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Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans

Page 32

by Dale C. Musser

  Large screens around the hall displayed our images as we entered and all drew quiet as the escort moved forward and announced; “It is my honor to present Citizen Thibodaux James Renwalt, also known as Tibby the Recoverer, Major Kalana, Sgt. Marranalis, Captain Stonbersa and Kerabac. Citizens of the Federation, I present to you our heroes.” At this announcement everyone rose to their feet and loud cheers and applause rang out throughout the hall as we were led to a circular revolving stage in the middle of the great hall. Unlike before there were no tables save for one small one near the center bearing several objects, on each side of the table stood two cloths covered pillars. Chairs circled the edge of the platform turned facing in toward the center of the platform all but five were filled and we were led to the chairs and seated in the order in which our names had been called out before. I was seated to the right of Leader Rieam, Leader Turaine was still off planet as was Leader Maragon, and Kala was seated to my right and so on down the line until Kerabac was the last of our group. To Leader Rieam’s left was seated Admiral Regeny and it was he who first rose to speak.

  “Citizens of the Federation, we are gathered here today to pay respect and honor those who have shown outstanding performance and heroism on behalf of the Federation and without whose sacrifices this very planet may not be here today. By now all of you have heard the stories of how a group called the Brotherhood of Light tried to mutiny within the Federation military forces not only to steal the galaxies supply of Solbidyum but to over throw the Federation and place all its planets under their domination. In a few well planned and daring actions they managed to capture the two large war ships the TASSAGORA, and the DUSTEN, with no other large war ships within five days the Megelleon system. They also managed to capture over eighty percent of all patrol ships in the immediate area, the leaving only one Corvette the NIGHTSHADE and twenty percent of the patrol ships for defense of Megelleon. They attacked and bombed the Federation High Command Quarters, and only by the foresight of Tibby the Recoverer was the High Command spared. Fortunately we had the foresight to take the Solbidyum with us and secret it away to a place known but to the High Command. Let me say, here and now that the dispensing of the Solbidyum will occur as promised and that not one grain of it has been lost.

  When the DUSTEN and the TASSAGORA fell to enemy hands the Brotherhood was controlling and running operations from a secret underwater base, it was Tibby who devised a plan that got the Brotherhood to lead us to their Headquarters and it was Captain Stonbersa who provided us the information needed to find that base, it was from the Tibby’s Yacht, the NEW ORLEANS that the Federation High command gave the orders for the base to be destroyed. No one foresaw the extent of explosive force that was generated by the destruction of the blast and we can only conclude that a large arsenal of explosives existed there. It was through Tibby’s personal generosity that a special fund has been set up to see that all persons suffering damage by the giant waves created by the blast will receive full compensation for their losses and that each family that lost a love one resulting from the waves shall receive one million Federation credits.” Applause and cheering broke out once again.

  “It was Tibby who devised the plan,” Regeny continued, “to destroy the TASSAGORA and a large portion of the patrol ships that had fallen to the Brotherhood rebels. I am not at liberty to tell you how this was accomplished as it is classified information that is vital to planetary defense, I can only tell you that it is because of Tibby that this was possible. It was Tibby, again, who came up with the means for us to enter the enemy held DUSTEN and bring an end to the tyrannical occupation and threat posed by it and although many lives were lost, thousands of lives on the ship and possibly millions of lives here on Megelleon would have been lost had it not been for his plan and actions. It was Tibby, who personally led the raid on the DUSTEN, where he was captured tortured and nearly died in trying to free the ship and to keep the Federations Solbidyum out of the hands of the enemy.

  Tibby did not act alone, and others were involved and many paid the supreme sacrifice to keep our freedom and to keep the Solbidyum out of the hands of the enemy. Many of you have heard and seen Tibby’s fantastic skills in hand to hand combat, that which he calls martial arts. It was hoped that special units could be trained with these techniques, unfortunately time didn’t permit for this to fully happen and desperate measures were used to try and bring about a more rapid training. This didn’t happen soon enough for those going into battle against the enemy and most of them died trying to take back the DUSTEN from the enemy. Though vastly outnumbered, records indicate that they still managed to take out three rebels for every one of their lives lost, however a few of the individuals that Tibby trained and who benefited from special training with Tibby did ultimately bring about the downfall of the Brotherhood rebels. We will address this more later.

  In recognition of doing more to save the Federation than any other person in the history of the Federation the Federation military High Command wishes to acknowledge Tibby the Recoverer’s outstanding service to the Federation forces by bestowing on him the honorary title of Vice Admiral and that he shall be shown and afforded all the respect, recognition and benefits that the rank of a Vice Admiral in the Space fleet offers.” This was followed by yet another round of applause while an aid handed leather bound document to the Admiral who then handed it to me. Now, I believe that Leader Rieam has something to say.”

  Leader Rieam rose and moved to the podium and said. “Vice Admiral Tibby, for your selfless service to the Federation and placing yourself in harm’s way to prevent the Solbidyum from falling into the hands of the enemy and for your planning and leadership in a raid to prevent the loss of more lives and possibly the end of the Federation itself, it is the will of the Senate that we bestow on you the highest honor the Federation has reserved for a citizen. From this day forward you shall be known as First Citizen Tibby the Recover. The title of First Citizen has only been given out three times in the past six hundred years, we are proud to bestow this title upon you.” Applause rang out through the hall. Leader Rieam went back to her seat and once more Admiral Regeny took the podium.

  Admiral Regeny continued, “As stated before, Tibby did not do all of this alone, Kerabac performed dangerous and complicated navigation procedures that made it possible for all these things to happen. I regret that once again I cannot reveal details as most of this information is classified. Captain Stonbersa, who I regret to say is recently retired from the Federation space force but is now Captain of Tibby’s Space Yacht the NEW ORLEANS, played a huge and dramatic role in delivering not only the blow to the Brotherhood Headquarters, but in delivering troopers to the DUSTEN as well for the taking back of the ship. His outstanding skills as a Captain made it possible for the recovery of the DUSTEN.

  Stg. Marranalis a trooper of the Federation Space Force on special assignment to First Citizen and now Vice Admiral Tibby and trained in martial arts by Tibby and who led a team in an attempt to rescue the loyal troopers held in DUSTEN, got trapped in a compartment with five rebel troopers and took them all out in single hand to hand combat utilizing methods taught to him by Tibby. It was Marranalis who trained and led the troopers both of the Federation fleet and from Tibby’s personal security team in the taking of the DUSTEN. Sgt. Marranalis is as of today officially elevated to the rank of Corporal. Congratulations Corporal.

  During the action to recover the DUSTEN, two individuals showed the ultimate acts of courage and heroism, without the bravery and actions of these two individuals the mission would have failed. The first of these two individuals was Corporal Luinella, affectionately known to her crew members and friends as Lunnie. Corporal Luinella was an Engineer with the Federation Space Force and was assigned to permanent duty to First Citizen Tibby. During one of the critical phases of the operation to retake the DUSTEN Corporal Luinella discovered that one of the components on one of the craft used in the operation was faulty and that only by placing herself at risk of being captured woul
d the ship be able to perform its function. Rather than have the mission fail because of this one piece of equipment Corporal Luinella stayed with the craft, unbeknown to her fellow crewmates, so that the recovery operation could occur, had she not done so and additional lives would have been lost. Corporal Luinella was captured by the enemy and brutally tortured and mutilated without ever revealing one detail of the operation that was taking place. She was able to inflict injury to her torturer, non-other than the traitor and fugitive to the Federation, Corporal Lexmal, by biting off his finger even though she was physically restrained. She was then brutally stabbed multiple times and died from her injuries.

  Likewise, Captain Maxette, Captain of the DUSTEN, who after being captured, mutilated by having fingers cut off and his tongue cut out, managed to get himself free, steal a gun from a guard and kill the Federation traitor and Rebel leader Commander Thimas before dying. I now turn the podium over to Leader Rieam for the next portion of the ceremony.”

  Leader Rieam took the podium and began, “For their unselfish sacrifice and dedication to the Federation, above and beyond the call of duty and in recognizing that by their actions the Federation was saved from possible defeat and annihilation, the Federation bestows posthumously on Captain Maxette, and Corporal Luinella the Honor of First Citizens of the Federation and so that the memory of their ultimate sacrifice will not be forgotten and that all shall remember. The Federation has had built these statues,” a pause while the covering over the pillars were withdrawn to reveal two perfectly detailed statues of Captain Maxette and Lunnie, twice their actual size, carved out of some sort of opalescent stone. Leader Rieam continued, “…that shall stand in the main plaza of the Capitol building for all to see and remember.” Kala turned to me and grabbed hold of me and we both wept openly as Leader Rieam said, “I know turn the podium back over to Admiral Regeny.

  Regeny once more took the podium and began. “There is one more who must be recognized without whose actions none of this would have happened at all. Without this person, Tibby would have died, Corporal Luinella’s death would have been in vain, Captain Maxette never would have been able to get the gun and shoot Commander Thimas, and the Brotherhood would have won. What you are about to witness on the vid screens about the hall is gruesome, I must warn you, but it is necessary for you to see and understand the full gravity of the situation and the importance of this single individual in all that happened.” On the vid screen appeared a split screen view as seen from the vid screen in the Bridge and in the hold where Lexmal had killed Lunnie and was torturing me. The scene started at the point where Thimas was shouting “You fool… he’s dying, you bumbling fool… just when we were getting the upper hand you blow it again…,” on the view of the compartment where I am being held you can see, Lunnie’s lifeless body still handing on wall and me hanging on the wall with blood streaming from my wounds as Lexmal standing over me looking back with his head turned back looking at the vid screen over the door. Suddenly light from the hall door being opened appears on the floor along with the shadows of three people moving into the room as they get into the room you can see Kala, her arms firmly being held by two goonish rebels troopers. Lexmal can be heard to say, “Well, well, well… look what we have here, and just in time for the party…, I think Captain Thimas that Tibby is about to tell us everything he knows! Bring her up here boys, put her where her sister was!” On the screen you can see Kala stiffen and then suddenly she becomes a blur of motion as she performs a martial arts movement so fast that if you blink you miss in an instant she has broken free of the grips of both guards, has grabbed their knives from their scabbards, and while starting to move forward never taking her eyes off of Lexmal, flings her arms out cutting the throats of both her guards. As she runs forward Screaming “YOU KILLED MY SISTER!” The other two guards in the room step forward to stop her, her arms cross over each other in and X and then sweep back again so fast it’s a blur and both guards drop to the floor throats cut as well, there was no pause in her motion, her gaze never leaving Lexmal who seemed frozen as Kala arms cross once more in and X and slashed back like scissors severing Lexmal’s head. In the bridge view monitor you see and hear Thimas shout ”NOOOOOO!” behind him you see Captain Maxette freed from his bonds reach with his good hand and grab a gun from the holster of one of the guards and shoot Thimas in the back. In the audience you hear a loud gasp as the vid screen goes blank. Kala once more had buried her face in my sleeve and is sobbing and weeping. Admiral Regeny once more began speaking.

  “In order for Major Kalana to get to Lexmal she had to deliberately allow herself to be captured, she did so knowing that she probably would be killed, but she triumphs by killing the escaped traitor Corporal Lexmal, and in so doing put into motion the events that leads to the death of the traitor and rebel ring leader Commander Thimas. In recognition of her demonstration of skill and dedication to duty the Federation Space Force elevates Major Kalana to the rank of Lt. Commander. Congratulations Lt. Commander Kalana. I believe that Leader Rieam has something to say also.”

  Leader Rieam rose and moved to the podium and said. “Lt. Commander Kalana, for your selfless service to the Federation and placing yourself in harm’s way to prevent the Solbidyum from falling into the hands of the enemy and for bring an end to the tyranny of Lexmal and aiding in the ending of life of the tyrant Thimas, the Federation is proud to bestows on you the Title of First Citizen and the Title of Kalana the Avenger. Never before in the history of the Federation have there been two living persons holding the title of First Citizen at the same time, however, we cannot conceive that of one of these two individuals are less deserving than the other and so it was the will of the Senate that both be so named. There can be no persons more deserving of the title than you and Honored First Citizen Tibby the Recover, and with that announcement she walked over and kissed Kala on the forehead and then came and kissed me on the forehead for the second time in just a few weeks. Kala and I turned to each other and in front of thousands of people embraced and kissed as all in attendance cheered and applauded.

  And that, my children is how I came to be known as First Citizen Tibby the Recoverer and how your mother came to be known as First Citizen Kalana the Avenger.

  The end of Book 1- The Battle of the New Orleans. Look for Book 2- Sweet Home Alle Bamma.

  About the author

  Dale Musser was born in 1944 in a small rural community in Pennsylvania. From 1967 until 2012 he was employed as a structural and piping designer in the marine and offshore industry, the cogeneration power industry and in hard rock metal mining. His work at three shipyards and assignments with several engineering and naval architectural firms during his career in Virginia, Texas, and Maine took him to such places as London, U.K., Abu Dhabi, U.A.E., Scotland and Mexico. During this time, he was responsible for the design of reactor compartments for nuclear aircraft carriers and submarines for the U.S. Navy and the structural designs of numerous offshore semisubmersible oil rigs, tanker ships, supply boats, and other vessels and equipment used in the offshore industry. After the death of his wife in 1999, Mr. Musser changed careers and went to work in Arizona and Utah in the hard rock mining industry. He retired in fall of 2012 and currently resides in Mesa, Arizona; however, his plans for the near future involve a move to New Mexico.

  Dale enjoys rock hunting and lapidary work, gourmet cooking, writing, poetry, art, music, religions and philosophy in small doses, astronomy and the sciences in general, hiking, camping, the outdoors, and the gifts that nature provides. Mr. Musser is a member of Mensa and avid reader, having lost count of all the books he has read after 3,000.

  The greatest joy in his life is his daughter, Heather; affectionately they call each other “BUBBY.”

  Contact Information:

  Those wishing to write him may do so at, although he attempts to answer all fan letters, due to heavy emails received daily you may not get a response.

  bsp; Dale C. Musser, Solbidyum Wars Saga Book 1: Battle of the New Orleans




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