I Gave It ALL ~The Sequel~

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I Gave It ALL ~The Sequel~ Page 8

by Will Brown

  “Well I’m sure glad I’m dating Carlotta right now and that’s my opinion until the rest of our sisters get their shit together,” Trey said.

  Nodding his head to respond, JJ interrupted. “Well I think I’ll be a little bit more flexible with my thinking than that. Now I’m not going to discount your feelings, but all black women aren’t the same. And to be honest, most of the time they really get a raw deal because of a few bad apples. I mean our race is really been through a lot of dysfunction you know? As a people, we really haven’t had the opportunity to understand what it means to love or be loved...”

  “Do you know why? Because we’ve been subjected to generations of slavery that taught us low self-esteem and so much hatred. So we haven’t learned to love ourselves not to mention each other. We should be cherishing what God has given us all and that is His love. Until that happens, trying to be committed in a relationship with our people will continue to be challenging. Especially if you’re overwhelmed with jealousy, control and possessions and if that’s the case, I’ll be the first one to say get out! It's not worth all the humiliation. Isn’t it funny how so many times the characteristics and attributes that attract two people and bring them together are later tossed to the side after getting, or not getting what they wanted, what attracted them in the first place? And the funny thing is because individuals decide to let the relationship die due to lack of nurturing, they instead blame one another. I just don’t understand that. It seems really selfishness to me that people think they can walk into your life, with their own motives and turn you upside down and walk away.”

  “I know.” Trey said.

  JJ looked at him and shook his head again.

  “Man ain’t nothing out here but game and fools bro. Thanks to the advice of you guys and Vivian’s parents, I’ve learned so much about my own marriage. Even when I didn’t want to listen, I still didn’t close my ears to paying attention. Man I’ve got to tell you, marriage can be pretty hard. Nevertheless I’m thankful for having Vivian..."

  "..My black woman, she’s been able to learn me and still put up with all my mess.” JJ continued.

  “Well so far so good with Carlotta” Trey continued. “I guess I’m patting myself on the back in advance. I can tell she’s a good woman. I just hope I’m not in for any surprises. I think I found out everything I needed the first night we talked for hours and one thing I know for sure, money won’t be one of our problems.”

  “I have to admit something to you Trey, Carlotta is super-gorgeous and has a great personality. I’m still giving you your props on this one. I couldn’t have imagined everything you told me about her until seeing her with my own eyes. Man, if Octavia ever sees the two of you together, it’s going to be hell, fire and brimstone. And, what are you going to do about this bullshit her telling you she’s pregnant? The word on the street is not good about her. I guess a few brothers caught on real quick and refused to tolerate her ass being Miss Society high-class ghetto queen.” They began to laugh out of control.

  “Yeah! I heard some brother even put her out of his car on the highway. I guess he’s the baby daddy too. Now that’s some cold shit!” They were laughing again.

  “Oh well as they say, karma is a bitch” JJ said, as they pulled up in front of the club.

  “I know one thing, before I let her claim this baby is mine, we will be taking a DNA test...”


  Meanwhile back at the office, Q was attempting to call Desiree to let her know his plans.

  “Hey baby, it’s me Q?”

  “Hey my sugar plum. And how are you? ” Desiree answered.

  “I’m just trying to tie up some loose ends here that’s all. I’m glad I was able to catch you before you got too busy.”

  “Well thanks for calling. I was resting pretty good. I only have a three-hour break. What time is it?” she asked.

  “It’s only 7pm. So how was your flight?”

  “It was okay. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I arrived. Before I could even finish unpacking, I was being rushed into the first meeting to cover the final details before the games begin.”

  “Well.. I’ve had my hands full today myself and able to close that deal running the charter service to Mexico. Remember when I told you about it on the way to the airport?”

  “Yes I do, babe. Well, enough talk about business. I’m just glad to hear your voice.” Desiree said.

  “Okay cool. I’ll be coming to see you tomorrow. But I would like to talk with you when I arrive. Okay? It’s really important.”

  “Sure babe what is it?”

  “Well Carlotta is giving that dinner party for her mother, you remember we talked about it? And since T-Bird is leaving for Chicago on Monday to start her tour, this will be the last opportunity for us all to be together.”

  “Awe…. Listen babe. Those are your friends and I wouldn’t do anything to keep you from being with them. That’s not to say I’m not gonna miss not being there. I’m still feeling guilty about not seeing my cuz. But when she gets to Atlanta, she will be getting the keys to the city and I’ve already arranged for all of that to happen. Can you just give her a kiss for me? I’ll call her tomorrow just let her know I’ll make this all up to her when we see each other.”

  “Sure I can do that.” Q replied.

  Desiree laid across the bed still relaxed.

  “Now if it were any other reason, then we would have a problem. I’m not going to deny I’m the kind of girl that needs a lot of attention.”

  Q just laughed out loud. “You are too funny. I said it before and I’ll say it again. I still pity the man that would even think of trying to run over you. He would do better throwing himself under a bus first.”

  “He sure would, because I get what I want even when it hurts sometimes.”

  “Is that right?” Q asked.

  “Yeah that’s right. But I’d rather it hurt so good, if you know what I mean.”

  They both laughed. Desiree knew she was holding the ace card in the deck and didn't need to worry too much about anything happening between her and Q because he didn't want to catch any hell from T-Bird.

  After looking at the clock and noticing the time, she interrupted.

  “Bebe, I have to get up and get going. I only have a half an hour to get dressed and I still haven’t called Darnell. I’m going to have to just send him an e-mail to let him know I got his message and that I’ll call him after I get back tonight. I wish I could talk longer but I really have to go. I‘ll see you when you get here. Okay? Oh, and just to let you know, I’m still feeling you not to mention all that noise you were making last night and this morning,” she whispered this provocatively, referring to the wild sex they'd shared.

  “Very funny. Don’t start anything you can’t finish and on that note, I’m hanging up the phone. I’ll leave that alone until I see you.”

  As soon as Q hung up with Desiree, he immediately called T-Bird before encountering any other distractions.

  “Hey T! What’s up baby? It’s me Q”

  “I know who it is. What’s up playboy and where in the heck have you been?” Immediately he began to laugh.

  “Don’t panic I’m at the office”

  “At the office? Well where is Desiree? What have you guys been doing that you couldn’t be with us?

  “She’s in Phoenix.” Q answered.

  “Phoenix? What in the world is she doing there? You know something, I’m giving you fifteen minutes. I don’t want to hear another word”

  Q couldn’t help but to continue laughing at her.

  “Listen I’m on my way so keep your shirt on...”

  When he pulled up in the front of her house, she was already downstairs waiting with her hands folded across her chest. The moment he got out of the car, she walked right up to him.

  “Let me tell you something Mr. Anderson. I could kick you and Desiree’s ass right now for not at least letting me know you guys were having your own private party. T
hanks a lot!”

  “Wait a minute. It wasn’t quite that way. Did you see how hard it was raining these past few days? When we left the club, I took your cousin to the hotel and one thing just lead to another. And yes, I knew about the Phoenix trip. What I didn’t know was her coming up here with another agenda in mind that included me. To tell you the truth, I’m glad I went with her. We really got to know each other quite well.”

  “Oh really bebe? I can only imagine.” T-Bird added.

  “So you’re telling me that she only came here, just to fuck you?”

  Q laughed again before attempting to answer.


  Immediately she interrupted.

  “No don’t even give me an answer.” She responded.

  “Come on T. I told you things may come down to this. What am I supposed to do? She’s putting pressure on me and hey...you already know the deal. So yes, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.”

  At that moment, T-Bird's frustration began to boil as she looked at him with evil eyes.

  “Now T, that’s your cousin and I see that look in your eyes. Please… Just let me talk. Okay? If my mind serves me correct, you asked me to go out with her because she was attracted to me. Right?”

  T-Bird had no choice but to answer. “Yes, you’re right, I did ask you.”

  She replied. “Okay then, so what did I do that you want to trip on me about? I didn’t think we would be going this far...” Q explained.

  “...You asked me not to do anything to hurt her and I kept my word. I just didn’t realize it was going to last this long. She wants me. I mean all of me.”

  The entirety of the situation hit Q square in the face.

  “And to tell you the truth, I don’t know what I’m going to do. She’s really got me between a rock and a hard place. Because at the end of the day, I’m feeling her too.

  T-Bird interrupted again. “What? What are you trying to tell me? Are you really saying that you and Desiree really want to get serious?”

  Q just threw his hands up in the air. “You said it. So now I guess I don’t have to.”

  Immediately a lump settled in her throat as she listened.

  “I think we need to go upstairs.”

  T-Bird was silent the entire way up the stairs and into her loft. When they entered, she immediately sat down.

  “Wait a minute I don’t know about you but I need a drink. Would you like something?”

  “Yeah I’ll have something strong. You know the last time I was here, we were all drinking and you knew then that something more was going on between Desiree and I didn’t you? So don’t front.” He said.

  T-Bird just looked at him and gulped down her entire glass of vodka.

  “Yes I did. I mean, do you think I’m that out of touch? That’s my cousin and you are my closest friend. Did either of you think you could fool me? I’m too smart for that. And, she had the nerve to tell me about Darnell? All I can say is damn”

  She then looked at Q and smiled while taking his glass out of his hand to fill it again and took a sip before handing it to him. “So what now and what about all your other groupies” she asked?

  “I’m going to take care of all that. I was comfortable having everything my way. Whenever and whatever I wanted. But I guess I’m having second thoughts. I realize I’m just like everybody else looking for love and didn’t even know it, until I allowed myself to become vulnerable to you cuz. You know both of us too well. We have never submitted to anyone”

  T-Bird just crossed her legs before responding.

  “Okay Mr. Ready for a Commitment, I need that contact you have in Chicago, so when I get there, Andre can take care of my transportation.”

  In an act of excitement, Q reached into his briefcase.

  “Here it is... I’m glad you mentioned it. And before I forget, I’ll be flying out to Phoenix tomorrow to see her. She wanted me to tell you she misses you and will call you tonight.” T-Bird began tapping the tip of her finger on the table.

  “Oh, like I’m going to wait around for her to call? I did that already. But you know what? I think I will, just so I can get her side of this too.”

  Q then attempted to finish his drink.

  “Well I’m on my way down to the club to see Trey and JJ. It's Latin night and JJ’s having a local band that’s supposed to be pretty good called Anatomy..." Q, continued.

  “Oh yeah, I’ve seen them perform before and they are good and they have a handsome lead singer too. If I didn’t have the hot’s for Darnell right now, I would definitely give him a chance.”

  Q just shook his head. “Look at you. There you go and you’re worried about me and your cuz? So are you coming down to join us?” he asked.

  “I don’t know... maybe. But right now I want to call Andre and give him this contact number before I do anything else.”

  Q just flexed the collar of his shirt while looking in the mirror to make sure that his attire was on point.

  “Okay then. Maybe we’ll all see you tonight. I’d like to get back to the crib and change. Come on and give me a hug. I’ll see you later.”

  When Q left, he felt like a load was lifted off his shoulders by sharing with T-Bird his desire to be with Desiree. He could now go to the club to reassure Trey and JJ that everything was going to be cool.

  When he arrived, they were already sitting in their favorite booth and the music was just starting to warm up the atmosphere as people began to come in. Before he could get comfortable, he stopped a passing waitress to order a drink and without hesitation turned to Trey.

  “You know something? I should have made that bet with you and took all your money because you would have lost. T-Bird had no more idea that Desiree and I were any more involved than a one night fling than you and JJ. At first, she was pretty pissed and didn’t want to believe what I was telling her, until she really saw the expression and seriousness on my face. It took her a minute, but she finally accepted the way I feel about Desiree..." He paused to take a nice gulp of his drink.

  "... However, she did indicate that she still needed to have a word or two with her for not allowing her to be the first to know what was going on. I’ve never seen two women so protective of each other before in my life. I guess that what family do. Isn’t it funny that we’re the same?”

  “Well I’m impressed. I didn’t think you had it in you.” Trey said.

  “So am I” JJ added. “I’m going to get you the most expensive bottle in the house tonight. Yeah, I can say you’ve earned this one my brother.”


  Desiree was at the dome to begin work for the pre-game shootouts, which included the slam-dunk competition and freestyles. Those events alone didn’t end until after 11pm followed by all the parties around the city. Women from all over flew into Phoenix just to have an opportunity to find themselves in some ball player’s room for the weekend, even if it meant free sex. They were pros within their own right and knew where all the games were being held and even what players to go after. It was all about the hustle and skill while having dangerous fun.

  As one party ended, everyone just went on to the next. It was all a part of big balling. It seemed as if everybody had some kind of angle just to be recognized for being somebody or being with the right somebody, even if they didn’t have a pot to piss in.

  In the main dome, the halftime performances were to perfection as the hip hop artist kept the party alive. Trying to cover as many events as possible, it seemed as if she had been up for 24hrs. But when she arrived at the hotel, her spirit wouldn’t let her rest until she called both Darnell and T-Bird.

  “Hello Darnell? It’s me Desiree.”

  “Hey Desiree, I was hoping I heard from you.”

  “Listen, I know it’s late but I couldn’t sleep until I talked to you.”

  “Okay well, I’ve got a great interview to bring back to the office and yes I got your E-mail. I’m sure you’ve got your hands full in Phoenix.”

“I sure do and let me assure you that next year, you’ll be going instead...Why don’t you send me what you have and the rest back to the office and I’ll follow up with you in a few days? Okay?”

  “Sure, no problem and Desiree before we hang up, I have to tell you that I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity. It’s really been a great experience and the fact that I knew one of the members in the group really made it easy.”

  “I knew you would do well. Listen, it’s late and I’m tired and haven’t really gotten any sleep since I've been, so I’m going to bed. Remember don’t forget to send me what you have so I can look over what needs to be edited before the final print.” She said before hanging up.

  Finally she had only one call left. T-Bird. She couldn’t wait to tell her about the good job Darnell was doing in Miami and also that he would be able to meet up with her on the tour. After all, she knew she owed her big time and an apology wasn’t going to be good enough.

  “Hello T-Bird, it’s me! What’s up girl? We have a lot of catching up to do. Now I have to say before you even begin to bless me out; I already know you’re mad at me for not coming back to see you. I hope you can understand bebe.”

  “Hello cuz.” T-Bird said. “Yes and I’m not mad, just disappointed. I don’t have a problem with what you want to say. I just talked to Q, so now you can tell me what’s really going on. Are you really serious about having a relationship with him?”

  “Yes… He’s right. I’ve got to have him girl. He’s got that magic stick and that’s all there is to it.”

  “Desiree you really fucked him?”

  “I sure did.” she answered.

  “Wow. I can’t believe you. After all that talk you gave me about Darnell and you’ve allowed yourself to do the same thing with Q? What happen to those words you lectured to me about being patient?”

  All Desiree could do was take the phone away from her ear. T-Bird was right but the situations were totally different.

  “Well it’s not like what you and Darnell have going on. Q and I really want to know each other.”


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