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Discovery (Restless Motorcycle Club Romance)

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by Julia Marie

  Copyright © 2015 Julia Marie

  All Rights Reserved

  Edited By: Jennifer Forbes

  Cover By: Kelsey Cotter

  Formatting By: Elle Conroy

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is unintended.

  This work of fiction is intended for mature audiences only. All sexually active characters depicted are 18 years of age or older. Contains sexual situations and explicit language.

  Book #1 – Blackmail

  Book #2 – Discovery

  Book #3 – Coming Soon!

  Sign up for my newsletter and receive release day notices here, as well as invitations to receive advance review copies!

  Knowledge is Dangerous…

  Jackie Maguire had just been looking for a regular, boring job. Something to pay the bills. She’d thought she’d found it – until she found out that her new employer was actually the Restless Motorcycle Club. Even worse, she couldn’t resist her new boss, the incredibly sexy and tattooed biker, Shane Hamilton.

  By itself, she might have been able to deal with that. But once she is blackmailed into trying to dig up dirt on the biker gang, she has to make a choice between the danger she knows – and the one she’s starting to fall for.

  The thought sent a shiver through me, as I remembered exactly what had happened in that dream. I turned to look at Shane – and found that he was standing right behind me, close enough to sniff my hair.

  I caught my balance by placing my hands on his chest. His strong, firm chest.

  Uh oh. I was thrown by the uncanny foreshadowing of my dream, caught up in the haze of being around Shane all day, sneaking glances, seeing his gorgeous face. Now he stood right in front of me in his bedroom, our lips separated by mere inches.

  I looked into his eyes, down at his lips, and back up again.

  Oh yes.


  The roughened voice of Shane Hamilton left me no choice – I had to obey its command. It was a compulsion, a need to satisfy the dominant biker.


  The sensitive folds between my thighs grew slicker even as my jaw dropped open.

  “Good girl.”

  No man had ever talked to me that way – a mix of natural command and patronizing condescension. I never would have guessed that my body and my mind would be so responsive, that I could possibly feel such an incredible urge to serve and pleasure the man standing in front of me. As he pulled the zipper lower and lower, my mouth watered in anticipation of getting my first taste of the dominant male.

  I lifted my gaze to meet his eyes; fiery orbs full of burning passion. The intensity of his regard ripped through me, making me squirm to contain myself. My jaw trembled as I tried to keep it open - the urge to bite my lip was nearly overwhelming.

  When his cock was finally freed from its confining cloth cage, I needed no command to know what he expected of me next. I took him inside my mouth, letting my tongue wrap around the head and lavish it with as much affection as I could muster.

  Shane’ groan was my reward as I focused my efforts on making him feel as good as I could, as good as he deserved. Each time he neared the back of my throat, my core twinged in anticipation of his length soon to be inside of me.

  Before I was ready, his hips withdrew and I pouted as I looked up at him, however I knew enough not to express my displeasure verbally.

  “Come,” he said, as he turned and walked toward a bed conveniently set against a wall.

  Warm, strong hands guided me onto the bed, and I noticed for the first time that there were cuffs strategically placed at the four corners of the bed. I waited on my hands and knees as Shane bound me, leaving me with even less control than I had already possessed. I heard him removing clothes from behind.

  Waiting was excruciating, and exciting. I was almost embarrassed at how ready I was for him, how much my body needed him to penetrate me.

  His hands settled on my ass, cupping my voluminous derriere and spreading the cheeks. The tug on my labia felt better than it had any right to, but it still wasn’t enough. I moaned, wanton, knowing that I wasn’t allowed to speak but unable to keep it in any longer. I pushed back towards him, my hips moving of their own accord, hunting for release.

  Flesh met and connected, his cock pressing tight against me before slipping inside. Shudders took me, and my arms threatened to lose their ability to support my torso as he sunk rapidly into my depths, stopping only when his hips met my ass.

  “Fuck, that’s nice.” His raspy voice caressed me even as his hand landed a spank on my ass cheek. “You feel so good wrapped around me, Jackie.”

  His hips drew back before slamming forward, driving him to the hilt. The sudden thrust caught me off guard and I let loose a little scream as the sweet ecstasy rippled across my skin and through my nerves.

  Then he was fucking me, raw and primal, taking what he needed from my body. I was a vessel for his manhood, provider of pleasure. The barrage was too much to take, and I fell into my first orgasm, growing ever wetter as he thrust deep inside.

  As soon as I fell off my peak, Shane gathered my hair in his hands and into a ponytail, which he used to pull my head back and made me lift my upper body as much as I could against the cuffs that held my wrists.

  He pulled my head to the side and bit my neck, fucking me even harder. It was more intense than anything I’d ever experienced, true domination, showing me that all those men who had ever loved my body were in truth boys. I started to scream as waves of pleasure coalesced inside of me and burst through the floodgates, enveloping me and driving all conscious thought from my brain.

  Everything turned fuzzy as I fought through the powerful climax, struggling to regain my senses. My breathing was hard and labored. Did the light turn off? What happened?

  When I touched my face in confusion, I had to fight to free my hands from my covers first. What the hell?

  Then it all clicked.

  A dream. It was all a dream. Shane taking me and… oh.

  Even though the sexual encounter had been entirely in my head, it felt as though it had just happened. My breasts were heaving from the monstrous orgasm that had flooded my body, and when I reached a hand down between my legs I found that I was completely sodden.

  Holy crap. Some dream.

  The annoying buzz of my alarm started to ring, and I flung a hand over to hit the alarm clock out of habit.

  Time to go to work and face Shane in person.

  How was I going to be able to meet his eyes after the dream I had? Not to mention the quick encounter in the office that we had shared yesterday? How do you continue to work for your boss after you’ve had sex?

  The drive to work was even worse than I had anticipated. When I climbed into the beat-up Corolla that my father had given me before I’d left for an ill-fated stint at college, there was a note on the steering wheel.

  You have three days to find the information we seek before we start tearing your life apart even worse than it already is.

  It wasn’t signed, but then again it didn’t need to be. There was only one person who could possibly have left a note like that. The mysterious suited man from lunch yesterday, who wanted me to find dirt on Shane Hamilton – specifically information related to the motorcycle gang that Shane helped to lead. I’d been told that the shipping business was merely a front to legitimize the illegal activities that the club was engaged in.

  So instead of sweet daydreams and the breathless wonderment of a potential relationship with the rugged Shane Hamilton, I had to sit and think of how the hell I was supposed to be able to dig up the kind of secrets the man from
the cafe wanted - and how I could possibly get out of having to do it. I didn’t know a lot about outlaw motorcycle clubs, but I was pretty sure that getting caught stealing information from them would quickly earn me a ticket to a world full of pain – and maybe even a ride to the bottom of the nearest lake.

  “Hi Brittany,” I said as I walked in the door and past the secretary’s desk towards Shane’ office. I was so distracted by my thoughts that I forgot I hated her until I caught the dirty look she gave me in return.

  Well screw you, too, bitch. If you didn’t want me to have the opportunity to get close to our boss then you should have passed on the message that I was supposed to go home yesterday once Shane realized he would be late.

  It was her own fault that Shane and I had the opportunity to get close and finish off what we had started in the morning.

  I stood in front of the office door for longer than was natural to try and summon the courage to face the man behind my ultra-sexy dream. My boss, the man I had sex with the first day on the job as his new assistant. Am I going to hell? I think I’m going to hell. If hell felt that good, then maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing.

  After a deep breath I pushed the door open, only to let it go in a burst as I saw Shane leaning over his desk, poring over a document.

  He was in jeans and a t-shirt, of course, the simple white fabric draped over his body and emphasizing his musculature in a way that was in no way fair.

  “Ah, good morning, Jackie,” he said as my entrance caught his eye. “I’m glad to see that you’ve made it in this morning. I was half expecting you not to show up, you know.”

  The comment was said in a cavalier manner, but something about it made me think that he wouldn’t have taken my absence very well at all. I worked for him now, and Shane Hamilton was used to being obeyed.

  “Oh, I wouldn’t miss it,” I replied. “No matter what happened last night, this is my job. And it’s my position to assist you in anything you need.”

  I had done some thinking after returning back to the small apartment I shared with Stacey, and I knew that Shane Hamilton was a rare breed of man, and I would give anything to remain in his sphere of consideration for as long as possible. No matter how things ended up, it must be better than spending long days and nights alone in the apartment with nothing but a tub of ice cream and Grey’s Anatomy for company, slowly sliding deeper and deeper into debt with no job prospects.

  “Good. Now, I’m just going over a proposal drafted by a business associate, would you mind running out to get some coffee? I’ve already blown through the one that Brittany brought me.” He smiled, but there was a hint of tiredness behind his eyes, as though he had spent a restless night.

  As restless as mine was, thinking about him? Could he have been thinking about me? No, it must have been motorcycle club matters that kept him up. I bet he doesn’t even think about me when I’m not right in front of him, there’s too much on his mind.

  “How do you want it?” I asked, hoping he read more into the phrase than the obvious. Fetching coffee wouldn’t get me any closer to getting important info that I could use to placate the criminals who were blackmailing me; I had to start making some progress towards gaining Shane’ confidence and learning something useful. “And what’s the proposal for?”

  “Oh, it’s just for a new facility located over in Europe,” Shane said. “We are expanding rapidly, and we do enough business over there that it would be useful to have another base of operations. And just a black coffee, please.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Was it just my imagination, or did his eyes light up a little at my phrasing?

  Jackie was already turning out to show a lot of promise. Some women were natural submissives, and nothing made them happier than serving a man, preferably from her knees. It was still early to tell, but I thought that she was one of those.

  My resolve not to get too involved with Jackie had already been severely undermined by the indiscretion – as hot and completely worth it as it was – at the end of the day yesterday, but as the day wore on and she became more and more obvious with her glances, and lip bites, and posture, that resolve was shot to all hell.

  I had to have her. Repeatedly. Constantly. In as many compromising positions as I could place her in.

  Look at that ass!

  She was bent over, tying up the garbage bag in the can beside my desk, rear pointed toward me. It was a job the janitor usually took care of after hours, but I told her to do it so that I could watch her in just this position.

  Her skirt was shorter than most women would wear even out to the biker bar, but I wasn’t going to say anything to her about it even though I knew it drove Brittany crazy. From this angle, I could swear there was just the barest glimmer of pink panties, but it was too quick of a glimpse to be sure.

  A week from now I’m going to have her at the point that I can just bend her over the desk and flip her skirt up.

  The thought made my manhood swell, and I smiled as Jackie finished with the bag and stood to take it out.

  “Thank you, Jackie. Great work.”

  She winked back at me. “You’re welcome, sir.”

  A long day of little errands for Shane had brought me no closer to finding out anything of value. The first piece of information – the potential new office in Europe – was the most interesting thing I learned. I had a sneaking suspicion that most of the important conversations took place while I was out of the office – not that it was in any way a surprise. I was a complete outsider to the club, and there’s no chance they would just start talking about sensitive matters with me around.

  Two days left. That’s when shit’s going to start hitting the fan. It was a scary thought. I didn’t even know how exactly the mysterious enemy’s threats would be carried about, but there was a sense of dread that I didn’t want to find out. Hell, there was no saying that they wouldn’t just have me mugged, or raped, or killed, and I definitely didn’t want any of those things to happen.


  The way his voice said my name was like a command, but I fancied that I also heard a verbal caress under the words as well.

  “Yes, sir?”

  His eyes were scanning up my body as I turned, coming from where they must have been resting on my ass.

  “Are you free for the next several hours?”

  My heart picked up from a standstill and began racing. I just barely kept myself from answering immediately. I never had plans, so I was always free. It was a tragic consequence of not having a boyfriend and not really having many friends beyond my roommate, who had her own stuff going on most of the time. I didn’t want him to know how pathetic my life was, so I paused and looked thoughtfully at where the wall met the ceiling across the room for a count of five.

  “Um, I think so. What did you need?” I hoped it was a repeat performance of the day before. That would be the type of routine I could really get into. Work a full day and then have sex with the gorgeous man who also happens to be my boss. Yes, please.

  “Well, as you know I’m mostly going to have you taking care of errands and other things for me. There’re a number of things that you’ll have to do at the warehouse, so I’d like to take you there and show you the place. I’ll usually be there with you, but you’re going to want to get comfortable around the building – and of course the other men.”

  “The other men?” I asked.

  “Yes, the employees of the company. Of course you’ve met Brittany and the other few people who work here at this downtown office, but the warehouse is where everyone else spends their time and works.”

  Maybe I’ll be able to find out more about the motorcycle club there. I tried to pretend to myself that my true motivation wasn’t for a chance to get closer to Shane. He was a dangerous man to get involved with, but I just couldn’t help myself.

  “Of course I’ll be able to go with you,” I said. “I’m looking forward to you showing me some more things.” I bit my lip to show that I was
talking about more than just warehouses.

  He had already started to pull his leather jacket around his powerful frame. “I would offer you a ride on the back of my bike, but since you’ll likely want to go home straight from the warehouse, how about you just follow me there?”

  I nodded, “Of course, sir. Lead on.”

  Shane drove fast.

  He had the bike for it. Almost before I blinked the powerful machine was around the corner and accelerated faster than my Corolla could hope to go even at top speed.

  That’s insane, how can he go that fast? I would be so worried about falling right off that thing!

  I could almost see the moment that Shane checked his mirror and realized that I couldn’t keep up. His brake light came on and he slowed to a crawl until I managed to catch up to him. Once I did he kept himself to a mere five miles about the limit, but it was almost sad to see the powerful beast kept to such a slow speed.


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