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M.A.G.I Hunters 1: A Bounty Hunter Fantasy Series (M.A.G.I. Hunters)

Page 17

by D. Levesque

  “Oh?” Sir Tallen says with a raised eyebrow, looking at Carmen and me curiously.

  “Yes. Marrisa,” Carmen says.

  At that name, Sir Tallen looks at me sharply. “Marrisa Lalouton is your partner?”

  “Yeah,” I tell him awkwardly. “And my hmm. Wife.”

  Sir Tallen begins to laugh, but when he sees that we aren’t laughing with him, he stops, and his look changes to one of incredulity.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” he replies in disbelief. “You married that hellcat?”

  “Hey, I didn’t have much of a choice, really,” I tell him with a shrug, not going into details. “

  “Ah,” he says, understanding now washing over his face. “So it was that, or be their slave?”

  Damn, this guy is perceptive. He’s right, but how did he figure it out so fast? I must have shown something on my face since he grins at me.

  “The first human in recorded history having access to Magic. I am sure that would be the ultimate breaking of Article 1. Giving a human Magic power,” he says with a chuckle. “I would not want to be the one who did that. What kind of idiot would give a…” and then he stops and his expression changes to one of astonishment. “No way. Marrisa gave you the vial?”

  “Well. It was not like she gave it to me. It was more like it smashed into my face and I drank it,” I tell him in annoyance.

  I get it. I have Magic. It’s not like I asked for this shit. But I am sure as hell going to make the best of it. If it means doing what I can to stay out of the hands of the Council, I will do it. Even if that includes, as much as I hate saying it, being married to Marrisa. Whose only thought are of herself. Right now, I have to think of my own survival because Marissa’s dad was very clear about my choices.

  “Wow. And the Council knows this?” Sir Tallen asks, looking between Carmen and me.

  “More or less,” she answers, as I have no clue. “I knew about Kevin since it’s going around M.A.G.I. The other thing that is going around is he is off-limits and under the protection of Magus Targun.”

  “Yes. I would imagine that will sway many to stay away from him and not touch him. Though, there are those who shall do so indirectly, just because he is human,” Sir Tallen says, nodding his head. “You might not know it, young man, but you have a very large target on your back.”

  “Even with you? Is that why you wanted to duel me?” I ask him.

  “Partly. Though, it was also a test. I may have acted surprised when we met, but I already knew about you through some connections. I had wished to test you. I must say, I am impressed,” Sir Tallen says, and he moves his foot, still seemingly in pain.

  “Shit,” I tell him. “I’m sorry. I never thought of your foot. I can heal you if you wish?” I tell him lamely, remembering he was a Vampire as soon as I said it, and that he would heal quickly.

  He smirks at me and says, “No. I am good, Kevin. It was my own stupidity in dueling you, an unknown. But what’s this about Ms. Lalouton?”

  “She is here. It seems that the person who killed her partner years ago is here on Earth. They took Sir William Tonlia.”

  Sir Tallen doesn’t respond to that, but his eyes widen. He steps away from us quickly, past the sigil that would stop the noise from the club coming in, or the noise from in here going out, and begins to shout. Well that is what I assume he is doing since I can’t hear him. Based on his gesturing, he is giving commands. The people in the club look sullen and disappointed, but they all leave, heading towards multiple exits. He walks over to Parker, talking to him vehemently, and Parker nods now and then. Sir Tallen passes him something that looks like a small medallion. Once he’s done, Parker heads towards the entrance and Sir Tallen comes back into the circle with us.

  “You are sure?” he asks us nervously.

  “Yes,” is the only word that Carmen says.

  “Shit,” Sir Tallen says, sounding frustrated. “And his sister?”

  “I’m not sure,” Carmen says, but I chime in.

  “From my understanding, she is out of the picture, I think. She tried to have her brother killed by placing a Bounty on his head. Sir Targun found out and nullified it. But, while I only just met him, that man makes me nervous, and if she pissed him off, I am sure she is out of the picture.”

  Sir Tallen looks at me for a couple of seconds and then bursts out in laughter. “Gods, I like you, Kevin. That is saying it plainly. Yes, if she did that and Magus Targun is taking care of her, she will be well out of the way. Now. You mentioned the person who killed Marrisa’s partner. Do you mean Gordo?”

  “Yeah, that was the name that Marrisa gave me.”

  “Shit. He’s here on Earth?”

  “Yes, and it seems he has been for a long time. After Marrisa told me about him, I figured he came here on Earth to hide, since who would look for him on Earth, right?”

  Both Carmen and Sir Tallen look at me speculatively. Slowly Sir Tallen answers. “Yes. That would make sense. That might explain a lot of things actually. We have had issues for years. Slight interference here, stolen items there. But I just thought it was a rogue Magus. Now? I have a feeling it was this Gordo.”

  “Isn’t Gordo a Magus?” I ask them both.

  “Yes, but not a strong one. He can barely light a flame. Gordo’s power is his physical strength and his cunning. I have looked at his criminal records, and they are amazing to read. The man is smart. But dangerous in that he can think steps ahead of most of the authorities. I have even sent my people out to get him, though at the time, I didn’t know it was him, and they have failed—each time. Now I can see why,” he says thoughtfully, a hand to his chin.

  “Can you think of anything?’ Carmen asks. “I came to you since you know the pulse of Earth.”

  “Hmm. There have been some disturbances. Small things, such as fires or a death here and there that are unexplained,” Sir Tallen says. “I sent Parker to verify something for me.”

  “The medallion?” Carmen asks him.

  “Yes. Safe passage to talk to the Fairy Queen. She might know something. She has, shall we say, a bone to pick with Gordo as well. Something tells me, young man, that all that knowledge you seem to have that is above what a M.A.G.I. recruit should have, might come in handy here. But will it be enough?” he says, looking at me carefully.

  “Tallen,” Carmen says with a warn in her tone.

  “What?” he says innocently, looking her way.

  “You know you can’t,” she says, but Sir Tallen holds up his hand.

  “I can’t do it to any other races,” he says, and a grin suddenly blooms on his pasty white face, making me nervous. “This might be fun.”

  Carmen is shaking her head vehemently. “He would kill you,” she hisses. Who is she talking about? Who is he?

  “I am willing to take my chances. If Kevin can go after Gordo, I am willing to help. Gordo might have killed Marrisa’s partner, but he has done far worse to many of us.” There is anger in his voice. No, not anger. Rage. “Earth might be my world, but my family still lives on Vamir. He killed many of us there. He killed my cousin, who I loved as a sister since I never was blessed with one. If this will give Kevin a weapon he can use, I am willing to do it.”

  “But the Council,” Carmen starts, but he slashes his hand, stopping her.

  “The Council does not control this. This is something I, as the Count of the Vampires on Earth, can do. This is my own choice.”

  Carmen sighs and says quietly, “Tallen, think this through. Once given, you cannot take it back. And if you attempt to subjugate him, I will have no choice but to kill you and Kevin himself.”

  “I shall not subjugate. I am willing to give him a gift of this.”

  “But it’s a gift he cannot give back!”

  What the hell are they talking about? What gift? A weapon? Dammit, I hate being in the dark. Even with all the knowledge that had been pushed into my brain, I still don’t know what they’re talking about. There is no context for this!

>   “Can someone please tell me what in the blazing hells you are both talking about,” I finally shout in frustration.

  Carmen looks at me nervously, but Sir Tallen is looking at me with hunger. Not a hunger as in, he’s hungry for a burger. More like, I am the meal. My mouth suddenly goes dry and I swallow slowly.

  “I wish to give you a gift Kevin. I wish to turn you into a Vampire.”

  “What?” I say, confused. “You mean, like you?”

  He looks down at himself and smirks. “Not quite. You saw the two men out there guarding the door?”

  “You mean the genetic freaks?”

  “Fair to say,” he says, nodding. “But they were human once. They are, as Carmen says, subjugated. Which means I own them. That allows them certain, shall we say, benefits.”

  “Ok,” I say quickly, shaking my head. “I don’t want this gift of yours if it means looking like that.”

  Laughing, Sir Tallen says, “That won’t happen. I picked them for their speed and strength. What you see is an enhancement of that. No, what I am offering you is something different—full Vampire abilities from a royal.”

  “So, I will be your puppet? Yeah, no thanks,” I tell him, holding my hands up. “I mean, I thank you for the gift, Sir Tallen. But I don’t want to go from possibly having the Council’s leash around my neck to yours.”

  “Wait,” Carmen says. “You’re serious? You’re not looking for a subjugated slave, but you want to give him the Transformation?”

  “Yes,” Sir Tallen says, not taking his eyes off me.

  “Kevin here is something that we have not seen in, well, ever. I love Earth. But I find some of the other worlds need a good shaking up. Humans are not as bad as they used to be. Yes, some still are. But I believe we can somewhat coexist. If I give this gift to Kevin, I’ll not only have a weapon to go after Gordo, but I’ll also finally be able to show the rest of the Galaxy that Earth and humans are not as awful as their ancestors. This might be, as they say, kicking a hornet’s nest, but Kevin is the bear and won’t feel their stings. If I can give him that extra power to move my timeline ahead faster, I am all for it.”

  “Wait, you really want this, don’t you?” Carmen says, looking at him and laughing. “You want us to coexist with humans?”

  “Of course,” he says, looking over at her. “Isn’t that the same thing you want? You were born here on Earth. You have human friends. You have even had human lovers, from what my research says. But yet you must keep it secret most of the time. I have looked into you, Carmen Milgrang. You might be M.A.G.I. but you are like me, from Earth, and you have shall we say, some feelings for these humans. I have worked for ages to get other worlds to look at humans differently. My Club 58 is part of that. But I think Kevin here might be able to change the timeline.”

  “Timeline?” I ask.

  “Yes,” he says, turning back to me. “I had hoped to have us all coexist in, say, one or two hundred years. But with you?” he says with a big grin, which shows off his typical Vampire teeth. “I can do it much quicker. So, will you join me in this, Kevin?”

  I look at him closely, trying to think this through, and my first thought is, it’s a trick. Oh, not that he wants humans and Magic folk to coexist. That, I think, he is sincere about. But the gift part. There is always a catch, and I honestly hate having to owe people. But I also know that the more power I have, the more I can take my life into my own hands and out of the Council’s. Maybe even Marrisa’s dad. I like him, but I am still under his protection, which means I feel obligated to owe him. Yet, here is a Vampire, a Vampire who shows some sort of loyalty. A King even, telling me he can give me a gift that would make me stronger against those who might come after me.

  I shake my head. “I can’t accept it. There is a cost to pay. There always is. I am sorry, but I shall have to decline.”

  Nodding, Sir Tallen says, “I understand. No hard feelings?” He holds out a hand for me to shake.

  “No, no hard feelings, Sir Tallen. You have done nothing that would warrant me being upset with you,” I tell him, taking his hand.

  Faster than I thought possible, Sir Tallen is suddenly behind me, with a hand around my neck and my arm up behind my back.

  “Tallen!” screams Carmen, and in her hands is her sniper rifle. She holds it against her shoulder with the barrel aimed at Sir Tallen behind me. “This is foolish!”

  “I agree,” I hear Tallen say from behind me, and there is regret in his voice. “But we need a champion. Correction. Earth needs a champion. If it means me giving my life to give this man this gift, so be it.”

  Before I can say anything, I feel teeth biting into the back of my neck. How the hell did he get past my magical defense? The pain is excruciating at first, and I hear a coughing noise. That’s the last thing I feel, as I slowly fall into darkness. But before I go, I hear Sir Tallen say “Shit, that genuinely hurts.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  To say I feel weird is an understatement. I feel like my body had been broken apart, torn apart, shredded apart, and lastly, blown apart. The pain must have been bad because even while passed out, I could still feel it. Slowly, I regain consciousness, but it feels more as if I’m being pulled out of the darkness because, truthfully, I don’t want to leave this less painful place.

  “Kevin,” I hear a worried voice say. That’s odd. Why would a man be concerned about me?

  Finally, curious about why some male would be calling me, I struggle back to reality, and then I groan at the light that hits my eyes. I put my arm over my eyes but somehow end up smacking myself in the face instead, hard.

  “What the hell,” I groan in pain.

  “Thank the Gods. Don’t move!” I hear the same male voice. Right, that’s Sir Tallen.

  “What the hell did you do to me, Tallen?” I say, dropping the title of sir since I am upset.

  “I’m not sure. What I was planning to do didn’t work as intended,” he says, worriedly.

  I remove my arm slowly as my eyes adjust to the light. That’s when I see that we are still in the basement, where Club 58 is, and there is only one light above me. But fuck me, it’s bright as hell.

  “What do you mean? Where is Carmen?” I ask, looking around.

  “Here,” I hear from behind.

  Tilting my head backward, I look behind me and she is there, facing Tallen with her rifle still aimed at him. I look over at him and I see he isn’t in great shape. He has a gunshot wound to his upper right chest and another one to his neck. There is a lot of blood flowing down his shirt.

  “Did she shoot you?” I ask him in shock.

  “Of course I shot him,” Carmen growls. “He tried to turn you into a Vampire.”

  “Oh. Did it work? And how the hell did he get past my magical defenses or whatever? When William’s sister tried to bite me, she got thrown across the room. When Bower grabbed me, he got thrown as well.” I ask, looking at Tallen for information.

  Carmen is the one to answer. “Your magical defenses work sometimes, but other times they might not. They are not always available. You have just been lucky. Your power until you get to know how to use it keeps you safe. But now it feels you can defend yourself,” Carmen says, shrugging down at me.

  I look over at Tallen. “So, did it work? Am I Vampire?”

  He frowns. “No. But something did happen. How do you feel?”

  “I’m not sure,” I tell him truthfully. “The lights in here are bright. Can you turn them down? And my arms are not working properly. I went to put my arm over my eyes and instead ended up bashing myself in the face.”

  “Shit,” Carmen says vehemently. She kneels next to me with her rifle still aimed at Tallen, one-handed. He doesn’t move but simply lifts his hands. “What else?”

  “What else?” I ask, looking up at her.

  She isn’t looking at me, but is still staring at Tallen. But then she glances down quickly and meets my gaze, and I see she is concerned She quickly raises her eyes back to Tallen once more

  “What else? Hmm,” I say, laying my head back down on the ground. “I feel odd. It feels as if my body is humming. Not the chills, though.”

  Without looking, Carmen puts a hand on my chest, and slowly inches up to my neck, until she finds my pulse.

  “Well your pulse is racing right now. Tallen, what by the Gods is going on!” Carmen growls at him.

  “I’m not sure,” he says, and I can see that even though he is sitting down, he is unsteady.

  Without thinking about it, I throw a spell at him—a healing spell. While I know he can heal faster than most, for some reason the wounds that Carmen inflicted on him aren’t healing as fast. I think about it, and the information comes to me. Magic shots are not like bullet-inflicted shots. They don’t recover as quickly because the body can’t heal as fast from Magic damage, whether they are Vampires, Beasts, or Changelings, to name a few of the Magic folk.

  Tallen sighs in relief, nodding to me appreciatively. “Thank you,” he says.

  “What the hell is going on with him, Tallen?” Carmen growls. “And if you move or try anything, I swear I will give you three wounds instead of two next time.”

  Sighing, Tallen says, “I would say that he has had the Transformation, but it didn’t go the way I thought it would. Most humans I have bitten are usually my subjects. I have never given the complete Transformation to anyone before. I think the last time anyone did was thousands of years ago when my grandfather did it, and he did it to a Beast. That Beast became, for all intents and purposes, a Vampire. Based on the family records, as I looked through them before this young man came to see me, as I figured if I ever ran into him, I would attempt this, he should have gotten the powers of a Vampire. Do you feel hungry for blood or emotions, Kevin?”

  I think about that. I mean, I’m thirsty, but that’s because my throat is dry. Then I think about the second part of his sentence. Hungry for emotions? Not really.

  “I can’t tell,” I tell him. “I’m thirsty but would rather have water. The idea of blood is kind of gross. No offense meant,” I tell him quickly.


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