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Risen (The Firebird Trilogy Book 2)

Page 17

by Stephanie Harbon

  “Sounds perfect,” I smiled weakly as we made our way to the house and in through the main entrance. We arrived in a square room with identical doors on every wall and a spiral staircase leading up through the ceiling.

  As we wound up towards the second floor a girl with white hair heading downstairs shoved past me abruptly. Rubbing my arm irritably, I called “Hey, watch it!” when she made no move to apologise.

  “What’s her problem?” I muttered.

  “Don’t pay any attention,” Jayson said from behind me. “She just did that because you’re of Fire.”

  “Why?” I enquired thoughtlessly.

  Jayson shrugged. “They built this house with the intention of having young Phoenix of different Tribes living closer together; supposedly to ‘unite’ us. But it kind of had the opposite effect. There are fights nearly every week. Nothing serious,” he assured me, seeing my face. “Just petty arguments.”

  I glanced back at him, raising my eyebrows. “And how many of these petty arguments do you start?”

  He smiled; though it had a hint of mischievousness in it. “I try to stay out of trouble,” he objected innocently; then frowned. “Well, I’ll have to now anyway because of Kieran moving back in and all.”

  My stomach dropped at the mention of his name. I stopped suddenly and Jayson trampled on the back of my heel as a result.

  “What?” I demanded, whirling on him.

  “Kieran and Adrian are moving back into their old apartment,” Jayson explained patiently, cautiously urging me forwards like a skittish horse. I planted my feet stubbornly. He pushed slightly harder; forcing me upstairs. “This is where they used to live before they left Kariak. Apparently their roommates didn’t sell their rooms; so they’re just planning to move back in.”

  “Why would they do that?” I snapped, suddenly feeling hostile.

  How dare Kieran just…just… break up with me and then move into the same house as me! Who did he think he was? I felt so angry and frustrated; clenching my jaw tightly shut. If he was the one who didn’t want to be near me then he should be the one who clears off. Not me. I’ll show that son of a-

  “This is a nice place to live if you haven’t got much money,” Jayson said defensively, like I’d somehow insulted him; interrupting me mid-thought. “And, honestly, I don’t think they know I still live here.”

  “Surely they will have seen you around?” I demanded.

  “No,” Jayson said, crossing his arms over his chest, giving me a look which meant you’re being ridiculous. “Firstly, because I don’t actually think they’ve moved in yet, and second because we’ve been too busy rescuing you.”

  “I can’t believe this,” I growled, well aware that I was taking out my frustration on Jayson; but I couldn’t help it. “He’s such a pain in the ass.”

  “Who?” Jayson asked casually as we arrived at the top floor; walking down a dimly lit corridor. “Kieran? Well that’s obvious. Why in particular?”

  “He’s just everywhere; especially where you don’t want him.” I grumbled, thinking: like in your heart.

  Jayson didn’t respond.

  I glanced behind me as we approached a crossroads and Jayson gestured at a particular door passively. I opened it up with a key he offered, my motions violent in my annoyance, but then my aggression evaporated at the sight of my new –if not temporary- home.

  The ceiling was high and there was a beautiful glass skylight which highlighted the warm setting sun. The walls were painted with gorgeous bright colours and a huge round fireplace dominated the centre of the room; surrounded by occupied sofas. Of Jayson’s friends I’d met Anya and Flint; but very briefly and only once. Both of them were seated in front of the fire. Another girl, Elena I guessed, was sat alone; reading from a dusty hardback and ignoring the others as they snorted hysterically with drunken laughter.

  “Hey guys. You remember Ruby,” Jayson introduced, waving at me, his face suddenly open and friendly again. “We went to her High Flight a few weeks ago.”

  “Ruuuby,” slurred Flint; getting up and placing his arm around Jayson’s shoulder and rubbing his chest affectionately; a vacant haze in his eyes. “Are you staying with our Jayson tonight?” he winked, rocking unstably.

  My cheeks stained crimson but Jayson only smiled at his intoxicated friend and helped him to sit back down onto the sofa –to where Anya was sprawled. “Yes, Flint,” he replied. “And tomorrow night and the night after and then the night after that for two or three whole weeks.”

  Flint’s strange pink eyes widened dramatically, “That’s a lot of –“

  “How much have you drank?” Jayson interrupted, inspecting the empty bottles on a nearby table with a childish smile, probably thinking: you are so going to throw up tomorrow.

  “Not enough!” Anya announced, flamboyantly throwing her arms up.

  “We have a reason,” Flint protested. “We’re going to the Broken Talon and it’s too expensive to drink there. So we’re being logical!”

  “To being logical!” Anya toasted, raising a glass that she plucked from the table and gulping down the mysterious purple liquid it contained. She nodded at me once she’d finished downing her drink, “You coming?”

  I shook my head, “Maybe next time.” Or maybe not.

  Jayson laughed as he came over and grasped my elbow; leading me away from his friends. He pulled me past the girl who was quietly reading. She looked up from her page, smiling, as I passed. I smiled back shyly, but then Jayson was ushering me towards a door. Through it was obviously Jayson’s room. He was a minimalist; surprisingly tidy with none of the surfaces cluttered. I recognised the blades mounted on the far wall.

  “Why are we in here?” I asked suspiciously.

  He walked over to a chest of drawers and pulled out a set of bottles, a brand-new toothbrush and a towel; carefully handing me the bundle. “I thought you might want a bath,” he explained kindly. “It always helps me relax after a long day.”

  I smirked at the thought of Jayson sitting in a hot bath with foam up to his ears, scented mist wafting up from the water and candles burning around him; as he listened to soft girly music. It was just an amusing thought; that Jayson, the hired assassin, likes the peace and tranquillity of a bubble bath.

  Personally I hated baths. They were boring and the idea of wallowing in your own dirt disgusted me, but I did appreciate a good shower, so I said, “I’d rather have a shower, but thanks for letting me borrow your stuff.”

  “That’s fine,” Jayson smiled, and then continued. “We’ll go get your things from the Fire Palace tomorrow. It’s a bit late to go now.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  He opened the door again and showed me through the open lounge, over to a door beside the kitchen. “This is your room,” he pointed.

  The room was messy, personal belongings lined up against the wall, but the double bed in the centre of the room was untouched. The bathroom was small but had a shower and soap so I was all good.

  “Are you hungry?” Jayson wondered hospitably. “Can I get you anything?”

  I was sat on the bed now, exhausted beyond imagination and wanting to sleep but I was also starving and craving food; it was a tie between the two conflicting desires. Eventually I sighed, “I don’t know.”

  Jayson smiled kindly and pointed to the shower. “You go and have a shower and get comfy. I’ll make you something to eat.”

  “Thank you,” I said gratefully, getting up to hug him appreciatively.

  He grinned, letting me go and disappearing through the door; leaving me in privacy. I went into the bathroom, reluctantly peeled off my shirt and showered numbly with the luxurious products Jayson had generously offered. Once clean, I went into the common room, still wearing Kieran’s clothes.

  Anya and Flint had left by now and only Elena was beside Jayson as he cooked some sort of exotic curry. I stayed in the shadows for a moment, gazing quizzically at the couple as they helped each other prepare food, laughing and talking effort
lessly –were they were good friends or more? That’s how a real couple should look, I thought miserably; not screaming and fighting one minute then kissing the next, but natural and happy.

  “Ruby?” Jayson called, bringing me out of my trance. “I’m making my world-famous Limian Chicken and rice.”

  “It’s my recipe,” protested Elena. She was a small, cute girl with dimples and a young fresh face.

  Jayson shrugged; then gestured welcomingly. “Either way it’s delicious, come and try.”

  I inhaled deeply and did as I was told. I wasn’t sure if it was the best meal I’d ever had, but it was damn good. After dinner we chatted for a while, but eventually I was too shattered to stay awake anymore.

  Despite my own pride, I curled up with Kieran’s shirt, the familiar smell of dirt and spice sending me drifting into dreamland...

  The redheaded child gazed up at the massive hunk of burnt wood; the door that was locked in the slave quarters. A strange inkling encouraged her forwards and she carefully raised her little arms to the lock to attempt to break it. Uttering ancient words of release she frowned when her attempts failed. Her tiny square-tipped fingers probed the lock, examining for a weak point.

  But then it appeared as if a thought occurred to her: as her golden eyes lit with intelligence. She disappeared from sight up the winding staircase. Waiting for her to return, watching from the shadows, my dream-body ambled to the door. I picked at the lock curiously, feeling a powerful desire compelling me to open it, to discover its mysteries.

  “And that’s exactly why you’ll one day end up in a ditch off the M1.”

  I glanced behind me to where Kieran was leaning idly against the wall. Shock exploded in me, and quickly transformed into blind anger. “What are you doing here?” I shouted furiously, rushing over; waving my arms. “Get out of my dream!”

  “It’s your curiosity, that’s your problem.” Kieran continued unaffectedly.

  “Get out, get out!” I yelled, pushing him away. God he was even haunting my dreams now! How was this fair?

  But then the little girl had returned with a glinting bronze key clutched between her fingers. It was long and old-looking with symbols etched into the metal. She placed it in the lock and as it clicked I forgot about Kieran and was utterly enthralled, shuffling closer to the now opening door with fast, intrigued, and frightened steps.

  Up until the point Kieran said, “Well, as fun as this is, I fancy a change of scenery.”

  Suddenly my surroundings shuddered and, like a wash of water over a fresh painting, the colours around me seemed to leak and blend. The colours intensified, draining out all the dull dark colours of the slave quarters and brightening. Abruptly I was sat in the back of a race car travelling at two hundred miles an hour. Kieran was driving in the front seat, grinning maniacally as he shot past other cars, and beside him were two beautiful, scantily clad twins.

  “This?” I screamed over the thundering engine. “You stopped my dream for this?” I was so frustrated, “I could have found something out about my past, you moron! Something important could have been in that room!”

  “Yeah,” Kieran agreed. “Or there could have been a big pile of ironing.”

  I glowered over at the half-naked twins. “What are they doing here?”

  “I think you’ll find them in every teenage boy’s dreams,” he smiled, accelerating faster like a maniac. “It’s compulsory.”

  “That’s it!” I yelled over the roaring of the engines. “I’m changing the scenery.”

  I imagined I was in a fancy club, in the VIP section, all around me were celebrities. There was a giant chocolate fountain from which Brad Pitt emerged (of course dressed in his Troy gear and covered in chocolaty deliciousness). When I opened my eyes the picture had somehow become real; at least in dreamland anyway.

  “Okay, you’re annoying me now,” Kieran said, glancing at Brad as he walked towards me; all sexy and battle-a-fied. “What are you doing here?” he asked me.

  I glanced at Kieran in astonishment. “What am I doing here?” I repeated, “What are you doing here? This is my dream.”

  “No it’s not, it’s my dream,” he responded agitatedly. “I was here first.”

  “I was here first,” I argued. God I hated him sometimes, I couldn’t even get him out of my head when I was asleep! What hope did I have? “And you interrupted my dream. Just go away, you’re irritating me.”

  “You’re the one who should go,” Kieran protested stubbornly, glaring icily.

  “I was here first Kierakai.”

  “Just get out,” he shouted, shoving my shoulder boisterously.

  I stared down at my shoulder. “Did you just push me?” I questioned darkly, all my anger filtering out into those five words. He didn’t have a chance to answer; I pounced at him furiously, my fists flying into the air. He obviously hadn’t anticipated my response, as he tripped over a cushion as I crashed into him. The impact was so forceful that we fell backwards, heavily thumping onto the floor.

  My eyes burst open. I was lying on the carpet beside the bed, having apparently fallen out of it. I rubbed my face tiredly and struggled upright, half trapped by the quilt, which I’d taken with me during my fall. I staggered up and into the common room; where I collapsed immediately onto a sofa.

  What the heck had that been all about?

  Was that normal? It didn’t seem normal. In normal dreams the world always centred on me, but that was something different. Kieran had completely distorted my dream when he’d shown up, interrupting it and remodelling it as if he’d been partly in control of it; like we were sharing one fantasy. I shook my head; that was a stupid idea.

  Sighing, I struggled up and went over to the balcony. Breathing in deeply, I glanced out into the dark night. A sound of crunching snow made me look down. A figure marched across the downy land. Before I could identify it, the shadow vanished into the nearby coniferous trees.

  I waited. A moment later an unforgettable black Phoenix rose into the sky, swiftly setting off into the stars; chased by the sparkling green embers of his quills. I stared after him, wondering why he was up at this hour. It seemed too late, even for him and his nocturnal exercise routine, to be awake.

  I decided to return to bed; pretending I didn’t care why Kieran was up.

  In the morning Jayson took me to the Fire Palace to pick up my things. Evelyn, the High Slave, greeted me at the entrance, leading me through the extensive building. My protector, Kian, had recently been promoted to High Guard; in charge of Palace security in my father’s absence. I saw him as we passed the guest quarters; though apparently no guests were staying at the moment. It was chilling seeing the empty seats in the Grand Hall.

  “It’s so quiet,” I commented.

  Evelyn nodded. “We’re trying Lady Ruby, but Lynk left us in great debt. Unfortunately we cannot even afford to have our usual guests -though this Palace should be open to all of authority. It used to house hundreds.”

  “Don’t we have any money at all?” I asked anxiously. All this would be my inherited problem in just two short weeks.

  Evelyn sighed. When she shook her head her long blonde curls scattered around her face like a mane. “We only have our precious items left to sell, but if we did it would cause uproar. If in any way we appear weak, the other Tribes will use it to their advantage. This is why we can’t borrow money from anyone either; as they’d find out.”

  “You’ll get money for sitting at the High Council,” Jayson said softly, trying to reassure me that my life wasn’t getting worse by the day.

  “Not enough,” I said hopelessly. “We’ll have to think of something.”

  By now we’d discovered my old room. Evelyn nodded to two material bags and my backpack from home; all stuffed –I assumed- with my personal belongings. “I asked for your things to be packed when I heard about your situation. It’s all there.” Evelyn said as I examined the contents. “You never did have much. We can’t seem to find your wing brace though.”

  “Lynk stole it,” I explained grumpily.

  “Oh,” her mouth shaped into a perfect O.

  “What about Lynks quarters?” I wondered, suddenly realising that they might still hold information or something valuable of Lynk’s.

  “We have searched them and they’re mostly empty. We cleaned up the mess his… alliances made,” she explained, pulling a face. “But his office is locked.”

  “So?” I said bluntly, in a very uncivilised manner. “Kick it down.”

  She shook her head; “It is barred with enchantments, only Lynk’s key will allow us access.”

  I frowned irritably; then an idea occurred to me. “Can we go downstairs -to the slave quarters?”

  Evelyn looked at me incredulously. “Why would you want to go there?”

  I shrugged, “I want to see that strange black door.”

  “It’s locked, my Lady.” Evelyn said worriedly.

  “I still want to go,” I insisted.

  She frowned and I took that as a yes and began making my way downstairs; the other two trailing after me like lost puppies. When we finally arrived in the slave quarters I found the door from my dreams immediately. It was exactly the same as I remembered; made from charred wood and trapped by numerous enchanted chains that wrapped across it. I stared closer, fumbling with the lock; despite knowing it was impenetrable without the key.

  “I don’t like it,” Jayson said. “It feels weird.”

  I nodded in agreement but spoke to Evelyn. “Where are the keys?”

  “The last time I saw them they were in Lynk’s office, but that was years ago.” She said reluctantly. “He was very private about this room; not even his guards were allowed in. It was even more protected than his own quarters.”

  “So you don’t know what’s inside?”

  “I’m afraid not.” She said.

  “I don’t like it,” Jayson repeated. “Can’t you feel it?”

  “Feel what?” I asked him.

  He shivered, “I don’t know, it. It’s like the room is giving off cold vibes.”

  I did feel it too; but my curiosity was more prominent. I felt suspicious of this place, I felt like it still had secrets which needed to be uncovered. I needed to know what was inside the room. Why else would my dreams keep pointing me back towards it? It must mean something.


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