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Risen (The Firebird Trilogy Book 2)

Page 15

by Stephanie Harbon

  I nodded in reluctant acceptance.

  She opened the door and called out for the guards. Before she left she turned over her shoulder and said with a nasty smirk: “And of course, if you continue seeing the Ashaik the deal’s off. Even I think betraying your tribe is one step too far.”

  The four guards swept into the room. Two bent down before me, both holding massive metal keys. They unlocked the Phoenix snares trapping my legs; which clattered onto the wooden floor with a solid clang. The guards then escorted me out of the tiny room and into the Council Hall.

  The scene in the room was exactly the same as it was when I’d left it an hour or so ago. All the remaining Council members were sat patiently in high-backed chairs on the curved side of the room and along the straight wall lined Jayson, Chara, Nik, Adrian, Kieran. To my surprise Ebony, Kieran’s bubbly little sister, was there as well; gazing anxiously at me when I entered.

  “So,” wondered Acheron. “Have you been having fun?”

  I didn’t think he deserved an answer, but still I said. A ball.

  He turned his attention to Silva. “Have you analysed her?”

  She nodded, “Her mind is clean; she speaks only truth.”

  There was a shocked silence that muted everyone in the room. The relief I felt was astonishing; though the price I paid for it was weighing me down.

  Acheron stared at the ice queen with a shocked expression. “You’re sure?” he demanded unkindly.

  Silva stared at him evenly. “Everything you have accused her of is false.” She stated with flat confidence. “I have seen myself, through her memories, that Ruby was forced to take the Eternal Light, that she was taken to a cave in the mountains, and that these,” she nodded seriously to my friends, “rescued her.”

  “Good,” Katrina smiled, flicking her flowing blue and silver hair over her shoulder so it waved over her arms like a silky curtain. “Now you have proof, Acheron, you cannot deny that Ruby is innocent. Unless you distrust your own daughter…” she trailed off suggestively.

  Acheron’s pale wrinkled skin blushed red with humiliation. “Of course I don’t.” He gestured with his hand dismissively.

  “Does anybody else have any quarrel with Ruby Swartette?” Katrina asked, eyeing up every person in the room, challenging them.

  Thank God nobody responded.

  “Well,” She began. “I think we are finished with this trial. We may bring you back for further questioning in regards to your father and his whereabouts, if he is not discovered by us soon, but other than that I think everything is straightened out.”

  At this point Silva shot me a meaningful glance which I tried to ignore.

  May I go now? I asked politely. There was nothing I wanted to do more than to leave right then. And hopefully not come back for a long, long time.

  Katrina nodded so I made to stand, but then a voice called: “Wait.”

  I looked up in surprise as Garnha enquired; “Where are you planning to live?”

  I gulped; I had no idea.

  “With me, my Lady,” somebody volunteered.

  I glanced back and smiled appreciatively at Jayson.

  “Fine,” Garnha accepted. “We will send somebody to you, when the time comes, for you to receive your heritage.”

  I stared at her uncomprehendingly. My heritage? I repeated.

  It wasn’t Garnha who answered; it was the female Fire Elder. “When you turn eighteen you will legally own the Fire Palace and all its land. It’s up to you to keep and maintain it.”

  I swallowed; unsure whether this was a good or bad thing.

  “Go,” Acheron snapped. “Bring in the next case,” he ordered the guards.

  Chara quickly shuffled me to the massive balcony. We’ll meet you at the fountain behind the building, she explained, leaving me there.

  I nodded obligingly, leaping off the balcony and swooping down to the fountain; my wings outstretched magnificently as I glided. I waited patiently before the fountain and eventually the others joined me; having taken the scenic route down the stairs.

  “What happened?” Adrian demanded before he’d even stopped walking. “Silva never acts like that. She always finds something to accuse someone of.”

  She did find something to accuse me of, I admitted. But I made a deal with her.

  “What did she find out?” Chara asked urgently.

  I didn’t know what to tell them but fortunately Nik interrupted before I could speak; “Never mind that. What deal did you make?”

  I told her I’d get her onto the Council if she didn’t share my secret, I told them.

  Every one of their faces looked horrified.

  “You can’t just ‘get somebody onto the Council’,” Adrian snarled angrily. “You have to be on it first.”

  I looked down at the ground guiltily. That’s the plan.

  “Oh that’s brilliant,” Kieran said irritably. “Because after all you do have plenty of experience being part of a government… Oh wait, no you don’t. You couldn’t lead sheep with a leash and a stick.”

  I have no choice. If she outs my secret me and Kieran will both be cursed. I quickly thought through what I’d tell them and decided on: She found out that Kieran healed me. As they all already new this.

  A gasp of shock blew out of Jayson’s mouth. Oh crap; I forgot I never told him about that.

  “You healed her!” Jayson demanded. I could see the pigment of his skin transform dramatically, like a red smoke was clinging tightly to his cheeks.

  He looked so unbelievingly infuriated that I actually felt a little scared. I had never seen him look so angry. He was normally so calm, lovely and relaxed around me; this was something completely new and I didn’t like it.

  “You did it on purpose too didn’t you!” he was rushing over to Kieran, shoving his shoulder hard and shouting in his face. “I bet you loved it too, you freak.”

  “Yeah,” Kieran agreed composedly, seemingly flicking dirt off the shoulder Jayson had touched. “I enjoy it. I do it all the time because, after all, I do love to risk my ass.”

  “You do love to risk your ass.” Ebony pointed out.

  Kieran rolled his eyes at her. “For once, can you please resist the sisterly urge to get one up on me? It’s not appreciated right now.”

  He had no choice, I assured Jayson instantly. I was dying. It was in England before he even knew what I was.

  “I still can’t believe this,” Jayson said, his fists were clenching and unclenching rhythmically. “This is appalling.” He turned to me; “Not that he saved you but-”

  “Okay,” Kieran interrupted. “Save all the emotional shit for your diary; we don’t give a crap.” He glanced at me; “I assume you have a time limit.”

  I nodded. I have three weeks.

  “You do realise that the only way you’re going to get onto the Council is by being nominated,” Nik said. “And to be nominated the Council have to be at an open-seat stage; which they’re not.”

  How do we hurry them up into being at that stage? I asked.

  “They need several people to apply for the positions,” Chara explained. “Once they have a considerable amount of applicants they are forced to change the Council.” Chara explained.

  How many is a considerable amount? I wondered.

  “At least five or six,” she said.

  Damn, there was no way I could convince that many royal Phoenix-

  I halted mid-thought as something clicked on. I glanced around at my friends. You guys! I burst excitedly, pointing at them with a wave of my wing.

  Adrian was giving me a look like I’d just asked him to drink tomato ketchup through a straw. “What about us?” he said slowly, sceptically.

  Well, at least four of you are Ashaiks by birth. I stared meaningfully at Kieran, Nik, Adrian and Ebony. So if you apply and I apply then that makes five.

  “No way kid,” Ebony was shaking her head. “I am no Council member.”

  You don’t have to actually become one, I said quic
kly. You just have to apply so that I can get this done; preferably before me and Kieran are cursed or executed.

  “Yeah, but one of us will still have to go on the Council eventually,” Nik said thoughtfully.

  Adrian shrugged; “I could do it.”

  “You could…” Chara mused. “But I doubt they’d accept you considering your… abnormality.”

  “You mean because I’m human.” Adrian glared at Chara, who shuffled uncomfortably under his black gaze.

  “She’s just saying the truth, Adrian.” Nik nudged him. “Don’t give her that look.”

  “I could do it,” Kieran grinned. “I’ve never tried to be a politician, but I’m sure I’ll be incredible at it nevertheless. It is all about lying and cheating after all.”

  “You wouldn’t be accepted either,” Jayson told him irritably. “You have a criminal record and work as an assassin. You’d need a clean history.”

  “Err, hello?” Kieran looked at Jayson. “I’m not sure if you remember, but Lynk slaughtered half of his family and then became a Council member. I think if he can get away with that, I can get away with what I’ve done.”

  “He used Chyun’ju,” Jayson rolled his eyes, speaking bitterly. “And as far as I know the only gift you have is healing.”

  “And my sparkling eyes,” Kieran winked.

  “Whatever,” Jayson glowered. “Either way they wouldn’t accept you.”

  I glanced hopefully at Ebony and she threw her hands up in frustration. “Well I’m not bloody becoming one of those stuck-up arseholes.”

  I have to be, to save your brother. I reminded her tactfully. And you can always refuse later on.

  “Sometimes I wonder if he’s even worth it,” she muttered; her mossy green eyes flashing to Kieran. “There are no words to describe how irritating you are,” Ebony sighed.

  “Oh there are,” he said arrogantly. “You just never learned them.”

  She gritted her teeth; but then finally surrendered. “Fine.” She snapped. “If the worst happens I’ll become a member. But for now I need to go home.”

  I looked at Ebony. Thanks for coming today; even if they forced you.

  “I wanted to come,” she smiled. “I wanted to come help rescue you too, but I couldn’t leave Libby. I hoped you’d understand.”

  I nodded; Of course I understand.

  She looked relieved, bouncing over to hug me jubilantly. “I’m glad to see you back,” she smiled as she pulled away.

  “Me too,” I sighed.

  “We’ll have to meet up for dinner or something.” She told me, “And you know you’re welcome any time at my house.” Kieran opened his mouth to say something witty but she quickly interrupted; not even glancing in his direction. “That isn’t an open invitation, Kieran.”

  He pouted and she rolled her eyes at him; saying a quick goodbye before heading back to her home.

  That reminded me. Thanks Jayson, by the way, for saying I could live with you for a few weeks.

  “I don’t mind in the slightest. It’ll be fun,” he smiled. “And you’ve met Flint and Anya before anyway. They won’t mind you joining us.”

  I hope so, but I don’t know them that well. I said anxiously.

  “I’d be more worried of Jayson than his friends if I were you,” Kieran muttered under his breath.

  “We should probably go too,” Chara said to Nik.

  You guys have a house now? I wondered.

  Chara shook her head, simultaneously pulling her wing brace over her shoulders. “Not yet, but we will soon. Maybe we’ll rent somewhere like Adrian and Kieran. We can’t just doss off Ebony forever.”

  “We could have tried,” Kieran objected.

  “No you couldn’t.” Ebony shouted from a few paces away; still in hearing range.

  Soon Chara and Nik left and it was just me, Kieran, Jayson and Adrian.

  “So what now?” Jayson asked me. “You probably need to get your things to move in, don’t you?”

  I nodded, but said: First I need to Change and get something to eat.

  “That might be difficult,” Kieran said.

  Why? I asked.

  “Because you’ve probably shattered the bones in your shoulder,” Kieran said casually and began walking away.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I practically leapt after him; my heart racing. What do you mean shattered?

  “As in, broken into a lot of pieces,” Kieran elaborated condescendingly. “Like when Jayson looks into a mirror.”

  “I heard that,” Jayson called from a few paces behind us.

  Kieran glanced over his shoulder. “I wasn’t speaking quietly.”

  “You never do,” retorted Jayson.

  Never mind that! I interrupted. What do I do?

  “Well I’m guessing you’re going to have to Change eventually,” Adrian answered. “Unless you fancy staying a bird for the rest of your life.”

  Well that would fun, I replied sarcastically, then demanded: How can I stop my shoulder from shattering?

  “You can’t. It’s too late now. If it happens it happens, there’s nothing you can do about it,” Kieran shrugged, nodding towards a building not too far away; by the looks of things, an infirmary.

  “You could at least try and sound sympathetic,” Jayson commented; walking along side of me.

  “Why should I be sympathetic?” Kieran responded petulantly. “It’s her own stupid fault. She should know better than to go gallivanting off alone, in pursuit of a man who’d previously cut her throat.”

  Look, I know it’s my fault, I glared at Kieran. But saying stuff like that isn’t going to help. What do I do if I Change and my shoulder shatters? I asked.

  “Well the infirmary’s right there,” Adrian pointed to the same building that Kieran had nodded at. “Seeing a healer would probably be a good idea.”

  I swallowed; glancing at Kieran, who had a don’t look at me expression plastered onto his gorgeous, extremely irritating, face.

  I sighed. Fine. Where can I Change?

  “There are some rather disgusting public toilets just over there.” Kieran smirked, gesturing to the other side of the park. “We’ll wait while you go in. Just make sure you don’t touch me when you come out; I’d hate to catch something this early into winter.”

  I glowered at him, grudgingly storming my way over to the toilets. Fortunately there was a separate room purely for Changing attached to the main block. I went inside, ignoring the smell, and locked the door.

  The process of Changing started pretty much the same as usual. I closed my eyes and thought of fire; of its warmth and its indomitable strength, the way it danced beautifully and burned mercilessly.

  Soon I felt that flow of energy trickle its way down my spine, following the cells in my nervous system like map roads; gushing through my veins. The energy triggered a chain reaction in me.

  At first everything was running smoothly to plan, but then something went horribly wrong. As my shoulder gradually reformed it became stuck as it attempted to slot back into position; my unhealed, dislocated shoulder to blame. The pressure then built and built as I struggled to finish Changing. It was first uncomfortable, but then blinding excruciation flooded over me as I felt the bone give into the pressure, cracking and fragmenting into splinters.

  I gasped, but otherwise made no other noise. It was such a shock I couldn’t even manage to scream. The pain was like falling onto broken glass; an intense, sharp prickling from many different areas; accentuated right at the top of my shoulder. The rest of my body started to shake uncontrollably.

  “Ruby,” called Jayson from outside, his worried voice filtering through the wooden cubicle door. “Are you okay?”

  I was leaning against the wall and I didn’t think I had it in me to answer, but somehow I managed to stutter; “N-no, it’s broken.”

  “Come out Ruby,” Jayson said calmly. “We’ll take you straight to a healer.”

  “I can’t.” I whispered, the pain taking my breath away; I
was appreciative of their sensitive hearing.

  “We’ve seen your human face before Ruby,” Kieran assured me considerately. “We promise not to cower away or look too frightened.”

  “Why can’t you come out?” Jayson enquired seriously.

  I deliberated momentarily; then finally admitted with an embarrassed blush darkening my already-flushed cheeks. “I have no clothes.”

  There was a brief silence and then I heard Adrian say defensively; “Don’t look at me. Why didn’t you think of this?”

  “Why didn’t you?” Jayson responded irritably. “You knew she needed to Change too.”

  “Well you should have brought your wing brace, it’s not like I have one,” Adrian said bitingly.

  “They confiscated it, remember?” Jayson protested. “Mine had all the weapons in it. You’re the oldest, you should have-“

  “Fine,” Kieran interrupted exasperatedly. “I can see you two aren’t going to be of any use. If you’re both that desperate to see a girl naked you could have just paid one.” He huffed and I heard something clatter to the floor. “I only have a pair of joggers in my wing brace,” he sighed irritably a moment later, then muttered: “She’ll have to wear my shirt.”

  Kieran tapped tightly on the door. “Open up, once again a semi-clothed knight is here to rescue you.”

  I reached out with my good arm and unlocked the door; letting it creep open slightly so I could grasp Kieran’s shirt and joggers. It took me a few long, painful minutes to struggle into the joggers, but the shirt was even more complicated to get into as it meant twisting my bad shoulder. I cautiously slipped my good arm into one side, the other arm flaring painfully, then struggled with my bad one, moaning. I was gasping; the pain was explosive.

  “Erm Ruby, what are you doing?” Jayson called awkwardly.

  “I can’t get my arm in!” I cried in frustration.

  “Do you want some help?” Jayson offered quickly, far too enthusiastically.

  “Of course she doesn’t want help from you. You are stupid and blonde and a pervert,” Kieran responded automatically. “I can’t believe I got out of bed just to educate you about that.”

  “Maybe you should have stayed there,” Jayson muttered darkly.


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