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Inferno Decoded

Page 21

by Michael Haag

  Faukman, Jonas 248

  Fedeli d’Amore, the 31, 54, 83

  Fede Santa 86

  Feeding Frenzy 262

  Ferris, Jonathan (biography) 248

  Ficino, Marsilio 134, 138

  Fiesole 93, 111

  First Crusade, the 122

  Fischer, Günther 167

  flatterers, in Hell 77

  Flaxman, John 59

  Florence, map of 203

  FM-2030182, 247

  Fourth Crusade, the 122

  Francesco I 138

  Frankenstein 194

  fraud, in Hell 77

  Freitas, Robert A 184

  Fukuyama, Francis 190


  Gates of Paradise, the 111, 112, 209

  Gelsinger, Jesse 186

  Gemistus Plethon 118, 127, 139, 181

  genetic engineering 185

  germ-line manipulation 185

  Ghibellines 33, 38, 99

  Ghiberti, Lorenzo 111

  Gibson, William 195

  Giotto 97, 126

  Glossary, Infernal 241

  gluttony 71

  Godwin, William 162, 194

  Grand Canal, Venice 212

  Great Famine 159

  Guelfs 33, 99

  Guénon, René 261

  Guild of Cloth Merchants, the 111

  Guild of Wool Merchants, the 115

  Gulensoy, Goksel 248

  Gypsy, the 249


  Haber-Bosch process 171

  Hagia Sophia 214, 215, 217

  Hall of the Five Hundred 136, 206

  harpies, symbolism of 76

  Harris Tweed 249

  Heaney, Seamus 59


  dimensions of 91

  Eighth Circle 77

  Fifth Circle 72

  First Circle 68

  Fourth Circle 72

  Ninth Circle 79

  Second Circle 69

  Seventh Circle 75

  Sixth Circle 73

  Third Circle 71

  heresy 73

  Hermes Trismegistos 134

  Hirst, Damien 249

  Holiday, Henry 43

  homosexuality 30, 76

  Horace 30

  Hotel Brunelleschi 210

  humanism 23, 107

  Humanity+ 183, 263

  Huxley, Aldous 181, 194

  Huxley, Julian 181

  hypocrites, in Hell 78


  IIASA 167

  Illuminati, the 237

  immortality 189

  Islam 19


  Jason 77

  Judas Iscariot 81

  Judecca 81

  justice 67


  Kaffa 101

  Kass, Leon 191

  Kaufman, Jason 248

  Kennedy, John F 21, 214, 249

  Keymel, Mariele 250

  Kier, Deb 250

  Klimt, Gustav 250

  Knights Templar, the 38, 83, 84

  Knowlton, Laurence (biography) 250

  Koran, the 19

  Kurzweil, Ray 179, 188, 250, 263


  Landino, Cristoforo 134

  Langdon, Robert 221, 251

  Latini, Brunetto 30, 76, 189

  laurel, symbolism of 29

  life expectancy 189

  Limbo 68

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 251

  Lost Symbol, The 225, 235, 239

  Lovecraft, H P 195

  lust, in Hell 69


  Machiavelli, Niccoló 251

  Malebolge 77

  Malthus, Thomas Robert 155, 156, 252

  Manila 19, 20

  Map of Hell 131, 147

  Marconi, Enrico 252

  Marsyas 87

  Marx, Karl 159

  McKennitt, Loreena 252

  McMahon, Paul 164, 262

  Medici, Cosimo de 128, 134, 135

  Medici, Francesco de 204

  Medici, Lorenzo de 128, 138

  Mendacium, The 252

  Metochites, Theodore 125

  Michelangelo 142, 207

  Minotaur 75

  Minsky, Marvin 190

  Mirandola, Pico della 181

  Mirsat 253

  Mohammed 79


  nanomedicine 188

  nanotechnology 186

  Neoplatonism 134

  Nessus 75

  Neveu, Sophie 221

  Newlon, Blythe 233, 234, 239

  Nicholas III 78

  Nigeria 20

  nine 49

  nitrogen fertiliser 171


  Oppenheimer, Robert 253

  opportunists, in Hell 67

  Orsanmichele 98

  Ovid 30, 87


  Padua 38

  Palazzo Pitti 202

  Palazzo Portinari Salviati 208

  Palazzo Vecchio 97, 204, 206

  Pantheon, Rome 113

  peacock, symbolism of 29

  Peak Water 172

  Pearl, Matthew 251

  perspective 114

  Peterloo Massacre, the 158

  Petrarch, Francesco 132

  Pfeiffer, Dale Allen 171

  Philip IV 38, 86

  Philippines, the 20

  Phillips Exeter Academy 228, 231

  Phlegethon 75

  Piazza della Signoria 207

  Pierfrancesco, Lorenzo di 138, 141

  Pimponi, Maurizio 253

  Plato 90, 134

  Platonic Academy 134

  Plume Paris 254

  Polenta, Guido Novello da 39, 40

  Ponte Vecchio 98, 205

  Population Apocalypse Equation, the 253

  population 163

  Porta Romana 201

  Portinari, Beatrice see Beatrice

  Portinari, Folco 43, 52

  Primavera 129, 130

  Princeton Dante Project 261

  Provost, the (biography) 254

  Ptolomaea 81

  pusillanimous, in Hell 67

  Pythagoras 89


  Ravenna 39

  Revelation 18

  Rimini, Francesca da 39, 71

  River of Blood 75

  Rodin, Auguste 39, 70, 255

  Russo, Ernesto 255


  Salone dei Cinquecento 136

  Santa Croce 97

  Santa Margherita de Cerchi 46, 208

  Santa Maria Novello 120

  Santa Reparata 94

  Satan 82

  Savanarola, Girolamo 139, 146, 207

  science fiction 194

  screen lady 46

  Seracini, Maurizio 137, 255

  Seville 232

  Shade, The (biography) 255

  Shelley, Mary 194

  Singularity, the 188

  Sinskey, Elizabeth (biography) 20, 255

  Società Dante Alighieri 18

  sodomites, in Hell 76

  Solublon 256

  Stapledon, Olaf 194

  St Bernard 86

  Stevenson, Mark 186, 262

  Stock, Gregory 182

  Strabo 118

  St Saviour in Chora 124, 126

  Studiolo, the 138

  Sufis 83

  supor 33


  telemeres 189

  terza rima 58, 62, 91

  Tesoretto 138

  thieves, in Hell 78

  Tipler, Frank 196

  Titian 88

  Toscanelli, Paolo dal Pozzo 117

  traitors, in Hell 79

  Transhumanism 160, 176

  troubadours 31, 55, 83


  Uberti, Farinata degli 74

  Ugolino, Count 61, 80

  Ulysses 78


  Vasari Corridor 135, 204

  Vasari, Giorgio 112, 129, 131, 136, 256, 257

  Vayentha (biography) 256

  Venci, Giorgio 257

  Vespucci, Amerigo 144

, Simonetta 144

  Villani, Giovanni 96

  Vio, Ettore 258

  violence 75

  Virgil 64

  Vita Nuova 27, 42, 48, 51


  Waterhouse, John William 100

  Weighing of the Heart ritual 18, 19

  well, falling down a 226

  Wells, H G 194

  WHO 20, 258

  Wilson, A N 260

  Wood of the Suicides, the 76

  wool industry, Florentine 96

  wrath, in Hell 72


  Yerebatan Saray, Istanbul 216, 217


  Zobrist, Bertrand 20, 258




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