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Blessed Hearts (Hearts Duology Book 2)

Page 8

by SF Benson

  Rocco adds, “We ran toward the screams. By the time we got there—”

  “There was only the body,” Alec interjects. “No head. Just a fucking body.”

  Not again.

  “I need to see it.” I turn around to speak to Qadira, and our bodies collide. A jolt slams through my body. My knees wobble at the same time something steals my breath. Her hand lands on my back, sending heat down my spine. With more strength than I possess, I resist the urge to pull Qadira into my arms. Instead, I murmur, “Let’s go.”

  The fellas lead us to the grizzly scene. It’s just like the previous one—decapitated body with its insides lying off to the side. The alley smells like someone painted the walls with blood. Hot bile creeps up my throat. Somehow, I push it down.

  Qadira is the brave one amongst us. She crouches beside the body and runs her hand over it. “Your friends are not responsible. I can pick up the signature. It is some sort of shifter. The kill was particularly violent.”

  “No, duh,” exclaims Dante.

  “Knock it off, Dante,” I say. “We’ve got to get this body out of here before anyone finds it.”

  “How the hell you plan on doing that?” he asks.

  I’m praying Edwina will grant me one last favor. “Go. I’ll take care of it.”

  Rocco’s eyebrows squish together as he asks, “How?”

  “Just get the fuck out of here,” I exclaim and remove my phone.

  Once the fellas run off, I tap on her number. The phone rings for what feels like an eternity before she picks up.

  “What part of ‘we’re done’ did ya not understand?” she snaps.

  “I need your help, Edie. We have another body.”

  An exaggerated sigh comes through the phone. “I told ya to talk with the twins, Cash.”

  “They didn’t do this. It’s like the last one—no head and the guts removed. Edie, please help me out.”

  She exhales. “Fine. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”

  “Thank you.” I end the call and pocket my phone.

  Qadira tilts her head to the side. “Your clean-up crew?”

  I rub a hand through my hair. “Something like that.”

  Half an hour later, Edwina shows up. Her heels, like gunshots, announce her arrival. Unfortunately, the bright light shining from the opposite direction lets me know the Falls Creek PD is here, too.

  “Freeze! Hands in the air!” Hank draws his pistol and moves on swift feet toward us.

  Edwina raises her hand and points a finger at him. “Dormi, dormi.”

  The were-panther’s knees buckle, and he collapses on the ground.

  “We have to hurry,” Edwina says. She looks at the headless corpse. “Did ya see who did this?”

  I shake my head.

  “I picked up a signature,” Qadira offers. “It is some sort of shifter.”

  Edwina pulls a face. “I’ll take care of this one, but Cash, this is the absolute last time.”

  A mumbled “I understand” falls from my lips.

  “Do ya?” Edwina’s head twists to the side, and she points a finger in my direction. “I told ya this morning—”

  I grasp her by the elbow and pull her close. Immediately I get caught up in her intoxicating smell. Shit. Whenever Edwina drinks from me, I turn into an addict. This will pass in a few days, but in the meantime, I’ll crave her. Now that I think of it, maybe the after effect of the bite is to blame for this feeling I’m having around Qadira.

  Keep telling yourself that one.

  “I remember what you said, but I’m not ready to end this.” I plead, “Dammit, I need you.”

  In a flash, Edwina reaches up and pushes me hard. My back hits the brick wall, and I can’t breathe. A blur crosses the alley. Edwina’s so close our noses touch. “Ya don’t get it, cher. There can be no us. Our arrangement is over.”

  “Edie.” I’m begging her. I hate myself for being weak, even temporarily.

  She fists my shirt and snarls, “Are ya willing ta give up Wicked Ink?”

  “Hell no,” I say with conviction.

  “How about ya freedom? Can ya give up daylight?”

  “No,” I mumble as it dawns upon me the point of Edwina’s words.

  She lets go of my shirt and steps back a little. Her mouth turns down, and she continues to mock me. “Ready ta give up delicacies from Brennan’s?”

  “Of course not,” I say sharply.

  “We can only be together if ya give up living.” She pushes her shoulders back and plants her feet wide. Her chin lifts, throwing down a challenge. “Become undead, and we can spend eternity together.”

  I remain silent since I have no desire to become a fucking bloodsucker.

  She crosses her arms. “See, ya don’t want me in ya life. Sex isn’t enough, Cassius. I need someone who respects me for what I am. Somebody who’ll be with me in every way possible, not just for sex.” Edwina’s shoulders slump. “Now, the two of ya need ta leave town.”

  Stupidity forces the question from my lips. “Can we go to the farm?”

  Edwina rolls her eyes. “I never thought ya ta be a dumb incubus. We have no arrangement, no relationship. Ya can’t go near my home ever again.”

  “I hate to interrupt,” Qadira holds up her wrists, “but I can’t leave with these on.”

  Edwina grasps the iron bracelets. She mutters a few words I don’t understand. The cuffs glow bright red and then return to a dull silver color. Then she waves her hand in the air. Qadira’s wearing her red leather outfit—cleaner than the last time I saw it.

  “I fixed the cuffs. No one can track her.”

  “Thank you, Edie.” I move toward her.

  She puts her hand out, stopping me from getting any closer. “I’m serious, Cash. If our paths ever cross again, I’ll forget our history.” Edwina’s eyes glow bright yellow as she issues her warning. “Next time my teeth are on ya neck, it won’t be for pleasure.”

  Shit. I’m not that stupid. I get the message. Loud and clear.

  Edwina steps closer to Qadira and whispers in her ear. When the she-vamp moves away, Qadira’s lips tremble, and she’s blinking fast.

  What the fuck was that about?

  No time for guessing games. We have to get out of town.

  I admit it. I’ve led a sheltered life. The biggest threats I faced growing up came from other djinn envious of my station. The undead female threatening me, however, isn’t an issue. This is not a typical vampire, though. She knows details about my kind, things we keep secret. To make matters worse, she loves this incubus and is very protective of him. Why else would she offer to deliver my body, head first, into a salt quarry? The thought sends a cold chill down my spine.

  The words spoken between Cash and the female are enlightening. Notably, she broke his heart, but he’s too proud to admit such a thing ever happened. Not only that, she left her mark upon Cash. That’s why he’s so troubled. My eyes drift from her to him. What other secrets is he hiding?

  Now, we must leave town. Together? I don’t know if I can tolerate being cooped up with Cash much longer. The conflicting emotions I’m having are proof I should keep my distance from him.

  “Did ya hear me, Cash?” The vampire, no longer concerned with me, steps away. “Ya don’t have time to waste.”

  “Yeah, Edie.” He casts a slight glance at the female before focusing back on the alley wall. “We’re going.”

  His indifference is a well-constructed façade. Other than this female, someone has hurt him deeply. It’s an old hurt inflicted by someone he cares about. He needs healing. The pain radiating from him tugs at my heart. I can’t be the one to mend him, though, no matter how I ache to do so. It’s too much responsibility. Allah, I couldn’t be a proper mate for Shedad. How, in the name of Iblis, can I help an incubus? I suspect the Fates are meddling in my life. They should move on. I’m not ready for love. It doesn’t matter what my heart feels.

et’s go, Qadira.” Cash stands before me.


  “I need to pick up some things before we leave.”

  His words, as icy and cold as a scalpel, freeze my soul. I just want to soothe the hatred Cash experiences.

  With mounting rage, I face the vampire and mutter, “Be glad I am shackled. If you ever cross my path again, I will remember the grief you caused him. You will not like my wrath.”

  She scowls in my direction. “All’s fair…”

  Minutes later, I find myself on the motorcycle. Thanks to the vampire, tension and anger, like curling flames, spread through his aura. Buildings blur past us as he pushes the contraption faster and faster still. I tighten my arms around his waist and place my cheek against his warm back. The erratic beat of his heart comforts me, but I know the beast within Cash craves calming. A pissed-off demon, never a good thing, makes facing the Si'lat seem a better choice.

  Cash, unfortunately, does not deter from his erratic pace until we reach a neighborhood with large homes. He stops his bike at the bottom of a hill.

  My sight kicks in stronger than ever.

  So many thoughts swirl through my mind, including the possibility of banishment. Over the years, I’ve entertained taking trips away from Falls Creek, but not forever. Even when Kelsie had her control issues and getting exiled was a serious likelihood, I never truly considered leaving this place for good. Sure, the town is too damned small and its residents narrow-minded, but it’s home. The only one I’ve ever known. I never thought of being forced to give it up.

  In spite of the dire situation, there are other things testing my resolve, like the hot female on the back of my bike. The feel of Qadira’s arms wrapped around my waist and her thighs hugging my hips has awakened a desperate need in me. The things I want to do to this djinniyah… I’m not talking about my usual decadent way of handling a female. I want to be gentle with her, spending hours between her thighs, pleasuring her until the sun breaks through the clouds. Thank Siren, she can’t see the major boner I’m sporting.

  Vacating Falls Creek requires supplies, so I head for home. As I weave the Ducati through the streets of the neighborhood, I notice the multitude of blue lights coming from the top of the hill. I pull over to the curb, kill the motor, and drop the kickstand.

  “You will never make it past the sea of cops,” Qadira warns.

  I’m tempted to ask her how she knows, but I let it pass. “Look, stay here. I’ll be back soon.”

  Thank Siren, she doesn’t say anything. Her eye roll replaces the missing dialogue. I leave my helmet on and run up the street.

  A uniformed officer holds out an arm, stopping me before I even clear the block. “Sorry, sir, I can’t let you cross the line.”

  I note the yellow crime-scene tape in front of me. “What’s going on?”

  “Manhunt for a suspected murderer.” The cop doesn’t glance my way. “We’re combing the area. You live round here?”

  “Naw,” I lie. “Just passing through.”

  “Well, find another way. This neighborhood is closed for the night. We’re checking any place the suspect and his girlfriend hang out.”

  Qadira’s now my girlfriend? Are the Fates playing games with me?

  In spite of his assumption, I’m grateful for the information. I pivot on my heel. “Have a good night, sir.”

  I guess it’s back to Victor’s house.

  With the police busy watching my neighborhood, I push the speed limit to reach Victor’s home as fast as possible. I park the bike a few blocks away and get ready to walk over.

  “You’re not going without me.”

  I open my mouth and instantly close it. Her concern, wrinkled brow, and pained gaze hit me like a wave. I hold out my hand, and she takes it. Weird. This feels…right.

  “Cash?” Her voice is low.

  “Yeah?” I answer absently.

  “The vamp, from the alley, is she the one you were involved with?”

  Just my luck she wants to talk about the one thing I want to avoid. “Yeah.”

  “And she bit you.”

  It isn’t a question. It isn’t a judgment either. “Yeah, but it’s nothing to worry ‘bout. She’s done it before.”

  “Doesn’t make it right,” she says and goes quiet. Her clicking heels stop. She tugs on my jacket sleeve with her free hand. “Wait. Up ahead. Two dark cars. One in front of the house and the other crawls down the street.”

  We’re still a good distance from Victor’s. “How the hell do you—”

  Tension courses down Qadira’s arm. “It’s an ability I have. Any place else we can go?”

  I answer with a small nod. It’s a spot I haven’t been in a long time, but it’s available. “Come on.”

  Years ago, I discovered the identity of my sire, a man named Todd Martin. Todd was fond of the outdoors and owned a cabin in Caroga Lake—about half an hour outside Falls Creek. The cabin was his romantic getaway for my mother. After Todd died, my mother wanted the property. But his shrew of a wife selfishly hung on to it.

  The cabin eventually went up for sale during my second year in business. I was twenty-one, and Wicked Ink was doing well. I had enough money stashed to buy Todd’s place with all his belongings.

  All things considered, the old cabin is a treasure trove of information—journals, pictures, and videos stashed in trunks. Through his journals, I learned his marriage was a disaster. His wife was unfaithful and only married him for his money. Problem was Todd didn’t have a prenuptial agreement. He put up with her until he met my mother.

  Countless videos declared his love for Mom. He called her the love of his life. I suspect she cared for him a lot since she retained his last name for me and my sister. Mom even kept a picture of him.

  So much for Lilin not falling in love…

  By the time we reach Caroga Lake, I’m thanking the Siren it hasn’t snowed. Any measurable snowfall would make the roads to the cabin inaccessible.

  We pass a coffeehouse on the way—I need to commit it to memory for later on. At the end of another long and winding road is the two-story log cabin. A few sparse trees block the entrance. I pull the bike over to the storage space tucked beneath the private entrance studio.

  I kill the motor and dig out my keys. The door to the storage room creaks open, and a stench so intense it would blast the Devil from the bowels of Hell hits me. I tuck my nose in the crook of my arm. Mental note. Clean this shit up later.

  “This is the end of the line,” I say to Qadira and roll the Ducati inside. I lock up, and we walk over to the front door.

  Unfortunately, it doesn’t open without me throwing my shoulder against it a couple of times. The door bangs wide, and I run my hand over the wall, searching for the light switch. Thank Siren, I had the foresight to keep the utilities turned on. The overhead light flickers for a moment. A musty odor permeates the room along with the aroma from the dead animal next door. Cleaning this place is a definite priority first thing in the morning.

  “Who owns this place?”

  “Belonged to my sire. There’s only one bedroom, but there’s a studio space upstairs.” I point to the staircase across the room. “You’re welcome to stay up there. If you’d rather take the bedroom, I’ll sleep on the sofa. We have to share the bathroom down the hall.”

  Qadira crosses the small room and goes into the mini-kitchen. She opens the small fridge. Only thing inside it is a box of baking soda. “It has been a while since you have been here, no?”

  Understatement. “I haven’t been here in about a year. No one else knows about the cabin.”

  Qadira’s eyebrows furrow for a moment before she releases them. “Is it a secret?”

  “Sort of. My mother wouldn’t be too happy if she knew I bought the place,” I mumble.

  She unzips her jacket and drops it to the floor. My eyes settle on her tight, white sleeveless top. Qadira’s perfectly shaped breasts tempt me. I catch myself
swaying and stumble onto the sofa. It hits me I haven’t replenished my energy in quite a while. The time I spent balls deep inside Edwina didn’t help my situation.

  “Are you okay?” Qadira’s eyebrows lift. “What can I do for you?”

  I rake a hand across my face. There’s a joke for you. She isn’t responsible for me being depleted as fuck, but she is to blame for me being horny as hell. But regardless of how bad I’m feeling, I’ll never force myself on anyone. Qadira has no interest in me. Best to recharge the old battery elsewhere. “Naw, sweetheart. There’s not a damned thing you can do for me.”

  She places her hands on her hips, and an impatient sneer slips out. “Could you refrain from using so much profanity?”

  I rub my chin. “Gotta problem with how I speak?”

  “As a matter of fact I do. Now is not the time to argue.” Qadira’s posture softens. “You are an incubus, and you need to feed. I offer myself.”

  I laugh aloud. “Get real, Qadira. You’re not interested in someone like me.” I thumb my chest a few times, feeling like a Neanderthal. “Remember, man-whore? Besides, I need someone who can take it rough. I don’t think you can.”

  Her jaw tightens. “You have no idea what I can take.”

  “Okay.” I fold my arms over my chest and lean back. “If I bend you over the arm of this sofa, strip your jeans off and fuck your ass like there’s no tomorrow, can you handle it?”

  Qadira’s face turns a bright shade of crimson. She twists at the hem of her top and drops her eyes. No words from her.

  Do you blame her?

  “How about we just pound one out in the shower?” I ask, a bit of mockery in my voice. “You get to clean up afterward.”

  She gulps.

  I wink. “I promise to get you really dirty.”

  “Stop!” she screams and holds her hands up. “I get it. Go do your whoring some place else and leave me be.”

  The females I’ve encountered would have jumped on the shower suggestion. Only someone who’s never… It’s official, my kind can be idiots and supreme jerks at times. I scrub a hand across my face. “You were telling the truth earlier? You really are a virgin?”


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