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Their Border Lands Freedom [Men of the Border Lands 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  With what he knew about the world around them, Wade had already come to terms with the need for at least one other man in any relationship he might consider getting into. It wasn’t his ideal, but it was the safest scenario for Lyssa. She was all that mattered. If sharing her with another man would keep her safe and help him provide for her, Wade could accept that.

  Right now, all he wanted to do was tear something up. He didn’t feel the least bit interested in fixing something to eat. Lyssa needed something though. She needed her strength and after everything she’d been through, he wanted to be sure she was taken care of.

  “Are you okay?” Stanton’s voice shook a little.

  “Yeah, no. Hell.” He ran his hand through his hair, pulling on it in frustration.

  “She knows you didn’t want to hurt her, Wade, but it had to be done. You removed a threat to her—to all of us.” He stared at Wade then sighed. “If you need to chop wood or something, I can manage throwing dinner together. Take the rifle with you.”

  “I can’t lose control anytime there’s a problem. I’ve got to be able to hold it together,” he said.

  “Well, there’s two of us, so if you need some time, take it. God knows I wasn’t much help earlier. It’s going to take both of us to get through this, Wade.” Stanton seemed to have realized that the three of them were a family, at least for the time being. Who knew if it could turn into something more permanent or not?

  “I’m fine. I may take you up on that in the future, but not today.” He managed a tight smile at the other man then turned and started rummaging through the box of food they’d brought inside.

  They worked on preparing something decent for dinner. Instead of eating it directly out of a can, Stanton insisted on actually pouring several things in bowls so they could all have a taste of each offering. Wade had to agree it would be nice for a change. He got tired of eating one thing for every meal. He’d even thought that once they were on their way again, doing a little hunting for some fresh meat.

  “I think that pretty much does it,” Stanton said. “Ready?”

  “Yep. Everything is on the table. Why don’t you go get Lyssa while I fill the glasses,” Wade said.

  Stanton hesitated. “Are you sure you don’t want to go get her?”

  Wade didn’t look up from what he was doing. “Yeah. I’m good.”

  He heard the other man walk out of the room and let his shoulders slump. It was cowardly putting off looking at her by less than a minute. He didn’t want to see the pain she must be in reflected on her face. He already felt guilty over causing it. No, they hadn’t had a choice, but it still bothered him.

  It was several minutes before the two of them walked into the kitchen where the small table sat prepared for them. He couldn’t stop himself from searching her face for any trace of how she was feeling. To his surprise, she had a warm smile in place and showed no hint of being uncomfortable. When she sat down, there might have been an instant of discomfort that flew across her features, but he couldn’t be sure if he’d made it up or not.

  “Wow. This is like having a home-cooked meal,” she said with a smile.

  “Stanton figured it would be nice to be able to eat a little of everything instead of just one thing right out of the can,” he said. “I have to agree. It’s a lot more appetizing like this.”

  “I vote we try to do this as much as possible.” Lyssa picked up her fork and began to eat.

  They ate in silence then, after Stanton frowned and fussed at her, Lyssa remained at the kitchen table while they cleaned up. She kept up a steady conversation about little things that weren’t all that important, but Wade appreciated the effort she made to keep things light and as normal as possible. Instead of wallowing in self-pity or complaining about everything like a lot of women he’d known would and had done, she was doing everything she could to keep their spirits up. She was a very special woman as far as he was concerned. He was sure Stanton felt the same way.

  They finished cleaning up and Stanton lit a second lantern to give them more light while Wade found paper and pen to make notes.

  “Let’s stay in here so the lanterns will illuminate the maps on a flat surface,” Stanton said as he spread one of them out. “I know the living room is probably more comfortable, but it will be harder for us all to see.”

  “Um, could one of you get a pillow for me?” Lyssa asked, a mild flush spreading across her cheeks.

  “I’ll get it.” Wade stood up and hurried through the doorway to grab one off one of the beds.

  When he returned, she smiled up at him. “Just stick it behind my back, please. I’m not hurting right now, but my back is tired from trying to keep from leaning on that spot.”

  “You’re sure you’re okay?” he asked, worried that she wouldn’t tell them if she was really in pain.

  “I’m fine, Wade.” She squirmed a little then leaned forward to look at the maps.

  Stanton had spread five maps out on the kitchen table so that they lined up to show parts of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, South Dakota, and Montana where they all met each other.

  “So, here we are right here,” Stanton pointed to a spot in the top left corner of the New Mexico map. “Where do you want to end up? We can choose a route based on that.”

  Wade leaned over and pointed at a spot on the Montana map that was bordering Yellowstone National Park. He’d heard that there were a few homesteaders in that direction trying to make a community where they could be safe. He thought that was their best chances of survival. Everything west of the park was in the ocean now and most everything below was a desert wasteland. The weather was harsh in the winter, but habitable.

  “That’s going to take a while to reach,” Stanton pointed out. “I’ve been told the roads through parts of Colorado are nearly impassable now.”

  “That’s true, but I’ve been through there, so I know where to go. The trick is going to be getting there without being followed and making it through before the snow sets in,” he told them.

  “But it’s only the middle of July, right? Are you saying it could take us more than two months to get there?” Lyssa’s eyes widened with shock. “Why?”

  “Snow starts early in the mountains honey. The upper elevations will get snow from mid-August through the end of May or even into June now. There’s only one pass I’m really worried about since it’s in a higher elevation, but we’ve got to be sure those men aren’t following us before we box ourselves in once we make it that far. That means taking a longer route.”

  Wade took the sharpened pencil Stanton handed him and traced a route that wound them through several states. He drew another route that took them back East a ways before heading back north and across to Montana.

  “We could also go back that way and avoid Colorado altogether. I’m really not sure what the best choice is. There is a greater risk of getting caught heading back east, but we wouldn’t have the harsher weather and questionable roads. It’s really a crap shoot either way.” Wade dropped the pencil to the table.

  “The only thing I know for certain is that we can’t stay here after tonight,” Stanton said. “I vote we take the first route that leads us through Colorado. You’ve been through there before, so that should even the odds out some. I honestly don’t have a good feeling about the other direction at all.”

  They both looked toward Lyssa. Wade wanted her to have a say in this as well. She had the most to lose if they were caught. While Stanton and Wade would die before they gave her up, if they did, then she was once again at the mercy of strangers.

  He watched as she looked over the map once again then drew in a deep breath. His eyes fixed on where she licked her lips, the tip of her pink tongue tracing along the edge of the bottom one before biting it.

  “I agree. There are more people coming from the east every day. That will mean more chances of being spotted or just attacked for what we have. While I’ve never been a fan of the cold, I’d rather freeze my toes off than end up behind
bars again,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, darling. Wade and I will make sure you stay warm. Between the two of us, I think you’ll stay nice and toasty,” Stanton said with a grin.

  Wade wanted to hit the other man over the head with something for saying that. He didn’t want her to fear that they were going to ravish her or something.

  Hell, who am I to fuss? I’m thinking the same damn thing, but I won’t force her to have sex with me. I know Stanton wouldn’t either, but who knows what she’ll think? She’s been traumatized enough already.

  “Stanton. I think we need to close everything down and lock up for the night. We need to be on the road at first light,” he said, aggravated when his voice came out sounding a bit short with the other man.

  Stanton didn’t appear to notice as he nodded and began folding the maps to pack up in the satchel he’d had them in. Wade turned to Lyssa.

  “I’ll help you get settled for the night. We need to keep sharing a room. It’s safer that way.” He waited for her to protest, but she just nodded and stood up, carrying the pillow in her arms.

  She followed him to the back bedroom where he set the lantern on the dresser so that the light would spread with the mirror to reflect it. When he began pulling the bed sheets down, she helped him.

  “You might want to grab one more pillow from the other bedroom,” she said. “I’m going to need one between me and whoever sleeps on the left side of me.”

  He winced and nodded. “I’ll do that.”

  When he returned, it was to find Lyssa’s very squeezable and damn near naked ass in the air while she had bent over to pick her clothes up off the floor. He started to clear his throat, but she stood up and turned around before he could warn her he was there. Her eyes widened and her arms flew up to hold the big T-shirt in front of her amazing breasts.

  “Um, sorry.” He turned around, presenting his back to her. “I didn’t realize you were going to change while I was getting the pillow for you.”

  “It’s okay. I thought I’d be finished before you got back, but the T-shirt was hung up in the zipper of my bag.” He heard a rustling sound then she spoke again. “Okay. I’m covered. You can turn around now.”

  Her pretty face glowed with the heated flush that spread across her cheeks. She didn’t meet his eyes. Instead, she climbed up on the bed, careful of her sore left hip.

  “Get comfortable. I’ll pull the covers over you. We’ll lock up and be back in a few minutes, okay?” He wanted to make sure she felt safe. He was relieved to see that she hadn’t freaked out again since the night before.

  “Okay. I’m fine. As long as I can hear you making noise or see you, I’m not all that frightened.” She looked up into his eyes, hers uncertain and wary.

  Wade covered her with the sheet and heavier covers before tucking them around her. She looked like an angel lying there with her hair spread out on the pillow beneath her head.

  “We won’t be long, honey. Get some sleep.”

  When he turned away, Wade was certain he’d heard her say thank you. Without allowing himself to turn back when all he really wanted to do was climb into the bed next to her and pull her into his arms, Wade strode down the hall to make sure all the doors and windows were locked before turning in as well. He had to adjust his cock before he entered the living room where Stanton was busy moving furniture in front of the door. The shameless appendage didn’t know the meaning of the words not now.

  “What about the kitchen door?” he asked as he helped the other man move the book shelf in front of the window next to the door.

  “Already taken care of.”

  “What about Lyssa?” he asked next.

  Stanton froze, staring into Wade’s eyes, the hint of worry flashing across them.

  “What about her?”

  “We both want what’s best for her. Right?”

  Stanton shifted. “That’s right. I want to see her happy.”

  “In order for her to be happy, she needs to feel safe. The only way for her to be safe is if we both watch out for her. I think you care about her as much as I do, Stanton. I want her as my female, my woman. I’d like for you to join me and help me keep her safe,” Wade told him.

  Stanton’s eyes widened but he quickly recovered. “What makes you think she’ll accept both of us? Two men, Wade?”

  “Out here, two or three men are the norm in order to protect their women. There are too many dangers for one man to be able to provide for his family and keep them safe. I’m not going to force Lyssa into anything. I’ll protect her as one of her men, but there has to be the two of us, Stanton.” Wade watched the other man’s expressions as they ran the gamut.

  “It just seems like asking a lot of Lyssa,” Stanton finally said.

  “How can one man protect her when he’s got to work the land and hunt to feed her? Think how frightened she is now. How will she react the first time you leave her by herself?”

  Stanton’s mouth thinned into a straight line. “She’d probably lock herself in the bathroom or a closet. She only felt safe in that damn cage they had her in.”

  “Exactly. I won’t lie to you. I’m attracted to her, but I won’t force her. I can tell you are just as attached to her. I’m not the type to share, but her safety is more important than my possessiveness.” Wade sighed and started to walk away.

  “I agree,” Stanton said before he’d gone two steps. “I don’t like it. But I agree.”

  Chapter Eight

  Three days later, Lyssa thought she would scream if she spent one more night sandwiched between the two men without one of them holding her. She was to the point that she didn’t even care which one. She had come to the conclusion that she deeply cared about both of them and wasn’t sure what would happen once they reached wherever they were going. Her nerves stayed on overload since she was pressed so tightly between the two men for hours at a time in the truck.

  “It’s getting late,” Wade said, startling her out of her thoughts. “We’ll stop as soon as we find somewhere that looks secure enough.”

  “We’re out in the middle of nowhere. Where are we going to find a place to stay out here?” she asked with a frown, looking around at the sparse trees and abundance of scrub.

  With no one working the land anymore, everything was overgrown with weeds and new trees trying to take back over the land.

  “There’ll be a farmhouse somewhere out here. Someone used to farm this stretch of land,” he told her. “Wade, be on the lookout for a mailbox and a drive leading off from it.”

  “That’s going to be hard the way everything is grown up.” Stanton began watching the road.

  Lyssa joined him in peering at the sides for any sign of a house nearby. With Wade driving, he couldn’t watch as closely as it was going to require. It seemed like an impossible task with so much in their way. She was getting antsy as it got later in the afternoon and knew it was just a matter of time before she started to panic about being out in the open.

  So far, they had always managed to find a place to hunker down for the night before she lost it. She’d acclimated herself to the point that if they were inside a house she could remain in control, but she had no doubt it was limited to feeling secure in an enclosed structure with the two men close by. She depended on them and wasn’t sure what she would do if they decided she was too much trouble once they arrived at their destination. Not only did she have feelings for them, but she’d come to trust that they would keep her safe and wasn’t sure she could feel that way without them.

  “Look up ahead on the left,” Stanton all but shouted in excitement. “There’s a mailbox, but I don’t see a road near it.”

  Wade slowed down. “Look on the other side. Sometimes the mailboxes are on the opposite side of the drive.”

  While Wade eased the truck along the road as close to the edge as possible, she and Stanton scanned the side. A few feet down from where the mailbox stood they located a break in the vegetation where a gravel road lay barely visible
amid the overgrown weeds.

  “Are you sure we can get down it?” Stanton asked as Wade turned onto the obviously unused drive.

  “The fact that it hasn’t been used in probably years makes it a good place to spend the night,” Wade replied. “We can get down it. As long as there isn’t anything blocking the road it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

  He eased them down the gravel path that bumped and wound around a copse of trees. Lyssa’s tense body didn’t take the washboard road well at all. She felt as if every bone in her body jarred through her skin, and the anticipation of what they would find once they arrived at the end of the road had her stomach rolling like a wave pool.

  “Looks like an opening just ahead,” Stanton pointed out.

  Sure enough, they emerged from the dense jungle of weeds to find a small two-story house that showed its obvious age in the sagging roof and peeling paint. The roof of a barn could be seen off to the side near the back of the clearing, but with everything grown up like it was, the roof was about all that was visible.

  “Well, I’m fairly sure no one’s been back here in years,” Wade pointed out.

  “Is it safe?” Stanton asked. “I mean it looks in pretty bad shape.”

  “We’ll check it out, but the older the building, the better it was originally constructed. It might look in bad shape, but it’s probably solidly built.” He parked the truck close to the porch and positioned it so that the front of the truck aimed toward the gravel road.

  “Any port in a storm,” Stanton muttered.

  “Lyssa, I don’t want you alone in the truck, but stay close to us and don’t get ahead of us or linger behind. Until we check it out, Stanton’s right, it could be in bad shape. I don’t want you falling through a hole in the floor.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not leaving your sides,” she told him.


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