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Highlander's Touch: Medieval Romance

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by Joanne Wadsworth

  Cover Copy

  One soul bound quest to find her.

  Year 1211, Scottish Highlands.

  As the Laird of Carron Castle, Coll MacKenzie has agreed to wed the daughter of his clan’s allied chief in order to strengthen their bonds, only when he returns home after months away, it’s to discover a woman ensconced within his household who could so easily shatter all his well devised plans. Fae-blooded Fiona is the only woman who’s ever challenged him in ways that spoke to his very heart, and even though she holds the other half of his soul, he must still turn her away. His clan’s future depends upon it.

  Fiona has always been drawn to Coll’s strength and courage, has always held the secret of his fae blood close to her heart, but now she’s discovered they’re soul bound, she has no intention of allowing him to turn her away. It’s time to enforce the mated hunt, a chase all her fae kind long to begin.

  Theirs is a battle of the very heart and soul, of desire flaring fierce and strong, and of a hunt across the beautiful wilds of Scotland during a time of war.

  Also by Joanne Wadsworth

  The Matheson Brothers Series

  Highlander’s Desire, (Book 1)

  Highlander’s Passion, (Book 2)

  Highlander’s Seduction, (Book 3)

  Clan Matheson Series

  Highlander’s Kiss, (Book 1)

  Highlander’s Heart, (Book 2)

  Highlander’s Sword, (Book 3)

  The Fae Series

  Highlander’s Bride, (Book 1)

  Highlander’s Caress, (Book 2)

  Highlander’s Touch, (Book 3)

  The Matheson Warriors Series

  Highlander’s Shifter, (Book 1)

  Highlander’s Claim, (Book 2) Coming Soon

  Highlander Heat Series

  Highlander’s Castle, (Book 1)

  Highlander’s Magic, (Book 2)

  Highlander’s Charm, (Book 3)

  Highlander’s Guardian, (Book 4)

  Highlander’s Faerie, (Book 5)

  Highlander’s Champion, (Book 6)

  Highlander’s Captive, (Short Story Book 7)

  Regency Books (Standalone)

  The Duke’s Bride, Coming Soon



  by Joanne Wadsworth

  The Fae, Book Three


  Cover Copy

  Also by Joanne Wadsworth


  The Fae Village – The Legend

  Fiona MacKenzie

  Cherub –

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  All New Series Coming Next

  Want More of These Characters?

  Author’s Note

  Joanne Wadsworth

  Newsletter Signup

  The Fae Series

  The Matheson Warriors Series

  The Matheson Brothers Series

  Clan Matheson Series

  Highlander Heat Series

  Copyright: Highlander’s Touch

  The Fae Village – The Legend

  In the ninth century, the faerie king’s youngest son visited a village along the shores of Loch Alsh and fell in love with the chief’s daughter. The two wed and together created a half-blooded line born with the skills of the fae, a loyal line known as clan Matheson, a line guarded by the immortal fae princess, Cherub.

  Fiona MacKenzie

  The Chief of MacKenzie’s stronghold, Loch Alsh, Scotland, December 1209.

  Fiona walked alongside the shoreline toward a great cloud of dust pluming from her clan’s warriors where they trained on the flat expanse of dirt near the stables. She searched amongst the hundred or so half-naked warriors wielding claymores as they fought in a battle of strength against one another. In the center of the training men, Coll, their chief’s eldest son, swung his mighty two-handed sword and his opponent lunged forward and met his attack. Steel ricocheted loud against steel and Coll’s biceps bulged as he held his position then heaved forward.

  Such immense strength. His golden skin, all hot and sweaty, gleamed under the midday sun and the tight bands of corded muscle across his belly rippled with potent power. His kilt rode low on his hips and with each swing of his blade, the tartan whooshed above his knees and gave a mouthwatering glimpse of his toned thighs. Oh my. Her knees weakened and butterflies fluttered senselessly about in her belly, just as they always did when she caught sight of him in training.

  “Did ye see that?” Next to the well, a serving maid nudged the arm of another maid beside her, the two wenches ogling Coll so very openly.

  “Och, he’s a brawny one.” The first maid giggled from behind her fingers. “He can flip my skirts whenever he so wishes.”

  Ugh. No more could she listen to those two floozies, and best she move on herself. Around the training yard, she strolled with her herb basket swinging in her hand. She had supplies to collect for their healer and with the skies clear and the wind fresh, there wasn’t a more perfect day to venture out into the woods.

  “This fight is done.” Coll slashed and sent his opponent’s sword flying.

  Right at her.

  Nay! She slammed to the ground, the gleaming blade whooshing over her head a mere hair’s breadth away. Heart heaving and her fingers digging into the dirt, she gulped air.

  “Fiona!” Coll bounded toward her, skidded in on his knees, dust scattering across her skirts. He patted her down, from her head to her shoulders then along her arms. With his hands on her hips, his fingers pinching in tight, he shook her. “What the hell were you doing walking so close to the training yard? You could have been hurt.”

  “I’m sorry.” Shaking, terribly, she grasped his shoulders and tried to find her legs but got nowhere. “Please, help me up.”

  “I’ve got you.” He stood in one fluid move, caught her hands and aided her to her feet.

  “I’m still in one piece, and that’s all that matters.” She swayed, his broad chest smattered with dark hair so immensely close. “You—I—” She yanked her gaze up to his. “I mean, I should have been watching my step. I didnae mean to get so close to the fighting.”

  “Well, you did, and it’ll never happen again. Am I understood?”

  “Of course, understood.”

  “I mean it.” Dark shadows circled his eyes, made all the darker by the fierce worry in his brown eyes.

  “Are you no’ getting enough rest again?”

  “’Tis difficult to sleep under my father’s roof when he angers me so. His fighting with clan Matheson must cease, but since there is naught I can do to change his mind at present, I’ve decided to leave for Carron Castle on the morrow rather than remain here for another week.”

  “You’re leaving already?”

  “My visit was only meant to be a short one. Carron is where I now call home.”

  “It’s been three months since your last stay. Is Duncan leaving as well?” Duncan, his twin, held his own stronghold not far from Coll’s along the shores of Loch Carron, and the two brothers were immensely tight. She searched the training yard and spied Duncan battling with his opponent. Although not identical, the two men were so close in looks that the odd man within their clan still mistook them. Never her. She’d always been able to tell the two apart.

  “Aye, and Kyla too. She’ll stay with me at Carron, and I’ve no doubt enjoy the respite from my father’s heavy hand while she does. I intended on asking you to come as well. Kyla would enjoy your company.”

“You truly wish for me to stay at your keep?” She’d love naught more than to travel with Kyla, one of her dearest friends and their chief’s foster daughter. More than that, she longed to visit the stronghold Coll now called home.

  “I more than wish it.” A flicker of his need pulsed through to her, swirled around her empath senses, then just as quickly snapped off. Damn his natural fae-skilled barrier. It made it impossible for her to pick up his emotions when he threw it up.

  “I wish I could come.” Only now she couldn’t, and how on earth did she explain Matthew to him, as well as her agreement to wed the man their clan called a gentle giant? It would be a shock for certain, as it had been for her when she and Matthew had spoken on the edge of the cliff this morn. They’d had such a heartfelt conversation, one in which they’d both recognized they could be the answer to each other’s problems. She’d fallen in love with a man she could never have, and Matthew had lost the love of his life and needed someone to care for. He’d promised her he’d never insist on more than a friendship within their coming marriage, a most definite answer to her current prayers. She shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I—I’m no longer free to travel with you.”

  “So ’tis true?” His gaze darkened even further. “I caught word of a rumor about you and Matthew, but of course I ignored it. There isnae a chance you would ever agree to wed him.”

  “I can explain.”

  “You’re saying the rumors are true?” Shock coursed across his face, pulled his brow down low and made white lines flare out from his eyes. “The warrior is twenty years your senior, and only recently widowed.”

  “There is more to it than that. Matthew’s loss has taken a deadly toll on him and his pain is so strong. He also understands that my father is growing impatient in his demands that I wed. I cannae remain unattached as I am for much longer. Surely you see that.” She glanced about. She’d definitely drawn the attention of the two wenches, something she couldn’t allow. “Can we talk about this in private?” Coll deserved to hear all she had to say on the matter, because like Kyla, she’d been just as close to him and Duncan over the years and there was little she hadn’t told him.

  “Come with me.” He caught her elbow, swept up her dropped basket and steered her farther away, around the stables and inside the back tack room.

  Within the musty depths of the storeroom, only a trace of sunlight filtered through the cracks in the haphazardly placed wall planks. Reins and leads hung looped over spikes, while against the far wall, hay had been stacked four bales high and four wide.

  Pacing before her, Coll gritted his teeth. “You’ve shown no interest in Matthew afore.”

  “He will always grieve for Elspeth. They loved each other dearly, and our marriage will be in name only. He has agreed to aid me, just as I’ve agreed to aid him.” Elspeth had understood Matthew better than anyone in their clan could have since she’d been with him the day they’d both been captured by their enemy as children. Eight, Matthew had been at the time, and Elspeth seven when abducted by their enemy. Elspeth had unfortunately watched on as Matthew had been castrated against his will, then beaten and bruised to within an inch of his life. He’d suffered a great deal of injury, had struggled during his younger years to find his true place within their clan, but Elspeth had always known his very soul and the two, even though unable to consummate their marriage, had loved each other in every other way possible.

  “He willnae touch me, even though we’ll be wed. That is what I want, to be able to continue my work in healing others through my fae empath ability. Matthew shall be the first I shall heal. He needs a wife, and I also need a husband as you’re well aware. I’d rather choose my own than have my father do so for me. With Matthew, I need never fear what is to come.”

  “You could offer him your healing without having to speak vows.”

  “I could, but that does no’ take care of my unwed state.” Breathing deep, she planted her hands on her hips. “We both know what’s between us can never be explored, no’ with you all but betrothed to Kyla.”

  “Kyla and I have to wed if we’re to protect her Matheson kin from my father.” Prowling closer, like a wolf on the hunt, he moved and she backed up fast, her back hitting the wall behind her.

  “Stay back, Coll.”

  “It appears I have as little choice as you do in the matter of who I speak vows with.”

  “Sometimes life is unfair that way.”

  “You’re damn right it is.” Slowly, he narrowed his eyes, the turmoil within the deep hue of brown clear to see even though his emotions remained firmly in place behind his fae-skilled guards. “I dinnae wish to lose you to Matthew.”

  “Kyla is my dearest friend and I willnae see her lose her parents. She’s protected them all these years and has no intention of stopping now. She might be your foster sister, your love for her never any deeper than that of a brother for his sister, but I love her, would never stand in the way of her need to protect her kin.”

  Colin MacKenzie had decreed that one day, one of his three sons would wed Kyla, and they all knew the son he’d choose would be his eldest. It was only a matter of time before their formal betrothal was announced.

  “I hate it when you make sense.” Gently, he cupped her cheek, stroked his fingers back and forth along her skin, the gold flecks rimming his brown eyes so soulfully captivating.

  “You shouldnae be touching me like this.”

  “Aye, I should walk away.” He swiped his thumb along her lower lip. “Yet every time I must ride away from my father’s keep, my heart twists inside because I’m leaving you.” Lowering his head, he touched his forehead to hers and whispered, “Do you remember that day under the waterfall?”

  “I’ll never forget it.”

  She and Coll, Kyla and Duncan, had gone swimming deep in the forest, the four of them taking an afternoon off together to visit one of their favorite places. She’d just come of age, and while the other two had been diving at the far end of the pool, she and Coll had left them behind and swum around the cascading water to the rocky ledge behind it. There in that serene, private place, they’d heaved up onto the ledge and seated on the edge, dangled their feet into the water. Sunlight had streamed through the clear sheet of water and sent beams of pale yellows, pinks, and blues dappling over them. She’d giggled as Coll had held his hand open, the beams playing across his palm, then she’d quieted, the moment so wonderfully sweet and surreal. Unable to help herself, she’d slid her fingers through his, looked deep into his eyes and fallen irretrievably in love. They’d sat like that for an hour, doing naught more than gazing into each other’s eyes, until of course Duncan and Kyla had called out their names and they’d had to leave.

  “This thing between us,” she murmured. “This is why I need to accept Matthew’s proposal. I dinnae wish to hurt Kyla, ever.”

  “Neither do I, and I’ve no idea how I’m going to make the change from seeing her as my foster sister, to seeing her as my wife, but I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her and her true kin at the Matheson fae village safe.”

  “Which makes me so proud of you.” Her heart clenched with how proud and hot tears burned behind her eyes. Nay, she wouldn’t cry in front of Coll. He needed to see her strong, that she’d accepted her destiny wouldn’t be with him, just as he’d accepted his wouldn’t be with her. Sniffing, she pushed against his chest and forced him back a step. “Matthew intends on leaving here and sailing to Rhue Castle. Jeremiah has asked him to join his fighting force.”

  “Jeremiah is a thorn in my side, my younger brother a menace of the worst sort. You’ll be as good as living under my enemy’s roof at Rhue.”

  “Yet I’ll still be safe there, and thankfully farther away from you.” Once he’d wed Kyla, there wasn’t a chance she wanted to remain close enough to see the two of them together.

  “That’s what you truly want?”

  “For your sake, mine and Kyla’s sake, aye.”

  “Come and meet me in the woods tonig
ht, near the pool. You know the spot. I’ll bring a hamper and build a fire.” Tension tightened his muscles, his fists clenching at his sides.

  “You wish to say a final farewell?” Eyes closed, she breathed deep, drew in his intoxicating scent, that of rich leather and warm skin and savored it to the depths of her soul.

  “’Tis only right that we do.” He stormed to the door, opened it and with one last glance over his shoulder muttered, “Dinnae be late.”

  Cherub –

  The Fae Princess and Guardian to her Earthbound Kind

  Carron Castle, held by Coll MacKenzie, April 1211, sixteen months later.

  High on the battlements of Carron Castle, Cherub surveyed the rippling waters of Loch Carron as Kirk stood behind her, his nose buried against her neck and his teeth scraping back and forth across her sensitive skin. Cloaked and unseen to any other, she stretched her neck and grinned as her shifter mate nipped her flesh. “Are you hungry, my tempting bear?”

  “Famished, and you always make a tasty meal.” He slid his hands around her waist and drew her back against him, until every inch of their bodies touched and even more sparks flared. “How far away is Coll?” he whispered in her ear.

  “He’ll be here at midnight.” The sun, a heavy orb of glowing orange, hovered low on the horizon as it began its descent. “Only a few more hours to go.”

  “He’s been gone for so many months on his mission to the far north of MacKenzie land.”

  “Aye, and missed a great deal with all that’s happened here in his own keep during that time.” The air swirled all around, lifted her white fur cloak and fluttered her regal blue gown about her legs. With her blond hair streaming back in the breeze, she lifted her arms and allowed the air—the element she controlled—to bring to her all the secrets it held. As her people’s princess and an immortal time-walker, her duty remained with each and every one of her fae-blooded kind who walked this Earth. ’Twas her privilege to ensure the newly soul bound were brought together, no matter the divide of space or time that separated them, and this night, she intended on bringing Coll and Fiona back together again since their difficult parting sixteen long months ago.


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