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Twin Turmoil

Page 13

by Vanessa Brooks

  Bella looked me up and down. "We-ll, I declare the boss's daughter. Lee, darlin', you are goin' up in the world! Howdy do, ma'am, I'm sure."

  I jerked angrily in Liam's encircling arm, I felt him pull me tighter into his side. He had no intention of letting me go. I smiled saccharine sweetly at the woman, "How do you do? It's always a pleasure to meet a friend of Liam's mom," I purred. Liam gave a bark of laughter and Bella turned an ugly shade of puce.

  "Why you little bitch…" she began, but Liam interrupted.

  "Now that you two girls are acquainted, why don't we go get a beer together?" Bella stuck her chin in the air and spun around wiggling swiftly away from us. Liam bellowed with laughter, stopping abruptly as I also spun away and began to stomp off. "Hey, angel, that was a brilliant put down!" he said, falling into step beside me. I stopped abruptly and turned on him.

  "Go away!" I retorted.

  "What… why?" he said, stunned.

  "Go on, go, follow that… that slut!" I hissed peevishly.


  "You said it man!" I said, almost spitting in my anger.

  "You, miss, are a jealous little witch!" Liam had hit the nail right on the head.

  "I am most certainly not!" I denied, but I most certainly was.

  "You are behaving like a spoilt brat, but you know how I deal with brats, right?"

  I was seething by now and stupidly I lost it. "How dare you! I forbid you to call me a brat ever again!

  Liam went very still. "You forbid me—is… that… so?" he asked in a deceptively velvet voice.

  "," I replied, mockingly.

  "Brat," he muttered softly once again.

  I raised my hand in fury, intending to slap his face. He swiftly caught it and twisted it up behind my back, pulling me hard against his chest. He bent his head and grazed my lips with his. "So much sexual tension," he breathed against my mouth.

  Huh? I pulled back furiously. "Why you arrogant pig!"

  He quelled me by pinning my arms to my sides and kissing me thoroughly. This time all the fight drained out of me. He could do whatever he liked when he kissed me like this, I melted. I was beyond caring about anything other than his delicious mouth devouring mine. Every nerve ending, every fibre of my being had turned traitor. I could not resist this man. When he finished kissing me, I was dazed and befuddled and longing for more of the same. His face softened as he gazed into my dreamy eyes. "That's so much better, come with me, you beautiful brat; I know just how to deal with you." I half -heartedly kicked at him but my heart and mind weren't in it. He chuckled huskily. "This way." His arm scooped about me and towed me along in his wake.

  "Where to?" I asked, slightly nervously, I didn't trust myself to be alone with the man.

  "My office," he growled. My tummy flipped, I had no option but to go with him.

  His office turned out to be two rooms on the end of the dude quarters, one was an office with a couple of comfortable chairs and the other was a bedroom furnished simply but with a large double bed which drew my eye immediately. Liam towed me to the bed and without any preliminaries, sat down, tugging me across his knee.

  Okay, I admit that I had thought this might happen and strangely I was looking forward to it, really weird huh? I found myself excited by the thought of a repeat performance of the spanking Liam had given me last time. I know—I know, all the fuss I made about never wanting to be spanked again, etc. etc., but I had been dreaming about him spanking me ever since that day in the cabin, and of him doing—well, more, so much more.

  This time I had a skirt on and Liam flipped up the short mini and pulled my skimpy panties down below my buttocks. He stroked my rounded flesh and patted my bottom cheeks. I moaned.

  "Hush, I'm gonna punish you but I'm going to make you feel so, so, good, angel." I wiggled my naked fanny and buried my face in the bed. Whatever must he think of me?

  The first smacks came fast and light, moving from cheek to cheek, in a kind of fair play method. The burn built in a delicious way that his previous spanking had definitely lacked—last time was for punishment and had hurt. This was, well—warming and kinda sexy.

  Another long moan escaped me and I heard Liam's gravelly chuckle above as he continued to heat up my posterior with light rapid swats, while I wriggled against his thigh, then I realised there was a large ridge pushing against my hip. Liam had an impressive erection. The heat from my spanked bottom began to transmit to my aching loins; I had never felt so aroused before. The staccato 'whups' of Liam's fast hand spanking filled the room along with my moans and gasps, until finally he rested his open palm on the small of my back. I lay across his lap with my heart flip-flopping, my rear end quivering with a craven molten heat that had me totally in Liam's thrall.

  When his hand slipped between my legs and his fingers dipped, exploring my intimate folds, I was shamefully abashed by the audible sounds of arousal that Liam's delving elicited. Liam gave a deep rumble of what I could only take for male appreciation and so I relaxed and enjoyed the erotic and delicious sensations that his manipulations were building. Need smouldered in my veins and anticipation surged through me as I spiralled into the free fall of orgasm. I cried aloud as I rode the crest like a surfer; on and on the pleasure took me until I reached calmer waters.

  When I was back in the land of the living once more, I found myself cradled in Liam's lap. His arms were wrapped tight about me and his lips were grazing my temple.

  Sighing, I snuggled into his chest. We remained that way in comfortable silence for a few minutes. I listened to his strong heartbeat and trailed my fingers up and down his sculptured biceps.

  "Wow," I said softly after a while.

  "Hmm," Liam replied. I sat back a little and looked up into his face.

  "That was amazing, um, thank you." He studied my face and lifted a hand pushing my hair back away from my eyes. He kissed the end of my nose. It was such a cute and tender gesture, one that I had read about in books but had never experienced. A sheen of tears misted my eyes and Liam bent his head and took my lips with his, gently grazing and teasing. I shifted and felt again his hard arousal. When I moved my hand over his swollen groin and stroked, he groaned against my mouth. I slid to the floor and knelt between his legs, my hands placed on each of his open thighs. Slowly I moved a hand to his fly buttons and the huge bulge pushing against the fabric of his black Mexican trousers. Liam's hand pushed mine away and deftly he opened his fly, reached inside pulling his erection free. He was slightly larger than my two previous English boyfriends, both in length and girth; he was also circumcised which pleased me immensely. I reached for him and ran my tongue up his length. He leaned back and watched me with glittering, heavy lidded eyes. Slowly I licked around the head and then up from the base to the tip as if he were a succulent ice cream. Liam groaned—a low guttural growl. I smiled up at him letting my mouth slide over the head and sucked in his hardness, taking him deep into my warm mouth. I hummed as I suckled his throbbing shaft. I had only just begun to pleasure Liam, when he gasped and firmly pulled me upright into his arms. He took my face between his hands and kissed me, murmuring against my mouth.

  "You're sure you wanna go all the way, darlin'—I do have protection—but it's gotta be your choice, my angel."

  I hesitated for a moment but only because he thought that I was Claire, and I wanted him to be with me, with Nicola St. Clare—not my sister! My answer though, was to pull his black shirt loose from his trousers and glide my hands over his lean stomach, all the way up to his chest, where the plane of his muscles lay firm under my questing hands. Liam in turn, pulled my top up and off in one smooth action; he caught the skein of my hair wrapping it around his fist as it fell from the confines of my top. He tugged my head back with my hair while his free hand roamed over my breasts, popping each soft pillow from its cup. I shivered with exquisite anticipation as his head came down and suckled each nipple to attention. Liam groused as I leaned backwards to unclip my brassiere and throw it aside, thus
depriving him of his soft cuddly toys. We tipped back onto the bed and he slid a hand between us seeking my slippery core, I was liquid with lust. My hand closed over his shaft and again I stroked his aching length. Liam reached behind him and produced a foil packet which he tore open with his teeth. I took the sheath from him and rolled the thing over his turgid flesh. We were so aroused that Liam simply pulled me beneath him, sliding inside me with slick precision and we were joined. He buried his head in my neck and groaned softly as he began to gyrate his hips against mine. I was wild and hungry for him as he filled me, moving and pleasuring me with thrust after deep thrust. I melded to him, cleaved to him. He braced himself onto his arms and surging his hips back, almost out of me, he slammed back into my body, pounding me until the shiver of orgasm was upon us with such a glittering intensity, it took the very breath from our bodies, leaving us with overwhelming trauma as we toppled from the pinnacle of ecstasy, Liam's mouth was seared upon mine. After a while, he moved away to lie by my side, releasing my bottom lip with a gentle nip.

  I realised that up until now, I had only bedded boys. Liam was the first man I had ever made love with. I had never ever felt anything like this before. I didn't know there could be such a deep intensity of emotion coupled with lust.

  Oh shit I was so screwed—literally. I stifled a giggle, I was both metaphorically and physically, screwed.

  We lay exhausted upon Liam's bed, cuddling for a while. I think Liam even dozed for a bit, then he stirred and kissed me before saying, "Come on, angel, let's make ourselves presentable and go re-join the party, I want to dance with my girl." My heart did a little happy dance—Liam had called me his girl.

  I was surprised to find that Liam had true masculine grace when dancing. He had a wonderful sense of rhythm. The band struck up with Latin music and my feet skipped. We danced palm to palm, pelvis to pelvis. It was wonderful to lose myself in dance after all the fear and worry I had suffered recently. As I spun, my body flowed with the music; I was aware of nothing and no one except Liam and the beat. At last, laughingly he pulled me from the floor and mimed and gestured with hand signals that we should go and eat. I nodded vigorously, I was ravenous by now.

  The barbeque was well under way and lots of people stopped to say howdy and chat a while, so the crowd around the food was rather a crush. We managed at last to get our plates filled and Liam whispered that I could share his steak. I shook my head piously at him and he chuckled, amused no doubt by my hypocrisy. We found an empty table and sat to enjoy our meal. I had just finished eating when Matt sidled up and asked me to dance. I stood up to go with him and Liam caught my hand. He planted a kiss on my palm and let me go. On the dance floor, Matt was stiff and had none of the natural rhythm that Liam possessed. We danced but I felt awkward and uncomfortable with him and I sensed that he felt the same way. It was with some relief that I left the floor when the band finished playing. Coming towards me was Dennis holding hands with Jules, they had been dancing too. Dennis hailed me, "Claire! Excuse me, Jules, but I must dance with my sister."

  I smiled at them, "Step," I said.

  "Excuse me?" Dennis looked bewildered.

  "Sister," I clarified, but he still looked confused.

  "Step-sister!" I rolled my eyes.

  "Oh-oh yeah, I see… well, who cares? We don't huh? Come on, Claire, the band is starting up again." He grabbed my hand and we spun onto the floor. He danced quite well and I had fun but I couldn't help looking around for Liam, I couldn't see him anywhere. "Thanks, sis', your dancing's improved on last year." Dennis pecked my cheek and I turned to walk off the floor, bumping straight into Liam's solid chest.

  "Just where do you think you're going?" he growled, whilst spinning me around and starting another dance. I spun away from him and when our arms were full length apart he spun me back. We danced a rumba and then the band started up a tango. The floor was almost empty and I turned to walk away, when Liam caught my elbow.

  "D'you tango?" he asked.

  "Oh yeah, I didn't think you would though."

  "Sure I do. Come on, angel, let's show 'em how it's done!"

  I put all that I had into that dance and I have to say it was the sexiest tango I'd ever danced. Liam was magnificent, full of poise and fluid motion. The tension between us was electrifying. When he flung me away, reeled me in and swept me backwards, so that I lay panting, bent almost double beneath him on that final chord; applause erupted all around us. People stamped and hooted for an encore but Liam looked at my flustered face and guided me from the floor. We went and fetched a couple of cold beers and sat down at one of the corner tables, drinking thirstily.

  "Where on earth did you learn to tango, cowboy?" I finally asked; my thirst quenched.

  "My ma insisted I took dancing lessons when I was a kid, after a while I kinda liked it. I wasn't bad and all the girls wanted to dance with me, so I figured it was a useful thing to be able to do."

  I giggled.

  "What about you? Where d' you learn to dance like that?" he asked, and without a thought, I told him the truth.

  "The Finlace's School Of Dance, in Chelsea."

  "Chelsea?" He looked puzzled.

  I realized what I had given away and froze. Think, Nicola, think! "Er, yeah, Chelsea was my dance teacher. She was just so great that I wanted to be just like her when I grew up, y'know?"

  Liam studied me, smiling into my eyes. "Seems to me you turned out jus' fine as you are." I blushed and let out the breath I had been holding. I had to be so careful around Liam as I naturally let my guard down with him. I must remember to think before I spoke.

  A heavy hand landed on my shoulder making me jump. "Great show, you two!" It was my father. "Well now I knew my girl was a dancer but you, O'Donnell? Where d' you learn to shuffle like that?"

  Liam tipped his head to one side and a shy smile played about his gorgeous mouth. "Well, it helps when you dance with the right gal, sir." I was still mesmerised by that mouth, I knew just what it could do now.

  "Just you make darned sure you're only Claire's dancing partner and nothing more than that!" Father said, shocking me out of my fantasy of Liam doing far more than just dancing with me.

  "Hey, man… you can't speak to Liam like that!" I said furiously. My father looked somewhat stunned by my outburst.

  "How much have you had to drink, my girl!" he barked sharply at me.

  I was more than livid now and spun away from him, throwing over my shoulder as I stalked off, "Not as much as I intend to drink, you bully!" I grabbed hold of Liam's hand and towed him along beside me. After a few steps he halted and grabbed my wrist spinning me around to face him. "What?" I asked rudely with the rising temper obvious in my voice.

  "Calm down, all right? It never helps to throw fuel on the fire. Your father's looking out for you; he's just protective of his little girl."

  "I'm not a child anymore and it's high time he understood that!" Liam's eyes narrowed and locked mine in his steely glare. I stilled and held my breath as his hand whipped up and grasped my chin. I tingled with anticipation at the arresting sight of his tightly held jaw and forbidding scowl. Why did it excite me that he was so cross with me?

  "Your father deserves your respect and understanding. He cares about you, Claire, as do I." Liam kept my head tilted up so it was difficult to avoid his burning gaze as he awaited my reply.

  "Um, yeah well, I suppose you have a point but…"

  "No buts, I'm right and you have earned yourself a little trip with me, my girl!" Liam towed me in his wake and I tingled with delighted anticipation. Oh my stars, I was one very sick puppy. I wanted Liam to punish me, I wanted Liam to spank me, oh lordy but I had it bad. He took me back to his room, sat straight down in his upright desk chair and flung me across his knee. I fell forward and quickly put out my hands to stop myself pitching head first onto the wooden floor. For the second time that night, up went my skirt and down came my panties. Right there the resemblance to my last spanking ended. His slaps fell fast and furious all o
ver my naked rear. I was squealing within seconds of my panties being removed. I kicked my legs and they got smacked, I wiggled my quailing bottom but that didn't help me much either. Liam kept up a rapid fire of swats that had me gasping and my eyes filling with remorseful tears.

  Was this what I wanted? Did I still want this? Part of me cried NO but that wicked, sinuous little voice deep inside, the one that fell in love with spanking while watching John Wayne in McLintock, revelled in the delights of being punished in this time honoured way, by her strong, implacable, virile man.

  The conclusion that I came to, while draped across Liam's lap, was quite simply yes, I wanted him to spank me. I wanted this strong charismatic man, who could really hurt me if he so wished, to take the time and the trouble to set boundaries for my behaviour. I loved knowing that he would spank me in this controlled and safe way whenever I stepped beyond them. He was showing me that he cared enough about me to enforce his own version of a safety shield about my person. I understood him and at that point of understanding, I understood me. I needed and wanted this.

  By the time the last spank had fallen, I had apologised and cried tears, so that when Liam pulled me up into his lap, I burrowed in his shoulder, feeling loved and safe. Liam lectured me about my behaviour and about how I spoke to my father so very rudely and I adored it. I promised that I would apologise to my father and Liam forgave me.

  Then as the 1963 Crystals song goes, '....and then he kissed me, he kissed me in a way that I've never been kissed before, he kissed me in a way that I wanna be kissed for evermore'.

  After a breathless few minutes, Liam broke our kiss and began to talk earnestly to me. I rested my head against his shoulder; my arms wrapped around his middle and listened to the sweet rumble of his voice.

  "I'm kinda old fashioned 'bout things. I think a man should be head of his household, and yet funnily enough, I'd have no problem with a wife who wants to have a career, not like some other men do."


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