I Gave It ALL ~The Sequel~

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I Gave It ALL ~The Sequel~ Page 7

by Will Brown

  Q quickly answered; “Stop worrying, it’s cool. You’ll be just fine.Come on let’s take a shower if you want to make your flight.”

  By the time they were dressed and arrived at the airport, they could barely find a parking space because of the busy traffic.

  “My goodness Q, its 7 and it’s a nightmare out here. What in the world is going on?”

  “There’s a convention in town and I’ve already secured contracts because of it.” Q replied. “This airport has outgrown itself and has to expand. I sit on the city board and already know the plans for expansion. As for me, that’s going to be a good thing; there’s a lot of money coming into this city and business elites will be looking for personalized services. More importantly, the word is out on my business and what I have to offer.”

  “That’s great bebe; you really seem to have a plan that’s working for you. However, that’s not helping me right now, so can we please find a parking space?” she asked. “It’s getting close to my departure time and what gate am I going to again?”

  “Gate 120” Q answered.

  “Oh good, look, it’s over here in this terminal.”

  As she pointed,. Q pulled over and gave her a kiss allowing her to rush inside to proceed to the gate. She turned to blow him a kiss before rushing inside. After taking her seat on the plane, she took a deep breath to relax during the last 10 minutes of the boarding time.

  As Q prepared to go back to his office, his cell phone began to buzz with calls. No one had seen or heard from him after he and Desiree left the club and there were going to be questions that needed to be answered.

  In the interim, Desiree’s boss was also attempting to contact her before takeoff. He was anxious to find out if she had already arrived in Phoenix, where the biggest parties of the year were being held because of the championship games. He really wanted her to return with a great photo spread and the biggest stories to be place in the next month’s article of the magazine.

  After confirming she was on the flight, the next thing she wanted to do was contact Darnell, to see how he was doing with his interview in Miami with DDG. However, he was more concerned about making an impression on her. He knew her voice was law at the firm. Everyone knew Desiree in the industry. Her name was solid, well respected and had the stamp of approval among all the other competitor magazine companies. She had the power to make you or break you.

  When she arrived, a limousine driver was waiting, holding her name on a card as she walked over to meet him.

  “Excuse me, I’m Desiree Robinson...are you waiting for me?”

  Admiring her, the driver immediately smiled. “Yes I am. Right this way. Do you have any bags? He asked.

  “Yes I do, let’s walk over to the carousel and pick them up.” She replied.

  Before they could get to the door to exit and enter the limo, personnel from the local T.V. and radio stations were already on location to identify anyone who was on the A list arriving for the festivities.

  With a promo packet in hand, she took a moment to exhale during her ride before reviewing it. It was time for her personality to shine as she chewed a piece of gum, showing off her dimples, wearing her sunglasses, a sweat suit and matching sneakers.

  After arriving, it was easy to fit in, mistaking her for any one of the many celebrities attending the games. Being a journalist with a high profile status definitely had its perks and gave Desiree access to almost anything she wanted. Just like her cousin T-Bird, athletes and entertainers couldn’t wait to be in her presence. After all she was eye candy, had finesse and charisma.

  Although she loved the attention, there was only thing on her mind and that was getting her work done so she could get back to her personal life with Q. In the sports industry, women were limited to certain social circles and getting the big interviews without sleeping their way into deals was the exception and not the rule. Desiree was the first woman to beat the game, refusing to be a part of anyone’s table conversation, unlike her counterparts.

  Once she arrived at the hotel, there were already five messages waiting for her at the front desk. The first was from her boss who wanted to make sure she'd received her packet that included all of her access passes. The others were from Darnell attempting to give her updates on what was going on in Miami. When she received the keys to her room, she also received an additional packet with instructions to immediately head to the stadium to meet the coaches and find out who would be performing during half time events.

  I’ve just flown four hours and haven’t even unpacked my bags and I’m out the door already? I’m completely wiped out, not to mention being with Q for a day and a half she thought to herself. All Desiree wanted was to rest her tired body, but she knew that would not be possible.

  By the time she"d freshened up, retouched her makeup and checked her hair, there was no time to waste; the brunch had already begun and the coaches were waiting on her arrival. When she stepped into the room, the atmosphere immediately changed. Just like her cousin, all the attention focused on her before she could even sit down.

  “Now, now gentlemen, there is a lady in the room so please, can we calm down and get down to some real business?” she asked. “After all, haven’t you boys seen a grown ass woman before?” As she stood in front of them all for one final look.

  After everyone was satisfied with the opportunity to see her perfect physique, caramel skin and scathing humor, they appeared to be tamed like little puppies being put back in their cages; the meeting proceeded. Desiree paid special attention while taking notes. She was getting the current stats and team star players. More importantly, the coaches were giving her their strategy on how they were going to win the final games to add to the next month's column.

  Following the brunch/meeting, she had more than three hours of down time to catch up on all her calls. Needless to say, she couldn't rest without calling to hear Q’s voice to let him know she'd arrived safely and find out when he would be able to fly out to be with her. However, being so tired, she fell asleep.

  Meanwhile, Q had finally made his way back to his office to check on his operation. Trey and JJ were already there waiting for him.

  “Trey, JJ, what’s going on? I was just about to call you, but I wanted to clear some calls first in order to get some of the business out of the way. Well, guess that’s gonna have to wait now cause you’re here..”

  “Oh yeah... we’re here. Well go ahead and make your calls” Trey said. “We’ll just relax until you’re done. And if you’re too long, I’ll just have JJ show me that new plane of yours, since I haven’t seen it yet.”

  Trey continued while giving him a sarcastic look that only they shared as friends. Judging by their actions, Q knew they would not be satisfied until they knew why he didn’t show up at the studio and also how far he was willing to take things with Desiree.

  “Okay. Well, I’ll be just a few minutes. Man, do we have some things to talk about” he said. Trey and JJ look at him shaking their heads while smiling.

  “Oh yes, we do, don’t we?” They both stated, as they walked towards the dispatcher’s office to get to the lounge. After waiting a few minutes, JJ escorted Trey to the hanger where Q kept his new toy. He opened the door allowing them to go inside. JJ seemed familiar, as he navigated through the aisle to sit in one of the seats. He had ridden in the plane when Q flew him and Vivian to Austin TX, when all the chaos began between her brother and the embezzling money issue from the foundation’s account. Trey was very impressed with the details Q had added as he continued to look around. It was obvious he had spent more money compared to the previous plane he and Carlotta flew in going up to Martha’s Vineyard.

  Realizing his best friends were waiting on him, he made every effort to finalize one last business call. A deal he was putting together with a new client he was introduced to while attending a black tie affair, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. The last task was to call Desiree back to let her know he would be with her sooner than she’d expected a
fter meeting with Trey and JJ.

  Anxiously, he sat down with them to share what happened between him and Desiree at the hotel.

  “Okay let me take a seat in this chair,” he said while allowing his arms to be supported on his knees

  “Well, I know you want to hear all the dirty-dirty so here it is. I don’t even know where to begin. However all I can say is that woman is an animal! I couldn’t keep her off me for one minute and what' more, she didn’t even want to leave. I never imagined everything ending up like this. I’ve never had a woman to talk to me and fuck the hell out of me the way she does. I’m falling for her. I mean can I get some help here?!”

  “So what are you saying playboy” JJ asked, while holding his hands up in the air.

  “Wait a minute man. Don’t tell me Desiree has got you pussy whupped and now your nose is wide open. T-Bird is not gonna be feeling you when she finds out about this.” He just shook his head.

  “She already knows and she’s okay with it.”Q continued. “Look this woman has been after me from the moment I helped her. I guess we both got what we were looking for and more. This was supposed to be a favor, going out with her because of T-Bird, since she wanted to break a brother off a little something, something.”

  “What?” JJ asked. “Are you serious, or are you crazy?”

  “Man, I don’t know what else to say” Q responded

  “You guys are just getting to know each other,” JJ said. "And, I hear she’s a player too. Come on Q, what’s going on with you? JJ asked.

  “That’s the irony of it all. It seems as if we have so much in common that we’re actually made for each other. Do you know what I mean?”

  “I do. I can relate to that” Trey interrupted. “Man, I remember the first time I saw Carlotta. It seem as if time stopped. The chemistry was so right, so strong, between us and you guys couldn’t believe it was true the way I felt about her either. Look at us now. However, my situation is…um...a little different from what’s going on with you and Desiree bruh.”

  “And how is that” Q asked?

  “Well, there weren’t as many distractions when I met Carlotta other than Octavia. Thanks to you, I had to get over that real quick. But now you’re fucking T-Bird’s cousin...” Trey continue.

  “..And you’ve got a whole lot of distractions. As for me, it was just mere coincidence. Even if you were going to hit it, you were supposed to keep it on the low- low and keep it Pimping Playa. Wow man! I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes right now for anything in the world..." They could see the shock on Q's face...this was exactly what he had been expecting.

  "Now Q, you’re a man just like me..I’m just keeping it real. I will say this, if you really care about her, go ahead and follow your heart man for the first time in your life. But you’re going to have to really do some soul searching. I mean, hell, how in the world are you going to care about someone other than yourself, or us? The most important question I have for you is this: What are you going to tell all those pretty ass women of yours you have in your stable? Are you sure you’re willing to let all that go?” Trey asked.

  “Just remember, it was you that said you would never, ever be committed or involved in a monogamous relationship, because of all the drama you’ve witnessed in our lives” JJ said. “Have you really changed your mind?”

  Q just sat there listening before answering.

  “Look guys, right now I know you must feel like I’m crazy to know all that I have going for me. Not to mention, to be possibly willing to give up my bachelorhood for one woman? I mean I agree. I thought it would just be a one night affair and we just rip it up a little. To be honest we both thought that’s all it was going to be.”

  “You know, this is amazing” JJ said! “T-Bird is going to freak out when she hears you two are really serious about this relationship thing.”

  “No she isn’t” Trey answered. “Didn’t you hear him say she already knows? Think about it. They are cousins and talk all the time. I’ll bet you any amount of money as long as T-Bird knows that Q is going to treat Desiree right she won’t have a problem with them being together. I can guarantee you she knew everything before we did. She even mentioned it while harassing Q when we were all together at her house while she went over the tour plans with us. Do you remember and we were having drinks at her dining room table?” Trey asked.

  “We were all in each other’s business. I can’t believe you let that go over your head. Furthermore, didn’t you hear her tell you yesterday to stop being a hater when you bought up their names?”

  JJ began to laugh. “Okay, okay now that you’ve mentioned it, I remember that very well. She called him out on being a player and was willing to bust his bubble when it came to talking about Desiree. We were truly bugging while voicing our opinions that night. Well Q, I don’t know what else to say. I guess it’s all up to you.”

  “Either way, you know you have our support, so do what makes you happy” Trey said.

  “Yeah, she’ll probably make a great business partner” JJ continued.

  “It’s funny that you would mention that,” Q said. “I thought about that myself. After all she is at the top of her game, so I’m sure that opportunity will present itself. Well guys, that’s the moral to this story. It seems as though everything is under control here at the office and I promised Desiree that I would call her. I better do that before she gets too preoccupied with all the hoop la going on with the networks and interviews, then I won’t be able to contact her. If I allow that to happen, she’s going to feel like I was looking for any excuse possible not to come out to Phoenix and that won’t be true.”

  “Okay cool.” Trey said. “But you need to give T-Bird a call. She needs the information from you regarding the contacts for the transportation you have arranged in Chicago. It’s the first city to beginning the tour.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yeah, you missed all that not being at the studio last night, when she told everyone.”

  “Okay, I’ll contact her as soon as I’m done talking to Desiree.”

  “Oh, one more thing. She also received another check for the foundation and it was a nice one.” Trey said with an exaggerated whistle

  “How much?” Q asked.

  “$400,000.00.” Trey answered.

  “What?!” Q then replied.

  “Yes, also listen to this. T-Bird gave the check to Vivian and asked her to deposit it and resume overseeing the foundations trust account again.” JJ just displayed a proud smile as Q looked at him.

  “Wow! That is amazing. I’m happy to hear that.” Q continued. “Also Carlotta has invited us all for dinner on Friday night and if you’re not there, she’s going to be awfully upset with you.” Trey interrupted.

  Oh shit, that’s right! Oh …I’ve got to figure out something and quick. I know she’s been trying to plan this for a while now.” Q replied.

  “Yes, well no worries. I guess with T-Bird leaving on Monday it seems like the perfect opportunity for us to all to be together one last time.” Trey said.

  “To tell the truth, I’m more concerned with how T-Bird is going to react to know Desiree left without seeing her. She’s going to have a serious attitude.” Q responded.

  Trey just grabbed him by the shoulder. “You’re telling us no worries. In that case you better not either.”

  “Well, I think I better pick up the phone and give her a call. You guys don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine and by the way, who’s going to be at the club tonight JJ?” he asked.

  “I’ve got a local band. I’ve heard them play a few times down in Atlantic City and they’re really good. They call themselves 'Anatomy'. Tonight is also salsa night. So you know it’s going to be off the chain. You know whenever it’s Latin night, those Spanish honeys really know how to come out in groves and will shake what they’re mama gave em. Man, the bodies on those chicks will make you want to scream. If I wasn’t married….Oh well, so much for that thought. I guess we’ll head back over to th
e club. You can contact us there,” JJ said.

  As Trey and JJ got into the car, they continued the conversation they were having about Latin women and women of other ethnic groups.

  “Man, what’s wrong with our black women? If they aren’t careful, there are some beauty queens out here from other ethnic groups that are going to sweep all the brothers up right before their eyes. I can see them now, complaining and looking for excuses to blame someone else for the unavailability of our men and calling them out.”

  “Nevertheless, it’s really sad that they don’t know how to treat him right. You know what I mean?” Trey said. “They would rather let society dictate to them a man’s value through their self-worth by getting a better job and salary that a man should have. Do you know what happens next? There goes the egos to feel superior over him and insult his manhood and character, instead of working together and letting the man be a man. But no, they rather make issues over what she won’t put up with and playing mind games over money, which shows they’re lack of respect and maturity. And do you know what the end result is” Trey asked?

  “I sure do” JJ answered. “Being overbearing and alone because of their ignorance. That’s why I’m glad my pockets are fat and I don’t have to deal with that bullshit.”

  They both began to laugh. “I might have other issues to worry about but at least money ain’t one of them.”

  “Well you know how I feel. After all the hell I went through with Octavia, I do not want to deal with another black women if things don’t even work out with Carlotta and I. To be honest, I’ve had it. Thinking about Octavia, I have to give her credit, she used what she had to get what she wanted. I’m trippin over that piece of ass.”

  JJ just laughed out loud. “Oh well. We don’t even want to talk about Octavia, do we? Just be honest.You knew what you were getting. She was just a hustler. Or should I just say she a whoa. Money can’t buy you love and furthermore she wasn’t looking for it. All she wanted to do was be a freak and drain you dry. And that’s the bottom line” JJ continued.


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