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Dream Stalker

Page 7

by Jenna Kernan

  He kissed, but now she wanted his mouth on her neck. He complied, lifting her to the counter to give him better access to her throat. Sebastian has set his counters high, but not quite high enough for this. Her thoughts transmitted the cold stone against her heated flesh and her need for him to suckle at her.

  He hesitated, and she pressed her hands against the back of his head, insisting. She could not force him to do anything; in fact, he could break free with very little effort if he chose to. Instead, he found that he wanted to do as she bid—hungered to please her in all things.

  She desired it, so he complied, slipping his hands around her and stroking her nipple with his tongue as he grazed her sweet flesh with his teeth. His rising need swirled within him, fueled by her cries of delight.

  He knew she wanted him inside her, begged him silently in her mind. He paused at this new need for the friction of their joining. She was fragile, this female. It had been many years since he had taken a human. Back in the days when he was young, before he understood that all relations would be brief and end badly, back when he still held hope, he had taken many women, confidently, repeatedly.

  But not like this. And never before had he been able to know a female’s thought. Why now—why with this woman?

  He drew back to stare a moment at the loveliness of her form, dazzled by the smooth, firm flesh. He still held her and so read the change in her emotions. There was hesitance now and doubt as modesty invaded her desire like an intruder in her home. He did not understand this human shortcoming and so dipped to brush her nipple with his lips.

  At the instant of contact, a cry escaped her parted lips and her head dropped back to expose the long column of her neck. Had he not been touching her, connected to her in some way he did not understand, he would have halted immediately at her cry. But it was not pain that caused her to call out, but pleasure. He felt it keenly. Michaela leaned still closer, offering this bounty to him. The bliss he gave to her quivered through her like a living thing and he felt it all. He did not understand what was happening or pause to wonder why.

  My neck, kiss my neck.

  She wanted him there and he moved to obey her command. Never had he thought to do what another compelled him. Most of the time he did the opposite, but this woman’s pleasure fueled his like two logs laid across the same inferno.

  She tugged at his shirt, sending a message of frustration at this barrier between the warm, intoxicating contact of his flesh against hers. He lifted his hand to his throat, touching the necklace and his clothing vanished. Behind him on the floor lay his cloak. Without it he was trapped forever in human form. But he left it there, parted from him for the only time since he first grew his hide on his own back, left it there unprotected to have this woman whose call was louder than the beating of the Thunderbird’s wings.

  He groaned with pleasure at the velvety feel of her thighs splaying open to allow him between them. She wanted him to take her now. He grasped her hips, holding her so she could not escape him. He lifted his gaze to find her staring at him. Her eyes beckoned, making promises he did not understand. But he accepted her offer, positioning himself to join his flesh to hers. She leaned back as he slid into the liquid folds of her, thrusting his hips so he glided into her warm, tight passage. The collision of his pleasure, combined with hers, nearly buckled his knees, and he paused before fully entering her, absorbing the sensations that soared through them.

  Her impatience hit him an instant before she rocked her hips, taking what he had denied. Their hips collided with a satisfying bump. Her legs wrapped around him, locking them together in an intimate embrace. He faced her, still gazing into her astonishing eyes.

  The counter was too low for him to have her as he would like, so he dragged her up into his arms.

  She exhaled and gripped his shoulders. She did not like this change, fearing he would drop her. He nearly laughed at her thoughts of her weight and his ability as he straightened his powerful legs, lifting her still higher.

  He drew her near until her breasts pressed to him and his lips touched the shell of her ear as he whispered to her. “I can hold you. Trust me.”

  The doubt flickered and died as she released her grip, leaning away, extending her arms at his shoulders as he grasped her hips and rocked her, bringing her body up and down on his shaft. She gasped and he felt the welling, tightening preparation inside her. Her arms fell away as her head dropped back. He gripped her ribs and moved with greater force; the delicious feel of her heels digging deep into the muscles of his flanks encouraged him to greater speed.

  She was coming. He felt the rippling contractions begin at her core and roll outward in sweeping waves, like a current caused by a heavy stone dropped in still waters.

  Her pleasure peaked, overwhelmed her and triggered his release. The sheer sensual joy of this moment of mutual bliss shocked him. Never in his entire existence had he experienced such physical gratification.

  She stared at him with eyes rounded in astonishment. He could think of nothing else to do but to gather her to his body and hold her. She curled against his chest, her legs going slack. He did not lower her to the floor as she hoped, but collected her in his arms, carrying her to her bedchamber, where he lay with her upon the downy coverlet. The soft pillow of the thing made him understand why she preferred this to fur.

  He kissed Michaela’s forehead and her cheeks, while he gently stroked her hair, astonished at the silken texture. The quality rivaled a mink’s, though was not as thick. But softer, oh, yes, much softer.

  She sighed and her eyes drifted closed. Fear brought them open again, chasing away the lethargy and contentment. She dreaded sleep, worried Nagi would find her.

  “Do not fear him. I will protect you.”

  She met his gaze and nodded solemnly. She believed him, and he wondered at her faith in him. He forced a smile.

  He could protect her sleep. But he could not keep Nagi from coming for her again. It was this knowledge that troubled Sebastian’s dreams.

  Michaela did not wake until the sunlight inched across the unfamiliar moss-green comforter draped over her torso. The light changed the deep hue to a leaf-green color and reminded her of the mixed sunlight through a forest canopy. She blinked at the ceiling, feeling relaxed and more rested than she had felt in weeks.

  Where was she?

  She gave a tentative stretch, feeling sore in unexpected places, as she came up against something warm and solid. Michaela felt an inward groan as details surfaced like corks released underwater. Each one bobbed up, bringing a new disturbance to the clear pool her thoughts had been.


  Her eyes widened as she recalled his touch, his kiss and then their…Oh, God. She sunk farther into the mattress. What in the name of heaven had possessed her? The man traveled through the sky and would not tell her all of what was happening. Yet when he touched her, kissed her, sweet Lord above, who kissed like that? He had done things to her, anticipated her desires in a way that now caused the small hairs on her neck to prickle a warning.

  She inched away and felt his grip on her arm tighten. A glance told her he still slept, innocently with his mouth open slightly and his breathing relaxed and regular. Yet even in his slumber he imprisoned her.

  She stared at his tousled hair and handsome face. No wonder she was attracted to him; any woman would be. The man’s rugged features gave him a striking masculine beauty that made it hard for her to breathe. She resisted the urge to stroke his smooth cheek and the sculpted jaw, knowing something was amiss. What was it?

  And then she realized. He had slept beside her through the night, the entire night, and yet his face looked as if he had just shaved. Where was the stubble that should darken his chin?

  She inched still farther away. He had protected her from Nagi, but who would protect her from him?

  His grip tightened and his eyes snapped open. They stared at each other in silence for a moment as his gaze roamed over her face, as if he searched it for answe
rs to her sudden withdrawal. Could he feel her heart pounding?

  “Why would you need protection from me?” he asked, and then his eyes shifted away as if he considered several possibilities.

  It was at that moment that she remembered something, something he had said. He could read her mind when he touched her. Her eyes widened as everything snapped into clear focus. His masterful touch, his perfect timing—their lovemaking. He had used her in a way that made her flush in shame.

  She snatched back her arm, but he did not release her.

  “Let go of me,” she ordered.

  He hesitated, looking at his hand forming the connection between them. His grip was punishing now, bruising her skin, but before she could grimace, his fingers slipped away.

  She scrambled off the bed, recalling too late that she was naked. She snatched the comforter, holding the bulky cover before her, now tethered to the bed.

  She would have to release it to flee. He stared at her, waiting, eyes watchful. She threw down the corner of the covering and marched to the bathroom, feeling his gaze measure her every step.

  She found her old jeans where she had left them and drew them up with angry yanks over her bare hips. She retrieved her top and sleeveless shirt, loathe to pull them on, but needing the modesty they provided. Only then did she notice the huge fur rug lying in a heap on the floor. She stooped to stroke the thick hair and wondered where it came from. She was still frowning in confusion when he entered the room. Michaela glanced up, her breath catching at his magnificent bare chest. He scooped up the hide and held it in one hand. By accident or design, it covered the most distracting part of him, which allowed Michaela’s brain to reengage.

  “Michaela, listen…”

  She did, but he said nothing further. It seemed that without the help of his mind link, he was at a loss to read her. But last night…

  She straightened to face him. “No wonder! You were reading my mind, weren’t you?”

  “Yes.” Sebastian eyed her with the same caution he had used the day he had accidentally cornered a wolverine. She looked just as trapped and just as dangerous.

  “And that’s why you knew, to kiss me here.” She motioned to her neck, and then her hand clamped over her mouth and her face brightened to a compelling pink that reminded him of the flush of her skin.

  “It was what you wanted.”

  She pointed an accusatory finger at him. “You cheated. I never would have let you do that, but you were so perfect as if…not as if, you did know—everything!” The rising tenor of her voice made it sound as if he had tricked her, instead of doing everything she desired.

  “I don’t understand. I gave you pleasure.” He reached for her, seeking the bond that would reveal her thoughts.

  She slapped at his hand and backed away. “Don’t touch me.”

  “I only did what you willed me to do.”

  “Willed you? I don’t even know what the hell you are and I let you…” She pressed both hands over her mouth again, then slid them up to cradle her forehead, snaking her fingers through the dark tangles of her hair.

  His frustration got the better of him. Without the contact he could make no sense of her ravings. He considered grabbing her, but feared that this might make him want her again. He did, even without the contact and even knowing she was unwilling. The desire he felt before was now magnified by the knowledge of the perfection of their joining.

  The female grizzlies he had known were not like this. They wanted one thing and were insistent, and like Michaela, they had no use for him after the deed was done. If he overstayed his welcome, the female would take a swing at him. Of course, male grizzlies had a bad habit of eating the young, so it was natural to chase him off after he served his purpose. And he was of no use in that respect, being infertile except—his eyes met hers as the realization struck him…except with humans. The dread was sharp and brief.

  But she could not conceive by him because she did not love him. Instead of the sweeping relief he expected, he felt the sharp jabbing point of regret. He didn’t want offspring, not when he knew what they would be forced to become. But to have the love of such a woman, that would be so sweet.

  Michaela had her arms tight over her chest now. The gesture only pushed her breasts more closely together so they swelled invitingly over the pink top. His pulse raced as lust hit him with gripping force. He pressed his hide over his rising erection.

  “I only did what any male would have done.” And what he wanted to do again.

  “Any male?” Her voice held acid. “Any male? What the hell is that? You ride on tornadoes and heal people with eagle feathers. Don’t tell me you are just like any of my old boyfriends.”

  “You regret this joining?” He began to feel the same, but doubted her concerns were similar to his.

  “Regret? Oh, we’re way past that.”

  He glanced into her eyes, trying to find some sign to follow, and saw only the twin tracks of her tears. This development rattled him far worse than anything he’d faced before.

  With no guidance from Michaela, he fell back to what his instinct told him to do when faced with a threat—attack or run.

  She swiped angrily at her tears, pressing her trembling lips together in an obvious fight for control. He admired her for the struggle and paused, captivated by her internal battle with her emotions. It was so easy to become lost in those soulful, troubled eyes.

  Chapter 10

  M ichaela dashed the hot tears from her face and held her breath a moment. She would not bawl like a baby. She would not.

  This was her fault as much as his. Though it galled her to admit, even to herself, that he had only accepted what she had offered.

  He could read her thoughts.

  It was like being robbed without knowing anything was missing. He tried again to touch her and she lifted a hand to stay him.


  He lowered his chin as if preparing to fight. She could see from his sullen expression that he was used to getting his way. Well, not this time!

  He peered at her from beneath his thick brow. “You couldn’t best me.”

  “But I will make it as difficult for you as possible.”

  His mouth quirked. “Submission is your only option. You are outmatched and cornered.”

  “As with Nagi, it won’t stop me from fighting.”

  That took some of the wind from his sails, for his advance faltered. It seemed he didn’t like being compared to her tormentor.

  It was a cheap shot, but hey, she wasn’t going to outmuscle him. Wits were all she had. Unfortunately she had not used them last night.

  “Listen, Buster.” She tried her best no-nonsense voice as she struggled to ignore the miles of tempting naked flesh before her. “You can’t just creep into my mind uninvited.”

  “You did invite me last night.”

  “Things look clearer in the morning.”

  Michaela’s body hummed at his proximity as she felt the heat of his body, but she held tight to her fury. It protected her from the hunger his gaze roused within her. If he touched her, he’d know the truth, that despite her wrath, she still wanted him.

  He had done things to her last night, wonderful, masterful things. But now she understood how he did them. He stole the information, right out of her mind.

  “Put on some clothes, Romeo.”

  He glanced down as if just noticing their absence, then strode unabashedly down the hall, giving her a spectacular view of the workings of the male anatomy, specifically the corded muscles along his spine and his tight ass.

  He returned a moment later wearing cargo pants slung low on his hips. They looked ready to slide off at any moment and weren’t thick enough to disguise his stellar erection. She gulped and looked away as the tingle of desire stirred her, making her slick and ready.

  He leaned against the doorjamb, regarding her as if she were the most puzzling creature he had ever met.

  There was so much about this that she did not understa
nd. She didn’t expect him to trust her. If she had some big honking secret, she wouldn’t tell him, either. But then she didn’t have to, because he could steal her secrets right out of her head.

  “Can you see everything, or only what I’m thinking?”

  “Thinking.” His smile was sensual as all hell. “Feeling.”

  She tried not to think back, but despite her efforts, her mind rolled back to the intensity of her orgasm. She met his gaze. “Feeling?”

  His self-satisfied smile told her he was recalling the same thing.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  She flapped her arms in frustration. “Why did you sleep with me?”

  He lost his smile and his brow wrinkled. “Because I was not strong enough to resist what you offered.”

  That cut her. She folded her arms across her chest as if her crossed arms could protect her from his harsh words. It was almost as if she stood naked before him again, only this time she did not feel cherished, but exposed and ashamed. Her pulse pounded in her throat and face.

  “God’s gift, are you?”

  “I know I pleased you.”

  She couldn’t even deny it for he knew. “Geesh. That’s some ego you got there, Adonis. You expect me to jump every time you crook your finger?”

  He shook his head in confusion. “If you enjoy our coupling—why not?”

  Coupling—as if they were freight cars. His choice of words added fuel to the fire.

  “Because I’m not your sex toy.”

  He understood that reference, thanks to Nicholas and a very odd magazine his friend had bought him as a joke. His friend said he needed to come out of the woods. Sebastian had used the paper to start a fire to cook some graylings.

  “All right,” he conceded. “You are the female. So you tell me when you want to mate.”

  Her jaw dropped. Obviously, he had said something wrong again because her eyes threw daggers at him.

  “When hell freezes over.” She lifted her chin and looked away in a show of displeasure.

  His eyes narrowed. He took a step in her direction and then another, soundlessly as any good predator would, but she caught the movement and retreated until the back of her legs hit the counter, forcing her to make her stand. He lifted a hand, but she struck it away.


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