Hess, Hitler and Churchill
Page 51
Howell, John, 226
Hughes, Capt. C.M., 113–4
Hyatt, Pearl, 187, 207, 221
Imperial Policy Group, xx, 269
informant, anonymous, 226–8, 234, 253, 275, 294, 303, 345, 347–8
Inliger, Rolf, 154
invasion of Britain, 101, 111, 123, 145
Jahnke, Kurt, xxvii, 75–6, 343, 360–1
Japan, 40, 304
Jebsen, Johann, 109–10, 358–9
Jerome, Jerome K., 210
see anti-Semitism
liquidation of, 57, 77–81, 145–7, 167, 230, 248, 277, 279–80, 285, 290, 310–11, 313, 347–50, 353
Johnson, Herschel, 75
Jordan, Tony, 3–12, 350
Joyce, William, 73, 127, 204
Jud Suss, film, 81
Kaden, Helmut, 105, 156, 162
Keane, Col. Darold, 12
Kell, Sir Vernon, 107
Kelley, Major Douglas, 307
Kelly, Sir David, 83–5, 125–6, 132
Kempner, Dr Robert, 102
Kendrick, Thomas, 235–7, 261
Kennedy, Ambassador Joseph, 75, 81, 124
Kent, Duchess of, 208
Kent, Duke of, xxvii, 128, 133, 208–10, 220, 300, 334, 336, 343, 347
Kent, Tyler, 73–6
Kershaw, Ian, 351–2
Kersten, Felix, 78
Kirkpatrick, Ivone, xxviii, 153, 196, 204–11, 215, 217–22, 227, 229, 232, 234, 236, 243–52, 267, 283, 285, 293–4, 300–2, 331, 336, 339, 345, 348, 351
Kiroff, 121–2
Knight, Maxwell, 73–4
Knightly, Philip, 76
Krosigk, Schwerin von, 354
Lahousen, Gen. Irwin, 311
Laird, Stephen, 285
Lascelles, Henry, 133
Lawford, Nicolas, 193
League of Nations, 43, 47
Leasor, James, 104, 116, 168, 179–80, 229, 240, 282, 284
Lebensraum, 29, 38, 46
Lee, Capt. Raymond, 285
Leigh Mallory, Air Vice Marshal Sir Trafford, 121–2, 170, 242, 343
Leitgen, Alfred, 200, 215, 354
Liddell, Guy, xx, xxviii, xxxiv, 72–6, 103, 106, 116, 224, 241–2, 252, 270, 272, 336, 347
Liddell Hart, Capt. Basil, xxvii–xxix, 65, 68, 70, 210, 262, 271, 274
Linge, Heinz, 199
Lippert, Rudolf, 197–8, 200–1, 215
Lisbon, 103–4, 106, 110, 115–8, 135, 139, 143, 182, 234, 358
Lloyd George, David, xxix, 58, 68, 109, 125–6, 157, 263, 337
Lockhart, Robert Bruce, 282, 292
Loftus, Lt Murrough, 264–70, 273, 278–80, 282, 294, 334–5, 345, 360–1
Loftus, Pierce, 264, 266, 268, 279
Londonderry, Marquess of, 57, 65, 68, 71, 127, 203, 273–4
London, bombing of, 124, 126, 191–2, 287–9, 353
Longden, Sqdn Ldr Cyril, 188
Lonsdale Bryans, James, 54–5, 63–6, 127–33, 208, 344
Lothian, Lord, 86, 100, 126
Lymington, Lord, 127, 131
Lymone, RAF, 121–2, 298, 342–3
Maass, Kurt, 246, 252–3
Maclean, David, xxxiv, xvi, 272
Mackinder, Sir Halford, 29
McBride, Daniel, 176, 178, 338
McCowen, Col. John, 241–2
McIntyre, Wing Cdr David, xix, 41, 160, 184–5
McLean, David, 175–6
Madagascar Plan, 77–81, 145, 147, 227–8
Madrid, 142–3, 149, 154–6, 203, 231, 233, 298, 340–2, 358
Maindiff Court, 290, 302, 304
Malcolm, Pilot Offcr., 180
Mallet, Victor, 85, 93–6
Malone, Lt William, 236–40, 257–60, 266, 273, 278, 334
Marcus, Dr Carl, 76
Marriott, John, 113, 116
Mary, Queen, 273–4
Maude, John, 106
Mein Kampf, 29, 36, 80
Melaouhi, Abdallah, 2–3, 8–11, 331, 345, 350–1
Menzies, Col. Stewart, xix, xxix, 108–12, 131–2, 134–6, 139, 156, 196, 217–8, 230, 234, 238, 243, 259, 268, 271, 273, 275, 279, 285, 292, 334, 341–2, 347–8, 352, 357–62
Messerschmitt, Prof. Willi, xxx, 97, 152–3, 162, 170, 216, 242, 343
MI5, 20, 55, 58, 72–6, 103–10, 113, 115–6, 119, 129, 131–2, 135, 224, 241, 244, 252, 269–70, 273, 286, 334, 336, 343–4, 352, 360–1
MI6, 20, 60–3, 75–6, 104, 106–12, 119, 129, 131–2, 134–5, 167, 220, 222, 224, 227, 230, 232, 234ff., 281–4, 289, 291–2, 297, 300–3, 339–40, 343, 347, 352, 354, 359–61
MI12, 103
Milch, Gen. Erhard, 44, 153
Military Police investigation (Hess’s death), 4–17, 350
Miller, Sir Hubert, 54
Monckton, Sir Walter, 90, 170, 221
Moore, Sqdn Ldr Geoffrey, 182–4, 338
Moran, Lord, 68
Moravetc, Col. Frantisek, 291–2, 339
Morton, Maj. Desmond, xxx, 285–6, 289, 292, 301
Mosley, Sir Oswald, 71–4, 272, 337
Mussolini, Benito, xxx, 46, 50, 52–3, 55, 81, 85, 87, 128, 208
Mytchett Place, 224, 234–40, 245, 261–2, 268–70, 273, 278, 289–90, 304–5, 333, 348, 351, 354, 360
Nagangast, Maria, 151
Nazi Party (NSDAP), 25–7, passim
Nazi–Soviet Pact (1939), 53, 315
Nebe, Arthur, 167
Neurath, Konstantin von, 317, 320
Nicholas II, Tsar, 58
Nicolson, Harold, 85, 101, 124, 143, 157–8
‘Night of the Long Knives’, 31, 354
Noel-Buxton, Lord, 57
Northcliffe, Lord, 57
Northumberland, Duke of, 45
Norway, 67, 72, 81, 93, 250, 274, 289, 300, 341, 346
nuclear bomb, 289
Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, 1, 201, 307–16, 318
Oldfield, Sir Maurice, 76, 329, 343, 360
Oster, Col. Hans, 357–8
Palestine, 47–50, 68, 262, 274–5, 277–8, 346
Papen, Franz von, 112, 138–9, 308
peace feelers
British (1939), 52–3, 59–61, 63–6; (1940) 81–5, 124–5, 130, 132; (1941) 335–8, 340–1, 343, 360
German (1939), 52–3, 58–9, 63–6, 153; (1940) 85–6, 91, 95, 126, 155; (1941) 140–4, 153–6, 169, 339, passim
‘Peace Party’, 20, 51, 57, 65, 68, 117, 124, 143, 203, 219, 255, 262–3, 283, 302, 335–7, 342, 352
Peel, Earl (Commission), 49–50
Percy, Lady Elizabeth, see Hamilton, Duchess of
Percy, Lord Eustace, 118
Perfect, Maj. Peter, 224–5
Petrie, Sir John, 107
Philby, ‘Kim’, xvi, xxx–xxxi, xxxiv, 271–2, 283
Pilcher, Col. W.S., 269, 271–4, 361
Pintsch, Karl-Heinz, 104–5, 158–62, 168, 197–201, 215, 250, 299
Pirzio-Biroli, Gen. A., 55
Pirzio-Biroli, Detalmo, 55, 63–6, 128–30
Pocock, Maurice, 172–3
Poland, 51–6, 77–9, 93, 96, 109, 133, 135, 142, 146, 209, 219, 223, 230, 249, 261, 278–9, 290, 353
Pope, the, see Vatican
Popitz, Johannes, 43, 137, 139, 149
Popov, Dusko, 109–11, 126–7, 131, 135, 340, 357–9
Portner, Josef, 155
Pritz, Björn, 82–3
Pröhl, Ilse, 25, 28, 30; see also Hess, Ilse
pure blood, 24, 35–7
Pyne, Iris, 187, 207
Rademacher, Franz, 77–8
Raeder, Adml Eric, 309, 317, 320
Rajlich, Jiri, 174
Ramsay, Dr Henrik, 1
36, 334
Ramsey, Capt. Archibald, 71, 73
Ratzel, Friedrich, 29
Rees, Col. J.R., 243, 261, 265
Reichskristallnacht, 47–8, 50
Reichstag fire, 31
Ribbentrop, Joachim von, xxxi, xxxvi–xxxvii, 39, 83, 88–9, 123–4, 130, 139–40, 186, 198, 201, 231, 233, 286, 288, 309
Right Club, 71, 73
Roberts, Patrick, 113
Roberts, Mrs Violet, 99–101, 106, 112–5, 125
Roberts, Walter, 112–5
Robertson, Major T.A. ‘Tar’, xxxi–xxxii, 106–7, 110–11, 115–9, 123, 224, 335, 357–8
Röhm, Capt. Ernst, xxiii, xxxii, 26, 31–2
Rohrscheidt, Dr Günther von, 311–2
Roosevelt, President Franklin D., xxxii, 65–6, 73–4, 81, 124, 139, 145, 158, 194, 220, 234, 256, 284–5, 289, 291, 301, 303, 349
Rosbaud, Paul, 289–90
Rosen, Carl-Gustav, 85
Rosen, Count Eric, 63
Rosenberg, Alfred, xxxiii, 36, 40, 45, 147, 159–60, 197, 200, 245, 278
Rothacker, Emma, 288
Rothermere, Lord, 57
Rothschild, Victor, xxxiii–xxxiv, 271–3, 361
Rothschild, Walter, 48–9, 68
Rundstedt, Gen. Gerd von, 69–70
SA, 27, 31–2
Salomon, Franz Pfeffer von, xxvii, 31, 75–6, 216
Schellenberg, Walter, xxvii, 60–2, 76, 90, 277, 288, 343, 360
Schirach, Baldur von, 317, 321, 324
Schmidt, Rainer, 122, 351–2
Schulte-Strathaus, Ernst, 150–1
Scott, Col. Malcolm, 235–40. 245, 252, 256, 259, 265, 268–9, 273, 278, 280, 282
Secret Service (SIS), see MI6
Seidl, Dr Alfred, 312–5, 320, 322–3, 325
Semmelbauer, Dr E., 252–3
Shakespeare, Geoffrey, 38
Shaw, Prof. Robert, 223, 348
Sheetz, Nicholas, 209
Shepherd, Maj., 223–4
Shirer, William, 56, 309
Sikorski, Gen. Wladyslaw, 133, 209
Silverman, Sydney, 262–3
Simon, Lord, xxxiv, 97, 101, 104, 234, 243–56, 261, 267, 281, 285, 290–1, 294, 331, 334–5, 346, 351
Simpson, Mrs Wallace, xxxvi, 87–9
SIS, see MI6
Smith, Alfred, 352, 359–60
SNOW, 110
SOE, 103, 112–5, 283, 292
Soviet Russia, 29, 38–9, 69, 85–6, 96, 123, 142, 145–6, 150, 158, 167, 206, 227, 244, 250, 261–2, 267, 271–4, 278, 281–6, 291–5, 300, 304, 314–6, 318, 322–3, 331, 345–8, 350, 352, 360–1; see also ‘Barbarossa’, Operation
Spain, 88; see also Hoare, Sir Samuel
Spandau jail, 1–17, 317–31, 344
Spann, Prof. W., 14–16, 350
Speer, Albert, 2, 199, 289, 317–8, 320–4
Sperr, Ingeborg, 98
SS, 36, 56, 81, 313, 353
Stahmer, Heinrich, 130–2
Stahmer, Herbert, 130–2, 137–9, 148–9, 203, 232, 342
Stalin, Joseph, xxxiv–xxxv, 51–3, 68, 199, 261, 280, 284, 286, 289, 291, 301–3, 340, 346
Stammers, Group Capt. F.G., 115–6
Starling, Alan, 176
Stevens, Maj. Richard,
Stockholm, 85, 93–4, 136, 140
Stohrer, Eberhart von, 88–9
Stokes, Richard, 65, 262–3, 337
Strakosch, Sir Henry, 68
Suñer, Serrano, 138, 232
Suter, Grete, 151
Sweden, 93–4, 112, 139, 334, 341
Szymanska, Halina, 135, 167
Taborsky, Eduard, 292, 339
TATE, 241
Tavistock, Marquess of, see Bedford, Duke of
Taylor, Telford, 310
Thomas, Dr Hugh, 329
Thule Society, 24
Tree, Nancy, 194–5, 338
Tree, Ronald, 194
Turnhouse, RAF, 103, 118, 174, 177–94, 196, 207, 209, 221, 338
‘Ultra’, 109, 157
United Nations, 290
USA, 65–6, 68, 71, 73, 83, 87, 123, 145–6, 158, 206, 220, 234, 263, 267, 301, 318, 347, 349
Vansittart, Sir Robert, xvii, xxxv, 83–4, 94–5, 230
Vatican, 65, 112, 139
Venlo incident, 62–3, 108, 135, 284, 339
Verdun, 23
Versailles, Treaty of, 27, 39, 43, 45
Victoria, Queen, 344
Vivian, Col. Valentine, 135
Wagner, Dr Gerhard, 37
Waite, Prof. Robert G., 35
Wallace, Col., see Kendrick, Thomas
Warsaw, 58
Webster, Nesta, 45
Weissauer, Dr Ludwig, 94–6, 135, 334
Welles, Sumner, 65–6
Westminster, Duke of, 57, 68, 273–4
White, Capt. A.G., 177–8, 182
White’s Club, 108, 273, 357, 362
Wilson, Sir Horace, 52
Williams, G.E., 337
Williams, Ronald, 336–7
Windsor, Duchess of, xxxvi, 87–90, 93
Windsor, Duke of, xxxvi–xxxvii, 86–91, 93, 208, 215, 270, 273–4, 347
Winterbotham, Group Capt. Frederick, 40, 44
Wiseman, Sir William, 124–5, 132, 135, 340
Witnesses, Spandau jail
Lt Three, 6–8
Medic Four, 8, 12
Medic Five, 9–10, 12
Lt Col. Six, 12
Sentry Nine, 4–8
Sgt Ten, 4–6, 10
Sgt Eleven, 10
Sentry Thirteen, 5–6, 11
Woburn Abbey, 264
Wohltat, Dr Helmut, 52
Wolff, H. Drummond, 131
Wolkoff, Anna, 73–6
Zionists, 49–50, 68
Zeitung, Die, 299
‘Z’ Organisation, xix, 135
Zwar, Desmond, 328, 349
Getty Images
The Führer, Adolf Hitler, and his deputy, Rudolf Hess, at a Nazi rally in Weimar in 1936.
© Roger-Viollet/TopFoto
Winston Churchill, the leading opponent of appeasing Hitler, walks to Whitehall with the arch ‘appeaser’, Viscount Halifax, in 1938.
Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, the ‘boxing Marquess’ of Clydesdale.
© Ullsteinbild/TopFoto
Clydesdale’s German friend and Rudolf Hess’s England expert, Albrecht Haushofer.
National Archives
Lord Halifax’s unofficial envoy to the German opposition to Hitler, the old Etonian James Lonsdale Bryans.
Getty Images
Sir Samuel Hoare, a leading ‘appeaser’ who had held all high offices of state except Prime Minister, with King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.
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Colonel Stewart Menzies, later chief of MI6, with his second wife in 1932.
Crown Copyright
Claude Dansey of MI6 in the 1930s; he became Assistant Chief of the service in the Second World War.
The Granger Collection/TopFoto
Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, chief of German Military Counter-Intelligence (Abwehr), who worked against Hitler and the Nazi regime.
Author’s collection
Kenneth de Courcy, secretary and intelligence officer of a powerful group opposing British involvement in continental Europe; friend of Stewart Menzies.
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Carl Burckhardt of the International Committee of the Red Cross, who worked for peace between Britain and Germany.
© Ullsteinbild/TopFoto
The Prime Minister, W
inston Churchill, and his Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden, in 1941.
© Ullsteinbild/TopFoto
Hitler, Goebbels and Hess celebrating the anniversary of the Nazi ‘seizure of power’ at the Berlin Sportpalast, January 1941.
The wreckage of Hess’s Me Bf 110 (code VJ+OQ) at Floors Farm, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire, guarded by Home Guard and military.
Author’s collection
The Duke of Hamilton in flying kit.
© 2001 Topham Picturepoint
The Duke of Kent in RAF uniform; note the ‘scrambled eggs’ around the peak of his cap, and his medals.
Crown Copyright
The ‘summer house’ in the garden of Spandau jail, where Hess died.
Crown Copyright
The extension flex with which he hanged himself, attached to the window catch.
Crown Copyright
The lower end of the flex unplugged; note overhand knot by the skirting.
Author’s collection/© W.R. Hess
The back of Hess’s neck at the post-mortem, showing a horizontal mark more typical of strangulation than hanging.
Author’s collection
The ‘suicide note’ found in Hess’s clothes, which reads:
‘Request to the [prison] Directorate to send this home.
Written a couple of minutes before my death.
I thank you all, my loved ones, for all you have done for me out of love.
Tell Freiburg that, to my immense sorrow, since the Nuremberg Trial I had to act as if I didn’t know her. There was nothing else I could do, otherwise all attempts to gain freedom would have been impossible.
I would have been so happy to see her again – I have received the pictures of her as of you all.
Euer Grosser [Your Big One]’