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Alpha's Embrace - 1 (Paranormal BBW Alpha Werewolf Shape Shifter Romance) (My Billionaire Wolf)

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by Callie Hartwood





  Copyright© 2015 by Callie Hartwood at RomLiaisons Books.

  All Rights Reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Property of Callie Hartwood at RomLiaisons Books 2015

  The other books in the series are also available now!



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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Other Books By Callie Hartwood

  Chapter 1

  “Oh come on Lyanne, honestly by the time you get sorted on your skis summer will be here. You know if you shed a couple of pounds it may help you move quicker, you know I’m right babe,” Nathan moaned at Lyanne.

  Lyanne was struggling with this new and so-called sport. Nathan thought he was a professional as he’d been skiing longer than she had, which wasn’t exactly difficult as she’d only been on skis a handful of times. Lyanne hated the stupid things. She felt akin to a penguin waddling around with them clipped to her ski boots. They had been stuck on the nursery slopes for hours now and Lyanne knew Nathan’s patience levels were running thin, not that they were very high to begin with.

  She looked across at him as he chatted and laughed with a group of girls, all around Lyanne’s age of 22 years, but unlike Lyanne they were all built like twigs. Lyanne was a curvaceous girl and suffered from a lot of social anxiety due to it, she’d never felt accepted.

  Nathan had been her dream boyfriend in the beginning. He was her first proper boyfriend and she’d decided that this vacation was the perfect opportunity for her to lose her virginity to him, they’d fooled around sexually and Lyanne had let Nathan caress her ample breasts without her bra on, which had felt more like a quick grope. He was 6’ to Lyanne’s 5’6”. His hair was black and cut short and he had dark brown eyes with a toned physique. Nathan was 23 years old, sporty and very fit. He could also be very arrogant and sometimes he talked down to Lyanne, she put up with it as she thought her choices with the guys were slim, and if only I was as slim, she thought to herself.

  Nathan placed an arm around one of the girls and she giggled. Lyanne was certain he’d had an affair while they’d been together but she could never prove it. She’d often wondered if she’d agreed to sex with him whether he’d have strayed or not, and maybe this was part of the reason she’d decided to lose her virginity to him on this vacation, just to keep him interested.

  “Hooray, eventually she’s ready,” Nathan moaned as she made it across to the group of girls.

  They all swooned over him and it made Lyanne feel physically sick to her stomach.

  “See you later ladies when we eventually make it off these baby slopes,” he shouted after them as they all skied expertly down the slope.

  She caught him watching their small, tight asses ski off into the distance and felt like shoving her ski pole straight in his eye. Lyanne restrained herself though because for all his faults she wouldn’t hurt him; she had a soft and gentle personality. Nathan said he loved her and she tried to believe his words, Lyanne was a very insecure girl and always fretted about being left on her own. She was a trainee veterinary nurse and adored all animals and nature.

  She agreed to this vacation with Nathan because she thought they’d be spending time with nature, but all he wanted to do was show off and strut about like a peacock. They were in arguably one of the most beautiful locations in the world, Whistler Blackcomb Ski Resort in Canada but Nathan didn’t even seem to notice the wild beauty around him, just the pencil thin beauties he could show off to.

  Her self-confidence was lacking enough before she met Nathan and to start with, he’d been kind and sincere toward her, but then it changed. He started taunting her about her size and telling her she should be fitter, but Nathan was a charmer and always won Lyanne around and she was certain she loved him. Lyanne’s flat mate, Maggie was always telling her to get rid of him and that he was bad for her. She insisted that Lyanne could do so much better, as she was such a pretty girl with her long wavy red hair and stunning dark green eyes.

  “We’re leaving the nursery slopes now, I want to ski down the Staircase tree run as that’s more challenging,” snapped Nathan.

  “But you know I can’t,” Lyanne replied and was shut-up abruptly by Nathan’s waving hand in her face.

  “Do you want to stay here by yourself or come with me?” he asked.

  “You know I won’t stay here on my own, so how do we get to this tree run?”

  He looked at her with such contempt and said, “Well if we walk or ski you’ll never make it babe, so we’ll go on the snowmobile I hired of course.”

  She didn’t even know he’d hired a snowmobile, and followed him like a little lost sheep as they walked on their skis toward the parked vehicle. Lyanne noticed a girl in front of them had tripped over in her skis, she was a bigger girl, much like Lyanne and she was laughing so much she couldn’t stand up. The guy with her had tears of laughter rolling down his face as the pair tried to get her back up on her feet. Nathan walked by and looked the other way, but Lyanne stopped.

  “Bit tricky isn’t it?” she laughed at the couple.

  “Tricky but so much fun. It’s okay for my boyfriend here, he can ski,” the girl replied pointing toward the guy trying to help her to her feet.

  Lyanne took her other arm and between them, they got her upright once more.

  “Hey thanks,” her boyfriend said smiling at Lyanne. He had a kind face and was obviously very relaxed with his girlfriend. They were having fun and didn’t care what other people thought. Lyanne envied the girl as she made her way after Nathan.

  Nathan turned to look back at the couple and scoffed, “I doubt she’ll ever learn to ski.”

  Nathan was so insensitive at times and this angered Lyanne, but she wanted to try and enjoy the vacation so she pushed the thought away. Lyanne knew Nathan had his faults and just accepted that part of being in a relationship was accepting your partner’s faults and inadequacies, so she simply kept quiet and followed him to the snowmobile.

  It was a lovely looking vehicle and Lyanne could see the words ‘Arctic Cat’ emblazoned along the side of it. She was looking forward to not walking anymore and assumed Nathan knew how to drive it. She followed his lead and leant against the snowmobile to remove her skis, there were clips on the sides of it for their skis to sit in. Lyanne was so relieved to get them off and clipped them in place.

  Lyanne had ridden motorbikes before and this didn’t look a lot different to her. She held on to the rail behind her, as she’d done on numerous motorbikes before and Natha
n started it up.

  “Shouldn’t we have helmets?” she asked.

  “We’re not racing so just be cool Lyanne babe,” he shouted back to her.

  The snowmobile seemed to be traveling along pretty fast to Lyanne and she held on tighter to the grab rail behind her. Her head was freezing and the cold wind blasted at the soft skin on her face as the snowmobile raced through the forest. Lyanne’s bobble hat didn’t seem to be doing much to keep her head warm so she buried her head down in her warm scarf.

  She noticed how the light was beginning to fade and was a little concerned about where they were heading. The forest seemed to be growing very dense and there was hardly anyone around, it hadn’t occurred to Lyanne before now about how she was supposed to make it back down without skiing the tree run.

  Nathan sped up as they weaved through the trees and Lyanne shut her eyes tightly, she was starting to feel dizzy. Lyanne’s stomach dropped, and she felt as though she were riding a rollercoaster as the snowmobile dipped down and then rose again over the bumpy snowy terrain. Her pulse was racing and Lyanne really didn’t feel that safe. She loosened her hands temporarily to reach for a better grip on the rail and suddenly felt the snowmobile give a sharp jerk downwards and then fly unexpectedly upwards again.

  She felt a massive thump and the next thing she knew she was being catapulted through the cold air. The snowmobile had struck a large tree root protruding out of the snowy ground, sending it tumbling down a gradual slope. Lyanne had been thrown clear but Nathan was still on the snowmobile as it somersaulted through the snow. She was dazed. She tried to stand but her ankle and leg hurt too much and gave out. She looked down at her leg and couldn’t see any blood so that was a good start.

  “Shit, shit and fucking shit,” she shouted into the wilderness. Seconds later, her voice came floating back to her on an echo.

  She reached into her jacket pocket and managed to find her phone, she took one glove off and tried to use it but there was absolutely no signal at all. Lyanne started to panic as she quickly put her glove back on. She couldn’t see the snowmobile or Nathan anywhere. Lyanne scooted back toward a tree and rested her back against it with her legs out in front of her. Amazingly, her hat had stayed on her head so at least she had some warmth from that. The light was disappearing quickly now and Lyanne didn’t even know if she could survive out here alone, she had no survival skills; she couldn’t make fire or anything.

  She heard a sound that made her gasp aloud. A blood-curdling howl; it was a low-pitched lonely howl coming from in front of her, a truly soulful howl.

  “What the fuck?” Lyanne whispered. She shuddered, firstly at the cold and secondly at the howl. The temperature had dropped considerably now and it was almost dark. If she’d heard the sound at any other time Lyanne would have been impressed, she’d always loved wolves, but right at this moment the sound petrified her. Did wolves attack humans? Was she safe?

  As she was contemplating her thoughts a second howl filled the night air, she could tell it was a different wolf as the pitch was remarkably higher than the first howl. This one lasted longer than the first howl. Lyanne buried her head in her scarf, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

  As she sat there with her back still against the tree, darkness cloaked the forest and she heard more and more howls followed by barking, yelping and whimpering. God how many wolves were there? Then the cold, still air fell silent, with just one last howl to be heard this one was a pleasant sounding howl, almost peaceful and calm.

  Lyanne had no concept of time, sitting alone in the dark her thoughts turned to Nathan’s fate. She hadn’t seen him since the snowmobile crashed; in fact, she hadn’t even heard him so she assumed he was hurt or worse. She started to cry. Tears rolled down her smooth skin. She had no idea how to survive this, no idea how to get help. Lyanne felt abandoned.

  Chapter 2

  “Lyanne,” a soft whisper said, it was Nathan’s voice.

  “Nathan, Nathan I’m over here,” Lyanne shouted, feeling a shred of hope finally.

  The darkness stole all her senses and she had no idea which direction his voice came from, she tried to peer into the darkness but it was hopeless.

  “Lyanne, keep talking to me then, I can’t find you in the dark unless I can hear you,” he shouted, and this time his voice sounded louder.

  Lyanne tried to sit up as tall as she could and raised her head up toward the dark, star scattered sky, “Over here Nathan, over here.”

  She saw the silhouette of a figure clambering toward her through the deep snow, “Nathan, I’m here.”

  “Lyanne, god it’s so cold and so dark. Did you hear the fucking howling?”

  As he approached, his footsteps crunched through the icy snow. He made it to Lyanne and collapsed beside her, she took his arm, he didn’t object. Remarkably, he wasn’t hurt.

  “Will they attack us? You know about animals and shit,” he said in a quiet voice as though he were trying to keep the conversation from the wolves.

  “I know they’ll work together as a pack, and because I’m injured I’m a sitting target,” Lyanne said as her tears started to fall again.

  A howl broke the air, it was the first low-pitched howl again and now it sounded closer.

  Lyanne felt Nathan’s arm tense with fear, and she held it tighter as if trying to reassure him.

  “We can’t stay here Lyanne.”

  “We can’t run for it either Nathan, I can’t run, and you’ll never outrun one wolf and you certainly won’t outrun a pack of them. You’ll be seen as prey if you run, their predatory nature will kick in and they’ll give chase.”

  “I’m fit Lyanne. I’m sure I could make it. All you’ve got to do is distract them for me babe and while they’re interested in you I’ll make a run for it.”

  “So I’m the fucking bait,” shouted Lyanne, annoyed that Nathan would even consider such a plan.

  Nathan looked at her and she could just make his face out in the darkness, his voice was filled with false sincerity as he said, “Lyanne babe, you can’t run. I can go for help. I can run fast, you know I can babe.” It was true he could run fast, but why the hell should she be the fucking bait.

  “Nathan, they’ll kill me. I’m injured and weak and I stink of fear. Wolves sense fear and weakness, that’s why they pick off the small, weak or sick animals first when they hunt,” Lyanne could actually put some of her vast knowledge of the animal kingdom to some use at last, and she had to admit it felt good to contribute some valuable information to a conversation. Especially one with Nathan.

  The howling was growing closer. Lyanne’s heart was racing; she was petrified of dying in this lonely wilderness. The barking and yelping started again now, Lyanne thought she could select at least 6-7 different sounding howls and vocalization but she couldn’t be certain. The sounds echoed around the trees anyway so maybe there were fewer wolves than she thought. She knew they had to try something.

  “Nathan how about getting up the tree? They can’t climb, they’ll wait for us at the bottom of the tree, but we can wait it out.”

  “Yeah, but we still have to get out of here Lyanne and you can’t climb any better than you can run babe.”

  Lyanne knew he was right, “Fine but how are you going to see to outrun them you can’t see in the pitch black and you’re running through deep snow. Their senses are much keener than yours.”

  Nathan stood up and stretched his legs as the howls became louder. He said goodbye to Lyanne and despite her cries of protest he started to run, he was swallowed up quickly by the darkness and she lost track of him. Lyanne sat with her back against the tree and waited in silence. Her leg and ankle had grown numb with the cold so at least she felt no pain.

  She gave a startled jump as a howl came from the left of her, it was very close, about 12’ away that’s all. It was the low short howl, which was followed by the higher pitched longer lasting howl, and then all the whimpering, finishing with the nicer sounding howl piercing the night air.
  She knew they were closer now. Lyanne closed her eyes with the thought that if she couldn’t see them maybe it wouldn’t be quite as bad. She was breathing fast and could see her vapor drifting out into the night air.

  Lyanne heard a deep growl in front of her and as she looked, she could see what looked like at least 4-5 wolves stealthily approaching her, cutting through the darkness on silent paws. Lyanne knew some wolves had webbed feet and could travel over snow with speed and silence. They suddenly stopped and stared at Lyanne and she looked down at the ground, as she didn’t want to provoke them. The silent air was filled with another sound, not a wolf howling but a high-pitched screaming sound, Lyanne worked out what the noise was it was Nathan screaming for his life.


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