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Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Livia Grant

  Brianna closes her eyes, trying to remain calm as she remembers how brutal his punishments had been. A deep anger towards Jake burns inside of her. His repeated abuse had conditioned her body to cope in the only way it knew how when faced with the overwhelming dose of pain; unknowingly, he’d tapped into the ability to drive her to her happy place, where intense orgasms would run together, creating a sensation that was akin to a drug-induced high.

  Her brain had always known how dangerous Jake was, but over time, she found she could only push down her desire for that intense pleasure for so long before she needed another hit. She feels a renewed shame at allowing the need for those powerful orgasms to outweigh the danger of going anywhere with Jake ever again.

  ‘No wonder Markus will never forgive me. I’m not sure I’ll ever forgive myself.’

  “Brianna, are you okay?” It’s Rachel asking, having a front row seat to the look of rising fear on her face.

  “I’ve just had a really bad history with a cane is all. It’s freaking me out a bit.”

  She immediately feels Lukus’ warm caress on the small of her back. “Brianna, I think I told you I would be careful. You told me you trust me. Was that a lie?” His voice is surprisingly gentle.

  Tears are streaming down her face as she answers. “I didn’t lie, Sir, but that doesn’t stop me from being afraid. I just can’t help but remember.”

  “Well, today is the day you’re going to forget about Jake. Do you hear me? Focus on the here and now.” He turns and addresses Derek. “You want to tag team this one?”

  Derek is quick to reply. “I was hoping that’s what you were thinking when you brought in the second bench. Since Rachel has more to go, I’ll start. I think we’d better give them a warm-up first, don’t you?”

  Lukus’ answer comes in the form of a hard slap to Brianna’s ass with his open palm. Derek wastes no time in getting started with Rachel’s spanking as well.

  At first, Brianna just thinks they’re trying to prolong the women’s punishment, but then she remembers reading on a domestic discipline website that the head of the household should always give a warm-up spanking when they plan on using harsher implements, since it reduces the chance of bruising. Bri is grateful that, once again, Lukus is proving to be a conscientious Dom by looking out for her. Bri closes her eyes, trying to focus on the submissive feelings coursing through her. The rather light and almost sensuous spanking is just what she needs to help her mentally prepare for what’s coming next. It helps that Lukus stops every so often to caress her ass, testing the heat level of her exposed skin.

  After just a couple of minutes of warm up, Lukus and Derek stop at the same time as if they’d choreographed it. Hell, for all Bri knows, maybe they had.

  Lukus begins his stern lecture to both wayward ladies. “Rachel, why are you being punished today?”

  “Because I disobeyed direct orders from Master Derek. I not only let Brianna see me, but I talked with her and I also untied her from the bed. I’m so very sorry, Sir.”

  “That’s correct. I’m sure you are sorry and if you aren’t yet, you will be very soon. Brianna, why are you being punished today?”

  “Because I coaxed Rachel into coming into the bedroom and talking to me and then untying me, even though I knew you’d never want her to.”

  “That’s correct. I didn’t hear your apology. Do you want additional strokes?”

  “Oh my God, no. I’m so sorry.” At the last second she remembers to throw in the “Sir”.

  “Better. Master Derek, let’s get started. James suggests changing Rachel’s punishment to a strapping or belting. Canes are off limits until after the baby comes. We also need to take frequent breaks to allow her to adjust to the pain levels. He asked that you phone him next week to sync up on his punishment advice, especially for the third trimester.”

  She expects to see the relief on Rachel’s face, but Bri is more surprised by the relief exuding from Derek with the change in plans. Only now does Bri see how much the fearless Dom had been dreading punishing his pregnant wife. Lukus waits for Derek to trade in his cane for a wide leather strap. It looks well worn and Bri doesn’t even hazard a guess how many asses that leather has kissed.

  Without further delay or practice taps, Derek gets started with a rather hard first whack of the strap to his wife’s bare ass. Brianna can’t believe Rachel remains silent, in spite of the surprised and pained look that crosses her beautiful face. She barely has time to register the pain of the first strike when Derek delivers number two and then a quick number three. Rachel’s expression changes as the pain settles in. The tears are already flowing unchecked down her face, but Bri suspects a good portion of her tears are caused from the guilt she feels at letting her Dom down by disobeying orders.

  Derek continues to deliver the corporal punishment to his wife’s immobile ass. By the time he gets to the tenth stroke, Rachel’s tears are flowing harder and she is whimpering with a strange mix of pain and pleasure.

  Brianna is absolutely ashamed that the sight and sounds of Rachel’s punishment are causing her own pussy to physically throb. By the time Derek has delivered stroke number twelve with the leather, Bri’s breathing is ragged, as if she’s the one on the receiving end of his corrective discipline. She feels so guilty getting turned by her new friend’s pain.

  She doesn’t have long to feel the crush of guilt because she has her own pain to manage once Lukus gets started. She hears the swish of the upcoming stroke before she feels it. The short warning, unfortunately, gives her enough time to clench her ass. There’s a delay of about one-second where Bri’s brain has just enough time to think, “Well that wasn’t so bad,” before the pain spreads across her ass like a lick of fire. She’d foolishly forgotten just how much the cane hurts. She barely finishes that thought before the second stroke falls just below the first. Brianna vaguely registers that Lukus really is a pro at this, spreading the strikes out as he avoids hitting the same place twice.

  It’s on the third stroke that Brianna let’s out an involuntary cry, yanking as hard as she can against the leather restraints in a futile attempt to free herself from their restrictive hold. Lukus pays her cry no mind and quickly delivers number four with a very loud thwack that seems to echo through the empty chamber. Both women are one-third through the punishment.

  True to his word, Lukus doesn’t help her by rubbing away the pain, but as he turns the scene over to Derek to deliver the next set to Rachel, he steps close to Brianna to comfort her by lightly rubbing the small of her back. His touch is strangely soothing considering he’s touching her with the exact same hand that’s causing her pain in the first place. Brianna is grateful for the short reprieve to try to get her emotions under control, but it’s difficult to truly calm down as Rachel cries through her continued strapping.

  “Oh please, Daddy. I’m so sorry. Please… no more.” The tone of her plea is heartbreaking.

  Rachel can’t see Derek’s face, but Brianna can. She’s surprised Derek looks as if he’s actually in pain, just like his wife. She’d noticed him almost enjoying punishing other subs on stage last night, yet Bri can see he’s enjoying this punishment about as much as his wayward sub. Still, he steels his jaw and pulls back his muscular arm to deliver another loud strapping to his wife’s ass. The next four strokes come at about ten-second intervals and have Rachel crying hard by the time he gets to his next stopping point at twenty-four lashes. He’s two-thirds of the way through and as Rachel struggles against her binds, Brianna wishes her hands were free so she could reach across and comfort the young submissive. She’s relieved to see Derek caressing his lightly just as Lukus had done. It seems to be helping Rachel get her tears under control.

  It’s almost like the men made a pact ahead of time not to talk during the punishment because within one minute of Derek finishing, Lukus silently removes his caressing hand to resume Brianna’s caning. This time, the first strike connects perfectly with Brianna’s tender sit spot where her ass and thighs
meet. The scream that erupts from her is primal.

  It’s in the aftermath of that stroke she feels a welcome warmth growing, igniting her pussy to the same heat level as her punished ass. She recognizes the signs that she’s on her way to sub-space around the same time Lukus issues a warning. “I told you, and I expect you to remember, you will never come again during a punishment. I’d be very careful. Hold it back, Brianna.”

  ‘How the hell could he know so fast?’

  Through her sobs Brianna answers him. “I can’t. It hurts too much Lukus. Please… stop… I can’t stand it.”

  “Sorry sweetheart, but it’s supposed to hurt. That’s why it’s called a punishment. If this were a sensual or erotic caning, you’d be allowed to come as many times as you want.” Lukus delivers the next stroke as Brianna tries to wrap her head around the fact that someone…anyone… might actually try to combine the words sensual and caning into one sentence. It seems ridiculous to her as she sobs through the eighth and hardest stroke yet, bringing her to her two-thirds point.

  It’s with mixed emotions that both women realize they’re going to get a short reprieve. The Doms have walked to a nearby table that holds all kinds of punishment tools and other sexual devices. Brianna’s eyes open wide when she sees Lukus turning towards her with a bottle of lube and a medium sized butt-plug in his hand. The only thing that can possible distract her is seeing Derek walking back with a much larger butt-plug in his hand along with some lube. She can’t believe he’s actually planning on shoving that huge thing up his wife’s ass.

  Brianna’s relief is short lived as she feels the small plug in her ass being removed. Within seconds, Bri can feel Lukus dribbling more lube onto her exposed hole as she watches Derek doing the same to Rachel. Rachel has her eyes closed, trying to get her pain and humiliation under control, when her eyes fly open, registering the cool wetness. The women’s teary eyes are locked on each other as each of their asses are slowly spread open by the large dildos being inserted inside their most private passages. They release a guttural groans in unison as the plugs are deeply seated.

  Brianna is glad Lukus can’t read her thoughts, because as much as she hates to admit it, she’s actually starting to enjoy submitting to him when he’s inserting plugs in her ass. A flutter of desire washes over her as she takes a few seconds to contemplate what it would be like to have Markus actually fuck her there.

  Lukus surprises her by leaning down to quietly ask her against her ear, “Are you doing okay, sweetheart, or would you like a short break before we finish?”

  Bri can’t keep the surprise out of her answer. “You’re actually asking me? I have a choice?”

  Lukus’ voice is stronger when he replies. “We will finish. Of that you have no choice. But I’m not an ogre, Brianna. The purpose of a punishment is for a sub to learn her lesson. That doesn’t mean I need to terrorize you to get my point across.”

  Brianna’s breath catches.

  ‘Why the hell couldn’t I have met Lukus instead of Jake at that club all those years ago? He’s the Dom I’d been dreaming of. I got stuck with the devil instead.’

  “Let’s just get it over. I really hate how you’re stopping me from going to my happy place.”

  Lukus’ light caress on her cheek is as surprising as his soft chuckle. “There is no happy place in a punishment. That only comes once your punishment is over.”

  Their conversation is cut short by the sound of the strap connecting solidly with Rachel’s ass. Bri’s eyes connect with her fellow sister-in-arms in time to see the flood of emotions bombarding Rachel. The surprise, the burn on her ass, and after a few long seconds the resignation of her situation. The tears are falling down her cheeks and Brianna is just thinking about how much she wants to reach out and comfort her new friend when her own ass feels the agony of her own next cane strike at the hands of Lukus. This strike feels much harder than the previous eight and the involuntary scream leaves her before she can stop herself. Now she wishes she could wipe the tears away from her own face.

  The men continue alternating back and forth with their punishment. While in the beginning Brianna could tell Lukus was trying to keep the welts from hitting one on top of the next, her ass and upper thighs are now so covered with pain that she can no longer distinguish where one painful stripe ends and the next begins.

  When she can no longer take it, Bri starts rambling. “No… please Sir… I’m begging you... no more.” When it’s clear he’s not stopping, her ranting moves to apologies - apologies she truly means. ”I’m so sorry. Please, Sir, it hurts too much. I promise to behave.”

  It hits Bri at some point that as bad as she has it right now, Rachel has had it much worse. Even though she is being strapped and not caned, this could be more pain than a pregnant woman should withstand and Bri suddenly understands the extra care and concern both Doms had shown Rachel before the punishment even begun. In spite of the pain Lukus is causing her right now, she feels a wave of affection over his concern for Rachel.

  She knows she has to be getting close to done and focuses on just getting through the final few strokes. It becomes much harder when a stroke is brought down directly in line with the butt-plug protruding out of her stretching private hole. The only saving grace is that the plug prevents the cane from connecting with her sore ass with the same velocity. The down side? The plug is shoved deeper into her ass. The vibrations alone from the punishing cane against the intruding rubber push Brianna closer to orgasm. When Lukus finally announces she’s completed her punishment, there’s a tiny part of her that’s actually sorry because the last few strokes had started to get her pussy heated up.

  Only when she feels Lukus caressing her now slick slit does she realize he’s done it on purpose. He barely brushes her clit with the pad of his finger and an involuntary shudder passes through her as he chuckles, pulling his hand away.

  “Damn you, Lukus. You did that on purpose.”

  The unexpected cane strike takes her breath away. “Oweeee! I thought I was done!”

  Lukus leans close and grabs her chin to turn her wet face towards him. She has no choice but to look him in the eye. “Next lesson, sweetheart. At least when you’re being punished, I’m not Lukus. I am Sir or Master. And when your Master spends his valuable time correcting your misbehavior, you will thank him. Is that clear?”

  Brianna is shocked at how easily her words tumble from her mouth. It’s as if she’d been waiting for his direction. “I’m so sorry, Sir. Thank you for punishing me, Sir.”

  Brianna is rewarded with a signature Lukus smile that lights up his green eyes. In spite of his earlier rant about Dom’s rubbing their sub’s pain away, Bri welcomes his tender touch lightly massaging her ass and thighs. She can tell he’s inspecting his handy work to make sure he didn’t do any lasting damage. A warm rush flows through her at the mere possibility her husband might one day punish her like this. In spite of the lingering pain, she feels a fulfillment she’s been searching for washing over her. This dangerous intimacy - the connection she feels to Lukus right now - is what she’s been dreaming of. It’s a level of intimacy she longs to experience with Markus.

  Poor Rachel’s punishment is continuing. Only now does Bri sneak another peek at Derek and she’s surprised at the pain she still sees on his face. She’s always assumed that Doms like Lukus and Derek were sadists, men who got their kicks by actually hurting their subs. She knows she got that idea because that’s exactly what drove Jake.

  These men are so different, and she can’t help but wonder what kind of Dom Markus was. Surely he has to be more like Lukus and Derek. If he was a true sadist, she doubts he could’ve turned his back on the lifestyle.

  Derek finally reaches the end and calls out a loud “thirty-six,” suddenly dropping the leather strap as if it’s burning him. He immediately rushes to his wife’s side and starts stroking her back lightly to comfort her, leaning in to place gentle kisses on the back of her head. It takes her several minutes to calm down enough to s
peak and Bri is not surprised her first words are an apology. “I’m so sorry for disobeying you, Daddy. I promise I’ll do better next time. Thank you for punishing me, Master.”

  Bri doesn’t miss the slight catch in Derek’s voice as he answers. “I know, little one. Daddy still loves his little girl very much. You took your punishment like a very good submissive.”

  Lukus’ continued light caresses to Brianna’s lower back have helped her calm down. “Very good. You girls need to stay here and spend the next ten minutes quietly thinking about why you were punished. Derek is going to keep an eye on you and will release you when your reflection time is up. I’m going to go upstairs and find some food for all of us since I’m guessing everyone is as hungry as I am. We need to eat before it’s time to get ready for tonight’s show.”

  Lukus strides out before Brianna can question him. Her heart is racing, remembering this punishment had nothing to do with Markus. Only now does Bri remember Lukus’ earlier comments about continuing on with her planned punishment regime tonight. She feels a mixture of excitement and dread of what will happen to her on stage tonight at the hands of her husband’s best friend. The mere thought of any additional punishment to her burning ass is frightening.

  ‘Surely, Lukus won’t layer more pain on my ass considering how severely punished it already is.’

  In her quiet reflection time, a welcome calm comes over Bri when she realizes she doesn’t need to worry about it. Lukus will do what he wants to do to her body, and she will submit. She ponders the differences between Jake and Lukus. There are many, but there’s one key difference that is more important than all of the other differences combined. It’s trust. Bri trusts Lukus to know what she needs. She trusts him to understand her limits, trusts him to never truly hurt her. Yes, trust is what makes all the difference in the world.


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