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Page 25

by S A Pavli

  "That's a big step Les," said Melanie. “I know we’ve been exposed but it was only a short while.” She tailed off vaguely.

  "A little while is all it needs, you know that," said Leslie impatiently.

  "Yes, but its only been a couple of days," replied Melanie. “If there are effects, they could take much longer to appear.”

  "Whatever is going to happen, is going to happen now," said Leslie.

  "Les, we know almost nothing about the biology of this planet," said Melanie firmly. “I for one am not going native at this point.” Leslie scowled and said nothing, taking a slurp of her coffee and concentrating her attention on her food. Mark and Melanie had not failed to notice Leslie's recent truculence, but had failed to link it to their own developing relationship.

  "We'll be making orbit in a couple of minutes Mark," said Anja.

  "O K, I'll get up to the Flight Deck now and arrange the link up," said Mark, standing to leave. He turned to Leslie.

  "You’ll get your wish for a bit more space Les ; we'll fly up and rendezvous with the Chameleon. You’ll have two ships to more around in for a while. You have half an hour to prepare before take off.” He nodded to the two women and with a tight smile turned and left the room. Leslie remained scowling at her plate while she nibbled at her food.

  "Two ships to move around in,” she muttered sarcastically.

  "I'm disappointed that you’re being so negative Les," said Melanie quietly.

  "Oh are you really!" said Leslie, banging her fork down on the table and glaring at the other woman. “Disappointed are you? You don't seem so disappointed. In fact, I've never seen you looking so smug and pleased with yourself.” Melanie started and her eyes widened with surprise. Before she could respond, Leslie pushed her plate away and stood, pushing her seat back on its runners. “Do you think the rest of us don't know what's going on between you and our glorious Captain?” Melanie's mouth dropped and she gaped at the younger woman. He face flushed, and she looked confused, but with a shake of her head as if to clear it, she recovered herself and her retort was accompanied by a glare from dark eyes.

  "How dare you,” she gasped. “My personal affairs are nothing to do with you or anybody else.”

  "Nothing to do with me? No, I suppose not now, since I've been replaced," said Leslie. She gathered up her plate and cup and strode to the galley to dispose of them. Melanie remained where she stood, her eyes fixed on the other woman's back.

  "What the hell do you mean? Since you've been replaced?” Leslie took her time answering, carefully disposing of the remnants of her lunch before she turned back to the other woman.

  "Replaced by you of course. The Captain had his fun with me. I guess you’re a bigger catch.” Melanie scowled at Leslie angrily.

  "Leslie, there's no need to pretend. I know you've had a thing for Mark, you told me so yourself. But he wasn't interested in you.”

  "Maybe he wasn’t, in a relationship. But he certainly was in the other thing. But you'd know about that, wouldn’t you?” Leslie dropped her bombshell with a triumphant glare at her opponent. Melanie looked shocked. Her face jerked as if she had been slapped and for a few moments she was lost for words.

  "He had sex with you?" she asked, her tone disbelieving.

  "When we came back from our first visit to the moon. He was very concerned to help me with my equipment.” Leslie was beginning to enjoy herself now, giving vent to all the spite and venom she had been storing up over the last few days. But her enjoyment was short lived. Melanie's face suddenly went blank and she stood up and walked over to the younger women. Taller than her by a couple of inches, she stood very close to her, her eyes hard. Leslie shrank away from her suddenly fearful that she had gone too far.

  "Listen to me. If there's anything going on between me and the Captain, it's none of your business. I don't care what happened in the past, and I'm not interested in your dirty little lies. Just do your job. Is that clear?” She finished with an intense glare from dark eyes, her face inches from Leslie s, who staggered back in shock.

  "Don t you threaten me! she blustered.

  "Threaten you? I'm your employer," said Melanie, her voice ominously quiet. “Do you want to be taken off the project ? I'll ask the Captain to confine you to your quarters for the rest of our stay here. Do you think he’ll refuse me?”

  "You can't do that,” muttered Leslie. Melanie looked askance at her, her face a mask.

  "You know I can," she said. “You won 't have access to anything. Equipment, scientific data nothing. Your name will be taken off the team and you won 't get a mention or any credit. You will not be a part of the greatest discovery ever made!” She spoke quietly, before turning on her heel and walking out, leaving Leslie gaping after her. Leslie flopped down on the chair she had just vacated, trying to control her churning emotions and focus her mind.

  It slowly began to dawn on her that she had just antagonised the most important person in her life at the moment. The person who controlled her future fame and possible fortune. The satisfaction of hurting Melanie was replaced by the fear that she had damaged herself even more. But her hatred of the privileged Melanie Sophia Carstairs was even greater. She now burned with righteous indignation as well as humiliation at the idea that she would be excluded from the scientific work that was her right. She felt the power of her hatred expand through her mind and out into Space, permeating the walls of the shuttle and spreading out into the world around her. She felt the presence of the others in the ship, recognising who they were and picking out Melanie and Mark, close together in the Flight Deck of the shuttle. She's gone to see him already, she thought. She wanted to strike out with her mind, burn them both with her hatred, but caution prevailed. Not yet. Let’s see what that aristocratic bitch does. Maybe I've queered her pitch with Captain Marvel she thought with satisfaction.

  It never occurred to Leslie to question her extreme emotions, or to question why she had changed from a friendly well adjusted person to a jealous and insecure one, burning with hatred and the desire for revenge.

  Chapter 34

  Melanie had stayed on the Flight Deck for the flight up to orbit but Mark had not noticed her mood, preoccupied as he was with flying the shuttle and docking with the Bounty Hunter. Back on board the Bounty Hunter again and Mark was busy for the next few hours supervising the linkup between the two ships and the transfer of the robot to the Bounty Hunter. Even though she had left him to his devices, something about her mood eventually percolated his consciousness. It was as if she was still next to him; he could feel her presence and sense that her emotions were troubled.

  He reached out to soothe her and felt her recognise his presence. But suddenly he felt her put up a barrier as if trying to shield herself from him. Puzzled, he withdrew deciding that she may want her privacy and feeling a mixture of embarrassment that he had intruded and anxiety that she had rejected his attentions.

  But his attention was again distracted by the fascination of setting up the new software to communicate with the alien robot. As ships Captain he was familiar with all its system, including the computer systems and he was anxious to ensure that they were not compromised by the new software. The new software had to be installed and tested to ensure that other systems were not affected, before Alden was let loose on its functionality. It was late when Mark, Andy and Jo were satisfied that Alden could begin work on developing a common language with the alien robot and they could retire for a meal and sleep. The ship was quiet, the others having already retired, and winding down from the euphoria of the day back in his quarters, Mark's thoughts returned to Melanie. He reached out again with his mind and found her. He projected his questioning concern and this time she responded.

  I'm coming to you. It was non-verbal, but somehow he understood. Waiting for her to arrive, he marvelled at their developing powers. If the whole human race was infected , there would be no more lies and cover ups. Crime would disappear, infidelity would be discovered, true feelings revealed! He shook
his head in wonder at the implications. There would be widespread consequences to all relationships he realised, from the intimate to the casual. Polite conversation would not be possible while feelings of boredom or contempt seethed beneath the surface. He doubted that the human race could cope with such honesty.

  He knew she was there before she could ring his door bell and he opened the door for her. She stood framed in the doorway, dark hair tousled, wearing white blouse and slacks, her eyes large and accusing. He stepped aside and invited her in, his face questioning.

  "What is it Melanie, you seem preoccupied?" he asked. For a few moments she didn't answer, her eyes downcast.

  "I had a rather stressful conversation with Leslie," she said eventually. It took him only a moment to make the connection and his heart sank.

  "Let’s sit,” he said, leading her to the lounge area. "Can I get you anything?” She shook her head, perching on the edge of the sofa. "What is it ?” he asked.

  "She told me about the one time you and her… after the trip to the moon.”

  "Did she tell you that there was anything between us?" he asked.

  "No. she said you didn't care for her. That made it worse somehow.” She looked at him and the hurt was clear in her eyes. "Why Mark? If she meant nothing to you?” He frowned, his eyes on the floor.

  "I know. I knew as soon as it happened that it was wrong. It was a spur of the moment thing, after the stress of the trip.”

  "Can you see how that would hurt her? You have sex with her, then ignore her and come after me. She feels used and humiliated.”

  "Whoa that’s very unfair,” Mark held his hands up in alarm. "If she's pretending to be the little innocent and that I seduced her.”

  "No she's not pretending that.” Melanie sighed. “I'm just disappointed that you couldn’t resist a little instant gratification.” Mark didn't want to use his new powers to invade her feelings, but he couldn’t help sensing the hurt in her. He opened up his own feelings to her, reaching out to show her his distress at hurting her.

  "It was before I knew that you cared about me," he said. “It was wrong because I knew she wanted more from me than sex, but I ignored it in the heat of the moment.” Melanie seemed about to say something before she stopped, her eyes questioning. She felt his contact and for a moment she was inclined to withdraw under the impetus of her anger and hurt. But something about him drew her in. She felt his loneliness ; The years of being apart from his parents and any family. The years at boarding school, followed by University and the Service. The struggle to get his papers, and the pain of losing his father just when he was about to become a part of his life. There was also something else in there, something she didn't recognise at first because she wasn't looking for it. It was herself, occupying that part of his psyche that would otherwise have been lonely and empty. And she understood, in a way that he could never have explained, the place she occupied in his heart.

  "I love you Melanie. Very much. Please don't let this ruin it,” he begged. She sighed, knowing that she could not sustain her anger anymore.

  "I love you too Mark,” she whispered. He leant forward to take her in his arms and she held up a restraining hand. “But if you ever again…” She left it unfinished, but there was a smile on her lips as he bent to kiss her.

  In the Science Room , the alien robot sat connected by cables to instruments and power supplies, its face flushing a parade of colours, continuous buzzing and clicking coming from its voice box. In front of it, a screen reflected its face, responding with the same colours and sounds, but also displaying familiar objects and things, with the names written beneath them and also being spoken out loud. To a human it was a confusing and dizzying spectacle, proceeding at incredible speed. Alden and the alien robot were learning to talk to each other. Learning at a speed that only computers can handle, they had already acquired a vocabulary of a thousand words and were learning to put together simple sentences.

  In the morning, Mark awoke first and lay still, his eyes on the young woman who lay next to him. Her dark hair spread like an ink stain across the pillow, she lay on her back, her neck twisted back so that her delicate chin pointed upwards. Long black lashes hid her eyes, and her lips gaped invitingly open. Her breast rose and fell gently with her breathing. He lay and watched her hungrily for a full minute before raising himself from the bed to go to the bathroom. When he returned, she was awake, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

  "Hi beautiful,” he said softly. She smiled, her eyes sleepy.

  "Fancy a coffee? I have a machine in my personal galley.”

  "Can I be in your personal galley as well?" she asked.

  "My personal galley slave? Oh yes please,” he grinned.

  "Never mind the coffee, come here," she said.

  "With pleasure madam, your Captain obeys," he said, bounding over to the bed and diving onto it. There was a buzz from the communicator and they both cursed.

  "Sound only," said Mark. Melanie punched him on the shoulder in frustration, then started nibbling his ear. "This is the Captain," said Mark, trying to keep his voice level.

  "Captain, this is Andy. You’ll never believe this!” came the excited voice of his Systems Officer.

  "These days, it's a pretty safe bet I’ll believe anything," said Mark.

  "We're talking to the robot!" said Andy.

  "I don't believe it," said Mark, sitting up suddenly in bed. Fortunately Melanie had stopped nibbling his ear, otherwise he would have lost it.

  "Told you," said Andy. “I can believe it from Alden ; he can do a million transactions per second, and he has a specially written program to help him. But the alien robot? How could it learn so quickly?”

  "Well, they are both computers. Alden's program really works then. The Boffins will be delighted," said Mark. “I'll get dressed and be with you in a few minutes.”

  "Right ho boss. Can't find Melanie though, she doesn't answer her com," said Andy.

  "That's ’cos I'm right here Andy," said Melanie loudly. Mark looked startled, looking at her enquiringly, and she shrugged insouciantly. There was a pause, and Andy's voice came back.

  "Ah right. O K, nice one sorry, I mean no problem. Not that there should be a problem,” he finished lamely.

  "Just having an early morning management meeting Andy. Be with you soon," said Melanie, trying hard to restrain her amusement.

  "Right, of course. Early morning management meeting,” repeated Andy. “Yeah, see you guys later.”

  "Com disconnect," said Mark, before they both burst out laughing. “Early morning management meeting indeed!" he said.

  "Yes, I'm going to take you to task for your incompetence Captain Alexander," said Melanie severely . “You just have not been paying enough attention to me lately.”

  "Sorry madam. Let me attend to you right now,” he offered. “I have a spare three and a half milliseconds in my schedule.”

  "That long?” she giggled embracing him passionately.

  Half an hour later, showered and dressed they passed by the Science Room on their way to some breakfast. The room was crowded with the whole team and they had to ease their way through the crush to see the robot through a chorus of good mornings.

  "Roll up, roll up and see the fantastic alien robot," said LeBlanc.

  "Quite a show,” agreed Mark. Andy and Jo were monitoring the software on their computer screens and Andy turned to them with a smile.

  "Look at this Mark, they have about a three thousand word vocabulary and they are starting to put together sentences.” Mark examined the display and nodded.

  "Going very well. I reckon we can try a few simple questions in a couple of hours. What do you think?”

  "We can try,” agreed Andy. “But the problem is getting abstract ideas across. Alden may need more time before his vocabulary is up to that. But let's see how we get on.” Mark nodded.

  "We're getting some breakfast. Let's convene again here at noon.”

  "Guys, we need to get together anothe
r transmission for Adelphi," said Melanie, looking questioningly around her. “Can we get together in a couple of hours?” There were distracted nods from everyone, their eyes fixed on the robot, except from Leslie, who stood at the edge of the group glowering at Mark and Melanie. It had not been lost on her that they had come in together. She knew where they had both been all night, her new sixth sense identifying their close presence, as well as the colour of their emotions. She felt like a peeping tom, and had shied away from opening her mind up too closely to them in case she was noticed. They had been too busy with each other to notice her distant attention. But there was no doubt that her revelations to Melanie had not wrecked their relationship and she itched to vent her spite on them.

  "Les, shall we finish off the material from the last trip?” Walter's voice interrupted her reverie and she started.

  "Yeah since her highness is going to want it,” muttered Leslie sourly. Walters frowned at her.

  "Well it's what we're here to do," he said. She nodded, and turned away with a puzzled James Walters following her. “I know pandering to the publicity is a chore, but our public wants to know,” continued Walters as they made their way to their science stations at the other end of the room. “Fame and fortune await us,” he finished with an encouraging grin.

  "Mmm if I know anything, others will get the fame and fortune and we'll get nothing," she said.

  "We are feeling jaundiced today dear girl," said Walters.

  "Don t patronise me James,” snapped Leslie. “I'm not your dear girl.” Walters looked taken aback.

  "Just an expression Les," he said. “Hey, if you're not up to it, leave it to me. It's just a bit of donkey work with Alden. I'm good at that.” Leslie looked tense and irritated but she nodded slowly.

  "No, work will be good for me," she said. “It's just being locked up in these tin cans for too long.” Walters nodded understandingly and Leslie was relieved he accepted her feeble explanation. But she didn't question her excessively emotional reactions or her lack of control over them. And she forgot that Walters had also been infected. With his new powers he detected Leslie's powerful and confused emotional state, and the undertones of hatred and spite and quickly withdrew into himself, feeling embarrassed that he had intruded into her thoughts.


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