going..."

  Amelia and Jessica looked at each other not willing to resist ending the morning with everyone going to the club. Q called his office and had a driver bring the latest addition to the company’s fleet. It was a new bus that could accommodate everyone since there were over thirty people going to the club for breakfast.

  Meanwhile, JJ called the club and spoke to one of the chefs and told him he was bringing everyone back to the club so prepare a large spread. Andre had never been to The Tea Pot before and couldn’t wait to see it after hearing so much about it. After arriving he looked around.

  “Man I can’t believe this place JJ. You’ve got everything imaginable. This is off the chain.You’ve got a sports bar, restaurant, game rooms, live entertainment, social lounges and three floors of music too? What don’t you have? They need a club like this in London my brother.”

  “You think so?” JJ asked.

  “Oh yes, I know so,” Andre replied.

  “You know it’s amazing, because I thought of everything I wanted in a club and here it is. I still can’t believe it.”

  “So it was that easy huh?”

  “No actually, but I had the money and a little help from a
few returned favors owed to me from city hall.”

  “You’ve been around for a while, so it’s good to have some resources here in the city.” Andre continued. JJ put his hand on Andre’s shoulder.

  “I’d like to think of it as being just fortunate, that’s all. When it was my turn to play ball, I ran with it. I had to work hard through a lot of politics, though, to be here and right in the middle of downtown. But thanks to T-Bird, she knew the right people for me to talk to and I was able to work things out.”

  “Man, JJ, I have to say T-Bird is good people,” Andre responded. “You know I never would have imagined that we’d all be here right now, doing what we love and getting paid big time for it! There’s nothing like waking up to your own alarm clock. I know one thing, I need to start hanging around a little more with you guys. With motivation like this, how can you lose?”

  Andre's mind was buzzing...

  “And I’d like to share some of my business ideas with you, about my new group because they’re going places and I need someone like you. I need you to handle my legal affairs. How about it?”

  “We’ll see. I’ll tell you what. When you’re ready, let me know since you’re down with helping T-Bird, I’ll do whatever I can to help you. Okay? I believe one favor deserves another.”

  “Cool! That’s just what I needed to hear. I also have some mega connections in the U.K. for Q and as soon as I can sit down and talk with him, they’re all his. I’ve got client connections that can definitely benefit him that would add some international trips to his books.”

  As soon as JJ and Andre walked back toward the restaurant, they noticed someone standing outside the glass doors. Everyone who was attending the breakfast was already inside; he wasn’t expecting anyone else, and the club wasn’t open. He opened the door and to his surprise the person standing at the door was Shaun. There was no way he was going to leave him standing out there. Shaun was his boy.

  “What’s up man? How did you know we were here?” JJ asked.

  “I just called the studio and they told me that everyone was on their way to your place so I decided to come down.”


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