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Sexiest Dad Alive (Knight Fashion Book 3)

Page 19

by M. Clarke

  When Josh scooped me in his arms, I rested my head between the crook of his neck and shoulder, feeling happy and drained at the same time. So tired, I didn’t ask him where he was taking us. To his car? No. Up the stairs? As if he had read my thoughts, he said, “I’m taking you to my room. This beach house belongs to my family.”

  Josh kicked the door wider and laid me gently down on his bed after he tossed the blankets to one side. Giddiness tickled inside me. The heater blasted, keeping the room warm, but having Josh back had already fired me on the inside. He was all the warmth I needed. Slowly, taking his time, he peeled the layers of my clothes as he planted kisses on every inch of bare skin. I could lie like that forever, wrapped in Josh’s love. Then, backing away, he stripped quickly as if any second could not be wasted. Hovering over me, he cupped my face with his hands. His bare skin sizzled against mine.

  “I’m so fuckin’ in love with you, Isla. Don’t you ever walk out on me again. You weren’t the only one hurting. Do you understand?” He pierced his eyes into mine. The depth of his feeling gripped my heart, and I felt the sincerity of his words.

  Biting my lip, I slowly nodded and laced my fingers through his hair and then down the line of his stubbled jaw. Josh sucked my index finger when I traced the length of his lips. “Show me how much you love me,” I breathed. Josh’s erection rubbed against my folds. Oh God! Bursting with so much happiness, I already started to unravel. My breathing became faster when Josh’s eyes gleamed darker, lust and passion filling them.

  “I’m going to show you. I’m not holding anything back,” he growled.

  When he thrust inside me, blood shot to my head, and I exploded with so much pleasure it was hard to bear. Joy, worry, anger, and longing burst through, releasing and expanding until my head spun. His hands caressed, explored, touched me as if we were making love for the first time. Every touch anew, with every kiss on my body I quivered, and his eyes met mine filled with joy and love.

  “Isla.” Josh’s eyes rolled back, pumping faster. “I can’t … Oh God. You feel amazing. I’m about to burst.”

  His words told me I wasn’t alone feeling the intensity of our reunion, but making love never felt that good. Everything was different. We both professed our love for each other, and nothing held us back. No Shelly, no more hurt, no more anger. Nothing in the way of showing each other how we felt. I had never known love like that, and I never wanted to let it go.

  “Josh. I love you,” I proclaimed, my hip rocking with his. “Oh, God. I’m…Josh.”

  “I so fuckin’ love you.” He gave me the sweetest, warmest grin. And as he drilled his eyes to mine, pumping faster, we came together.

  We slumped on the bed, his hand touching mine. We stayed like that until our ragged breathing steadied. Josh moved first and pulled my body to his.

  “Hi,” he said, pushing my hair back to see my face. “You okay?”

  I smiled. “Never been better. I think we need to do that again?”

  Josh cocked an eyebrow. “As long as we don’t start with you punching me, I agree.”

  I giggled. “I—I—sorry about that.”

  He leaned closer to kiss my lips and pressed our foreheads together. “You could’ve punched me all you wanted. I didn’t care what you did to me. All I cared about was having you back.”

  I released a soft breath, thinking too much about how it could have gone wrong, but I shut it out. Josh came back for me. But a question floated in the back of my mind.

  “What made you change your mind, Josh?”

  He furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”

  “Why did you come for me?”

  His finger trailed down the side of my neck and made idle circles around my shoulder. “I’ve already told you. I just needed closure. When I’m around Shelly, you’re on my mind constantly. I wonder what you’re doing. I wonder where you are. I want to know what your day is like. I miss being with you. But when I’m with you, I don’t think about Shelly. The what-if I felt was more for Emma’s sake. I won’t be able to give her everything. I can try. But I can’t give her anything if I’m not happy. Does that make sense to you?”

  I nodded. “It does. Like that saying: Happy wife makes a happy family.” I wrinkled my nose and squinted. “Not the right analogy, but close.”

  Josh chuckled, his body pressed to mine. His quaking laughter spread to me. “Good. Glad you understand.”

  “So what’s next? What’s going to happen with Emma?”

  “Let’s talk about Emma later. Right now, I want to talk about us.” He twisted a lock of my hair around his index finger. “I would like for you to move back in.”

  I shrugged, making him sweat a little. Giving him a wicked smile, I said, “Maybe.”

  “Maybe?” His fingers wiggled, threatening to tickle me.

  I grabbed his hand, my mouth ready to burst out with laughter and my body ready to launch off him. “Okay. Okay. Okay. I haven’t moved any of my things, so my clothes are still there.”

  “I know.”

  “You know?”

  He looked guilty. “I checked. Not because I wanted you gone, but because I missed you and I…” He sighed. “I needed a reminder that you hadn’t left me completely.”

  My heart dropped, understanding more clearly the depth of his pain. He had told me he was hurting too, but just how much I hadn’t known. “Let’s not hurt each other again,” I said.

  “I agree.” His lips curled, his eyes beaming for a different reason. “When you’re ready, I want you to meet my parents.”

  Silence filled the air as I took in his words. “What? Your parents?”

  “It was about time I cleared things with my parents. I did it for all of us. For Emma, so she could get to know her grandparents. For you, so you don’t think I’m an orphan.”

  “Josh.” I lightly punched his arm. “I didn’t think that.”

  He chuckled and then became serious. “And for me. My dad and I had our problems, but dating Shelly damaged my relationship with him. Though I don’t agree with the way he went about the things he did, I also know he did it because he loves me. We cleared up everything.”

  My eyes widened with joy, and I embraced him. “Josh, I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you, Isla,” he whispered, and then he became all choked up, and I did the same. “Thank you for giving me another chance. Thank you for making me happy. I love you. I can’t imagine my life without you. That’s how much I love you. I hope you believe me.”

  I pulled back to see his facial muscles relaxed, showing me he meant every word, and then I met his beautiful bluish-green eyes, and said, “I do, Josh. I really do.”

  Chapter 32


  Sunlight peeked through the half-opened shutter and streaked across the room. Some overlapped over the bed, highlighting Isla’s hair and bare shoulder. God, she looked beautiful. I could have stared at her all day except hunger pangs reminded me I needed to cook breakfast. But I had one problem. We hadn’t used the beach house in months, and the refrigerator was empty. Waking up Isla and taking her out for breakfast was one option, but since I had planned for us to meet Nathan and Olivia for lunch at the beach house, I checked the clock. Shit! They’d be there soon. We had slept the whole morning.

  “Isla.” I kissed her shoulder and pushed her hair back.

  She groaned. “Josh. You drained me last night.”

  “It’s your fault for driving me crazy. What can I say, Isla. I’m crazy for you.” I kissed her cheek. “Nathan and Olivia are bringing us lunch, remember?”

  Her head popped up, almost hitting my nose. “What time is it?”

  The doorbell chimed.

  “Noon?” Isla jumped out of bed, her disheveled hair tumbling around her face. My eyes greedily drank in the view of her naked body. “Josh. Stop staring.” She gave me a coy smile, her face blushing, but her eyes said come get me.

  “What? I studied every freckle and mole on your body last night.”

p; The doorbell broke our spell.

  I rolled off and started to dress myself. “I better get the door.”

  “I’ll be right out. Tell them I’m getting …” Isla word’s get lost on the way to the bathroom and as I rushed out the bedroom door.

  Knock! Knock! Knock! “Josh.”

  I opened the door and smiled, rubbing the back of my neck. “Nathan. Olivia. Come in.”

  They both smiled and entered. Nathan lifted two big bags. “Our lunch.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.” I took it from him. “I’ll set it up at the dining table.” As I proceeded, Isla squealed out of the room and hugged Nathan and Olivia. “I’m so happy you’re both here.” She sounded so happy, and it made me smile.

  “So am I.” Olivia twitched her eyebrows in their silent communication. Probably about how happy they both were Isla and I got back together.

  “Let’s eat. I’m starving.” Nathan bolted under the arch, leading to the kitchen.

  We followed him and everyone helped to spread the trays of Italian food. After we ate, we gathered in the living area, Olivia and Isla with mugs of tea in their hands.

  “What’s everyone doing next Saturday?” I asked, snuggling against Isla on the brown leather sofa.

  Nathan leaned back by the fireplace, sitting on my father’s favorite leather chair, and placed his feet on the brown ottoman. “What’s going on next Saturday?”

  “Emma’s party,” I began, taking a sip of the tea Isla offered, holding the mug to my lips. “My parents missed her first birthday, and they want to introduce her to our relatives and friends. It’s going to be a massive party.” I snorted, recalling how my parents liked to go all out on parties. Then I explained the relationship I once had with my parents, especially my father, and how everything was almost back to the way it should be.

  As I received understanding nods from Isla and my friends, I felt refreshed, and I locked the past away to start a new life with Emma and Isla. Isla slipped her hand into mine and gave me a reassuring smile. Her support comforted me, and I knew I did the right thing by my daughter and by Isla—fixing, mending, and healing myself, so I could be a better father, better boyfriend, and someday soon, a great husband.

  “We don’t have any plans, and if we had any, we would cancel them. Olivia and I will be there,” Nathan said.

  Olivia lifted an eyebrow at Isla, and Isla did the same to Olivia. I swear those two could read each other’s minds. And in a way, so could I. Before one of them could ask, I said, “Shelly won’t be there. There’s no need for her to be there. The party is for Emma. And”—I gazed at Isla—“to introduce Isla to my parents and the whole freakin’ world.” I winked.

  I had told Nathan over the phone how Shelly had taken money from my parents and asked him not to share that information with Olivia until I spoke to Isla first. Isla had no idea Shelly had taken money from my parents, and eventually I would tell her because I didn’t want any secrets between us. The topic of Shelly was already sensitive enough, so it would have to wait until Isla fully trusted us again.

  Shelly, on the other hand, heard an earful from me. I told her exactly how I felt about her lies and the money she had taken from my parents, and that if she wanted to continue the joint custody of our daughter, she better not have anything up her sleeve. And Shelly was to treat Isla with respect and contact her only if necessary.

  Isla beamed a smile, and her features glowed with happiness. “Are you sure?” she asked softly.

  I wasn’t sure if she was asking regarding Shelly coming to the party or the part about meeting my parents, but my answer to both was yes. “Shelly is Emma’s mother and that is all. She also signed a contract I had my lawyer draw up. Shelly has to follow a set of rules.”

  Isla’s curious eyes lit up. “Like what?”

  “She has to let me know where she’s going and how long she’ll be gone if she takes Emma with her for longer than a day.”

  “Good rule,” Isla agreed, smiling.

  “I agree with Isla, but when were you going to tell us about this beautiful beach house, Josh?” Nathan angled his eyebrows to a pinch in the center.

  “Yah, Josh,” Olivia joined in, tapping on the mug, throwing playful glares my way.

  “Hey, leave my man alone.” Isla cuddled closer to me.

  “Yeah. Leave me alone,” I pouted, my tone like a little boy. Then I chuckled. “As you know, my father is the founder of his real estate agency—Bennett Estates. He bought this house about five years ago. My parents mostly rent it out to people who come from out of state to get away from the cold weather or during Christmas. It’s about five thousand square feet with five bedrooms.”

  “It’s beautiful.” Isla’s eyes followed the crown molding and then shifted to the tall window, taking up one side of the wall that led to the beach.

  Beyond the thick, tinted window, the soft waves drifted in and out of the shore, and the sound soothed me, filling me with peace.

  Nathan’s eyes gleamed, and he looked back to me. “We set the date for our wedding. There was a date available. December 16th.”

  Isla’s eyes sparkled and locked with Olivia’s. “A winter wedding. Perfect.”

  Olivia held out her mug, as if to cheer. “Yes. Perfect. Only perfect if you’ll be my maid of honor.”

  Isla handed me her mug and launched herself at Olivia. “Oh. My. God. Yes.” Her happy squeal pierced through the air, and Nathan flinched. I laughed, watching my Isla and thinking we’d have a wedding one day, too. Deep in the recess of my heart, I knew without a doubt we were forever.

  “So when do we get the tour of the house?” Nathan asked. “Olivia and I should get going soon.”

  Besides Nathan having things to take care of, he wanted to give us time alone. After all, Isla and I had just gotten back together.

  “How about now?” I replied.

  I took them out to the back through the double glass doors. Palm trees lined the left and right side of the backyard borders, swaying in the light, cool breeze. In the center, the massive pool, and off to the side, a long gazebo attached to the house covered the built-in barbecue and expensive outdoor furniture my parents had bought.

  “You’ve been hiding this?” Isla exclaimed. “This looks like a resort.”

  I shrugged and waved like it was nothing. “I was going to show you later.” I waggled my eyebrows. “A private tour.”

  Her lips tugged, giving me that gorgeous, sunrise smile. Taking her hand, I guided her to show her more as we strolled down the deck.

  “You have the ocean in front. You don’t need a pool.” Nathan chuckled, meandering across with his arm around Olivia’s shoulders, his shoe scuffing the peach and tan flagstones that took weeks for the builder to put in piece by piece.

  “I think we need to buy a beach house,” Olivia said.

  “I think we should just steal this one,” Nathan suggested playfully.

  Pacing the gazebo, Isla opened a door. “No way. You have a bathroom and a shower outside.”

  I shrugged. “My mom wanted to make sure people used this bathroom. She didn’t like the idea of people dripping water across the wooden floor inside the house.”

  “I see her point,” Isla agreed.

  Nathan and Olivia lay across the length of the pool lounge chairs spread between the pool and the bar area.

  “Now that my relationship with my parents is better, I should have a pool party,” I commented.

  “Awesome idea.” Nathan closed his eyes, relaxing in the warmth of the sun, tucking his arm under the nape of his neck for support. The sun had peeked through the layers of thick dark clouds. Seconds before it had been completely covered.

  “You’re both welcome to swim right now if you want,” I offered, going behind the bar to the refrigerator. “We have extra swim wear in the closet. They’re new.” Taking out beer bottles, I placed them on the brown-speckled marble counter. “Want some beer? Or I can make mixed drinks?” I looked behind me to the shelves loaded with
bottles of alcohol.

  “No, thanks,” everyone said.

  Olivia swung one leg over and sat up. “Not that we plan to, but I assume there’s a heater for the pool?”

  “Yup,” I answered and reached for the phone I had placed on the island bar. Shelly had messaged me to let me know Emma was a little under the weather so they didn’t end up going to San Diego. So far, she had been mature about the contract and our joint custody. Without making it sound like a bribe, I paid for childcare, which the contract stated, and I paid her a little bit more so she only had to work part time. That would continue until Emma was old enough to attend school.

  “We should get going.” Nathan stood up and checked his phone. After a few heartbeats he looked at me with a wide grin plastered on his face. “Josh. Check your email.”

  “Why?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

  “Stop questioning me. Just do it. If you don’t, I’ll throw you in the pool.”

  I chuckled at his threatening comment that wasn’t threatening at all. But something was definitely up. Something big. I knew that grin very well. He would never randomly tell me to check my email. So I did.

  I read it again. And then I read it again. Not until I looked up did I realize Nathan, Olivia, and Isla stood around me.

  “What is it?” Isla placed her hand over my wrist since both of my hands locked on the phone from being stunned to silence.

  Nathan knew. How did he find out? Social media, of course.

  “I got an email from Matthew Knight. I—I won,” I murmured, still staring at the screen.

  “You won what?” Isla probed for more information.

  “I mean … I won the contest.” I swallowed, an unbelievable lump gliding down my throat, trying to suppress my happy emotion. “I won the Sexiest Model Alive contest, but they want to change it to Sexiest Dad Alive. And they want Emma to be on the cover with me.” Then those stupid unrelenting tears bubbled in my eyes because of my daughter, my Emma. It was the perfect way to tell the universe I had a daughter.


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