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Risen (The Firebird Trilogy Book 2)

Page 39

by Stephanie Harbon

  I screamed, writhing out of the way while swinging my blade towards the creature’s foot. The sharpened blade sliced cleanly through its legs and fortunately the monster took off into the air, where it circled relentlessly. Blood rained down from its gruesome stump.

  Kieran had tackled the other half breed to the floor and was currently jabbing the blade through its neck; severing its horrible head.

  “Come on,” Kieran said, grabbing my hand and yanking me faster as the last few half breeds chased us. “This way.”

  We dodged out of the way of their clawed feet as we ran, nearing a mountain ledge. Kieran yanked me onwards and we slipped down the side of a steep rock face. A crack in the rock appeared below me. Instantly Kieran pushed me towards it and we tumbled painfully into its darkness; so deep into a narrow passage that the monsters couldn’t follow us. I slipped intermittently, but Kieran shoved me onwards encouragingly. After a few moments I realised he wasn’t behind me.

  I paused, panicking for a second, and then slipped on a wet surface; skidding the rest of the way down the steep passage. I landed with a thump on hard ground and when I staggered to a crouch I rubbed my back irritably.

  I’d fallen into a cramped pocket of space within the rock; a tiny underground chamber. I lit a flame to illuminate the passage but soon realised that it was unnecessary; for there was light filtering through the darkness not too far away. I stumbled towards it, anxiety rippling through me, and discovered a large flat space between two sheer, concealing mountain walls. The sun stung my eyes. To my right it looked like there had been a land slide, for the rock and dirt had tumbled down from above to form a huge slanted mound. Trees and greenery hugged the mound; camouflaging its existence.

  “Where are we?” I muttered to myself, amazed.

  To my relief I heard Kieran behind me. “The Daemons are dead.”

  “Good,” I muttered, glancing at him with an eye for injuries.

  He walked over, he was bleeding in several places, but nothing seemed fatal. “This way.”

  I followed as he led me closer to the mound of earth. As we neared I saw that part of the formation was structured from solid rock. When we were a foot away I noticed an extraordinarily narrow gap in the wall, partially hidden by the rock itself. Kieran squeezed through it and, taking my hand, led me around a convoluted passageway in the darkness.

  Kieran suddenly let go of my hand.

  After a moment he spoke, “Light this.” He was beside me again, pushing something into my hand. I realised what it was immediately; a light orb.

  I lit a flame and forced it into the glass sphere; letting it grow. Kieran snatched the orb again, hooking it onto a ceiling chain. The brightness of the firelight allowed me to see several other orbs; which I lit in turn. After a few seconds everything was bright and visible. I looked around in confusion.

  We were in a room like nothing I had ever seen before. It was like a witch’s cave; with a bed on one side and a fireplace and pots and pans on the other. There were baskets and crates on the ground, and a couple of wooden chairs. There were makeshift shelves lining the walls, straining under the weight of books and unfamiliar objects and ornaments.

  “What is this place?” I wondered.

  “We don’t really know. Adrian found it when we were young,” Kieran explained. “He used to come here a lot to hide from Father. It’s invisible from above and can only be found on foot. It’s been untouched for many years; except by us of course. You’ll be fine here. No one will find you.”

  I glanced at him when I heard that specific note in his voice. “What do you mean?” I questioned sceptically, “I’ll be fine here?”

  “I’m going back.” He stated.

  I gaped at him, “You don’t seriously think that you’re leaving me here do you?”

  “That’s exactly what I think,” he told me in earnest. “You stay here away from danger. I’ll go back and find the others.”

  “Don’t you dare leave me, Kieran,” I growled furiously.

  “I need to go back. My brother, my whole family is there,” he said.

  “That’s fine,” I agreed, glaring at him. “Just take me with you.”

  “No,” he stated absolutely.

  My voice rose again in anger, “You either take me with you or stay here, Kieran. I am not waiting around while you go running off into war by yourself. It’s not going to happen.”

  “You will stay here,” he glowered.

  “I will not.” I glowered back.

  “For once in your life can you just do as you’re told?” Kieran threw up his hands in exasperation.

  “No,” I growled. “No way. I won’t let you go alone.”

  “You are a stupid, stupid woman.” He growled, but then he sighed, his eyes softening unexpectedly. “But fine. I will stay for now; if you come here.”

  I frowned in confusion by his request, but stepped closer anyway. Impatiently he closed the remaining distance between us; yanking me into his arms. Suddenly his lips were crushing mine in an unexpected kiss.

  Forgetting everything instantly, I felt unable to contain my body’s desperate plea to touch him. I grabbed a handful of his thick black hair and yanked his face to mine harder. He gasped a little in surprise and then kissed me back without the slightest hesitation. His lips met mine in a rush of passion and excitement and his grip on my waist tightened automatically, sending a gush of something dizzying straight to my head.

  His hands reached into my hair, his fingertips tightly grasping my ringlets and pulling me even closer to him. He lifted me up by the small of my back and I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, my tongue tasting the faint tinge of blood on his. My whole body seemed to be on fire, sensations were burning me everywhere; uncontrollable like wildfire.

  He wasn’t being gentle with me. His rough hands were running up my back as if he were desperate to make sure I couldn’t go anywhere. They were clutching my thighs now as he stumbled forwards onto the bed. I didn’t feel any pain as he landed on top of me; only more blazing fire as our bodies interlocked even tighter. I could feel the hard muscles of his stomach underneath my fingers and I ran them upwards over his shoulders and back again; ignoring the blood and grime coating his skin.

  His lips were heading south now, kissing a delicious trail down my cheek and to my neck. His breath was hot and tickled my skin. Shudders were trembling in my hands as I grasped the soft skin of his shoulders. I felt ecstatic, my heart skipping hyperactively. We were both gasping now.

  He wrapped his muscular arms around my waist, exploring the soft skin of my back underneath my top and maddeningly slowly bringing his hands around my hips; digging his fingers lightly into my sides. His hands were pure heat, sweeping across my naked skin like explosive fireworks. I ran my hands up his arms, curling them around his biceps, over his wide shoulders; feeling the recent cuts and raised scars that flawed his otherwise perfect skin.

  Our eyes met and the way he looked at me sent butterflies fluttering crazily inside me. The green in his eyes had been entirely devoured by the blackness of his pupils; the way it did when he lost control of his temper. He looked at me with such uncontainable hunger that it tightened the muscles in the pit of my stomach. He grabbed for me, pulling me onto my knees so that every surface of my body was lined against his. His forehead touched mine, his stomach pressed against me; our legs and eyes were locked together.

  Again his lips brushed mine; this time as if he knew he’d go to hell for doing so, but it’d be worth it. He kissed me as if we had no hope, as if we were on a sinking ship and only had a few precious seconds before crashing into the perilous, freezing waves. He kissed me as if we’d never see each other again. As if this was the last time he could ever touch me.

  I didn’t know how far we were going, but I wasn’t going to be the one to stop and think. I wasn’t going to be the one to remind him that the city was under attack, probably along with our friends. I was that selfish. All I could think about was him. All I wanted wa
s him.

  He pulled back for a moment to whisper something in my ear, with a deliciously seductive murmur, “Turn around and close your eyes.”

  I did exactly what he said, trusting him blindly and turning away from him; shutting my eyes. I held onto the wall for support. There was a brief moment when nothing happened except I heard a scuffle and a clatter behind me, and then Kieran hands were pressing on my shoulders.

  He slowly moved one hand down my arm, simultaneously grabbing my wrist. His other hand let go of my shoulder as he leaned in closer. His lips were lingering on my collarbone now, his teeth lightly nibbling at the delicate skin, making my heart race. With his mouth delicately kissing my throat, he murmured against my skin, “I’m sorry Ruby.”

  His words surprised me and I froze. As I did I heard a loud click and suddenly something cold trapped my hand. Before I could react I saw Kieran’s arm flash before me, holding something metal and shiny; the other end of a shackle. It was instantly locked onto the bedframe.

  I turned around in shock, twisting the cuff that snared my hand so it didn’t pull at my skin. I stared at Kieran in confusion, then betrayal as he stood up and backed away from me. His gorgeous emerald eyes were suddenly filled with a deep untouchable sadness.

  “Kieran, what are you doing?” I asked pathetically; though I already knew deep down in my heart. I tugged at the manacle uncertainly, trying to make sense of why he’d chained me up.

  “I’m making sure you stay here where it’s safe,” he answered honestly; confirming my suspicions.

  “Chained up?!” I demanded, outraged.

  “Yes,” Kieran said sternly. “The manacles won’t last long but maybe long enough for me to leave. While I’m gone you must stay here.”

  “You tricked me,” I said, my voice breaking as this realisation sunk in.

  He nodded; his eyes devastatingly hopeless.

  “But why?” I asked quietly, fat tears rolling down my cheeks. I felt betrayed and embarrassed that he’d done all of that just to keep me here.

  “Because I love you,” he stated simply, looking directly into my eyes.

  My mouth dropped open and I froze where I sat, absolutely astonished. My heart pounded in my chest. He’d said those three unmentionable words.

  “I need to know you’re safe,” Kieran continued, his eyes desperate and pleading; speaking before I had a chance to. “Please Ruby. Please stay here. I will come back. I promise.” He came closer again, pulling his chain from around his neck and placing it over my head; where it lay against my own. “Look after this for me?” He asked, a slight sad smile twisting his lips.

  Before I could string a coherent sentence together he’d walked away and was gone. I sat there for a moment, trying to make sense of what had just happened. I couldn’t believe it. He’d gone back; just like that. He’d gone back into the war. Into the massacre. Alone. Without me.

  And I didn’t even get a chance to tell him that I loved him too.

  What if he never comes back?

  It was that thought that terrified me; that kept me awake in the long hours that followed. But still I waited. I waited for him to return; having rescued those I consider my family. I waited for everything to be okay again.

  I’d never felt more alone in my entire life.

  He promised he’d come back for me.

  He promised.




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