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M.A.G.I Hunters 1: A Bounty Hunter Fantasy Series (M.A.G.I. Hunters)

Page 23

by D. Levesque

  Marrisa looks at me and suddenly nods as if coming to a decision. She gets off the bed and stands up in front of me, and I turn and look up at her with a question on my face.

  She places her hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes with a serious expression. “Kevin. Will you make love to me?”

  I smile up at her and place my hands on her hips. “With pleasure Marrisa.”

  And for the next couple of hours, Marrisa and I show each other just how we feel about each other. Making love to a Changeling is an experience that is both exciting and hot. I never thought I would be into women with tails, but you know what? Don’t knock it until you try it, is what I have to tell you.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The following day, the sun wakes me up. I stretch and feel Marrisa against me, and I can’t help but smile. Damn, that was a night to remember. It seems that in addition to speed and strength, I also gained stamina after Tallen bit me. I know this for a fact because even with other partners, I have never lasted that long.

  It seems I heal faster as well, as Tallen said Vampires do, because at one point, Marrisa was in her Changeling form and the claws came out. Actual claws. That memory brings a grin to my face. Who knew I’d enjoy a bit of pain from my lovers?

  I look at this woman who I thought hated me but really was trying to push me away because she was scared to get close to me. We had talked last night and like Carmen and Tallen, she figures that the rest of the Magic worlds need to understand that not all humans are bad, and that there are benefits to working closely with humans. She was adamant about us not working with the governments though. Marrisa echoed Carmen’s sentiment that human governments would want to take over or, even worse, destroy the other worlds.

  As I’m looking at her, Marrisa stretches, giving me a magnificent view of her ample tits, since the sheet had fallen below them. She opens her eyes and looks at me with a smile.

  “Good morning,” she quietly murmurs.

  “Good morning,” I reply with my own smile.

  Marrisa scoots over and puts her head on my chest, looking at me. “What now?”

  “What do you mean, what now?” I ask her, perplexed.

  Well. You’re done with your training. You got Gordo, who I went after. Shit, I will need to do the paperwork for that,” she says, vexed. “What next?”

  “Well, M.A.G.I. has assigned us to Earth. How is that going to work? You aren’t even from there yourself. Do you know a lot about my world?”

  Marrisa sighs and shakes her head, which is still on my chest. This is the first time that I have ever seen her without her glasses on. She’s kind of cute without them, but I have to admit to having a thing for women with glasses.

  “Except for the odd run in on Earth, or when I was younger and I went to concerts, not really. Us being assigned to Earth is going to prove interesting. You are still considered a human. While you now have Magic, we aren’t sure what that means. I talked to my dad and sister about it, and they wondered what it would mean if you had sex with a human and got her pregnant? Would that child have Magic? Are you the start of something that we, as magical races, never thought we would see? Humans with Magic?”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  She looks at me sharply and I explain. “Think about it. You, Carmen and Tallen all want to get more involved with humans. How would humans feel knowing that they would always be the stunted race? The race who can’t do Magic. Wasn’t that the whole reason you were all chased and killed to the point where you all asked your gods for help and moved to other planets?”

  Marrisa’s scowl gets bigger and bigger as I reason it out for her. “So, what do you think we should do?”

  “Well, let’s go have breakfast. If Tallen is even serving breakfast. I have a proposition for him and a request for you. I need to see your Dad. I want to introduce Tallen to my best friend’s parents.”

  “The rich ones?” Marrisa says with a sneer.

  “Oh, don’t sneer. Mike’s parents have a lot of clout. Plus they are pragmatic. They understand business. And let’s be serious. If Tallen gets access to human interaction—”

  “More interaction, you mean, as he is already working as a business partner with humans,” Marrisa says quickly, interrupting me.

  Nodding, I continue. “Correct. So why should he be the only one to benefit? I am sure the Vampires on Earth are making good money off of humans. The other races probably are as well. But, what would your dad gain from having access to a large corporation run by humans that have access to things a Vampire wouldn’t?”

  Marrisa simply looks at me, her eyes getting wider and wider. Then she says in a hushed tone, “My Gods. My dad would have access to technology and resources unknown to us!”

  “So, let’s go have breakfast,” I tell her, getting out of bed naked and heading towards the shower. The room we are in is as wonderful as a hotel room, with its own bathroom and large shower.


  I turn to her, stopping before I get to the bathroom. “Or?”

  She pulls the sheet off herself completely and shows me her full nakedness. “Or you can come show your new wife just how much you adore her.”

  I grin at that and head back to the bed. Climbing in, I put my knees on either side of her legs and look down at her. “Yes. I can do that,” I reply softly and bend down to kiss her.

  After we shower, Marrisa leads the way down the stairs, since I am lost in this place, and walks into the room we ate supper in last night. As we approach, I can already smell the scents of bacon and toast and other tasty things.

  “Ah,” I hear Tallen say as Marrisa and I walk in. “The honeymoon couple awakens.” I look over and Tallen is sitting in the same place he had been sitting last night.

  He has changed into cleaner clothes and is wearing a light blue shirt. As he stands up to bow to us, I see he is also wearing white pants. On anyone else, white pants would look ridiculous, but damn he makes it look amazing. Is that a Vampire thing? He sits back down and waves us to the empty chairs at the table.

  I’m glad we had both showered before coming down, but we are wearing the same dirty clothes from last night. It’s not like I brought a change of clothing with me. I look at the rest of the table, and Carmen is there as well. She has a big grin on her face, and she lifts a glass of orange juice in salute.

  I smile at her and wave. Then I turn to William, who is also sitting at the table. “Sir William,” I say as I sit down. “I hope you are feeling better.”

  He smiles at me and nods. “Please, William will do. Especially after what Tallen here tells me you did for me?”

  I wave it away. “It was nothing,” I start, but Tallen snorts at that comment.

  “Nothing,” Tallen says, shaking his head. “I would never have thought of what you did.”

  “Nor I, and I am a pretty powerful Magus,” William says with a raised eyebrow. “You have my thanks. Not just from me, but also from my people.”

  “Thank you,” I tell him

  “Kevin, if I might call you that?” I nod to him. “Kevin. You know that my sister was on the Council?”

  At that, I nod. “Well, the reason we both qualified for it is because I am the Count of Vamir. My sister was the Countess of Vamir. We both held power, since my sister and I are rare in the Vampire race. We are twins.”

  “Wait,” I tell him, putting my plate down, the feeling of hunger gone. “You’re that kind of royalty?” I ask him in amazement.

  “I am the counterpart to Tallen here,” William says with a laugh. He has cleaned up and looks damn good, compared to what he looked like when we rescued him last night, though I see that there are black shadows under his eyes on his pasty white face.

  “Damn,” I say, sitting back.

  “This might make this easier, don’t you think?” Marrisa asks me.

  “Easier?” Tallen says, before I can respond.

  “Yes. I have asked that Marrisa’s father join us, if that is all right? I ha
ve a proposition that might benefit you and him. I am sure that William here, as the Count of Vamir, might benefit from it as well.”

  “Oh?” Tallen responds, a curious look on his face. “Of course. One moment, I will contact my staff to make sure that Magus Targun is not—”

  “All good,” says the voice of Marrisa’s dad from the doorway. He walks into the room, and I see that he is not in his Changeling form this time, but in his human form. He is still very tall, and he still has that staff, which I am now one hundred percent sure is his Foci.

  “How did you not set off my alarms?” Tallen cries, standing up quickly from his chair.

  Magus Targun snorts at that and looks at Tallen. “Come on, Tallen. I might be younger than you, but you aren’t on my level when it comes to Magic. The only one who might give me a run for my money is Kevin here. One day.”

  “Shit,” Tallen says, shaking his head, but he is chuckling.

  “So, what did you want me here for, Marrisa?” he asks, looking at her.

  “It wasn’t me, Dad. It was Kevin,” Marrisa says, pointing to me.

  “Oh?” He turns to look at me.

  “Please, have a seat. If that is all right, Tallen?”

  “As if I can stop him,” he says with a laugh.

  “Oh, breakfast! I could eat again,” Magus Targun says, taking a seat across from me excitedly.

  I open my mouth to say something, but he stops me with a raised hand. As he does that, I notice that his staff is gone. Yep! I was right!

  “Eat first. Business after,” he intones, but he isn’t looking at me. He’s too busy filling his plate up.

  Nodding, I laugh and start to do the same thing. For the next half hour, we talk about how our morning has been going and how we all slept. Carmen doesn’t say much but simply looks at me, smiling now and then as she eats her breakfast.

  “Now,” Magus Targun says with a satisfied groan, sitting back and pushing his empty plate, which had been refilled four times, away from him. “What is this about?” I can’t complain, as I had refilled mine just as much. Is that something from Tallen? A quicker metabolism?

  I push my plate away as well and take a sip of my coffee before I start, putting my thoughts in order. “Tallen, you know how you feel that humans should be pulled more into Magic people’s lives? I know that Carmen feels the same. And I know you, sir,” I say, looking at Marrisa’s dad, “do not have as much hatred towards humans as other do. Sir William,” I start, but he glares at me. “Sorry, William. I know your feelings on humans as you wanted to come to school on Earth to learn our sciences. Well. I want to introduce you all to my best friend’s parents.”

  “First. You call me sir again, and I will turn you over my knee. Second, what would that do?” Magus Targun says slowly with a thoughtful look my way. “How can your friend’s parents benefit us?”

  “They are billionaires who have their hands in many different industries, from communication, pharmaceuticals, technology to weapons. They have offices all over the world. If you want a foothold in the human world, having access to a large company such as theirs would be beneficial,” I tell him.

  “Bloody hell!” Tallen says with awe.

  “So, you are saying that they would help us?” Magus Targun asks me skeptically.

  “Oh, they wouldn’t do it for free,” I tell him, grinning and laughing. “They got rich for a reason. But I have known them my whole life. Their values are not what you would expect from rich people. They sent their only son to a public school to learn to interact with normal non-rich people. Mike has had nothing given to him on a silver platter. When he started working for his dad and taking over certain parts of the business, he got a salary, and his dad gave him bonuses based on his performance, which was evaluated by his employees.”

  “And how did he do?” Magus Targun asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “He outperformed each quarter, and his bonuses were huge. Mike took his bonus money and divided it up between those under him. People like Mike. They love working for him. My other best friend, Jim, who should have gone to MIT, declined and instead went to work for Mike.”

  “All right, so they are good people. But how will that help us?” William asks me.

  I shrug my shoulders and say, “I’m not sure, but I have an idea. Right now, your worlds are using some technology we humans have created, but for other things, you are still old school. How would a world, such as Vamir, look if it was as technological as Earth, but with Magic added in?” I supply.

  Tallen is the first to answer, and his answer is quick. “I’m in.”

  William doesn’t answer right away, as he stares down at the table with a frown of concentration. Finally, he looks up at me and nods. “Very well. I am in as well. I wish to meet your friend’s parents and see what they can do. Though, I am not sure what we can offer in the way of trade.”

  I turn to Marrisa’s dad, and he is simply looking at me with a smile. “What?”

  “I knew I liked you for a reason, Kevin. I am glad I made you marry her. Now. I am in as well. But, as William just pointed out, I am not sure what we have to trade.”

  I hear a snort on my left, and I look over at Carmen questioningly. “You know, don’t you, Kevin? You have, I am sure, the same thought I do?”

  I look at her and laugh, nodding. “I do.” I look around the table and see Marrisa looking at me with curiosity and something else I cannot quite place. Pride? Then I look over at William and Tallen, and they are both staring at me with open interest.

  “Magic services,” I say.

  “Magic services? What do you mean?” Tallen is the first to ask the question.

  “You have, as races, a unique skill that no humans have. Magic. What if you harness that Magic to give services to Mike’s parents?”

  “Such as?” It’s William who asks the question this time, with a baffled look on his face.

  “Such as using, say, an Earth element to purify metals or even to create new ones?”

  Suddenly there is a loud slap on the table, and Magus Targun is laughing in loud bellows. “Bloody hell, he is right! I would never have thought of selling that service to humans! Now that I think about it, there is so much we can do with Magic that would benefit the humans! As the Lead Council member, I am in!”

  “What about Article 1?” I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

  He waves his hand dismissively. “There are times that we can bend it somewhat. Human interaction has been happening more and more, so it was felt within the Council that maybe we should look at what benefits we can do. Besides,” he says with a shrug. “We can always Mind Wipe them if it doesn’t work.”

  “Well, that might be a good thing for the Magic races,” I tell him with a nod.

  “So when can you set up this meeting?” Tallen says eagerly with a gleam in his eyes.

  I look at Marrisa, and she shrugs. “I guess I can take you to your apartment so you can make that phone call. We would need to walk from the warehouse. The last time we were there, I forgot to save the location to my stone so-” she starts, but Carmen raps her knuckles on the table to get her attention. Marrisa looks at her, clearly annoyed at being interrupted. I guess that’s better than the anger she was displaying before.

  “I’m going as well.”

  “I don’t think we need-” Marrisa starts again, but now her dad is the one to rap his knuckles on the table. She looks over at him in annoyance as well.

  “I meant to send you a message about that,” he tells her, and there is a guarded look on his face.

  “What?” Marrisa asks him slowly.

  “Carmen has been appointed as your partner as well. Actually, you three are the first team of three in M.A.G.I.’s history,” he says.

  “Yes!” Carmen cries, jumping from her chair to mine and hugging me around the neck.

  Marrisa is glaring at her. “He’s still my husband, Carmen.”

  “Oh, I know,” Carmen says with a grin in her direction, her arms still around
my neck. “For now.”

  Before Marrisa can respond, I get up swiftly from my chair, dragging Carmen with me. “Shall we go now?” I cry quickly.

  “Yes,” Magus Targun says just as quickly. He gets up, and his staff is in his left hand.

  “I’m ready,” Tallen says.

  “I am tired, but this might wake me up,” William says, getting up as well.

  “See?” I tell Marrisa uncomfortably, as she is glaring at me. “We should go make that phone call.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Looking around curiously, Magus Targun says, “So is this where it happened?”

  “What? Me swallowing the elixir?” I ask him.

  We are standing at the shortcut I used to take all the time when walking home from the bar after drinking with Mike and Jim. The site is still a mess. It’s early evening, so you can see just how much garbage and crap is laying around. I look up and see that the glass window that Marrisa had thrown Twoshoes out of has not been replaced or even boarded up.

  Magus Targun nods at me.

  “Yeah,” I say. “I guess Twoshoes must have had the vial in his hand when he went flying out of the window. I assume Marrisa threw him out of it?”

  We all look at her. She glares at me, but nods. “So I guess when he went flying, it must have fallen out of his hand. All I remember is hearing breaking glass and looking up. Then, something slammed into my forehead and broke, and suddenly I had the vilest shit in my mouth.”

  “Yes. Those who created those elixirs, they were not known for making it sweet-tasting, and this particular Magus who made the last one you ingested, made his taste vile on purpose. I heard that he used to go around looking for the most disgusting liquids to use. But damn, I would kill for the knowledge of how to make it. Those who created it usually kept it to themselves and died with the secret. I can’t blame them. I am sure if I had found it, I would do the same.”


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