The Prophecies
Page 32
In time of mourning the Selene monarch
Shall declare war on the new Macedon,
Who’ll shake up Gaul & capsize Peter’s barque,
Tempt Marseille to accept the western dawn.
Within Lyon twenty-five do conspire,
Five Germans, Bressans, Latins among them :
Under a nobleman’s eye, all in a file,
But the barking of dogs discovers them.
I weep for Nice, Monaco, Pisa, Genoa,
Savona, Siena, Capua, Modena, Malta :
Upon you sword & blood as gifts shall fall :
Fire, earthquake, flood, unhappy Nolita.
Betta, Vienna, Emorra, Scarabantia,
Would cede the Barbarians Pannonia :
By pike & fire the violence hits home :
The plotters discovered by an old crone.
To assail Hungary near Sorbia
The herald of Buda them shall alert :
Byzantine chief, Salona of Slavonia,
To the Arabic law them shall convert.
Cydonia, Ragusa, the city of St. Jerome,
Shall flourish again by salutary force :
King’s son dead by the deaths of two heroes :
Arab Hungary shall take the same course.
Weep Milan, weep Lucca, & weep Florence,
When your grand Duke gets up upon his horse
And to lift the siege near Venice advances,
When the Colonnas meet their fate in Rome.
O mighty Rome, your ruin does approach,
Not your walls, but your blood & living parts :
The rough-lettered one shall make such a notch,
His sharp sword driving deep into your heart.
The chief of London by American reign,
On the isle of Scotland frost holding sway :
In Reb King they’ll have an antichrist so false
He’ll drag every single one into the fray.
So great the earthquake in the month of May,
Saturn in Goat, Jove, Mercury in Bull,
And Venus, Mars in Crab, at Annonay :
Bigger than eggs, hailstones by the handful.
Before the port the pirate ships shall stand,
Then hoist sail without going a great ways :
Many citizens shall be seized on land :
The fleet returning, they’ll pillage away.
The bright deeds of the old man new-inspired
Shall soar on the south wind & Aquilon,
And on his sister’s wings rise yet higher :
Fleeing, slain in the thicket of Ambellon.
The object shall so cause the eye to swell
And burn, much like the falling of snow :
With rain on fields discomfort is dispelled,
When the primate succumbs at Reggio.
Earth & air shall freeze an enormous sea
When Thursday they shall come to venerate :
Never so fair was that which shall never be :
From the four corners they’ll come celebrate.
The year nineteen ninety-nine, seventh month,
The sky shall send a great King to defray
And restore the great King from Angoumois :
Before, after March, blessèd be his reign.
Time present together with time past
Shall be judged by the great Jovialist :
But the world shall tire of him at last,
Betrayed by the clergy’s legalists.
The mighty number seven, its course run,
Shall appear at the Games of the Hecatomb,
Not that far from the great millennium,
When the buried shall rise from their tombs.
Long awaited, he shall never come again
To Europe, but in Asia shall appear,
One who from mighty Hermes does descend,
Of all the eastern kings the most revered.
The great senate a triumph shall bestow
On one they’ll later overthrow & banish :
As to his followers, while the trumpet blows,
Their assets sold, enemies made to vanish.
Three members of the order of Quirites
Banished, all their goods given to their foes,
All their good deeds adding up to zero :
Fleet dispersed, surrendered to the pirates.
Sudden joy turning to sudden sadness
At the Rome of the embracing graces :
Grief, cries, tears, blood, then exceeding gladness :
Enemy bands surprised & placed in traces.
The old roads all repaired, they shall now lead
To a place that like ancient Memphis stands,
The mercurial Gallic Hercules
Inspiring dread on earth, sea & every land.
When over the realm the regent now reigns,
By force of arms the gates of bronze he’ll tear
Open, king & duke coming to his aid :
Port demolished, ships sunk, the skies clear.
Treasure hid in temple by Hesperians,
Deposited in its most secret part :
Temple broken open by famished men,
Seized, plundered : gruesome spoils at its heart.
With the knives shall come many moans, tears, cries :
Seeking to flee, they’ll mount a last assault :
They’ll surround them with pales & platforms high :
Quickly repulsed & killed dead on the spot.
No sign to commence the battle being made,
They shall be forced to venture beyond their pales :
All around Ghent the colors are displayed
Of him who’ll kill them all without avail.
The lord’s bastard girl, not low but so high,
Her late return making the aggrieved content :
The reunion shall not be without dissent,
Occupying & wasting all her time.
The agèd tribune, his nerves badly frayed,
To free the prisoner shall be hard pressed :
Shilly-shallying, stammering, afraid
To hand him back by law to his friends.
Like a griffin the King of Europe shall come,
Accompanied by forces from the North :
An army of reds & whites he’ll lead forth
To go against the King of Babylon.
A mighty king shall seize a port near Nice
And spreading death over the empire sweep :
He shall lay aside his broom at Antibes
And with his spoils vanish into the sea.
At second watch shall horse & foot alike
Force an entry, plundering from the sea :
Within the port of Marseille they shall strike :
Tears, shrieks, blood : times this bitter never seen.
In marble shall the walls of brick now rise,
Seven & fifty years of lasting peace,
Aqueducts restored, joy to all mankind,
Health, abundant fruit, blissful honeyed times.
A hundred times shall the cruel tyrant die :
In his place, a learnèd man of good counsel,
The entire senate under his guide,
But soon harassed by a reckless scoundrel.
Roman clergy, in the year sixteen nine,
At new year’s you shall hold an election :
A gray & black monk of the Campania line,
No one quite like him in dereliction.
They’ll kill the child before its father’s eyes,
Then they’ll tie the father up like a dog :
The Genevans shall heave weary sighs,
Their leader lying dead there like a log.
The new barque embarks on many voyages,
What with the empire transferred here & there :
At Arles, Beaucaire they’ll hold the hostages
Near two columns of porphyry found there.
Scorn pours from Arles & Vienne & Nîmes,
On those who resist Hesperia’s decrees :
To torture they’ll condemn them in their name :
Disguised as Franciscans, some six escape.
Greater Spain shall see a King most mighty
Subjugate southern gold by land & sea :
He’ll beat down the crescent, inflict misery,
Clip the wings of those who worship Fridays.
Victory of the faith with the sea’s name
Over the heirs of Adaluncatif :
This stubborn, lamented sect shall be afraid
Of the two wounded by Aleph & Alif.
Triremes packed with captives of all ages
The forecast good for evil, sweet for gall :
Prey to the Barbarians, in too much haste
To see which way the wind makes feather fall.
That brilliance that the virgin’s joy provides
Shall shine no more : long dearth of salt & spice :
With merchants, ruffians, wolves of loathsome stripe,
Helter-skelter, monsters on every side.
In the end, the wolf, ox, ass & lion
And timid deer shall lie down with the dogs :
No more need for sweet manna to pour down,
No more need to defend the house with dogs.
By England shall great empire see the day,
More than three hundred years’ powerful sway :
To the great discomfort of the Portuguese,
Its great forces shall sweep over land & sea.
A L’ennemy l’ennemy foy promise
Ne se tiendra, les captifs retenus :
Prins preme mort & le reste en chemise,
Damné le reste pour estre soustenus.
Voille gallere voil de nef cachera,
La grande classe viendra sortir la moindre
Dix naves proches le torneront poulser,
Grande vaincue unies à soy joindre.
En apres cinq troupeau ne mettra hors un
Fuytif pour Penelon l’ashera,
Faulx murmurer secours venir par lors,
Le chef le siege lors habandonnera.
Sus la minuict conducteur de l’armee
Se saulvera, subit esvanouy,
Sept ans apres la fame non blasmee,
A son retour ne dira oncq ouy.
Albi & Castres feront nouvelle ligue,
Neuf Arriens Lisbon & Portugues,
Carcas, Tholosse consumeront leur brigue
Quand chief neuf monstre de Lauragues.
Sardon Nemans si hault desborderont,
Qu’on cuidera Deucalion renaistre,
Dans le collosse la plus part fuyront,
Vesta sepulchre feu estaint apparoistre.
Le grand conflit qu’on appreste à Nancy.
L’aemathien dira tout je soubmetz,
L’Isle Britanne par vin, sel en solcy,
Hem. mi deux Phi. long temps ne tiendra Metz.
Index & poulse parfondera le front
De Senegalia le Conte a son filz propre
La Myrnarmee par plusieurs de prinfront
Trois dans sept jours blesses mors.
De Castillon figuieres jour de brune,
De feme infame naistra souverain prince
Surnom de chausses perhume luy posthume,
Onc Roy ne feut si pire en sa province.
Tasche de murdre enormes adulteres,
Grand ennemy de tout le genre humain
Que sera pires qu’ayeulx, oncles, ne peres
En fer, feu, eau, sanguin & inhumain.
Dessoubz Jonchere du dangereux passage
Fera passer le posthume sa bande,
Les monts Pyrens passer hors son bagaige
De Parpignam courira duc à tende.
Esleu en Pape, d’esleu sera mocqué,
Subit soudain esmeu prompt & timide,
Par trop bon doulx à mourir provocqué,
Crainte estainte la nuit de sa mort guide.
Soulz la pasture d’animaux ruminant
Par eux conduicts au ventre herbipolique
Soldatz caichez les armes bruit menant,
Non loing temptez de cite Antipolique.
Urnel Vaucile sans conseil de soy mesmes
Hardit timide par crainte prins vaincu,
Accompaigné de plusieurs putains blesmes
A Barcelonne aux chartreux convaincu.
Pere duc vieux d’ans & de soif chargé,
Au jour extreme filz desniant les guiere
Dedans le puis vif mort viendra plongé,
Senat au fil la mort longue & legiere.
Heureux au regne de France, heureux de vie
Ignorant sang mort fureur & rapine,
Par non flateurs sera mys en envie,
Roy desrobé trop de foy en cuisine.
La royne Ergaste voiant sa fille blesme,
Par un regret dans l’estomach encloz,
Crys lamentables seront lors d’Angolesme,
Et au germain mariage fort clos.
Le ranc Lorrain fera place à Vendosme,
Le hault mys bas & le bas mys en hault,
Le filz d’Hamon sera esleu dans Rome
Et les deux grands seront mys en deffault.
Jour que sera par royne saluee,
Le jour apres le salut, la priere,
Le compte fait raison & valbuee,
Par avant humble oncques ne feut si fiere.
Tous les amys qu’auront tenu party,
Pour rude en lettres mys mort & saccagé,
Biens publiez par fixe grand neanty,
Onc Romain peuple ne feut tant outragé.
Par le despit du Roy soustenant moindre,
Sera meurdry luy presentant les bagues,
Le pere au filz voulant noblesse poindre
Fait comme à Perse jadis feirent les Magues.
Pour ne vouloir consentir au divorce,
Qui puis apres sera cogneu indigne,
Le roy des Isles sera chassé par force
Mis à son lieu que de roy n’aura signe.
Au peuple ingrat faictes les remonstrances,
Par lors l’armee se saisira d’Antibe,
Dans l’arc Monech feront les doleances,
Et à Frejus l’un l’autre prendra ribe.
Le captif prince aux Italles vaincu
Passera Gennes par mer jusqu’à Marseille,
Par grand effort des forens survaincu
Sauf coup de feu barril liqueur d’abeille.
Par Ne
bro ouvrir de Brisanne passage,
Bien eslongnez el tago fara muestra,
Dans Pelligouxe sera commis l’outrage
De la grand dame assise sur l’orchestra.
Le successeur vengera son beau frere,
Occuper regne souz umbre de vengeance,
Occis ostacle son sang mort vitupere,
Long temps Bretaigne tiendra avec la France.
Par le cinquieme & un grand Hercules
Viendront le temple ouvrir de main bellique,
Un Clement, Jule & Ascans recules,
Lespe, clef, aigle, n’eurent onc si grand picque.
Second & tiers qui font prime musicque
Sera par Roy en honneur sublimee,
Par grasse & maigre presque demy eticque
Raport de Venus faulx randra deprimee.
De Pol MANSOL dans caverne caprine
Caché & prins extrait hors par la barbe,
Captif mené comme beste mastine
Par Begourdans amenee pres de Tarbe.
Nepveu & sang du sainct nouveau venu,
Par le surnom soustient arcs & couvert
Seront chassez mis a mort chassez nu,
En rouge & noir convertiront leur vert.
Le saint empire viendra en Germanie,
Ismaelites trouveront lieux ouverts.
Anes vouldront aussi la Carmanie,
Les soustenens de terre tous couverts.
Le grand empire chacun an devoir estre
Un sur les autres le viendra obtenir,
Mais peu de temps sera son regne & estre,
Deux ans aux naves se pourra soustenir.
La faction cruelle à robbe longue,
Viendra cacher souz les pointus poignars
Saisir Florence le duc & lieu diphlongue
Sa descouverte par immeurs & flangnards.