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Knox (Hellbound Lovers MC #8)

Page 8

by Crimson Syn

  I nodded. “I’ve got it.”

  “No one will find you there. I’ll contact you. Stay outta sight.”

  “Will do, Prez.”

  “And Knox.”


  “She needs you. Good luck, man.”

  I hung up the phone and closed my eyes. I had to let it go for now, but that son of a bitch was going to pay for what he did.



  “Let’s go!”

  I stared up at him. “You’re not going after him?”

  He crouched down before me, his head hung low. “I need you to get dressed baby. Pack whatever items you have here and meet me downstairs in five minutes. No questions asked.”

  He frowned as he gently traced my bruised cheek. I watched him walk away, his hands fisted at his side, his shoulders slumped over as if the weight of the word held them down. I knew he was angry, and I also knew he’d just received orders from Wolf. He was controlling himself in more ways than one, but if I gave him just one window he’d go after La Cruz and destroy him and himself in the process.

  I met him out front, handed him my bag and hopped onto the back of the bike. The sun set as we took off, I noticed he was making sure to take the back roads. I was afraid for him. I was afraid that he would give his life for mine. La Cruz wasn’t going to stop until he had me, and Knox was in his way. The threat hung over both our heads now and I wondered what he was going to do.

  We pulled up to Seth's boathouse, and Knox parked his bike to the side of the house, hidden in the shadows. I hopped off and watched as he headed toward Seth's small speedboat.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking you away.”

  “No, you’re not!”

  “You want to go against Wolf’s wishes?” He looked over at me as he untied the rope tethering the boat.

  “I don’t need you to rescue me!”

  “No? La Cruz put his fucking hands on you and wants to take you for his. Since when the fuck did you think I'd let that happen? Don't push me, Jade. I'm already itchin' to rip his fucking throat out."

  I scowled back at him. “So, you’re just going to place your life in danger?”

  He smirked at me and strutted up to me. Cupping my chin, he brought my face up to his. His eyes held mine and my breath caught in my throat as he bent down towards me. His lips were a fraction of an inch away from mine, and our breaths mingled.

  “What makes you think another man can put his hands on you and I’d let them live?” I closed my eyes and inhaled, slowly breathing him in. “Nobody touches you but me, Jade, or did you forget that?”

  His words had me staring wide-eyed into his chocolate brown eyes. There was a soft fierceness to his tone that had me weak in the knees. "Knox," I pleaded.

  His mouth slid over mine in a strong and fiery kiss. His previous kisses had nothing on this one. This one came with a slow-burning hunger that had my pussy contracting with need. His tongue danced along mine, stroking and sucking it deeply as his lips molded to mine. I whimpered as he dragged me up against him, pressing me against the hard planes of his body. My God, there was nothing better than the safety of being in Knox's arms. My hands ran through his rumpled hair, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. I smiled as he groaned against my lips.

  “We have to go,” he breathed heavily.”

  My body swayed as he released me and my senses reeled from his touch. Pulling on his arm, I turned him to me.

  “You need to promise me that where you go, I go.”

  His eyes met mine and he squeezed my hand. "You're a part of me, Jade. I'll never leave you behind, baby. I'd die if you weren't by my side.

  His fingertips glided down my arm and he squeezed my hand. “You comin’?”

  I followed him on the boat and waited patiently as he got some more stuff from within the house. Looks like Seth had already packed us some supplies. As he boarded the ship I saw Ciara come out and wave at us. It seemed everyone had been spoken to, everyone knew what was going on.

  “We won’t have contact with the Hellbound Lovers for a while, but Wolf said he’d come for us when he could.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Just a few miles out. We’ve got a house on the island up ahead.”

  “A house?”

  He shrugged. “We like investing. It’s a safe house we bought a while back. It’s empty right now, so it’s perfect for this little getaway.”

  “Little getaway?”

  "Are you just going to repeat everything I say? Cause I don't think that constitutes a conversation."

  I looked at him for a long time. “You had this all planned out, didn’t you?”

  He looked back at me and then turned to focus on getting us away from Los Angeles. “The Hellbound Lovers always have an out, baby girl. Never take the main road. When this road has no exit, we make our own.”

  "You definitely got off the main road with this one," I muttered and closed my eyes letting the ocean breeze calm me. The crisp night air sent a chill through me and I went over to Knox. He watched me out of the corner of his eye but didn't move. I came up behind him and leaned on his back, wrapping my arms around his waist.

  He tensed beneath me, but ran his hands along my arms, entwining his fingers with mine. He leaned back into me and we just held each other as the night engulfed us.



  The private dock was about thirty minutes away from the house we kept hidden up on the cliffs of Catalina Island. We bought the place a few years back as a safe house for someone we needed to hide. Like I said, the Hellbound Lovers offered protection, and we needed a place separate from Ravenous in case shit went down. This house had been empty for the last three years, and it was completely off the map, secluded from everything near the very top of the island. I pulled the boat into our private dock. Making sure to secure it. The island was always packed with tourists, people who didn't know who we were and weren't here long enough to recognize us.

  The sound of thunder rumbled in the distance, lighting up the sky a few minutes later. We were going to get caught in the storm if we didn’t hurry. Quickly I uncovered the Triumph I kept hidden in the dock house. Jade looked up at me in surprise and I winked at her, handing her a helmet.

  “Hold on tight, Kitten.”

  Halfway up the road, rain started to pelt down on us. Strong gusts of wind were trying to force us off the road. She tapped my shoulder and pointed to a white church on the side of the road that looked over the cliffs, but I shook my head. We were only five minutes away. I winded the bike through the dangerous curves and Jade rocked back and forth with me at every turn. The rain was nearly blinding us at this point, but I needed to get her to safety.

  We pulled up about ten minutes later and I signaled for her to wait for me. I hid the bike near the back of the house and ran to her. I quickly made my way to the entrance, but I needed to make sure the house was empty before we could go in.

  “Stay here! I’ll be right back!” I left her on the porch and made my way through the house, sweeping each room until I was satisfied that we were alone.

  I quickly went back for her, guiding her shivering form inside and turning the alarm on as soon as I shut the door. Hearing her gasp, I turned to her.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered, taking in the high ceilings and ample living space. She walked into the main living area and turned around, you could see the balcony of the loft on the second floor.

  “My God, how did you find this place?”

  I put down the bag and came up behind her. “To be honest, we found it by pure luck. Wolf and I were taking a ride up here for a business transaction we had pending. Our stop was the church you saw on the way up, when we were heading back we came up and around the mountain and we came across this place. It was run down, abandoned for years. We contacted the owner and it turned out he was willing to sell. We used the cash we’d just received as down payment, and we fixed it up. We had been loo
king for a hideaway for someone and this turned out to be the perfect place.

  It’s got security everywhere, cameras facing the whole island, and a CB radio in case we get in trouble. We’ve only used it once before.

  “I love it,” she whispered and shivered against me.

  I quickly took her jacket off and frowned as I realized she was soaked through. “Fuck baby, we need to get you warm. I grabbed her by the hand and led her upstairs toward the bedroom. I quickly got the fire started and grabbed some towels and blankets to warm her with.

  I kept glancing back as I watched her slowly remove articles of clothing. Her body calling out to me, but I focused on our needs and tried to ignore the ache that swept over me. Ever since I found out La Cruz had touched her, murderous thoughts filled my head, I was thinking up the vilest of ways to torture and kill him. But now, being alone with Jade, all I wanted to do was erase any memory of him that he’d impregnated on her perfect flesh.

  “Knox,” she whispered and I looked over at her.

  “What is it, baby?”

  “Take that jacket off, you’re gonna get sick. Get under the covers with me.”

  I grinned at her and winked. “You just want to make me strip for you. I suppose I deserve it,” I shrugged my jacket off. Grabbing a towel, I dried myself off. Quickly, I removed the rest of my clothing until I was standing before her in my briefs.

  “Damn,” she whispered. The soft husky lilt to her voice awakening my cock.

  I stood there, enjoying her perusal of my body. Her eyes danced along my pecs, sliding down my abs and running along the trail that led down my groin. She bit her lip as she gazed down at the outline of my cock, which was now jutting out in eagerness for her touch.

  “Jade,” I whispered in warning, but she wasn’t having it.

  It was pointless to even try to stop her, she wanted me, and she wasn’t afraid to show me. I’d never had a woman quite like Jade before. She was demanding yet sweet, she initiated every sexual moment yet gave into me by the end of it.

  I watched as she slowly removed the blankets, exposing her sweet self to my hungry glare. I rubbed my cock through my briefs as she played with her nipples, thick and swollen in her arousal. I wanted to suck on them all night and make her forget every bad thing that had happened to her. But I wasn’t going to. She didn’t need me, she needed rest.

  I turned away from her and tried to calm myself down, I felt her come up to me and her touch was my undoing. She ran her hands up my back, spanning the length of my shoulders and sending my whole body into a deep hum of arousal.

  “Knox, touch me, please. I need you to help me. I need you to help me forget.”

  “Ahhh, Kitten. I can’t do that right now. You know I can’t.”

  She grabbed my hand and turned me around. “You’re the only one that knows how. It’s okay,” she whispered, leaning into me. “I want to get lost in you.”

  I groaned and leaned in, capturing her lips in mine. It was a slow, teasing kiss. My tongue glided along her parted lips, enticing her to come out and play with me. Sure enough her tongue met mine in a slow, deep kiss that had my heart racing. I slid my hands around her and pressed her tightly to me, her breasts molding themselves to my chest. I dragged my lips across hers, suckling her tongue before grazing my teeth along her bottom lip.

  I swear I could kiss this woman forever.

  My hands gripped the lush curves of her ass and I molded her to my cock, enjoying the pleasure of her body as she gave into me.

  “Knox,” she whispered my name against my lips and dipped her head back inviting me to suckle on her slender neck.

  I ran my chin along her soft skin, knowing the coarseness of my beard would make her quiver for me. I kept biting and kissing her collarbone as she swayed in my arms. Moving lower towards those sweet tits that I’d been obsessed with for so long. Her back arched and she clung to my biceps as I took one of her pretty rosebuds into my mouth. My eyes met hers as I teased her with my tongue. Her breaths turned into pants as I barely flicked the tip of her nipple, blowing on it lightly before biting down on the tightened flesh.

  She cried out as I had a feast off those two plush breasts. Suckling on one while I pinched and tweaked the other.

  “Ohhhh, Knox! Yes, touch me. I need to feel you, only you,” she tugged on my hair and I groaned as I dragged my teeth along her puckered flesh.

  I slipped my fingertips along the delicate seam of her sheer panty line as I walked around her. Her curvy body pressed against my chest. My cock nestled in her round plush ass. We both groaned as my fingers slid through her honey coated folds. I bent down and nipped at her earlobe as my other hand tweaked her sensitive, tight nipples.

  She whimpered as I massaged her entrance, dragging my now soaked fingers to her clit. Her ass pushing back against me, allowing me to rub against her.

  “You need your man’s touch on you?”

  “Uh-huh,” her whimper drove me crazy.

  “Let me take these off you, baby.”

  I slowly slid her panties down her exquisite legs. Legs I was dying to lie between. I knelt before her and turned her around. I traced her bare mound with my fingertips and she gasped, sexily biting down on a finger. Looking up at her I gave her a gentle shove back onto the bed. She giggled as I slid between her legs, spreading her thighs wide to accommodate my large frame. I grabbed her by the knees and tugged her down to me, I loved watching her as my lips clamped down on her.

  She moaned and arched her back as I swirled my tongue along her swollen lips, dragging it from her entrance back up to her sensitive clit. I watched as her cheeks got rosy, her lips parted, her breath became ragged and those two soft tits became flushed with arousal. I knew I had her as she humped up at my mouth. I quickly took out my cock, stroking myself as she arched back in pleasure. Her pussy muscles worked my tongue and I circled her clit making her legs shake. She mewled continuously, her eyes shut tight as I stroked my pretty kitty’s pussy.

  “Knox!” She cried out my name just like she had on those cameras. I chuckled to myself, secretly loving that I was now able to experience her pleasure in the flesh.

  Grabbing my cock, I knelt before her, perching it at her entrance. Her eyes flew open and as they locked onto mine, I thrust inside of her, spreading her once again onto my shaft. She screamed dragging her nails down my arms and chest, but I continued to press the pad of my thumb on her clit, bringing her to that edge once again.

  “Fuck! Knox! Please,” she moaned sexily as she swerved her hips against me.

  “Baby,” I groaned nipping at her ankles as I fucked her long and deep. My cock throbbed inside of her as I gave her what she wanted.

  Her breath hitched and her body lifted so sexily. Her tits rising high and shaking as I thrust into her nubile body. She submitted to me in the sweetest of ways. I loved her body at that moment, healing her of any darkness that might have touched her. I ran my hands all over her neck, her arms her breasts. I ran them up along her thighs and legs, leaning down and kissing along the same path.

  “Knox,” she whimpered as I took her. Loving how her body shuddered every time my cock entered her.

  “Yeah, baby. Fuck,” I whispered against her lips as I drove myself into her. Every thrust slamming me against her pussy, the sound of our wet flesh resonated hotly through the room.

  "Knox," her plea was desperate and I realized I was about to send her skyrocketing. I ran my thumb over her clit and she cried out. She looked up at me, those pretty pink lips opening in a silent scream.

  “Let go, Kitten. Coat me in that honey. Cum all over my cock!”

  Her body shook as she turned beet red while her pussy worked my cock in an exquisite torturous throb. I roared as my body tightened and I groaned as ropes of cum flooded into her. She held me tight, wrapping her legs around me and pressing my head into her breasts. She hugged me and kissed my temple, running her fingers through my hair.

  “You okay, baby?” I wondered out loud.

giggled and sighed. “Mmhmm, that was perfect.”

  I looked up at her and smiled. "You're a wildcat, not a kitten."

  “Meow,” she teased and I chuckled.

  “I’m gonna have to get my pet a collar.”

  “Mmmm, it better have my owner’s name on it,” she teased and I growled nipping at her tits playfully.

  I stood up and dragged her up with me, leading us right into the shower. What we needed were a nice hot shower and a nice long rest. There wasn't much we could do until Wolf contacted us. And I needed to take care of my girl as much as she needed me too. We had a rough time ahead of us, but tonight wasn't the time to think of that. Tonight, I just wanted her to know she was safe.



  We’d gone to a local diner to have breakfast. I’d known the owner for years and knew he’d take care of us. He sat us in a back booth where we wouldn’t be seen, and I was glad for that since I couldn’t keep my hands off my pretty girl. Of course, she wasn’t complaining either, she was happy to comply with anything I asked of her.

  “Kiss me.”

  She smiled sweetly and leaned in and she gave me a soft peck on the cheek. I frowned and poked her ribs making her laugh. I found myself loving that sound.

  “Kiss me right, woman.”

  She gave me another sultry smile and leaning in slowly she grazed her lips against mine. I growled as she pulled away.

  “I said...”

  "I know what you said," she gave me one of her teasing side looks and I wrapped my hand around her waist hugging her close to my side.

  I grabbed her chin, tilting it up so she’d look at me. Her pretty eyes met mine and her lips parted. I dipped my head and let my lips play against her soft ones. She gave out a soft gasp and I chuckled.

  “When I tell you I want a kiss, these pretty lips better be on mine within seconds,” I whispered huskily as I dragged my tongue along her bottom lip.


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