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Sexiest Vampire Alive las-11

Page 6

by Kerrelyn Sparks

  Josh glanced at the other two guards, then strode from the room to do Madison’s bidding.

  Abigail eased into the room. It was decorated in typical White House fashion: uncomfortable chairs grouped around antique tables, expensive draperies, paintings and ornate mirrors on the walls. She looked about nervously, pretending not to notice that the mystery man was still staring at her. But she was aware. Skin-tingling aware.

  Madison eyed him curiously. “Did you say your last name is Holstein?”

  “Yes.” His gaze flicked to her, then back to Abigail.

  Madison sidled close to her sister and whispered, “He can’t be one of them. No self-respecting vampire would ever be named after a cow.”

  He grinned.

  Good Lord, his smile. Abigail’s pulse jumped into warp speed, but then she blinked and narrowed her eyes. His canine teeth looked very pointed. And his hearing was extremely good. “You—you saw us on the balcony?”

  He nodded, his eyes twinkling with humor. “The next time you try to hide in the shadows, you should take off the white lab coat.”

  Oh, of course. Her cheeks grew warm. That was how he’d managed to see her. Although she could have sworn he’d been looking at her face.

  “Are you a doctor?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “You are too,” Madison whispered, then raised her voice. “She has a Ph.D. in biochemistry.”

  His eyebrows lifted slightly.

  Abigail couldn’t tell if he was surprised or impressed, but he was certainly watching her closely. That alone was enough to make her pulse jump to warp speed six. “You seem to have excellent vision and hearing.”

  The corner of his mouth curled up just enough to show a dimple. “How kind of you to notice.”

  “Excuse us a moment, please.” Abigail pulled her sister outside the door and glanced back at him. He turned politely away to study a painting, presenting her once more with a devastating view of his profile. Good Lord. No man should be that handsome.

  “Do you realize he fits every item on your checklist?” she whispered to Madison. “Expensive taste, pale skin, extremely attractive?” She spotted his grin once again. Blast him! “His sense of hearing is downright scary.”

  Madison sighed. “I can see where you’re going, but that guy’s not a vampire. He doesn’t sparkle. And he didn’t fly here as a bat.”

  He turned toward them, chuckling, and Abigail ignored his dimples to zero in on his canines. His extra-sharp and pointed canines.

  He squelched his smile.

  Interesting. She strode back into the room. “There’s a rumor going about that the Undead will be visiting the White House. What do you think, Mr. Holstein? Do you believe vampires could be living secretly among us?”

  His eyes narrowed, and she felt an invisible crackle of tension as if the air between them had suddenly turned electric.

  Warp speed seven. She lifted her chin. “Are you living a secret life, Mr. Holstein?”

  His eyes gleamed a brighter green as he stepped toward her. “What about your secret life, Abigail?”

  She blinked.

  “You are Abigail Tucker, aren’t you?” He stepped closer. “Why do you hide from the cameras?”

  “I don’t want attent—” She did a double take at the mirror on the wall. She was reflected, but he wasn’t! With a gasp, she glanced back at him, but he’d moved out of the way. Very quickly.

  Had she imagined it? It had all happened so fast. She looked at the mirror, briefly noting her own pale and shocked expression. Madison was also reflected. And her Secret Service man, Josh, who had just returned with the dog bag. They were too busy lowering Dolly into the bag to notice anything amiss.

  She cast a nervous glance at Mr. Holstein. He was frowning, his mouth thin with annoyance. He adjusted his tie with an angry jerk.

  “You could use the mirror to fix your tie,” she suggested quietly.

  He clenched his fists tight, then relaxed them.

  He was nervous, she realized. He didn’t want to be . . . discovered.

  She gasped. His gaze cut immediately to her, the green of his eyes growing more intense.

  Warp speed eight. Her heart thundered in her ears. Could it be true? No. She was a scientist, and all her years of study were clamoring in her head screaming no! She could not accept this.

  “I don’t believe it,” she whispered.

  He remained silent as he fiddled with his cuff links.

  She moved in front of him. “You can relax, Mr. Holstein. I’m not going to accuse you of something that’s not scientifically possible.”

  He arched a brow at her. “And what is scientifically possible, Miss Tucker?”

  “Facts. What I can observe or measure.”

  “And what about the intangible? Do you believe in feelings? Anger, fear, love?”

  “Of course. Love is actually scientific.” She stuffed her clenched fists in the pockets of her lab coat. “It generally begins with physical attraction which triggers a chemical reaction that releases dopamine into the bloodstream—”

  “Is that why your heart is racing?”

  Her heart lurched. Warp speed nine. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My pulse is perfectly normal.”

  His mouth curled into a slow smile. “Tell me, Abigail. Why does a beautiful woman like you hide in the shadows?”

  She froze. If he was trying to throw her off her guard, he was certainly succeeding.

  He moved toward her. “Do you go by Abby? Or Gail?”

  “I—” Good Lord, she could hardly remember her own name with him so close. She lifted her chin. “Do you go by Greg? Or does Gori suit you better?”

  His mouth twitched. “Do I seem gory to you?” He leaned in close enough she could feel his breath against her cheek. “Is that why your heart is pounding? Do you think I’m frightening?”

  Could he actually hear her heartbeat? She swallowed hard. “I’m not afraid.”

  He moved back, his smile fading. “Maybe you should be.”

  Her skin prickled with goose bumps. “Who are you? What do you want?”

  His eyes narrowed, glittering with green intensity. “I’m not so different from you. I want to be left alone to live in the shadows.”

  A shiver skittered down her spine. Warp speed ten. Had he just admitted to being one of the Undead?

  No! She refused to believe it.

  The door to the Oval Office opened, and a voice called out. “Mr. Holstein, the president will see you now.”

  Gregori inclined his head. “Abigail.” He turned and strode into the Oval Office.

  She watched him go, her heart still thumping, her head still echoing with the soft way he’d said her name.

  “Abby?” Madison sidled up close. “What was going on? Was he trying to pick you up?”

  “No.” She eyed the closed door.

  “Are you sure?” Madison whispered. “It looked kind of intense to me.”

  Abigail drew in a deep, steadying breath. “How’s Dolly?”

  “Still asleep. It’s the strangest thing.”

  “Yes, it is.” Abigail couldn’t shake the feeling that somehow, Mr. Holstein had caused Dolly’s sleep. With her scientific training, she naturally discounted the existence of vampires, but even she had to admit the circumstantial evidence was piling up. No reflection in the mirror, possible psychic power, heightened senses, pale skin, pointed canine teeth, and something unusual about his eyes. Then there was his aura of power and mystery. “I never thought I’d say this, but you might be right.”

  “Really?” Madison grinned, then looked confused. “About what?”

  “Dad’s secret meeting with the Undead.” Abigail glanced toward the Oval Office. “Mr. Holstein . . .”

  “You really think he’s a vampire?”

  “I’m not totally convinced vampires are real. I’ll have to study this further.” Study him further.

  Madison grinned and grabbed hold of Abigail’s arm. “Ca
n I help? I love vampires!”

  Abigail winced. “Don’t say that! I don’t care if Mr. Holstein is the most handsome and charming man on earth. If he’s a vampire, then loving him would be the height of folly.”

  Madison rolled her eyes. “Chill, Abby.” She brushed her hair back over her shoulders. “I didn’t think he was all that handsome and charming.”

  “Are you crazy?” Abigail bit her lip. Damn. Gregori Holstein had better be human.

  Chapter Seven

  Shit. Gregori clenched his fists, then forced his hands to relax. He’d completely screwed up. He was supposed to convince the guys in power that he, along with every other modern-day Vamp, was safe and harmless. But he’d just asked Abigail Tucker if she thought he was frightening.

  She’d given him several opportunities to deny he was a vampire. He should have said he didn’t believe in such nonsense. After all, it was also his mission to make sure only a small group of mortals knew that vampires actually existed. And that small group did not include Abigail.

  Dammit, he should have played it safe. He should have acted aloof. As if he couldn’t hear her heart racing every time she came near him. As if his heart wasn’t racing, too.

  He should have looked her in the face and lied.

  Why hadn’t he? It wasn’t like he was a stickler for honesty and honor like the old Vamps. He could have lied to Madison without giving it a second thought. This was business, and he had a job to do. Thousands of Vamps were depending on him.

  So why did he screw up? What was it about her?

  As usual, he didn’t let his frustration show. He entered the Oval Office with a smile, playing the charming diplomat while Sean Whelan made the introductions: Secretary of Defense George Ralston; National Security Advisor Frank Garcia; chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Bond; CIA director Nick Caprese; head of Homeland Security Alan Schiller; and the president, Laurence Tucker.

  Their smiles were as false as his own, Gregori thought. There was no disguising the wary glint of suspicion in their eyes. Nor the implied warning that came with the steely grip of their handshakes. They were sizing him up as a potential threat to the American people.

  The president took a seat at the end of a coffee table in the chair closest to his desk. Sean Whelan motioned for Gregori to take the chair at the other end of the coffee table, then he and the remaining men squeezed onto the two long sofas that flanked the table.

  President Tucker gestured to an ice bucket perched on a metal stand next to him. “We provided you with some refreshment. Help yourself.”

  Gregori glanced at the bottle of synthetic blood resting in ice. “Thank you, but I’m not really hungry.”

  Sean cleared his throat and rolled his eyes toward the bottle.

  They wanted to see him drink blood? Gregori grabbed the bottle and unscrewed the top. “A little would be nice. Thank you.” He took a sip and carefully refrained from grimacing at the taste of cold blood.

  The mortal men stared at him like he was a circus freak.

  “I was informed three nights ago of the existence of vampires,” President Tucker began. “Mr. Caprese tells me the CIA has been aware of your kind for over six years.”

  The CIA director nodded. “It was our agent, Mr. Whelan, who first brought your species to our attention when he was stationed in St. Petersburg. Since your kind exists all over the inhabited world, we’ve always felt the Agency is best equipped for keeping track of you. Mr. Whelan’s Stake-Out team has given us a lot of valuable information.”

  “I see.” Gregori wondered just how surprised Caprese would be if he knew Sean Whelan was now Undead.

  “Of course we’ve always shared any national developments with Homeland Security to make sure our citizens are protected,” Caprese continued. “We’ve also been monitoring the Digital Vampire Network. Your Nightly News program keeps us well-informed.” He gave Gregori a smug look. “You’ve made our job easy.”

  Gregori took another sip of blood and remained quiet.

  President Tucker leaned forward, studying him. “Mr. Whelan tells us the vampire community has selected you as their representative. Is that true? Do you admit to being a vampire, Mr. Holstein?”

  Gregori glanced at the Secret Service man at the door. There were two more outside. Had they been told to attack if he confessed? Was Abigail still outside, hoping to confirm her suspicions?

  A chill tickled the back of his neck. He’d never confessed to a mortal before, and the words were surprisingly hard to force out. He knew the second he did, his life would never be the same.

  He was tempted to say no, it was all a hoax, but there were too many people who believed the stupid video. It wouldn’t take long before the Buffy wannabes started hunting. And if they videotaped themselves in the act of staking a vampire with the poor Vamp turning to dust, it would fuel the fire. More vampire hunters. More death.

  The Vampire Apocalypse.

  The Vamps needed the government to declare the video a hoax. Here goes Plan A.

  He shifted in his chair. “Yes, I’m a vampire, but I can assure you that I’m not dangerous. My fellow Vamps and I are morally opposed to causing mortals any harm.”

  He glanced toward the Secret Service man, but the guy didn’t budge. No one moved. They sat still, staring at him.

  Even the president seemed speechless. He might be called the Torpedo, but as far as Gregori could tell, that honor belonged to his daughter. Abigail Tucker had completely blown him out of the water.

  Since the night before, he’d come up with a few reasons why a president’s daughter would hide from the spotlight. It could be the president who wanted her hidden. If she had a history of crime or drug abuse, he wouldn’t want the media to know. If she was suffering from a mental disorder, he might keep her locked up in the proverbial attic. Or maybe she was simply an embarrassment. A few tacos short of a combination plate. Or too ugly. Or too shy.

  Shy? What a laugh. She’d marched right up to him and let him have it. Who are you? What do you want?

  Mentally challenged? Ha! She was a scientist. A Ph.D. And she looked only about twenty-five. The girl was obviously brilliant.

  And beautiful. Not in the skinny, carefully crafted superstar look that her sister Madison had mastered. Abigail was a little shorter, a little more curvy, and a hell of a lot more exciting. She was different. And real.

  At first he’d thought she had pretty hazel eyes and curly brown hair. But when she drew closer and more into the light, he’d become fascinated with the subtle changes in her appearance. Flecks of gold and green glimmered in eyes that were big and beautiful without makeup. Her pink mouth was sweetly sculpted, her lovely face so expressive.

  Across the room, her curls had seemed sweetly innocent, but close up, they looked wild and soft to touch. He’d noted a glint of dark auburn in her chin-length hair and a pale smattering of freckles over her sharp little nose.

  There was a fire in her just waiting to be lit.

  And like a fool, he’d completely screwed up. He’d been so focused on her, he’d forgotten about the stupid mirror.

  Sean Whelan cleared his throat and nudged Gregori with his foot, forcing him back to the present.

  The men in power were grumbling among themselves. Gregori didn’t need super hearing to realize they were busy determining his future and the future of vampires around the world. As if they had the right to decide who was worth saving. He took another sip of cold blood to cool the frustration simmering inside him.

  “So what if they drink from bottles now?” the national security advisor asked. “They must have fed off humans for centuries. I don’t see how we could ever trust them.”

  “Exactly,” the director of Homeland Security agreed. “I don’t believe for a second that they’re harmless, not when I know some people in South Dakota and Nebraska were murdered by vampires.”

  “It’s true they could present a serious threat,” CIA director Caprese said. “But if we ally ourselves with them, we
could direct that threat at our enemies.”

  Gregori sipped more blood. Plan A was already falling apart. No big surprise there. But Plan B might succeed.

  “This all sounds ridiculous to me.” General Bond glared at Gregori, then at the CIA director. “How come you didn’t tell me about this sooner? You wait till tonight to show me a weird-assed video, and you expect me to believe it? It’s bullshit!”

  “I understand how you feel,” President Tucker told the general in a conciliatory tone. “I was skeptical, too, when I first saw the video.”

  “Excuse me, General,” Sean Whelan cut in. “As head of the CIA Stake-Out team, I can confirm the existence of vampires. I’ve been studying them for six years.”

  “So you say,” the general muttered. “But where’s the proof? Have you killed any of these so-called vampires?”

  “I can’t bring you a head to mount on your wall,” Sean said. “They turn to dust when they die.”

  “Really?” General Bond gave Gregori a speculative look as if he were contemplating testing Sean’s claim.

  Gregori stuffed the bottle back into the ice bucket. “If you don’t believe me, fine. Maybe a lot of people will refuse to believe it. We can spread the word ourselves that it’s all a hoax, so I won’t waste any more of your time.” He stood.

  “Wait.” The president raised a hand. “We still have much to discuss. Please have a seat, Mr. Holstein.”

  Gregori hesitated.

  “Already two of the major networks have examined the video and declared it authentic,” President Tucker continued. “We estimate over forty percent of the public now believes, and that number is growing daily. To be blunt, Mr. Holstein, you need our help. We are prepared to discuss a mutually beneficial alliance with your kind.”

  Gregori sat down. Here goes Plan B. “We will gladly consider an alliance. We already have one with the British government.”

  A bunch of jaws dropped. Gregori ignored Sean’s fierce scowl and proceeded to tell the other men about MacKay Security and Investigation and how Angus MacKay had come to the rescue during World War II.


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