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Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans

Page 17

by Dale C. Musser

  A few hours later a military escort arrived to take us to the dinner with the senators, this time the mode of transportation was quite different. I can only describe it as being similar to luxury motor coach similar to those found back on Earth, only a larger. Inside was plush and lavish furniture, a wet bar, a buffet with hors d'oeuvres, two vid screens, a toilet and a shower, and a small galley. Unlike the Earth motor coaches, however, the drivers’ compartment was separated from the passenger area. There were also long windows along the sides that appeared dark from the outside and did not allow anyone to see in, but inside they allowed a perfectly normal view of what was on the outside. As we were boarding the conveyance I noted several vehicles preceding us and behind us, all packed with troopers, there were also troopers inside our vehicle

  The trip was a bit longer than the previous day and at some point we left our underground facility and were moving on the surface. For the first time I was actually getting to see the surface of an alien world. For the most part what I saw didn’t seem all that different from Earth; the sky was still blue, with fluffy clouds like Earth. There appeared to be plants and trees that from a distance didn’t seem all the different from the ones on earth. Many of the building, however, seemed to be quite different in appearance. For one thing, unlike Earth, lower buildings or one or two stories had dome style roofs instead of peeked roofs of Earth. I also noted that many of the houses also had dome-like greenhouses attached to them . I asked Kala about the greenhouses attached to the buildings.

  “Here on Megelleon, the residents are very fond of fresh vegetables and fruits and most grow their own. Megelleon has two winters in a year and during that time temperatures prohibit growing outside so they have greenhouses. They also use the heat that the greenhouses generate to heat their homes in the winter.”

  As Kala was explaining this we were rapidly moving into a more metropolitan area ahead I could see taller buildings; like those of the larger cities on Earth. I saw more and more people along the road many with small children, as we progressed further the number of people and children were growing and they were waving banners and cheering.

  “It looks like your fans have gathered to greet you.” Kala said quietly.

  “Our fans?” I replied, “all of you participated in getting the TRITYTE and Solbidyum here to Megelleon, it was not a one man operation.”

  “All we did was fly the ship and keep you company,” Reidecor said warmly. “You were the one with the plan and you were the one who took out our captors pretty much all on your own, we just tried to stay out of the way.”

  We were now getting into the heart of the city and the crowd outside was as thick as any I have ever seen. Even inside the conveyance the sound of the cheering and roar of the crowd could be heard. Eventually we pulled up at large gates in front of a huge fortress like building that reached up into the sky, numerous troopers and pieces of military equipment were located within the gates. On both sides of the gate heavily fortified guardhouses stood.

  “I thought we were going to a dinner, not prison,” I said to Kala.

  She looked out the windows and then replied. “This is the Capitol, back during the Solbidyum wars that broke out over the loss of the Solbidyum there were many assassination attempts and kidnappings. The Systems were feuding and this lead to fights breaking out. On the day when the Bunem System withdrew from the Federation they made a major raid on the original Capitol that resulted in. thousands dead or wounded. After the original Capitol was destroyed, this new Capitol facility was built, but with very strong protection. Even so up until about two hundred years ago attacks on the Capitol were still common; that explains the high security measures taken to this day.”

  We pulled up in front of the building and guards in dress uniforms lined the walkway into the Capitol building. We were led from the conveyance by our escort, past the saluting guards and into the building. From the outside the buildings was immense, but inside it seemed even larger. The distances between the floors and the ceilings in most places seemed to be at least three to four stories tall. Like the underground hall, where we met with the Admiral and military officers, this building also had art deco like style and feeling. We were stopped by security guards just inside the entrance and told that we would have to remove and turn over all weapons we were carrying. I had not even thought of taking a weapon with me and I was shocked when Kala and the rest of my crew began placing weapons on a table as a guard inventoried them. I was even more shocked at the number of weapons each of them carried. Marranalis had five, Lunnie had four, Reidecor and Kala each had three, the guard then turned to me and I replied that I had none, to which Marranalis said laughing, “You want him to chop off his hands and leave them here?”

  We were each required to walk through a scanner gate that didn’t detect any additional hidden weapons as our escort led us to an internal transit pod. We boarded and were soon moving through the maze of the capitol at great speed. We arrived at a station area with many other transit pods and people about. As we stepped out of the transit pod eight troopers took up positions in front and behind us, with our escort leading the way. People in the station were cheering, as we proceeded down a corridor and to the Senate Planetary Event Dining room. Our entrance followed the same format as the day before except that this time Kala entered beside me. The dining hall was larger than the largest coliseums back on Earth and like coliseums back on Earth there was a central arena area at the lowest level with stepped levels, each with tables, progressing up the inside of the domed interior. There were too many tables and steps to count, and thousands of people inside the place. Applause and cheering broke out on our entrance and we were led to a central table in the middle of the arena where four other people were already waiting.

  Our escort presented us to the four introducing them as Leader Rieam and his bonded mate Risha, Leader Turaine and her bonded mate Nimatan. Leader Rieam was a tall thin man with graying hair and a pale complexion; he stood at least 200 millimeters taller than me. He had a gentle manner about him and a slow grace of movement. There were lines on his face that suggested a man with great responsibility that was aging him before it was time. He nodded in my direction when we were introduced. I had learned from Kala after having been picked up by the DUSTEN that there was no equivalent for the shaking of hands when being introduced and that if any recognition was given it was just usually a nod of the head. Leader Turaine also had gray hair, hers was long, straight and hung down to the middle of her back, unlike Leader Rieam she was darker skinned that I found reminiscent of many persons from a nation back on Earth called India. She appeared younger than Leader Riema and if I were to have tried to guess her age I would have assumed she was in her mid-forties where Leader Riema I would have estimated to be in his late fifties. Kala had explained that all three Leaders were never in the same place at the same time, so I was not surprised at the absence of the third Leader. We were motioned to be seated by Leader Turaine and in a few minutes the cheering and noise died down, while things were dying down, both Leader Turaine and Leader Rieam continued to tell us how wonderful it was that the TRITYTE and the Solbidyum and been found and returned. Our food arrived and we could see food being served all around the room by hundreds of servers. I found it hard to believe that all these people were Senators, some with and some without bonded mates. I could only guess what it must be like when they were in session. Our meal was served in three courses, after the first course, and while we were being served our second, Leader Rieam stood up and began speaking to everyone in the room. He briefly related the history of Solbidyum, its value and use, its loss, the search for it and the wars it brought about. Then he sat down and began eating his second course, which by now the rest of us had already finished. As he sat down Leader Turaine stood and began relating the events from the time of my being picked up by the DUSTEN until we safely arrived at Megelleon. During the time she was speaking our third course was served and nearly finished before she sat down again. Leader
Rieam stood again and began to speak while facing me, his words being addressed to all as images on giant screens around the dome displaying images of our team.

  “Tibby, we cannot express to you the extreme gratitude we have for all that you have done. While we realize that you didn’t do it all alone, we recognize that not only were you responsible for finding the TRITYTE and the Solbidyum, but the role you played in returning it safely here to the Capitol is immeasurable. It is with our utmost gratitude that we present you, here today, with a portion of the rewards of which you are so duly entitled.” Polite applause followed the Leader’s speech.

  By now Leader Turaine had risen to her feet and an aid had come to her side bearing several documents.

  Leader Rieam continued speaking, “First, allow me to present you with Full Citizenship in the Federation with the honorary title of RECOVERER which carries all the respect and benefits of a Federation dignitary of the highest level. From this day forward you will be known to the citizens of the Federation as ‘Tibby the Recoverer’.

  Second, in accordance with the reward agreement of the Federation Senate, we present you with the full title to the ship TRITYTE as your own. It is fully intact as discovered by you save for the Solbidyum cargo it carried.

  Third, we present you with the first installment of the monetary value of the Solbidyum. Due to the Federation not having enough money in its treasury to make the full payment, payments will be made in five installments as the money comes in from the other planets for their shares of the Solbidyum. It is estimated that it will be nearly fifty years until all payments have been received, we shall be making payments to you in ten years intervals.”

  After Leader Rieam made each announcement Leader Turaine would step forward and hand me a leather bound folder with the proclamation or legal transfer papers in it representing the proclamation and ownership. As he was making the last announcement about the financial reward, another man came forward and stood by Leader Turaine, as she presented me the leather binder Leader Rieam continued. “ Now Tibby, Federation Treasurer Lionlim will make the official first transfer of funds.”

  Treasurer Lionlim walked up to the table where we were seated and produced a device that looked similar to a laptop computer, he asked me to press my hand to the bottom screen while staring into a retinal scanner located above the hand reader; I was then asked to state my name. I did as he instructed and noted a strange tingling sensation as I placed my hand on the screen. As I completed the procedure Treasurer Lionlim concluded with, “Congratulations Tibby the Recoverer, may this reward bless you as much as you have blessed the Federation.”

  I was going to sit down when Leader Rieam came over and bending down, kissed me on my forehead. Leader Turaine then came to me and, while standing on her tip toes, kissed me on the forehead also. With that, the entire assembly of senators broke into cheers and applause. As I backed away from Leader Turaine I noted a huge smile on her face and tears running down her cheeks. I glanced at Leader Rieam who also was smiling and applauding, his eyes brimming with tears.

  I turned to my crew mates and I motioned for all of them to stand with me. Though reluctant to do so at first, I motioned insistently, the roar and applauding in the room increased in volume until they all stood with me, and then, as if taking cue from the Leaders I went to each of them in order, and kissed them on the foreheads. The roar was deafening and I noted that each of my crew mates had tears flowing down their cheeks as I kissed them.

  When the roar died down I spoke to the assembly, “I want to thank everyone in the Federation for this wondrous praise and recognition, but in reality I do not feel I am deserving of it. Without the assistance and friendship of these four people here beside me, I would not be here today and you would not have your Solbidyum. They will not go without their rewards; I personally plan to see to them being rewarded in many ways over the next few years.

  As for the unbelievable wealth you have bestowed on me, I plan to see to it that a great portion of it gets returned to you and your planets in various ways that help with the needs of each individual planet. It may be a while before all of this is in place but I hope to see that everyone gets to benefit from my wealth, and not just from the Solbidyum recovered.

  While I realize that with all that you have showered on me I should not be asking for anything more, but I am. For years wars, deaths and destruction took place because of the loss of the Solbidyum, three worlds were destroyed, billions of lives lost, and the Federation was broken and divided. Over the past centuries, as I understand it, the Federation has slowly reformed, and today it is almost whole. There are still a few systems who have withheld themselves due to a belief that Solbidyum had been deliberately withheld from them.

  Now, the Solbidyum is back, unfortunately anger, jealousy, and despair still plague some systems today. I would ask that you extend to them the hope of reconciliation and restoration into the Federation bringing an end to the suspicion and rejection that they have felt so long. Hopefully, in this reconciliation, a fair share of the Solbidyum can be distributed as with all planets in the Federation.”

  My last statements were met with mixed reactions. Some “boos” and stamping of feet were heard in rejection of my words. However, others cheered and applauded, it was obvious that the Senate was clearly divided on this issue. I didn’t have a good feeling about how this was going to play out in the future, but I had made my feelings known.

  When I took my seat Kala leaned over to me and whispered, “Do you have any idea what the significance of the kiss on the forehead in public means to the people of the Federation?”

  “Not really,” I said uncomfortably “But I have the feeling that it’s pretty damn significant.”

  “To kiss one on the forehead in a public setting is the highest form of respect you can show to a person. It is saved for heroes and persons who have done great deeds, to kiss a person on the forehead means you will give your life for them. For a Leader from the Federation to kiss you on the forehead that means that the government itself stands behind you and pledges to protect you. In the history of the Federation it’s only happened four times before. When you immediately kissed us after you had been honored, you in turn brought us under the umbrella of the Federation’s pledge to you.” She seemed concerned about what I had done, and I could see her lips quivering as though she feared I would have to take back my previous actions.

  “It’s okay,” I quietly reassured her, “I meant every bit of it. Regardless of what it means to the Federation.” and with that, in front of the entire Senate Kala threw her arms around my neck and kissed me with a kiss that was electrifying and even though my ears were ringing from the kiss I could still hear my crew, led my Lunnie no doubt, applauded and cheering.

  I had hoped that the event would be over in about the same amount of time as the event the night before, but that was not so. Of the thousands of senators at the event most of them felt it necessary to meet and greet me personally. As a result the event lasted well into the early hours of the morning. Thankfully Kala stayed by my side assisting me as a number of the senators that approached us Kala knew personally, having worked with them before in her capacity on the DUSTEN as an attaché. While all who approached me were friendly and all seemed grateful for my contribution, few praised my comments on offering a chance for the rebel systems to rejoin the Federation. Some even told me flatly that they believed that the rebel systems should be annihilated upon the return of the Solbidyum .

  I saw Kala motion to Reidecor and speak to him , he quickly left only to return with our escort. The escort announced that our conveyance was waiting our return to the compound. Suddenly our eight trooper guard appeared to escort out of the hall. Once on board our conveyance I was able to relax, and promptly fell asleep for the entire trip to the compound.

  The next day everyone slept in late, exhausted from the events that had taken place the night before, it was noon before most of us were awake. There was a message waiting for me rem
inding me of my martial arts training that I promised the Admiral I would do and he was suggesting that I might start in about four weeks. The Federal treasury also had left a message for me regarding the previous night’s deposit; I had never seen so many zeros in a row in my life. Unlike back on Earth, there were not different banks for one to choose from. Instead, there was one Federal depository that everyone belonged to; I was now their single largest account holder.

  Kala was with me upon seeing my new account balance; I thought for a moment she was going to pass out. I inquired how difficult it would be for me to transfer money to other accounts and she explained it was very easy if I had the account codes.

  Kala earlier had checked her own messages and was shocked to see all the personal files I had requested on my crew. “I never thought I would get them this easy she said, or even that I would get them at all. I expected it would take weeks.”

  “Did you talk to Admiral Regeny’s office” I asked.

  “Yes, but still I didn’t think it would happen this fast.”

  “Kala, is all your pay from the Federation directly deposited in your personal account?”

  “Yes” she confirmed.

  “Good, then it’s safe to assume that you and the others personal account numbers are in the personnel records?” I continued.

  “Well yes, oh I see you want to set up an automatic payment system for paying us,” she said.

  “Yes, I want it set up so each of you are being paid at ten times the rate you were getting for your military pay. I also want to give you each one million credits right now, call it a signing bonus.” I laughed, knowing she probably didn’t understand.

  Kala turned white awes struck. “Tibby, you can’t, well I guess you can, but, well are you sure???”

  “Kala, I have more than I can ever spend, the least I can do is share it with the people I am closest too,” I said.


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