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The Guardian: A NOVEL

Page 23

by Pamela Ann

There was no question where her loyalty lay, but I liked to remind her, anyway. One could never trust a woman to be forthcoming these days. I’d learned the hard way with Gisele. As for Rose…Well, she was growing clingy as we went on. Our arrangement specifically outlined what I expected out of it, and yet, she continued with her heart, past caring about its consequences. Habitually, I’d immediately dash out of her life. But things had changed. Somehow, the thought of replacing her while I was battling problems at all fronts seemed a tad reckless. All aspects of my life right this instant were unpredictable. Each day shifted, and the only time I got a reprieve from the strenuous life I led was with Rose. She remained unchanged. And in some way, becoming a fixture of stability when my life surely wasn’t was a good change. But could I truly fathom her feelings for me? Could I tolerate the complications accepting her love entailed? The questions spun in my head, adding to my ever-growing list of conundrums.

  “Good morning, Mr. St. James,” the flight crew greeted me upon boarding the plane.


  “And Miss Webber? Is she here?” my throat bobbed at the question. It was rather peculiar, but I was a tad nervous. What the bloody hell had gotten into me? It wasn’t I who was at fault here. I wasn’t the one who had spewed promises and broken them, so my edginess surely caught me unaware.

  “She arrived a little bit ago.”

  Striding farther into the jet’s cream interior, I halted when I spotted Gisele’s blonde hair tousled all over the pillow, her body curling in on the plane’s cream sofa. She was facing away from the aisle, so I couldn’t see her face. Wearing a white midriff top and silk short shorts, it became glaringly obvious she didn’t bother getting ready. The woman practically rolled out of bed and hopped on board. The plush light blue blanket barely covered her thigh—a very toned thigh.

  She lost weight. It was the first thought that came through my head. Has she been well? The next thought came, laden with guilt.

  After that fated night, even though Mike had been in communication on a daily basis, I hadn’t reached out to Thomas or Gisele at all. At that time, I craved to simply get Gisele out of my mind. Shutting her and Thomas out was the only solution I could muster. Alas, I couldn’t reject Mike since the compound’s security concerned Peter’s notes, designs, blueprints, prototypes, and plans in his subterranean workplace. But on the occasion he tried to broach the subject of Gisele, I immediately cut him off, stating that I trusted him completely.

  Seeing her resting form now, I was wondering if I had made the right decision. Worry riddled my mind as I retreated two rows out, instantly requiring space away from her. However, the seat I’d chosen faced towards the back of the jet, giving me a clear view of her slumbering figure.

  I knew she was fast asleep, but I couldn’t endure being so near her. Even with marginal distance, the air was already strained in the small space. I could only imagine what it would be like when she was awake. Would she demand answers from me? Or would she simply let bygones be bygones and carry on as though nothing happened?

  My forethoughts were kept at bay when the pilot signaled we were cleared for takeoff. While doing so, my eyes stayed on course, staring at the sleeping beauty across from me.

  It was some time later, when we’d leveled at a steady pace, that the stewardess strode towards Gisele, gently touching her shoulder, waking her. “Miss Weber?”

  Gisele grumbled.

  “I’m waking you as you requested. You can safely sleep in the bedroom now.”

  Slowly lifting her upper body, she shifted as she sat, her long blond hair curtaining her sleepy face. “Thanks, Bailey,” Gisele murmured before the attendant retreated back to her station to begin preparing to serve refreshments.

  My gaze took her in as she lazily stood up, slightly bending over as she gathered her blanket and pillow. The silk shorts did nothing to hide her shapely bottom, and the poor excuse of a thin cotton top bared the tightly toned abs.

  My cock instantly twitched at the sight of her body. She’d lost weight, but in the right places. Her torso got smaller, emphasizing her ample breasts even more.

  She was well, too well for my liking. It was apparent she’d been taking good care of herself. I was sure Wyatt Rinaldi had experienced her tightness on a continuous basis.

  My ravenous eyes bore into her. After weeks of starving myself, believing I’d be immune to her as the days wore on, I knew it was pure fallacy. My body hummed. My senses became distinctly more sharpened. Wholly awakened at the mere vision of the woman I’d craved with utmost depravity.

  I stared with unnerving pause. Bombarded with every underlying debauchery provoking my resolve.

  And I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, Gisele was hyperaware of my presence, but she never once glanced in my direction. She unperturbedly retreated towards the back, stepping into the cabin’s bedroom and shutting herself away from my view.

  Grinding my teeth together, I was assaulted with all kinds of frustrations. Was civility out of the question, too? We’d be spending a substantial amount of time together. Surely, she didn’t intend to ignore me for days on end, or was that how she aimed this trip would turn out, us barely acknowledging each other? I let out a low grumbling groan, vexed at her immaturity.

  Damn you, Gisele.

  Brooding, I submerged into my work, praying I could block the woman who harassed my thoughts.

  An hour into our flight, my surly mood had taken another hit, this time an instantaneous nosedive. It plummeted down into the deep pits of Hell.

  The email was from my lawyer. Apparently, Gisele’s solicitor just contacted him, ready to start the divorce proceedings.

  I halted there, not bothering to finish the damning message before I slammed my laptop shut. Armed with sky-blistering rage, I dashed towards the end of the jet, set to wage war.



  Barging into the bedroom, I was possessed with fiery rage as my eyes darted towards the bed where the cause of my darkened mood sat on the bed, seemingly in the middle of video chatting with someone.

  The moment she lifted her gaze and saw my enraged state, she didn’t bother bidding goodbye. She simply shut her laptop off, guarded gray eyes scrutinizing me tentatively.

  “You know.”

  I unceremoniously marched towards her, grabbed her by the arm, and then yanked her off the bed so she wouldn’t dare cower behind the comforter. If she sought to anger me, she knew which buttons to push because I was beyond livid.

  Eyes wild, I glowered down at her, sneering. “Your vindictiveness knows no bounds. Are you so beyond reproach that you would threaten me with a divorce?”

  She squarely glared back at me, unblinking, calm as ever. “Your arrogance would see it as such. Just so we’re clear, this is not a threat. I want a divorce; that’s all. We can end this arrangement rationally. There’s no need to go ballistic on me.”

  There were two things that would easily grant her request without any hindrance from me. And since she hadn’t turned thirty years old overnight, the latter would be more likely. The mere idea further fanned my spiraling rage.

  Nostrils flaring, I jerked her closer to me. “You’re engaged to that cretin, aren’t you? Because that’s the only way this agreement can be nullified, and you bloody well know it!”

  She let out a sharp gasp, eyes glinting as she nervously licked her lips. “You gave me your word. You said I can divorce you anytime. I’m holding you to that promise.”

  My face darkened.

  “Promise?” I harshly gritted out. “Have you lost your bloody mind? You, of all people, have the impudence to lecture me about keeping promises? Don’t make me laugh.”

  Her frown deepened, scowling at me with pure unadulterated disdain. “Why won’t you just sign the papers? It’ll be over before you know it!”

  She ignored my blatant reference to her character, making her all the guiltier in my eyes. She had chosen Wyatt Rinaldi over me. Did she think I was going to let her prance into t
he sunset with her prince charming? I think not.

  My eyes were set ablaze as I pierced my gaze into her soul. “I am not and will not sign those papers!”

  “Why the fuck not, huh?” she furiously spat back. “Does it hurt your oh so fragile ego that I’m no longer lapping at your feet? You want to know why, Jared? It’s because of you. You fucking disgust me! How can I respect and stay associated with someone who has no morals? Who only sees women’s sole purpose as sex and to be discarded once you’ve gotten bored with them? Tell, me, oh so mighty one, why the fuck would I stay linked to a heartless womanizer?”

  Her claws were out. Mine were locked and loaded. If she wished to play dirty, so be it. “That’s rich coming from you—a certified slut! From the time you claimed you lost your virginity, you’ve slept with three men in a short amount of time. And you have the audacity to call me heartless? Virginal, you bloody aren’t!”

  “How fucking dare you!” she bellowed as her hand connected to my face, striking it.

  An animalistic growl emanated from me as I savagely took hold of her hands, imprisoning them as I roughly shoved her against the wall. “The truth hurts, doesn’t it?”

  “You two-timing asshole!”

  “Just to clarify, we weren’t ever together. You’ve desperately thrown yourself at me, so don’t go acting the innocent now, Gisele. It’s truly unbecoming. We both know you’re quite the brilliant actress.”

  “I hate you!” She frantically struggled, earnestly trying to get away from my steel grasp, but all her efforts came to no avail. “Why don’t you just leave me alone and go back to your stupid Rose? Is that so much to ask?”

  “I did. I have. I’ve had her every night since,” I stated with derision and precision, knowing each word would penetrate her wounded pride. “Well, some nights more than once. It all depends really.”

  All her erratic efforts came to a full stop. Her chest gravely heaved as she gazed fixatedly at me, aghast.

  A minute passed. Her shocked expression remained unmoving. It was as if she’d frozen in time. Then she swallowed with difficulty, licking her lips. Our battling eyes immediately disconnected when she lowered her gaze, conceding, withdrawing.

  “Okay,” she eerily whispered, “you can let go of my hands now.”

  After minutes upon minutes of mounting aggravation and hysteria, Gisele’s abrupt withdrawal left me dumbfounded. Still, my hands banded around her wrists, averse to yielding to her command just yet.

  “Is this one of your performances again, Gisele?”

  Her eyes stayed downcast as she shook her head. “I’m not going to fight you. It’s pointless.”

  It was the most sensible thing coming out of her lips today thus far. “There’ll be no more talk of divorce!”

  “Not until I’m engaged…” she delivered in a monotonous tone before finally lifting her gaze to me. “Expect to resume this conversation in a month, then.” Another calculating motive took form, one that left a foul taste in my mouth.

  “Wyatt,” I bit out.

  Her defiant eyes flashed, unyielding, threatening. “I’m done talking.”

  Ah, Gisele…You’re really becoming such a bloody pain, a true brat inside and out. I wanted to strangle her for toying with me. And again for bombarding me with this new development of her wanton ways. How did she function being such a cold-hearted bitch, manipulating men as though they were nothing but entertainment to momentarily cure her boredom?

  “May I remind you that this isn’t what your father wanted? Why are you so adamant in pursuing divorce when you’re free to do whatever you want? I’m not stopping you from anything. I’ve provided you with everything. Do you need more allowance, cars, vacations, what? Bloody tell me so I can fucking fix it!”

  Her face turned scarlet as she stood her ground. “I don’t want anything.”

  “Then tell me how to fix it, Gisele!” She wanted something, or this wouldn’t even be happening. So, what was it?

  “Divorce me. Annul it. I don’t care.”

  “Anything—anything but divorce!”

  “Why? I don’t understand why,” she fiercely argued. “If this is about the company, I assure you, I’m quite content you’re running it. I have no plans to go behind your back.”

  Why? Bloody hell. For all sorts of damn reasons! If she wondered what those specifically were, well, I didn’t bloody know. I just fathomed with every fiber in me that I simply despised the very thought of it. “I don’t know why…I just don’t want a divorce. It’s that simple.”

  She growled, spitting at me. “You’re insane!”

  She could be right. Each time I pictured her walking down the aisle, it made me feel downright mental.

  “Maybe I am.” I loosened my hold, freeing her hands. With the use of my forefinger, I tilted her chin, eager to find a solution. “So, I ask again, how can I fix this?”

  “I don’t know.” Her brows furrowed, eyeing me as though I had truly lost my marbles.

  Again, she could be on to something.

  “What have I done to make you this way?” We’ve been at odds, but we’ve never gone past the point of no return. Did she hear from me after she betrayed her promise by choosing Rinaldi over me? No. Instead, I gave her a wide berth, granting her the boyish lover. Therefore, her spiteful defiance was mind boggling.

  Her chin rose defiantly. Gray depths sparkled like hard, cold crystals. Steadfast. “As you said, there’s only one way I can achieve it. I’m taking that route.”

  My patience wore thin. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, woman! Where the bloody hell is your sense!” Evidently, the past weeks had done a number on her. “Is the idea of being married to me so horrendously vile that you’re willing to divorce by marrying Wyatt then divorcing him after you’ve gotten what you wanted?”

  “He’s a better choice than you!”

  Did she truly wish to go down this route? Very well. Whatever suited my bratty wife. I’d indulge in her mindless bloody games. “Yet I know he can’t fuck you the way I can!”

  “Everything’s not about sex!” Said the woman who willingly stripped naked whenever I was in bed with her.

  “Isn’t it, Gisele?” I taunted. Clearly, my sweet wife had a memory lapse. Perhaps jogging her memory would enlighten her vehement denial. “Where was the talk of divorce when you had my tongue in your cunt, huh? Or that time when my cock ravaged you the way you wanted to be fucked, hm?” Brusquely, my palms planted on either side of her head, caging her in, breathing her in. “This is all about sex, Gisele,” I drawled as I lowered my face to hers, merely a hairsbreadth away from her lips. “If you want me, this isn’t the way to go about it, kitten.”

  Every inch of her body was strained with tension. She flushed, redness staining her cheeks. “I don’t want you. I was blinded by the thrill of being with an older man; that’s all. Now I know better. I prefer younger men like Wyatt. His stamina’s mind-blowing…unlike yours.”

  A new wave of wrath viciously surged within me. It seized me whole. It gnawed at me. The raging inferno spread like wildfire, and I was a fraction away from being unhinged.

  Gisele noted the sudden shift in me. She instantly trembled when met with my glacial glare.

  My unnerving stare pinned her with hostility. She heaved so badly my gaze inadvertently fell towards her breasts. Hardened pink nipples were visible through her thin cotton shirt. There was no mistaking it. She was aroused even though she feared me. Her mind might disagree, but her body told a different tale.

  If Wyatt Rinaldi did such a splendid job as her mind-blowing lover, then why was she reacting to me so wantonly? If I dipped my finger into her cunt, I knew it’d be met with sopping wetness.

  Gisele…how she sweetly fibbed. Like the rest of her spiel, it was all riddled with lies.

  Knowing how much I affected her still undoubtedly pleased me. It thrilled me grandly. Somehow, it lessened the fury incurred from her acerbic tongue.

  Her quivering bosom begged for my undivided attention. T
he creamy, shuddering slopes appeared to have gotten bigger, firmer, seemingly as a result of her evident workouts. I salivated as I pictured closing my lips on her pebbled bud, suckling it as if my life depended on it. I’d been so consumed with rage I’d fleetingly overlooked how much I desired her, craved her to the point of agony.

  This body used to sing at my touch. Would it hum again if I dared touch it…taste it? I made a hungered grunt as my rabid, fervent eyes heatedly dropped lower, passionately noting how the silk shorts pressed against her groin. Dampness marked her soaked mound, giving away her present state of arousal. My cock responded to her body’s calling. “Bloody hell, Gisele. Look at you and the dripping state of your insatiable cunt.”

  She stiffened, panicked at my fervent demeanor. “Don’t you fucking dare! Lay a finger on me and I’m going to scream rape!”

  Blue met gray, clashing, both stubbornly battling the temptations our bodies provoked.

  I’d have tested her, too, but I was not one to cause a scene, not when we were trapped on this jet for the next ten hours. Damn her and her bloody mind games! I wanted her—unconditionally, carte blanche—at all cost.

  “Name it! Bloody fucking name it!” I savagely grated out, desperate to be lodged in her snug cunt.

  “No!” She denied, not bending to my will. “No, not this time!”

  Her body beckoned to me. It compelled me to do its bidding. It was unfathomable to reject its summoning, not when she was a touch away for the next several days. Fine, I begrudgingly considered.

  “No?” I pressed on sardonically. “Not even if I promise to renegotiate the terms?” Arching my brow, I knew full well my generous proposition would warrant she sung a different tune.

  Her lips pursed, pensive. “Don’t toy with me, Jared. This is serious.”

  “So am I.”

  “But you just said you wouldn’t divorce me!” she viciously quipped back, roughly shoving my chest, but I remained motionless, frozen on the spot as I properly caged her in …until we could negotiate properly.


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