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Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans

Page 19

by Dale C. Musser

On the way back to the Federation base I told Kala that when the call came in from Mar’dana with the asking price of the property to offer them seventy five percent of what they asked and if the staff there accepted my offer to boost their current pay by fifty percent.

  Kala looked at me in shock, "Why would you only offer them seventy five percent of what they are asking?!”

  “I am infinitely wealthy they will assume they can ask whatever they want and I will pay it. They will most likely inflate the price accordingly. I also suspect that they have no other buyers and it could be some time before they get one. I going to assume that the cost of maintaining that property will bite heavily into their funds eventually so they will be willing to come down quite a bit on their price.”

  “Then why are you willing to pay more money to the staff at the estate, you’re saving their jobs, they should be happy about that.” Kala responded.

  “True, but by offering them more at a time when they see we are hiring lots of new staff it will inspire them to work harder. If I pay them the same as the new hires their feeling toward us could be indifferent.”

  We had barely gotten into the air when an emergency message came in from the Federation base. “Hey Tibby,” Reidecor called,” you need to hear this.”

  The message from the base was instructing us to delay our landing, a surprise attack had just been made on the base in an attempt to steal the Solbidyum. The attack had been unsuccessful, but apparently our accommodations at the base had been damaged in the assault. During the time we were on hold Reidecor helped me to get everyone security authorizations for the ship’s lock. By the time we landed everyone was officially in the computer and could lock or unlock the ship. It was nearly two hours before we were given permission to land and when we did we were directed to a new location. It was not long before a major came aboard to tell us the situation.

  Apparently, after the facility had been created centuries ago there had also been a storage area created for the eventual return of the Solbidyum. , At the time, a tunnel had been created that would lead to the Solbidyum’s storage area by someone hoping to steal it should the Solbidyum, they had stopped the tunnel just shy of the vault in anticipation of the eventual return of the Solbidyum.

  After the attack the military had been able to determine that the tunnel had been in place several hundred years unused, but waiting. The tunnel was kilometers long and obviously had taken years to dig even with modern equipment, obviously whoever did it, did so with the expectation of using it at some future time. Where their plan went wrong was that in the time between the original facilities being built the military decided to use the underground area as an emergency command center with quarters and accommodations, in the process a different location for the actual storage of the Solbidyum within the complex was decided on making the original location a quarters area. Apparently the break through point for the raiders turned out to be in the side of an indoor pool and the water gushed into their tunnel when they broke through. Even so they were able to get into the complex and were met by heavy opposition and had to retreat. Troops chased after them but the tunnel had been constructed with a rail with cars for high speed evacuation and by the time the troops got into the tunnel the invaders had escaped and blown up segments of the tunnel. The other end of the tunnel was discovered by troops several hours later, but by then there was no sign of the invaders or who they were.

  Since our quarters had been pretty badly damaged in the attack we decided to spend the night on the ship. We used the cargo hold to practice our martial arts and prepared meals in the galley. That night the crew introduced me to a card game the Federation played much like poker on Earth; though the cards were different and there were sixty cards in the deck and five suits of cards instead of four, also the cards were round. The crew was taking me to the cleaners before I got the hang of the game but once I did I started recovering my losses and by the game’s end I was just a little better than even. Lunnie was the big winner and thanked us all profusely for the new outfit she was going to buy next time she was off duty.

  Kala and I slept in each other arms; Kala falling asleep quickly where as I lay there enjoying the feel of her body against mine and the feel of her steady breathing as her breath crossed my flesh. That night I dreamed of being lost in the huge estate house while outside some mysterious enemy tried to break in.

  Early the next morning we were awaken by base security telling us that several people where at the gate asking to see Kala. Kala jumped out of bed in a panic exclaiming that she had forgotten about the appointments for interviews and had no idea where she could hold them. We were also told that because of the attack on the base that the Court Marshal hearing for Corporal Lexmal was being postponed for a week.

  Fortunately for Kala the base came through and provided a small conference room where Kala could interview for assistants and other staff. It was shortly after noon that we received a call from Mar’dana with good news; the existing staff agreed to stay on at the estate and the Federation had a price as well. Kala the asking price, Kala returned with the seventy–five percent offer; though doubtful about the offer Mar’dana said she would relay it to her bosses.

  After Kala finished talking with Mar’dana, she placed a call to Admiral Regeny; though she was skeptical it would be put through. To her surprise, the call was immediately answered by the Admiral. “Tibby” I heard and saw Admiral Regeny on the vid screen, “I hope all is well! I heard about the shake up there at the base yesterday, you and your crew didn’t have to stay on your ship, other accommodations could have been arranged. “

  “Yes sir, we were aware of that” I explained,” but it was rather late when we got back and it was just easier for us to stay onboard.”

  “Well I’m glad you are ok, I was concerned when I heard about the attack and that it occurring at your quarters. The base commanding officer informed me that you and your crew were not on base at the time. He mentioned you were looking at an estate. How did things make out with that venture, did you find something you like?”

  “Actually we did, but the selling price is more than I am willing to pay.. I’m trying to get them to come down twenty-five percent on the price. It’s a great piece of property; a huge house with lots of great areas for various activities.” I said, “It has its own landing pads and even a hanger recessed in the mountain. There is also a perfect area for martial arts training, it could easily fit up to fifty trainees at a time. However, the Federation bank seems reluctant to do the deal. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve not forgotten our deal and as soon as I find an estate large enough we can get training underway. If this deal for the estate I am trying to get falls through, it could take several months.”

  “Well I appreciate you letting me know that you are working on this and planning to get started as soon as you can, I have a list of potential people for you to train and I’ll get the list to you. In the mean time I will be interested to be kept updated on your progress in finding a place.”

  “Thank you Admiral, I will do that. Have a good day sir.”

  “You also Tibby.”

  “What was that all about Tib?” Kala asked after the Admiral disappeared from the vid screen.

  “Wait and see Kala, I think you will be receiving a phone call within the hour from the Federation Bank saying they will accept our offer.”

  The call came twenty-two minutes later.

  It’s amazing how fast the wheels of progress can spin when a high ranking government official gets involved. It only took the bank one day to have all the paperwork arranged and the property transferred to me, the following day we moved the TRITYTE and the crew to our new home.

  Two patrol ships accompanied us to the estate, with dozens of troopers in their holds. Marranalis directed them to the main security accommodations until other arrangements could be made and our own security forces put into place. There were some problems that occurred due to senior ranking personnel not knowing my crew well enough
. There were times that orders given were not followed strictly due to uniforms and rankings. Often higher ranking officers were trying to be the only ones giving orders, despite the fact they were on the estate premises to follow my crew’s orders. I was becoming increasingly frustrated by the delays it was causing in getting things accomplished so I called my staff together.

  “As you all know we’ve been having problems getting the troops sent here to guard us because they confuse you with the other troops. All of this confusion is causing delays in completing the tasks set before us that need to be completed. I’ve checked into the matter hoping that I might be able to provide you with different uniforms, but the Federation high command won’t allow that. I have come up with a solution that acceptable to the high command. I have here two small gold stars that you will each attach to the collars of your uniforms, one on each side. Each of you will receive a pair and will wear them at all times you are in uniform. They will identify you as being part of my staff and beyond the orders of the Federations troops stationed here, in addition those here will have to answer to you regardless of their rank. However, your authority over them will only be effective while they are here at the estate. I’ve already discussed it with Admiral Regeny and he is issuing orders making it official and by the time you encounter any of the troops assigned here they should all be aware of this and should give you the protection and cooperation you need.” I passed out the gold stars and watched as everyone added them to their uniforms.

  With the rank issue straightened out things started moving more efficiently and over the next few days we organized setting up the estate. Kala was able to hire a staff of people to take care of the administrative functions of the estate, my personal holdings, and even managed to find an assistant to take over the bulk of her responsibilities. Marranalis had recruited a number of ex-military troopers to train and was putting our private security forced in place. The Federation guards had been moved to the newly converted buildings at the farm for their quarters. Reidecor and Lunnie had hired mechanics and acquired supplies for the ship and were conducting interviews for the newest member of our crew; a navigator.

  I was still concerned about getting the martial arts instructors trained for Admiral Regeny, but I was working on an idea. I instructed Kala to get her staff looking into the company that manufactured the learning headbands like the one on the TRITYTE. I had an idea that though it might not actually be able to imbue the martial arts skills on the user, the headbands might be able to speed up the rate at which the student picked up martial arts skills.

  I was exploring the house when I received notification through the house computer that Kala was attempting to reach me. I told the computer to connect me with Kala and her face appeared on one of the many view screens located everywhere in the house. I had been exploring and had discovered a room that intrigued me; it had a feeling about it that I liked. One wall was solid glass and looked into a giant aquarium with all kinds of colorful fish and aquatic plants. [The room must have been at least two hundred fifteen. meters in area with a three and a half meter ceiling.] Dark rich looking wood paneling covered the walls with beautiful framed paintings. There also were glass enclosed shelves build into the wall with various objects of art and science on display. One wall was nearly completely covered in bookshelves, something that surprised me. Up until this time I had not seen any books and believed that all books were electronic but I was wrong. Kala later explained that many of the worlds in the Federation lacked the resource of power and communication that other planets had. Some planets did not have the computer hook-ups and system that were found elsewhere and that books played a large part of their educational, information and entertainment. There was a feeling of power, comfort, and safety that the room exuded that made me decide almost instantly that this room was going to become my office study. There was a huge desk that sat out from the glass aquarium wall so that the aquarium would be behind anyone sitting at it. About the room were sofas settees and large chairs

  As soon as Kala’s face appeared on the screen she said, “Kerabac, the navigator Lunnie and Reidecor recommended is here for an interview.”

  “Bring him here, if you would Kala and notify Lunnie and Reidecor to join us.” I replied, knowing that the house computer would guide them to where I was. While I was waiting for them to arrive I investigated the room further. I discovered that some of the wall panels disguised accesses to a food synthesizer and a drink dispenses. There also was a sound system and I was able to find a channel that played music much like the classical music of Earth. I was sitting in the chair as the desk looking out into the aquarium when Kala and Kerabac arrived.

  Kerabac was average built man with the darkest black skin I had ever seen. Back on earth there had been black people and I had served with a number of them in the navy and had many close black friends, but Kerabac was much darker in color of any of them. I was impressed by his posture and walk that was smooth and graceful. He had a broad smile, accented by bright white teeth and he exuded a feeling of strength and good health.

  Kala introduced us and I greeted Kerabac and I moved around the table and indicated that we should be seated at a round table in the room. I wanted both Lunnie and Reidecor present during the interview so I decided to kill a bit of time with casual conversation before we began a more in depth interview.

  “Would you care for anything to drink?” I asked both Kala and Kerabac. Kala indicated that she would like some foccee and Kerabac said he would like some also. Kala was about to issue an order to one of her assistants to see that we got some when I told her we had a drink dispenser in the room and indicated the panel where it was located. Kala went to get us some foccee while I began talking to Kerabac.

  “I understand that you served with both Corporal Luinella and Lt. Reidecor in the past?” I inquired.

  “Yes, I served with Lunnie right after she got out of the Academy she was the assistant engineer on a frigate and it was my first assignment as a navigator. We became good friends after winning a dance contest on our ship. Once a week there was a social on the ship that held dance competitions, so naturally we became partners. We ended up taking 1st place in one of the contests and we have been friends since then. Whenever we both are on the same ship or on the same planet we try and get together for a meal or dance.” He was smiling fondly at the memory.

  “It sounds like you know Lunnie pretty well, do you feel you would be comfortable serving on a patrol ship with her, possibly for months at a time?” I asked. By now Kala had returned with three cups of foccee and placed them on the table in from of each of us. I made a mental note when Kerabac thanked Kala for this foccee and I did the same. It was important to me that people working together show small signs of appreciation and courtesy to each other. I also noted that Kerabac’s posture in his chair was relaxed in a way that displayed a sense of self-confidence and warm friendly nature.

  Just then Reidecor, Marranalis and Lunnie entered, Lunnie exclaimed “WOW, now this is an office!”, then she turned as Kerabac rose from his chair and Lunnie went over to him giving him a friendly hug. “Good to see you Kerabac, I’m glad to see you are thinking about joining us.”

  “Good to see you again also, Lunnie, you never change.” Kerabac replied.

  “Nice to see you again Kerabac.” Reidecor said and they exchanged a head nod.

  “It’s always a pleasure to see you also,” Kerabac answered, “after all you saved my life.”

  “I have not heard that story, would you mind sharing it?” I asked.

  Kerabac began, “I was on a mission to Hugulsa after the uprising there when the patrol ship I was in got hit and we had to make a crash landing. I was injured and could not get away from the ship and we were surrounded by rebel fighters. Everyone on my ship was dead and I thought I was going to be shortly when suddenly, then Sgt., Reidecor came barging out of the jungle and ran to my crashed patrol ship. He jumped in through the open hatch with shots being fired at him, he didn’
t even have a gun, his own ship had been shot down two days earlier and he’d been hiding in the jungle. He grabbed one of the guns in the ship and began returning fire, I blacked out. When I regained consciousness I was being carried by Reidecor through high grass to a rescue pod that had been sent down. Reidecor had activated the beacon on my ship for a rescue unit. He had fought off most of the attackers for several hours and then under fire he carried me to the rescue pod and got us both out of there. That’s where he received that long scar on his right arm if you ever noticed it.” I had but had never asked about it. “We became good friends and worked on the same patrol ship crew for a long time until I was reassigned to base duty and he went on to the DUSTEN.”

  “So are you currently attached to the military? I notice you still wear the uniform.” I asked

  “I am, but my tour of duty is up the end of this week.” Kerabac replied, “I will either reenlist or I will sign up with you, if you make me an offer and if I like what I see and hear.”

  While we were talking Kala had handed me a computer tablet with Kerabac’s personnel military file on it. High praise had been given to him by all his commanding officers and he seemed to have performed well on all the assignments he’d had to date.

  “Tell me one thing Kerabac,” I asked, “why would you want to leave your military career to join with us? Reidecor and Lunnie and the others still maintain their military ranks and status because of an agreement I made with Admiral Regeny. However, that agreement won’t cover any new people I hire. I can offer you a really good salary and benefits, but as far as your military career is concerned it would be over.”

  “I’ve given that some thought,” Kerabac said, “The fact is that I have been somewhat bored in the military, I see you as being a major part of history and I have a feeling that you will continue to be. I would like to be a part of that to be there to see it happening. Plus I need to stick to Reidecor, I still own him a life.”


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