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Tempting Her Neighbor (a Georgeville novella)

Page 11

by Laura Jardine

  Finally, he managed to calm himself down enough to go out. He went to Lawson’s, ordered a scotch, and sat in the back.

  He’d forgotten how much he hated scotch. It was vile stuff. But he didn’t feel like having a beer, and for some reason he liked that the scotch was disgusting and made him scrunch up his face every time he took a sip. It felt right, somehow.

  He didn’t know what to do about the situation with Rachel. This morning, he’d realized he liked her as more than just a sex partner. He liked her. He trusted her. It had taken him a while to get used to the idea, but once he had, he’d decided he should ask her out.

  He wasn’t the sort of man who put off the things he wanted to do, even if they made him anxious. So he’d sat on her porch for half an hour, getting more and more worked up as he waited for her to come home. But when he’d asked her out, she’d turned him down. So, he’d shot his load on her back and fucked her over the kitchen table.

  And now? He was at the only bar in town. Drinking alone. Feeling like his usual grumpy self.

  Except that every time someone opened the door, he looked up, hoping it would be Rachel.


  He took a sip of scotch, scowled at his glass, then looked around the room. He took turns scowling at each table of people. The young couple at the front, the old couple at the bar. The group of women standing around the pinball machine.

  “Hey.” Rick sat down across from him. “Cole, right?”

  He suppressed a groan. He was really not in the mood for this.

  “How’s Georgeville treating you?” Rick asked.

  Cole merely grunted.

  “You want to come sit with us?” Rick motioned to a nearby table. “You look a little lonely back here. Just thought I’d ask.”

  He grunted again. He should probably have the decency to politely decline. The guy was just being friendly. But as usual, Cole wasn’t in the mood for friendly, or for any kind of talking.

  Rick didn’t get the message. “You know what you should do if you’re in a bad mood? Go see that next-door neighbor of yours. She’ll cheer you up.”

  A guy leaned over from the table Rick had pointed at. “You live next to Rachel Malone, right?” He laughed unpleasantly. “I’ve had her before. Great tits.”

  “Shut up.” Cole gripped his glass.

  “She shoot you down?” Rick said. “That’s a surprise. She’s usually a bit of a—”

  Cole stood up abruptly, knocking over his chair. “A what? What were you going to call her?”

  Rick shrugged and held up his hands. “Just telling it like it is.”

  Cole pulsed with anger. People only seemed to think of her in one way. But she was so much more than that.

  When he was with Rachel, he didn’t desperately wish he could have some damn solitude. They could talk and joke with each other, and it was comfortable. And coming from him that meant a hell of a lot.

  He looked at his hand, curled it into a fist…and grabbed onto the table to stop himself from punching the guy in the face. He wanted to—oh, he wanted to. But the man was here with four of his friends, and Cole didn’t see that ending well. Besides, he’d never gotten into a fight as an adult, and he didn’t intend to change that.

  Somehow, despite the anger coursing through his veins, he was still able to think clearly, to realize that violence was a bad idea.

  “Look.” He was standing, and Rick was still sitting—it was nice to look down on the jerk. “Don’t talk shit about her, okay? She helped me move in. She made me a fucking lasagna. She’s a nice person, but for some reason, you don’t give a crap about that. You talk about her like she’s only good for one thing. But even though I’ve only known her a short time, I like her. I like her a lot. So, shut the fuck up.”

  And then he left. He didn’t finish his scotch—it was disgusting anyway. He didn’t wait to hear Rick’s retort—it wasn’t worth it. It would probably just piss Cole off. And make him regret not punching the man in the face.

  He didn’t head straight home. He found himself wandering to the edge of town, searching for the house that Rachel had said was for sale.

  It didn’t take him long to find it. The town wasn’t all that big.

  A large house with white aluminum siding, set a little back from the road. It had a nice porch out front. He couldn’t see the whole garden because of the tall fences, but there were some pink roses near the porch. They looked well cared for, whereas the grass was yellow.

  He imagined drinking a beer on the porch and snarling at all the people who went by. Yes, that was a pleasant thought. And there was a woman sitting beside him, a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing jean shorts and a tight pink T-shirt. The house was unnecessarily big for one person, but for two people…

  Hold on a second.

  He’d just inserted Rachel into his dreams for the future.

  He closed his eyes and pictured the house…and he couldn’t seem to get her out of the picture. Sitting beside him, teasing him, putting her hand on his knee.

  That was what he wanted now. Not a house where he could hole up like a hermit, but where he could enjoy his life with her.

  Oh, God. What was happening?

  But he knew. He knew exactly what was going on…even if it was an unfamiliar emotion. He thought back to the scene at the bar, the incredible need he felt to protect her.

  He loved Rachel.

  He let out a short burst of laughter into the quiet night.

  Despite being an antisocial dick, he’d gone ahead and fallen in love with a woman. An amazing woman.

  Who didn’t want to be with him.

  Cole went home, poured himself some vodka, and sat back in his recliner.

  Goddammit. What was he going to do? He’d asked her out and she’d shaken her head. Did she feel absolutely nothing for him?

  But he’d thought they had a special connection…

  He couldn’t believe he was actually thinking those words.

  It could be entirely one-sided. He felt different with Rachel, felt at ease having normal social interactions with her, which was so unusual for him. But maybe she didn’t feel anything for him, at all.

  And yet, she’d told him that he was easy to talk to, that she didn’t have to censor herself around him. And they spent an awful lot of time together. He didn’t think there was nothing there on her part.

  Plus, the sex was incredible. But then again, maybe Rachel had amazing sex with lots of guys. Not that he really wanted to think about that.

  God, he sucked at reading women.

  He poured himself some more vodka, turned on the TV, and watched whatever happened to be on, because he couldn’t be bothered to switch channels. He hated mindlessly wasting time like this, but he couldn’t seem to do anything else.

  It was disorienting to have feelings other than anger and annoyance to dwell on, and he just didn’t know how to cope.


  Rachel opened the door at seven o’clock the next night, and she felt a twinge of disappointment when she saw the pizza delivery man on her doorstep rather than Cole.

  Fuck. What was wrong with her?

  She paid the delivery man then watched him walk back down the driveway…and knock on Cole’s door. Heh. He’d ordered pizza, too.

  She brought her mushroom and pepperoni pizza into the living room and got some plates from the kitchen.

  “Help yourself,” she said to Cassie.

  She would have a fun night and help her friend forget about her ill-fated fling. But Rachel wasn’t exactly good company right now. She couldn’t stop thinking about Cole. Hell, she’d even screwed up Jerry O’Donnell’s order today and brought him a Western omelet instead of a burger, and she never screwed up orders. She just couldn’t keep her mind on the here and now today.

  But she needed to move on. Focus on her plans for leaving Georgeville, not on the grumpy man she’d been screwing.

  She grabbed two slices of pizza then sat back on the couch and s
tarted eating.

  At least Cassie seemed to be doing a bit better than she had yesterday. She was more like her calm self, not so jittery. And when Rachel had asked if she’d wanted a rum and Coke, Cassie had said yes. Rachel wouldn’t normally consider someone drinking an alcoholic beverage as a sign that things were improving, but in Cassie’s case, she thought otherwise. It was a sign that her friend could accept she wasn’t pregnant.

  Love could really screw people up.

  Cassie had a sip of her drink and leaned forward. “Rachel, are you okay? You’re quiet tonight.”

  “I’m fine. Just a busy day at the diner, that’s all.”

  In truth, it had been exactly the same at AJ’s as it always was. Business as usual. The same regular customers. The same unchanging orders.

  Cassie smiled at her and didn’t ask any more questions. Thank God.

  They went to Lawson’s after dinner, and Rachel started to feel a little better, until she passed by Cole’s door when she walked back up the driveway to her apartment. There was a light on, and she wondered what he was doing.

  She squared her shoulders. He was just one guy. She could get over him. She’d done it before. She’d never even gone on a date with Cole. They’d just had lots of sex.

  And yet, he’d gotten to her. In a way no one else had in a very, very long time.

  Tomorrow she’d go see Darrell. Lose herself in sex with absolutely no emotions involved.

  Prove to herself she didn’t need Cole Sampson.

  Even though it sure felt like she did.

  Chapter Sixteen

  At five o’clock, after another unproductive day of work, Cole set out to the convenience store to buy himself some salt and vinegar chips. He would scarf down the bag while reading about a psychotic serial killer…and thinking about Rachel.

  He couldn’t help it. She was always on his mind.

  When he was heading up the driveway, he glanced at Rachel’s unit. She was standing by the door, laughing with another man. The guy was at least six feet tall and athletic looking. He had short brown hair, and unlike Cole, he’d bothered to shave sometime in the past three days. He laughed and put his hand on Rachel’s shoulder when she stopped to dig her key out of her purse.

  Great. Now there was another guy Cole wanted to punch in the face.

  “Hey,” he said, walking over. “Want to introduce me to your friend, Rachel?” He couldn’t keep the anger from his voice. She was his, dammit.

  She froze. But her discomfort was brief. “This is Darrell. We went to school together. Darrell, this is Cole. My neighbor.” She said it all very matter-of-fact, little emotion in her voice.

  Darrell smiled. “Hey. Nice to meet you, buddy.”

  “So, is this how it is?” Cole hissed, turning to Rachel. “You throw me over and have someone else a few days later?”

  “We were never exclusive, Cole. Don’t tell me I’m doing something wrong, because I’m not.”

  “I know, but—”

  “Look.” Darrell held up his hands and backed away. “I don’t want to get in the middle of anything you two have going on. I’ll see you—”

  “No,” Rachel said, putting her hand on his arm. “Stay.”

  Cole wondered briefly if she’d sought out another man to bury her feelings for him. To make him hurt, to make him jealous, to make him think she was nothing more than the easy lay everyone said she was.

  Her actions didn’t disgust him. He wanted her just as much. But she’d certainly made him hurt.

  And in some crazy way, it seemed like proof that she cared.

  He suddenly remembered something she’d said before.

  In front of you, it would.

  She’d said it would turn her on to fuck someone else in front of him. That was something she wanted to do for real—they’d talked about it. She’d told him things she hadn’t shared with anyone else. She’d said that, too.

  He wasn’t the only one who had feelings here.

  And if Rachel wanted that fantasy, well, hell, she would have it.

  He grasped her wrist. “Fine. But I want to watch you fuck him.”

  She stared at Cole, her expression inscrutable. The air between them seemed muggier than it probably was. It was hard to look her in the eyes, but at the same time, no way would he look away. He wasn’t sure what she would say, but sure as shit, she was tempted.

  After what felt like several minutes, her mouth curved into a coquettish smile.

  “Are you sure?” Her voice was light, but he knew she felt more emotion than she was letting on.

  “Yes.” He continued to hold her gaze. “But only if I get to have you afterward.”

  “I don’t see how I can refuse that.” She turned to Darrell. “Are you okay if he watches us? Just watches—nothing else.”

  “Fine with me.” He winked at Cole.

  Cole was surprised the man had agreed so swiftly. But he wasn’t complaining. This was definitely what he wanted…because it was what Rachel had said she wanted. And hell, he wasn’t exactly being selfless here. He wanted her as horny as possible, looking at him while she took another man’s cock.

  Cole found the whole experience surreal. He was sitting on a chair in the corner of the bedroom, arms folded over his chest, watching Rachel.

  She kissed Darrell as she lifted up his shirt. Hot, urgent kisses. Their mouths parted briefly as she pulled the shirt over his head, but then they were kissing again. The man was ripped. The kind of guy who would confidently walk around naked in the locker room because he knew he was all that. He’d even waxed his chest.

  Shit. Maybe this would just make Cole feel inferior. Darrell was taller, stronger, and probably way more experienced in bed.

  But Rachel loved how Cole fucked her. He knew that. And if she really cared for him, screwing this handsome gym rat wouldn’t change anything. In fact, he couldn’t help but hope that being with another man—and getting to experience her fantasy—would make her realize her feelings for Cole.

  He gritted his teeth as Darrell unbuttoned Rachel’s little yellow blouse and slid it off, along with her bra. The other man lowered his mouth to her breast and nipped and sucked. Rachel groaned, dropping her head back until it hit the wall.

  Cole hardened at the erotic little sounds she made, even as he was hit with a bolt of jealousy, seeing her react to someone else like that. God, he wanted to be the one with his mouth and hands roaming her body. He wanted to be the one who unzipped her pants and slid his hand inside her panties. He wanted to be the one who pushed a finger inside her and made her gasp.

  Soon. He would have her soon.

  Rachel made quick work of the rest of Darrell’s clothes and sat on the bed in front of him, her hand on his dick. The man looked a little larger than Cole—nothing monstrous, though. Not as big as the dildo Rachel had put in her pussy the other night. Cole hardened even further at the thought of that night, of how it had felt to touch her, to have her tell him what she wanted.

  This was what she wanted.

  With equal parts jealousy and lust, he watched as she put her lips on Darrell’s cock. It was hot to see her mouth wrapped around another man’s shaft, to see how much of it she could take between her pink lips. Her nipples were tight, her hair falling forward over her cheeks.

  She looked so damn beautiful.

  He wished she were his.

  “That’s it, honey,” Darrell said. “Just like that.” He curled his hand in her hair, and that bothered Cole more than the fact she was sucking the man’s dick.

  But then she glanced over at Cole and winked. His heart pounded furiously. His cock throbbed. He had a live porn show in front of him, starring the hottest woman he’d ever known. And she wasn’t just thinking of the man in front of her.

  He’d never been anywhere near this turned on from watching porn.

  Darrell pushed Rachel back onto the bed and tore off the rest of her clothes. She rolled over so her ass was in the air, her tits pressed against the bed.

/>   “You want to take me like this, baby?” he said.

  Rachel let out a shaky breath. “Yes.”

  Cole could hear Darrell’s fingers moving in and out of her body. She must be so wet. So slick and perfect. He squirmed. He couldn’t just sit here any longer, not with the need burning inside him. His hand moved to his dick, and he pulled himself out of his pants. He started stroking, unconcerned about what the other man thought. He had to touch himself when the woman he wanted was naked on her bed, about to take it from behind. Fuck, she was hot.

  Darrell reached for a condom. He rolled it on and eased inside Rachel. She moaned as he entered her from behind, hands on her ass.

  “How’s this?” Darrell spoke with the confidence of a man who knew what the answer would be.

  “So…good.” Rachel turned her head toward Cole. Another man was filling her pussy, but she was watching him. “So, so good,” she breathed.

  God, he loved it. Loved everything she could make him feel.


  As Darrell thrust into her again and again, Rachel stared over at Cole. He had his hand on his shaft, and he stroked himself slowly, his gaze burning into hers. It was Darrell who was inside her, but she felt like she was with Cole, and she trembled at the thought of actually being with him.

  She slid her hand between her legs and slipped a finger into her body, beside Darrell’s cock. She held it there, just for a moment, filling herself even more. Then she pulled her finger out and started rubbing her clit. Such incredible pleasure, so intense she could barely stand it.

  She kept taking it, the man slamming into her from behind, the other man watching as he jerked himself off—the hottest man she’d ever known, grumpy demeanor and all. She rubbed herself at the same time until she screamed.

  “Cole. Oh God, Cole.”

  When she said his name as she grabbed the sheets with one hand, convulsing from her orgasm, from the wave of pleasure washing over her, his eyes bored even deeper into hers.

  And that was when she knew.

  It was one of those moments she’d been dreading, one of those moments when everything else dropped by the wayside. When it was just the two of them, and this crystal-clear connection. Nothing more than that, and yet it felt like everything that mattered.


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