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#4 Chosen by the Vampire Kings: BBW Romance

Page 4

by Charlene Hartnady

  “I hope it’s a good pain.” She goaded knowing the answer.

  “The best. The way your pussy walls clench around me when you come.” His eyes were glowing, his erection hard against her tummy.

  “Maybe we could…” She licked her lips feeling more excited by the second. Her clothes felt heavy and scratchy against her skin.

  “No, Ysnaar, as tempted as I am to bury myself in you…” He took a deep breath. “I need to go and you need some rest.” Although he stared at her lips, he kissed her forehead instead. “I won’t be long.” Coming from Zane, the gesture was so sweet. It threatened to start up her crying all over again.

  Charlotte arrived two minutes after Zane left. Tanya watched her enter from her curled up position on the bed. The vampire wore a long summer dress. It wasn’t a particularly flattering cut or color, yet the vampire still looked ravishing.

  “Hey.” She smiled looking genuinely pleased to see Tanya. As she walked up to the bed she stopped, wrinkled her nose and took a step back. “Yucky.”

  “What is it?”

  “You need a serious shower. I’m afraid that crusty old blood, sweat and semen do not smell good together and in this case loads of semen.” Her nose twitched again. “Oh my God, you’re in heat. On second thought let’s get some pillows under your feet.” She walked over and tried to prop some of the throw pillows under Tanya’s legs.

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “I’ve heard that human women are ultra-fertile. Do you feel any different yet?” Her face was lit up in sheer excitement. Charlotte adjusted the blanket around her feet, tucking it in at the edges.

  Part of her wanted to slap the other woman’s hands away while the rest of her wanted to feel some excitement right along with her. All she really felt was pressure and just as in everything else, she felt torn. She wanted to give her vampire kings heirs and to be a mommy, but she wasn’t sure that she was ready. At twenty seven she was older than what she thought she would be when she had her first child. She tried to stand.

  “Don’t you dare move. I’ll have some food and drink sent up. You rest.”

  “I’m perfectly fine.” She tried to sit up, but Charlotte gently pushed her back down.

  “You are so lucky. My hips are too narrow for childbirth.”

  Tanya had to fight to keep her eyes from rolling.

  “I was sterilized when I became sexually active. Not the nicest procedure.”

  She felt sorry for the female. “Why couldn’t you have a c-section?”

  Charlotte laughed. “We heal too quickly and using a silver blade would kill the unborn child. We have tried various methods but none have been successful. There are a few that can bare young but even then, normally only one child. Sometimes, if they are truly gifted then two children are born to a mated couple during their fertile period. Considering only nine percent of all mated vampire couples reproduce though, our population is in a steady decline.”

  “That’s nuts.”

  “You will be expected to bare many young.” Charlotte pulled a blond strand behind her ear and grinned broadly like she had just told her all her wildest dreams would come true.

  “Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly?”

  Charlotte nodded, her blond locks bounced with the rhythm. “Hopefully, one every two years as long as you are fertile.” She beamed.

  “No freaking way.”

  Charlotte turned pale, her hand went to her throat. “Our species is on the decline. It would be your duty as our queen. The previous queens failed us. Not you too.” She grabbed Tanya’s hand and squeezed. “Please.”

  “There has to be another way. Why can’t some of your men mate with humans?”

  Charlotte giggled. “Our males are too strong. They are too ferocious in bed. They have sexual appetites no human could match. You must’ve realized that by now.”

  “What are you trying to say? I am a human unless you didn’t notice.”

  Charlotte shrugged, suddenly finding non-existent pieces of lint on her dress. “I noticed,” she mumbled.

  “Are you saying that I won’t be able to please Zane?”

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. Me and my big mouth.” Her blue eyes flashed up for a brief second before looking for more lint.

  “No way. Don’t you dare play that card. Out with it.”

  “Rumor has it that you are to mate both kings and from the scent of you...” She looked up from under her long, thick lashes.

  “Yes. It’s true.” Tanya was fast losing patience.

  Charlotte finally lifted her eyes, they were filled with…pity. “You can’t possibly satisfy them both. I doubt a human could satisfy even one of our vampire males.”

  “Bullshit I can’t. I’m supposed to get stronger or something once we’re mated.”

  Charlotte smiled and nodded. “Oh yes, I had forgotten about that. It only happens with royalty so it is the major reason why humans don’t mix well with our males. You may get stronger but not strong enough to handle two males. I’m sorry, Tanya. Maybe if you chose one or two females to assist you. I would be willing—”

  “No!” She responded a little louder than she had intended. “I don’t need any help, thanks for offering.”

  “Sex is a bodily function just as any other. Whether drinking, eating or breathing. It would not mean that your males didn’t care for you.”

  “Stop, Charlotte. I will satisfy my males on my own.”

  “If you change your mind,” Charlotte lifted her eyebrows.

  “I won’t.” She thankfully sounded way more confident than what she felt. Her whole body ached. What if it took days to recover? Would one or both kings seek out one of the vampire females during that time? No freaking way. She wouldn’t accept it and they both knew it. Her males had hands and could take care of themselves.

  “I heard one of Brant’s coven was abducted.”

  “Yes. Stephany.”

  Charlotte gasped. “Oh my God, no wonder Lance almost died trying to rescue her.”

  “You know about the whole…situation?”

  “Although they managed to keep it a secret for many years, these days everybody knows that they are mated. Lance is crazy about her.”

  Tanya’s heart sped up. “Strange way to show it. He’s been sleeping with anything in a dress.”

  Charlotte’s eyes turned serious. “You must be mistaken. He might rut with quite a number of our females, but he never sleeps with them.”

  Tanya had to giggle. “Sleeping is a human term for rutting.”

  Charlotte cocked her head to the side. “Strange word to use. I told you it’s a bodily function like any other. A close friend of mine was highly compatible with Lance. They used to rut often.” Too much info. She felt like telling Charlotte to shut it. “He called out Stephany’s name once though, right at that moment. Let me just tell you”—Charlotte paused—“this vampire friend of mine was pissed. She’d kind of been hoping all along that she and Lance might hook up. Informally of course since he is already mated to Stephany. Lance never rutted with her again. He’s a rut only kind of guy and never sticks around for small talk.”

  “Wow.” She felt a little like a school girl talking behind her hand on the playground.

  “Yup. I think he wants Stephany even if he won’t admit it.”

  “I really hope Brant gets her back. I only hope that alpha doesn’t try anything with her while he has her though.”

  “Nah, I wouldn’t worry about him forcing himself on her if that’s your worry. Wolves and vampires have never been overly fond of one another. He might kill her though.”

  Tanya gasped into her hand, feeling her eyes prick with tears. “They wouldn’t.” She knew as she said the words that non humans were ruthless. “They must’ve taken her for a reason. We’ll give them whatever they want for her safe return.”

  “That is not for you to decide. If their demands were to put you or our coven in jeopardy…” She shook her head.

>   “I don’t understand all of this.”

  “We’re in the middle of a war. There isn’t much to understand. Thankfully the covens have joined forces, once again the vampire species will be a force to reckon with and that’s all thanks to you.” Charlotte squeezed her hand. “I am here for you human. I will help you in any way, whether to run your bath, give you a massage…I have heard that a woman’s back can ache during pregnancy.”

  “Hold up. I may not be pregnant, in fact chances are good that I’m not.”

  “You humans are like breeding machines. I am sure you are with child.”

  “Stop, Charlotte. You’ll jinx me.” She found herself laughing despite her worries.

  “Rubbish. Vampires don’t believe in superstitions. It would be so amazing to have the sound of a child’s laughter grace our court. Chubby cheeks and sweet innocence. You will let me hold him?”

  “Or her.”

  Charlotte narrowed her eyes. “Or her. A pretty little girl with Zane’s dark eyes,” she sighed.

  “Or Brant’s.”

  “Oh no…Zane will sire the first child. I would be willing to bet on it.” Charlotte’s eyes had widened to the size of small plates.

  “Again with the bets. Let’s first wait to find out if I’m pregnant.”

  “I’ll bet that you are.”

  “Stop already. Let’s wait and see. How long before we know?” She flinched at the desperate tone in her voice. All this excitement was catching. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too long before she had an answer.

  “Can be as soon as twenty four hours, but certainly within the next three days. You’ll get thirsty except nothing you drink will quench your thirst.”

  Tanya felt her stomach turn. “I forgot about that. I’ll want blood.”

  Charlotte laughed. “It’s not as bad as what you think, in fact, you’ll crave it and will enjoy drinking from the kings. Don’t pull such an ugly face.” She laughed again.

  “I just can’t imagine it.”

  “It’s great. The sex is phenomenal when both of you drink from each other as well. Hopefully you will continue to crave blood after you have had the baby.”

  “I’m going to take a nap now. Maybe you can come back in an hour or two.” All this talk of drinking blood made her feel a little queasy, and frankly she just needed some time alone. Charlotte was sweet in a backward way, but she didn’t feel like keeping a brave face. What she needed was a shower and some sleep.

  Charlotte smiled warmly. “That would be good for the baby.”


  “Sorry,” she winced. “Just remember, I am here for you. If you change your mind about helping out with…”

  “I won’t.” She tried not to sound like too much of a bitch because the infuriating woman really was just trying to be helpful.

  “Eat something first.”

  Go away.

  “I’m really tired.”

  Charlotte narrowed her eyes. “Fine, but I’ll be back in an hour or two to check on you. I’ll bring food.”

  Tanya nodded. Charlotte grabbed a second blanket from the foot of the bed and tucked her in. If she really was pregnant—her heart rate increased at the thought—she wasn’t sure she could handle twelve whole months of being coddled like this.

  Once Charlotte had left the room, she put a hand to her belly. A baby. A tiny little person who would be her responsibility. To raise, to love…she found that she didn’t mind the idea anymore really. In fact, she was starting to wish it was true. One little piece of hope amongst all this chaos.

  Chapter 4

  Three days later, Brant still hadn’t returned. Tanya was worried. She took another bite of her third cupcake. Vanilla with strawberry butter icing. The treat made her feel at least a little better. Zane had assured her that Brant and the rest of the vampires in the hunting party were fine. They were trying to find out where the wolves were holed up at. The problem was that they were a nomadic species, and although they had their borders and territories, essentially, they could be anywhere. With miles of open country and a mountain range, there was a vast territory to cover. That had to be it.

  Zane hadn’t spent much time with her. Scouts had been sent to monitor the elven territories. There was even talk of retaliation. Tanya was too afraid to ask if it was true. The thought of Zane or Brant, or both, heading up a war party had her gut twisting sharply and bile rising in her throat. He had given her regular updates on Brant, but so far the hunting party had come up empty handed at every turn.

  Although Zane had slept with her every night for a few short hours, he hadn’t so much as tried to kiss her again. Charlotte’s words kept ringing in her ears. Was he getting his needs met elsewhere? She’d played their conversation over and over in her head and he’d never sworn fidelity. He’d said that he would be faithful only once they were mated which, technically, hadn’t happened yet.

  She took another bite, closing her eyes as the sweet icing melted in her mouth. Nothing like cake for breakfast.

  “Well?” A familiar feminine voice.

  “Well what, Charlotte?” She opened her eyes wishing she’d kept them closed. The tall vampire wore a tight floral dress that barely covered her ass. Tanya could feel that she had put on a few pounds since coming to live with the vampires. It was from all the delicious food and being waited on hand and foot. Aside from making a few decisions about the up and coming mating ceremony, she hadn’t really done much of anything else. Her boobs felt tight in her bra and her jeans were just a little too snug.

  “Are you craving blood yet?”

  Was nothing sacred in this place? She shook her head, taking another big bite of a fourth cupcake. “I told you, chances were slim. Leave it alone please.”

  “You can try again soon enough.”

  “We will thanks.” Tanya tried to keep her cool, she realized that the vampire was only trying to be nice.

  “For the love of blood.” Charlotte’s eyes widened and she cocked her head, listening for something.

  “What is it?”

  “Something is happening.”

  It wasn’t long and Tanya could hear footfalls. Both kings rounded the corner with a large portion of the royal guard behind them. Brant had stubble, his hair was wind swept. He had never looked better.

  She squealed and ran to him, somehow managing to forget how upset he had been with her when they had last seen each other. He smiled as she approached catching her when she launched herself into his arms. He pulled her close, kissing her like they were alone. She wrapped her legs around his hips, locking her feet at his back. She blushed when they finally broke, catching the faces of all the males behind them. York smiled and winked.

  “Leave!” Zane roared. “Now!” The men filed out. Brant released his hold and she slid down his body. He kept his arm around her.

  “You too,” Zane added in Charlotte’s direction. She did as he said, a frown marred her otherwise perfect features. They were now all alone in the large dining hall. Just the three of them.

  Brant’s arm tightened on her. “I know it is your time with the female, but it has been three days.”

  Zane’s demeanour tightened and for a second she thought that he would argue. “Fine, but she must be returned before nightfall.” Zane remained stiff. “I am sorry about your assistant.”


  “What happened Brant?” She whispered not really wanting to know but needing to all at the same time.

  Brant shrugged his broad shoulders. “I don’t have much to say. They definitely have her. We don’t know where they are or why they are keeping her. I could spend the next six months searching and would probably find nothing. We have sent a message requesting her safe return. If they comply, we will put an end to the war. United we would destroy both parties. The elves must have heard about the joining of the covens because they have already sent their apologies and are no longer in partnership with the wolves.”

  “Or, so they say,” said Zane.

ant nodded. “It is fair to say that the wolves are on the run. My hope is that they accept the olive branch and return Stephany.” His eyes hardened. “They would be fools not to.” He hesitated for what felt like forever. “Are you…?” He looked down at her belly and she wished the ground would swallow her whole. Heat flushed her cheeks.

  She shook her head. “It’s not looking good.”

  “Her thirst would’ve been upon her by now.” Zane’s deep voice rumbled through her.

  Brant let out a breath. He somehow seemed relieved but she thought that must just have been her imagination.

  Zane growled. “At least we get to have a little more of that heat fun.” He bobbed his eyebrows.

  Brant stiffened.

  “Come on. Our female is scented of the heavens. Your heat made me so damned horny that I totally forgot to sample the goods.” He licked his lips throwing her a devilish grin that had her clit tingling. “I won’t forget next time.”

  “Come, Cenwein. I have missed you.” Ignoring Zane, Brant pulled her into the crook of his arm and headed for the west tower. She turned her head as they walked away catching Zane’s frown.

  “Night fall,” he growled after them. “Go easy.” He added using a softer tone. And just like that, she was back to being a possession.


  Brant craved his female with a need that scared him. He couldn’t help but to feel relieved that she wasn’t pregnant yet. Odds had favored Zane to be the father of the child this time. He didn’t look forward to going through the heat experience again though. It didn’t matter that he was turned on by watching them rut, three was a crowd in his opinion.

  They marched through winding staircases and long hallways. He knew this castle like the back of his hand since it was an exact replica of the one that he had grown up in. Even though Xavier and York trailed them like shadows, Brant was tempted to stop in one of the darker side passages or to slip into one of the many chambers along the way. His desperation to be inside of his human mounted with every step. Somehow he managed to hold back. He had taken her like an animal the last time they were together and he’d be damned if he was going to do it again.


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