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Wanting It All (The Passion Series Book 1)

Page 28

by Livia Grant

  Looking down at Markus, he simply answers her unasked question. “I didn’t want an audience for this. Lukus was nice enough to close down the club at the last minute for us.”

  Brianna had almost forgotten. She looks around the stage, seeking out Lukus. She finds Derek and Rachel first towards the back of the stage. Derek is holding his wife tightly by her hips in front of him while she has her legs wrapped around his waist. He is effortlessly using his body-builder arms to lift her off his protruding erection before letting gravity slam her body back down, to impale her on his cock. He’s setting a fast pace and the sound of their bodies slapping against each other is almost as obscene as the spectacle Markus and Bri just produced.

  Forcing her attention away from the real-life porno, Bri continues to look around for Lukus. She finds him sitting at the end of the gynecological table, watching the events on stage play out with interest. As their eyes meet, Bri can’t help but break out into a huge grin. Lukus doesn’t return the smile. Bri may have only known him for twenty-four hours, but she still knows exactly what he’s thinking. She can see the guilt plastered all over his handsome face as if it were a tattoo.

  Bri tears her eyes away long enough to look down at her husband. “Markus, I need to go talk to Lukus for a minute, and then can we please go home?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure we’ll be able to make it all the way home before we need to make up again. I was kind of hoping you’d agree to stay over in one of Lukus’ guest rooms tonight.”

  Bri smiles. “That sounds wonderful, as long as you don’t make me sleep in the damn slave cage again like last night.”

  Markus gets a murderous look on his face. “He made you sleep in a fucking cage?”

  Trying to settle him down, Bri places her hand over his chest. “Honey, what did you expect? You had to know what kind of a place you were leaving me in, right?” When he doesn’t look placated, she continues to try to calm him. “It’s okay, Markus. It was what I needed at the time. As terrible as the last twenty-four hours have been, they needed to happen to get us to where we are right now. Please, don’t be mad at Lukus. He was really great to me all things considered.”

  Markus watches her closely before his own mask of guilt returns. “You’re right. God help me, but I was so angry and hurt last night I didn’t care what was going to happen to you. I’m so sorry I put you through this and I know you’re right. We both owe Lukus a lot, even if he did put you in a fucking cage. But you only get a minute now. You can talk to him more tomorrow.”

  Bri leans in to give her husband a tender kiss before pushing off him to stand on wobbly legs. She slowly walks over to where Lukus is sitting, looking as if he’s awaiting his doom. She can feel her husband’s warm cum seeping out of her pussy and running down the inside of her thighs. The feeling is comforting. She’s still many feet away when Lukus starts his apology. “I’m so sorry, Brianna. That didn’t really play out exactly as I thought it would. I won’t blame you if you never trust me again.”

  Brianna just keeps walking straight into his arms. She hugs him tightly and it takes him a few seconds to actually hug her back. When she pulls away, she can see the lingering guilt in his eyes. She reaches out to stroke his stubble-covered cheek. “Lukus, don’t you dare feel guilty about anything. Yes, tonight was pretty shitty, but don’t forget, I set this into motion. I was the one who cheated and I was the one who deserved to be punished. If this is what it took to get Markus to believe I won’t ever cheat again, then so be it. I’m just so relieved that I hadn’t been wrong about you earlier. I couldn’t believe it when… well… when I thought you would actually…”

  “Rape you? I can’t believe you considered it for even one second. Seriously, it was so obvious it was Markus.” He’s sounding defensive now.

  “No, it wasn’t. It wasn’t obvious at all.” Brianna argues back.

  Finally he breaks into a broad grin. “Must you argue with me in every single conversation? Surely you must know I truly would cut off my right arm before I would ever let anyone else, let alone myself, hurt you like that, sweetheart. If you’ve learned nothing else, please know that. All you have to do is call and I’ll be there for you. Markus is one lucky bastard. I can’t wait to watch him trying to tame you.”

  Brianna’s smile only grows. “I feel like I should invest in a good donut pillow to sit on. I think my ass is going to need it.”

  Lukus’ hearty laugh is what she was waiting for. Despite her nakedness, she can’t resist rushing back into his arms as he hugs her tightly to him. She’s so very thankful for this man. She knows he helped save her marriage and for that, she’ll be eternally grateful. She can’t stop her tears from falling as she’s overwhelmed by her emotions. When Lukus sees them, he gently swipes them away with the pad of his thumb. “You get going now and have fun making up with my best friend. I’d use the guest room at the far end of the hall if I were you. One, because I want you as far away from my room as possible so I don’t hear you two fucking each other senseless all night, but more importantly because Derek and Rachel used the other guest room earlier and I have no idea what kind of a mess you might find in there.”

  “Thanks Lukus… really… for everything.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. I’ll see you tomorrow. Now get going before Markus blows a gasket.” He looks over Bri’s shoulder to smile at his best friend who is coming up to join them.

  “I’m not going to blow a gasket. I’m with Brianna. We owe you a lot, my friend. Thanks for coming out to the house today to knock some sense into me.” Markus reaches out to shake his best friends hand, but Lukus jumps down from the table and pulls Markus into a man-hug instead.

  “I told you. You’re like a brother to me, man.”

  When the man-hug turns mushy and awkward, the men step apart and without warning, Markus manhandles Bri by throwing her over his shoulder. When she giggles and tries to wiggle free, he uses his free hand to slap her punished ass. “Oweee, Markus. My ass really hurts.”

  “I’m sure it does. I think you’d better get used to that, sweetheart. I see a few punishments in your future.”

  Brianna’s heart feels like it’s about to burst she’s so happy. She has her husband back, only better. He now knows about her deep dark secrets and instead of being angry, they’re going to be able to explore introducing domestic discipline and D/s into their marriage.

  ‘Maybe it’s possible to have it all after all.’

  Chapter Nineteen

  Lukus watches his best friend leaving with trepidation. As thrilled as he is at how things turned out in the end for Markus and Brianna, he knows they’d come very close to having a real disaster on their hands tonight - a disaster that could have caused Brianna to lose her trust in both men. In retrospect, the plan had been too risky. Even now, knowing Brianna forgives him, he’s holding his breath, afraid to turn around and face Tiffany. His little stunt tonight just may have been too much for her to take.

  ‘I should’ve called a fucking cab and forced her to go home. What the fuck was I thinking having her watch tonight? This was hard core and Tiffany’s a newbie.’

  Once Bri and Markus are gone, he knows he can’t stall any longer. It’s time to pay the piper. Taking a deep breath to steel himself for what’s to come, he turns around and finally lets his gaze fall on Tiffany. The sight of her literally takes his breath away and he actually feels a few seconds of light-headedness as he takes in the visage of the beautiful woman staring back at him.

  He stands grounded to his spot, unable to move or tear his eyes away from hers, as he tries to analyze exactly why she’s affecting him so. After all, she’s fully clothed, not naked as so many subs regularly are at the club. Her eyes are red and puffy and her nose is running and she has drool spilling from around the too-large ball-gag. It’s clearly been overflowing for some time because in the dim lighting of the theater, he can make out the wetness on the front of her low-cut dress. She paints a wonderfully submissive image that stirs
every protective bone in his body.

  ‘Damn, I want her so bad it hurts.’

  What finally draws his attention away from her body is the intensity of her stare. Never wavering. Never backing down. Upon further review, he’s not entirely sure she isn’t going to try to deck him the minute he lets her loose.

  ‘I guess that’s okay. I deserve it this time. Fuck, I hope she doesn’t just walk out.’

  As he approaches Tiffany, her gaze reminds him of just how precarious things are between them. He drops to eye level and begins to untie her, saving the ball-gag for last since he suspects he’s going to get an earful once she can talk and he dreads what she has to say.

  Just before he removes the gag, he reflects on how odd it is to feel so uncertain… even vulnerable. He recognizes that for once in his life, he’s not the one in control… not in the slightest. This little spitfire sitting in front of him may not realize it yet, but she figuratively has him by the balls. She can walk out that door hating his guts and he’ll have no choice but to accept it.

  Their eyes are locked as he reaches around her to unbuckle the strap holding the gag in her mouth. Once free, Tiffany spends a minute flexing her jaw slowly in an attempt to get the kinks out. Lukus pulls the red silk scarf out of his back pocket and is relieved when she doesn’t smack his hand away as he reaches out to wipe the remnants of tears and smeared mascara from her face. She even allows him to hold the scarf to her nose.

  “Blow for me.”

  She hesitates, but finally blows her nose quite loudly, making him smile. “Good girl.”

  He knows it’s silly, but he’s pleased she lets him perform such an intimate service for her. When fresh, fat tears begin to fall from her bright eyes, Lukus reaches out with the pad of his thumb to wipe them away. At the feel of his touch, she decides she’s had enough. He’s not entirely sure how she does it so fast, but Lukus finds himself knocked backwards onto his ass. He luckily gets his hands behind him in time to prevent being laid out flat on his back.

  Having launched herself like a projectile out of her chair, Tiffany knocks Lukus to the ground and like a woman crazed, begins pelting his chest with her fists as she allows her pent up anger to come out in the form of a flailing rant.

  “You asshole! I can’t even believe you did that to me. I can’t believe you did that to Brianna. You tied me up and left me here… alone… to watch my best friend be punished and tortured by you and her husband. Just because things turned out okay in the end doesn’t excuse what you did. She thought you were raping her… just like Jake used to. What kind of man does something like that? I’ll tell you… an asshole… a barbarian… a complete… fucking… jerk. A… a… well I’m so upset I can’t think of any more names, but as soon as I do, I’ll let you have it again you big… big… dummy.”

  He tries so hard not to smile - he really does - but she’s just too damn cute. His smile only enrages her more and Lukus is finally forced to lock her tightly to his chest, holding her flailing arms immobile until she finally starts to settle down. Her breath is coming hard and heavy from her exertion and he holds her tight, waiting for her to calm down.

  After a few minutes, he loosens his hold. “Are you feeling better now?”

  “No.” She’s pouting and it’s adorable.

  ‘Time to do some serious groveling, sport.’

  “Okay. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry Tiffany. You’re completely right. Tonight’s plan was too risky. It really could have backfired and ended up hurting Brianna. I’ve already apologized to her and now I’m apologizing to you. I made a mistake. I should have packed your beautiful ass in a cab and forced you to leave when I had the chance. But I didn’t… and I can only hope you’ll forgive me. I do want to point out, in my own defense, we did get the outcome everyone wanted. I did help Markus and Brianna… um… make up. Now it’s up to them to learn how to actually talk to each other.” He waits expectantly, almost holding his breath for her answer.

  Tiffany gets a strange, far-away look on her face before she replies. “It really was amazing watching them… well you know… make up.”

  Lukus feels the shift of the ground beneath him as the power begins to change hands. He’s more aware than ever that she’s basically sitting in his lap on the floor. Her proximity is intoxicating. “Yes, it was one of the hottest scenes I’ve ever witnessed and that’s saying something for me considering I own the club.”

  It’s pretty dark in the club, but he can detect her blush as she’s remembering how hot it had been to watch Markus and Brianna’s unbridled passion as they had their make-up fuck. It takes all of his will power to keep from trying to duplicate the scene with Tiffany here on the floor of the audience pit. It’s quick, but he’s sure the idea had just been flitting across Tiffany’s mind as well. He can read her expressive face so easily.

  Still, he’s not interested in a quick fuck. Not with Tiffany. He decides to take the high road. “So, now that the show is over, you want to come back upstairs? I never gave you the tour of the loft. It’s been almost a year since I’ve had a Saturday night off from the club. Maybe we could chill out… watch a movie or something.” He tries to keep his voice steady, trying hard not to let her see just how much he wants her to come back upstairs with him.

  He sees the indecision flitting across her expressive face. “I don’t know Lukus. I’m not sure that’s a very good idea. Let’s face it; we come from pretty different backgrounds and… well… I’m not sure how I feel about all of this.” She waves her hand through the air to indicate the club.

  “The club is just one part of my life, Tiffany. It doesn’t define me.”

  “But you’re a Dom.”

  “Yes, I am. But I’m still a man, and you’re a very beautiful woman. Not to mention, I’m pretty sure there’s at least a little bit of submissive in you trying to get out. I’d love to be the one to coax her out and show her what she’s been missing.”

  She suddenly looks so afraid. The fear in her eyes is strangely unsettling for the Dom. Lukus wants to reassure her, but he doesn’t really know how. Taking a chance, he leans in the few inches separating them. He wants to kiss her, taste her, comfort her.

  She stops him with a firm hand on his chest as he gets close. “Stop. I can’t do this.” She pushes away from him and struggles to her feet. She’s acting erratic, distracted. She’s somehow lost one of her high-heeled sandals in the fray and stoops to grab it and put it on.

  Lukus can detect her rising panic and he knows she’s going to bolt. He has to fight down the urge to demand she stay. He has to remind himself he doesn’t have that right to stop her, at least not yet. He pushes off the floor to stand just in time to catch Tiffany as she loses her balance hopping to put on her errant shoe.

  “Damn, my legs still feel like Jell-O.”

  He doesn’t even try to hide the desire he feels for her anymore and pulls her close enough to feel his rock hard cock pressing against her. If she’s really going to leave, he wants her to know it was her choice, not his.

  They stay locked in their tight embrace, locked together in body and through their penetrating stare. He can see the internal battle in her eyes. He can see she’s feeling lost. He wants so much to help her, but he feels like he’ll just be acting like a self-serving asshole. Still, he has to try. “I really want you to stay Tiff. Not because I want to fuck you… well no, that’s not true. I definitely want to fuck you. Wait… that came out wrong. Fuck…”

  It’s Tiffany’s turn to smile at him and his insecure rant. “It’s nice to know I’m not the only one feeling off base here.”

  “Off base? Fuck, I’m in completely uncharted territory here woman, and you aren’t helping matters at all playing hard to get.”

  “I’m not playing, Lukus. You have me so confused. I’ve truly never wanted anyone as much as I want you right this minute, but then what? What happens tomorrow? The next day? What happens when things blow up in our faces and then we have to see each other when Markus and Bri in
vite us both over for a barbeque? I’m not into one-night stands, Lukus, and I’m certainly not into sharing with other… what should I call them? Women? Subs? Slaves?”

  “I’m not asking you to share me, Tiff. I’m not with anyone right now and I told you earlier; I’ve been in monogamous relationships before.”

  “Really? For how long? A year?” Tiffany studies his face closely and when he remains silent she continues on with her guessing. “Six months? Oh my God.” Looking panicked she finally guesses, “Three months? Am I even close? Never mind, don’t answer that. I have my answer. You’ll never be able to do what Markus did for Brianna.”

  “Well considering Markus fucked everything up with Brianna, I sure as hell hope not.”

  “I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about settling for just me when you can have any woman - hell, as many women - as you want here at the club. Women who will gladly do anything and everything you want from them without being afraid.”

  “Tiffany Lauren O’Sullivan.” When she looks surprised at his use of her whole name he continues. “Yes, baby. I took the time to ask Brianna for your full name before the show started.” He loves that she looks pleased. “What makes you think the words settle and you belong in the same sentence? I would never be settling to be with you. Did you ever think I’m the one with a boatload of baggage and maybe you’d be settling to be with me?”

  Her breath is becoming ragged. Lukus knows their proximity is starting to get to her. He’s not surprised when she finally whispers, “Lukus… I’m scared.”

  He takes the time to brush her cheek lightly with the backs of his fingers before gently pushing a stray wisp of hair behind her ear. “You can’t be even half as scared as I am, Tiffany. I don’t know what’s happened to me since I met you, but I swear, you’ve knocked me on my ass. You have me acting like a fucking teenager instead of a Dom because I don’t want to scare you away. Please, can’t you at least give us half a chance before you throw it away?”


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