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I Gave It ALL ~The Sequel~

Page 6

by Will Brown


  Two pm in the afternoon and Andre was finishing up a glass of cranberry juice while listening to T-Bird's tracks again as he yelled out.

  “Yeah babe! It’s about to go down for sure. I’m going to make it happen being her manager.”

  Still overwhelmed with excitement he called T-bird only to get her voice mail.

  “T-bird, it’s me Andre. I hope you’re resting babe. Hey listen...I just wanted to call and find out what time you would like me to pick you up. Give me a call back! I’ll be here at home waiting on your call. Later.”

  As T-Bird stirred for the second time, she turned the ringer back on, retrieving Andre’s message. After two days of rain, it didn’t matter as she continued to lay in bed with pillows covering her while taking advantage of every minute to rest. Eventually she knew she'd return Andre’s call, telling him she would be ready by 7pm. More importantly, there couldn’t be another night like the night before. It would just be too much staying up for another 24 hours.

  Meanwhile, Carlotta got her wish. She fell asleep in Trey’s arms, smelling the cologne still lingering in the pores of his skin, as she passionately touched his body, watching him as he laid sleeping. He had already put in some long hours to make his company a success. What an accomplishment finalizing a major deal with a Japanese firm that wanted him to use their software. Their strategy was to market and advertise the software to other corporations through Vision Mobile Net Inc. In return, Trey would benefit by receiving a percentage from each purchase made by other companies. Being in the studio all night and going to club that morning didn’t make things any easier on his tired body. Wherever T-bird, Q and JJ were, so was he. It didn’t matter how tired he was. Their relationship seemed to be without limits. He was planning on taking a few days off to be with Carlotta, the woman doing a fine job of keeping him away from Octavia, the lecherous gold digger.

  Still watching his body laying exhausted next to her, she took the time to make a list of everyone that would be attending the dinner party along with her mother and before T-Bird’s tour. Suddenly the phone rang. To her surprise it was her mother.

  “Hello mother. How are you?”

  “Hello Carlotta! I’m fine. I just wanted to take a moment to call you about the dinner engagement.”

  “Yes, I was just thinking about that too. Is Friday okay? Maybe by then all of this rain will have stopped and the sun will shine again..."

  I think Friday will be's Trey? I’m glad we met. He is a handsome man. He’s a keeper honey and he’s got money.”

  Immediately, Carlotta got up to walk into the bathroom, not wanting to disturb Trey while he was still sleeping.

  “Oh, mother stop it. It’s not about that. I’m not with him because of his money. I want to be with him because of the person he is. If I wanted him for his money, I wouldn’t be any different than the rest of these materialistic women out here looking for men to use. I’ve got my own money and I’m doing well on my own remember? That is what you wanted for me right?”

  Her mother became silent for a minute before responding.

  “Carlotta, why aren’t you at work..Are you with him now?”

  “Yes. As a matter of fact I am. We were actually out very late last night”

  Her mother sighed.

  “Okay I’m not going to get into your business. You know what you’re doing. I only want the best for you. Just call me when you can about the details for the dinner party.”

  “Thank you mother. I will. I love you”

  “Love you too honey. And Carlotta. I spoke to your father last night he would like to come and see you. I’ve already told him about Trey, so get ready for him to not to except what’s going on between you two.”

  Her mother's words ignited a sparked of anger and resent me deep inside Carlotta.

  “Why did you do that? You should have let me tell him. I’m not going to let him control my life over his prejudice issues. Now, if he wants to come see me because he misses me, then I’m fine with that. However, if that isn’t the case, then he’s going to be very disappointed. Nothing is going to stop me from being with Trey.”

  “Look Carlotta, you know I understand and I don’t blame you one bit. You do what you believe is right in your heart for you. I just wanted to let you know so there won’t be any surprises. I'll talk to you later.”

  When Carlotta hung up the phone, she was upset about her father’s plans to come visit her. Realizing that, she was willing to face him to set things straight regarding her personal life. She knew it didn’t matter how successful or financially secure Trey had become; the real issue was he's a black man, which he disapproved of her being with. Just think, she was the product of a biracial marriage and her father was against her dating a black man...go figure!

  The only thing she wanted to do was go back to lying next to him and forget everything she'd just discussed with her mother. By the time she relaxed and became comfortable again, Trey was awakening.

  He rolled over to glance at her.

  “Good morning baby, you are awake already I see.” She attempted to sink into the pillow before answering.

  “I am but barely,” she replied, while clinging to him. “I’ve been watching you snore for the past hour now,” she smiled at him. “You must have really been tired. Do you know how many times I’ve laughed at you, while listening to you?”

  He removed the sheet from around their legs and turned over on his side. “Come over here and let me feel you lying on top of me.” He said this while wrapping his arms around her body. Carlotta’s body was as soft as cotton balls. She was his southern bell and not having a care in the world, passed the rest of the day in united bliss.


  Three p.m. and Desiree and Q were still lying next to each other.

  “Did you make a decision about coming out to Phoenix to join me while I cover the championship games? I’m sure there’s going to be parties all over town.”

  “I don’t know yet” Q answered. “I have to make sure my business is being taken care of first.”

  Even though Q was thinking about his business, he knew he was going to fly out to see her but wasn’t willing to give her a straight answer at that moment. However, Desiree positioned herself between his legs and began to massage his dick again.

  “Are you sure you don’t know?” she asked while holding it firmly in her hand before putting it in her mouth.

  The sensation of her lips against his dick forced his head to fall back against the headboard as he tried to resist.

  “You’re really making this more difficult than it already is,” he said while putting his hands on her face, directing her head even closer to him. Minutes later he began to cum inside her mouth, as he screamed out.

  She looked at him and asked a second time..

  “So are you sure you don’t know if you’re coming to see me?”

  While attempting to catch his breath, he was left with no choice but to tell her yes after just experiencing that little feat. Still, in the back of his mind, he knew he had to pull it together or Desiree would peel him like an orange. Worse than that, he would be in the same predicament as Trey staying away from Octavia.

  After coming to that conclusion, he knew his manhood would not let that happen. It was his world and he was the man, the ultimate bachelor and ladies’ man. On the other hand, Desiree was any man’s dream and had Q just where she wanted him. It was amazing to see two people who were so perfectly matched with the same overpowering characteristics. If you had to place the odds, it could potentially be too good to be true or devastatingly heartbreaking.

  Still lying between his legs, she laid her head on his chest as he attempted to regain his composure.

  “Bae, when are you going to see T-bird? Q asked. “I’m sure she’s going to be waiting on you to call her..."

  “I know..” Desiree answered. "..but I can only do one thing at a time and right now, I’m with you. Besides,
I manipulated my entire schedule to be with you. I should already be in Phoenix. Don’t worry, cuz will understand and as much as we talk; there’s not going to be any love lost between us. Trust me, she’ll be fine”

  Q folded his arms around the back of his head while still lying next to her.

  “I guess you know better than I do. Like you said, that’s your cuz. But the T-Bird I know would have fire coming from her eyes.”

  Once again, in an act of sheer cunning seduction, Desiree put his hand between her legs to allow him to feel her getting wet again

  “So how would you like to spend the rest of the evening, since I can only do one thing at a time? My flight will be leaving tonight at 8.."

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to read between the lines to figure out what she wanted for a third time. He immediately began to kiss her lips and down her neck.

  Without a second thought, he climbed between her legs while holding her ankles. Seeking revenge for her previous foreplay, he allowed only the head to go inside her. Slowly he began to put it in and take it out, finding her sweet spot. Realizing the affect it was having, he teased her even more, making her begged for him to come fully inside her. Desiree must have experienced nine orgasms before he finished making love to her.


  Everyone was anxious to meet back at the studio for that night's rehearsal; this time Q and Desiree wouldn't be present.

  Trey and Carlotta were on their way over to JJ’s. When they arrived, JJ stood in the doorway.

  “You know something? When I look at you two, I think about the first time I saw Vivian. I’ve never seen you this happy Trey.” He said while wearing a smile. “Tell me, has anyone talked to Q or Desiree, since last night?” He asked? “I haven’t heard from either one of them.”

  “And you probably won’t either” Trey answered. “Desiree was determined to get Q back to her hotel from what I noticed. Did they leave before or after you and Vivan?” JJ just stood there with a dumb look on his face.

  “Well I guess you’re right. I’m still trying to get over this. I can’t believe Desiree is really serious about getting with Q. I knew she didn’t just come all the way up here just for T-Bird’s rehearsal,” JJ continued. “You know what, let me call her right now and get the truth.”

  After a few rings T-Bird answered the phone.


  “Hey T, it's JJ. Are you able to talk? I’m here with Trey. I just need to know the truth... Is Desiree trying to get her heart broken by being with Q?”

  “Well now, you’re not trying to be a player hater are you?” she asked.

  "Of course not. You know me better than that..I'm just trying to wrap my head around all this.” He replied.

  T-Bird couldn't help but laugh...

  “Bebe, let me get off this phone talking about my crazy cousin. We all had a long night and I’m getting ready for Andre to pick me up for tonight’s rehearsal. I’ll meet you guys back there. We’ll have plenty of time to talk later.”

  With that being said, JJ was even more anxious to meet with her and finish their discussion. He couldn't help but think T-Bird had just thrown mud in his face and got him right off the phone to continue talking about her cousin.

  By the time they arrived at the studio, the band was already in the pocket and playing their hearts out. All Andre could do was stand there bouncing his head to the music. When he turned around everyone was right behind him enjoying the sound as the band continued to play. To see JJ alone was enough to make him excited. Especially to talk about them traveling to London to open a second Club Tea Pot. JJ was all smiles. However, he was still willing to stick to the plan of making Andre wait a while before making any commitments. T-Bird stopped the music to walk down and greet them.

  “Guys I’m so excited to see everyone! I just received confirmation that the first city to start the tour will be Chicago.You see this is why Q and Desiree should have been here. I have to talk to him anyway to get the contacts for the bus transportation. But for now, I think I’ll let you handle that for me, okay Andre?”

  “Sure baby, you know I got your back. Consider it done.”

  She then turned to Trey.

  “Well since we’re all together, I’ve got more good news to share with you.”

  She then went over to the table and grabbed her brief case, pulling out an envelope. Inside was a check from a Saudi Prince from California, who wanted to donate to the foundation after hearing about the impact they were making on their community. The check was in the amount $400,000.00. Looking at the amount, everyone couldn’t believe it. Immediately, T-bird walked over to Vivian and grabbed her by the hand.

  “Viv, I would like to give you this check to deposit into the foundations checking account for us. There is nothing more in the world I’d like to see right now than you still overseeing the account for us. I was the one that started the foundation and I would like to be the one to reestablish our trust with you. Will you do it?”

  Vivian covered her face to hide the tears threatening to fall. She didn’t yet have the confidence to accept the offer, but T-Bird didn’t budge, just stood there looking at her.

  “Come on girl and take this check! Nobody is going to beat you over the head for the rest of your life about what happened. That’s between God, you and your brother. It’s done and over with and its time we move on. You know you’re like a sister to me and I insist.”

  JJ couldn’t believe what he was hearing as he watched T-bird go beyond everyone’s expectations.Yet what she was demonstrated was something he needed to witness. He too needed to humble himself in an effort to encourage and trust her again. T-Bird was an angel in disguise and even provoked Trey’s support.

  “Look, we need your help managing the foundations account. We’ve all made our mistakes. No one of us is perfect and I have to admit, T-Bird is right. It’s time to move on. I’m sure not bitter about it and I’m sure we all can put our pride aside...” he was referring to JJ.

  "...After all, we have too much to be happy for. Do you realize that we have over $3.5 million in the trust account?” Trey continued. “That is incredible and let me tell you, we need to keep our heads on straight. Everyone is watching to see exactly what we are doing. We need to continue setting examples for others to follow...”

  Everyone shook their heads in acknowledgment and agreement with what Trey was saying. Vivian turned to T-Bird and put her arms around her.

  “I love you so much. I would do anything to show you guys that I would never do anything like that again. I thought I was doing the right thing at the time, but I should have come and talked to JJ first and asked to borrow the money.”

  The conversation changed the atmosphere and created a new bond which showed their level of commitment and loyalty to one another. Carlotta reach over for a bottle of water.

  “Excuse me guys... I guess this is the perfect time to tell you I'm planning a dinner party for my mother and have invited all of you..."

  Andre looked at Carlotta and said, “Did you say dinner? Oh, don’t worry, I’ll be there...".

  “I know I'll be there too and what about those two lady friends of yours, that were here last night. Will they be coming as well?" Melvin asked smiling.

  “Oh, you mean Amelia and Jessica?” Carlotta answered.

  “Yeah” Melvin responded.

  All Carlotta could do was smile again not realizing Melvin was paying that much attention to her friends.

  “Sure I can arrange that and shall I say they’re presence was requested?” She said while looking at Trey.

  “Of course... that’s fine with me. They were fouine like that. I hope I’m not going too far expressing what’s really up.” He continued.

  “Um…Okay, I’ll make sure to tell them” as she tapped Trey on the forearm, to get his response, regarding Melvin’s interest in her friends. Trey gave her a quick wink and smiled back as they all continued to talk. He then put his arm around T-Bird’s shoulder
as she walked back towards the stage.

  “Listen T-Bird. Carlotta and I are taking JJ and Vivian out for a bite to eat. You know… making it a couple’s thing and a little bit of bonding if you know what I mean..." Another wink and he just kept talking,“ our evening with you is going to be short.”

  “Go ahead bebies and have some fun. I’m so happy you guys came to spend time with me over the past few days. Call me later when you get a chance. And Carlotta, I’m excited about the dinner party. I really appreciate you thinking of me.”

  Before leaving Trey turned around. “Don’t worry, I’ll call you tomorrow.”


  That evening the rain was just beginning to stop, cooling down the heat index from the summer wrath as the sun attempted to break through the clouds again. Q and Desiree were still laid up in bed together. DJ Lock Down was once again rocking the radio waves, ending two days of wet weather.

  Desiree was not prepared to leave Q, judging from the look on her face as their bodies remained entwined.

  “What are you thinking woman?” He asked. “Do we need to talk about anything? Your mind seems to really be preoccupied right now.”

  She laid there silent for a second.

  “I’m okay. I’m just not ready to leave you that’s all. I know I have to go to Phoenix, but I sure wish I could push back the time for just one more night..."

  Lord…why did I do this to myself and this man being so good?


  The Heat

  Q just laid there listening to her vent her frustrations. Afterwards, she was able to calm down, still clinging on to him. He looked at her.

  “Come on baby... go to Phoenix and cover the game. I’ll get there.As a matter of fact, by the time you arrive I’ll be right behind you.” Immediately she attempted a smile.

  “Well I really don’t have a choice, do I? I never thought I’d trip over any man and here I am letting everything go with you. You’re just incredible, Mr. Quincy Anderson. I realize I’m being selfish. I guess this is the one time I’ll have to give up n getting my way.”


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