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Tameable (Warrior Masters)

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by Kingsley, Arabella

  Warrior Masters: Tameable


  Arabella Kingsley

  ©2014 by Blushing Books® and Arabella Kingsley

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  Kingsley, Arabella

  Warrior Masters: Tameable

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-3907

  Covers by Ramona

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Table of Contents:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

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  Chapter One

  Snow covered the ground at my new home and it was past midnight when I locked up and decided to go to bed with a hot mug of tea. Yes, I know you shouldn’t drink caffeine at night, but there is something soothing and comforting about sipping tea as you read and prepare to spend a lonely night in bed in an unfamiliar place. I had only been there a week, and I was still getting my bearings in the large, expensive house and its surroundings. I was just going up the stairs, teacup in hand, when I glanced out of the window on the small middle landing and saw a man standing in the back garden. He was watching the house, watching me.

  A tall dark silhouette was all I could see. I was unable not make out any features. Startled I looked closer and the moment I did, he disappeared. I was trembling all over, trying to decide whether I had imagined it. Perhaps I’d just seen a shape made by one of the trees swaying in the wind. I tried to convince myself that it was probably my imagination but I couldn’t put myself at ease.

  I decided to be brave, or stupid depending on which way you care to view it, and search the garden. Grabbing my torch and with a stern determined attitude I unlocked one of the back doors to my large property and strode out with faked confidence. I brandished my torch like a weapon. At first I wasn’t too sure about leaving the floodlight confines of just outside the house and the long wide raised patio running the length of the back of the house. But I had seen the man standing on the wide lawn beyond the outdoor pool. If I hadn’t gone out there I wouldn’t have been able to sleep for wondering whether someone was really watching the house or not. That was not the way I wanted to start my new independent life. I refused to live in fear, especially of men.

  Shivering with the icy cold and my nerves, I walked down the ornate steps from the long stone balcony at the back of the house and along the path weaving around the flowerbeds, around the pool and patio area and then out on to the lawn. I was stepping out of the lights from the house and in to the darkness. Luckily the moon was high and a brilliant white against the backdrop of a cloudless sky highlighting the sparkling crystals in the snow. I put my hand to my mouth to stifle a cry when I spied two sets of large male footprints spiralling around the garden. Adrenalin began to pump fast around my body. Two men were lurking in my garden. Hopefully they were gone. I had to check if they were still there. I wouldn’t be able to sleep in my bed otherwise.

  The copse loomed ominously in front of me at the bottom of the garden. It also wound around the right hand side of the house, and the rustling of birds and animals had me nervous and jumping with every noise. Beyond the copse at the bottom of the garden where I was headed, there were fields and a large wood before the next village. I was taking a chance being out there alone with intruders and I knew it. I grit my teeth together. There was no man coming to my rescue. Not that I even wanted one. I had to start looking after my daughter and myself. Armed with a new attitude, I quested forward, flashing my torch back and forth as though to warn my would-be opponent that I carried a weapon.

  “Who is there? You are on private property. If you don’t leave now I will call the police,” I warned with a firm voice desperately trying to hide my shaking fear.

  Although I couldn’t see anyone I just had a feeling somebody was there lurking in the shadows. Cold fear trickled down my spine. I was seconds off deciding to make a run for the house when I felt something brush against me. I turned around quickly expecting to see something but there was nothing. My heart pounded hard. My throat grew dry, making me cough to lubricate it. I could have sworn I heard eerie male laughter float on the cool breeze towards me.

  It seemed to be coming from the copse. A lump of fear stuck in my throat forcing me to swallow before I repeated my warning with a loud clear voice. I could hardly hold the torch for shaking. It flashed amongst the bare trees coated in a picturesque wet snow. The torch nearly fell from my hands with fright when the light flickered across a pair of dark red eyes staring back at me.

  They belonged to the dark figure of the man I was sure I had seen from the window. My blood froze in my veins and I didn’t think I would be able to move even if I tried. I heard a throaty growl aimed in my direction, and for a second I really believed death was about to come in the most violent way. But a loud female scream was to distract us both.

  The dark red eyes turned to the left towards the house next door. All of a sudden another male figure ran towards red-eyes in a blur of speed and knocked him sideways. I heard footsteps crunch heavily in the snow and both men disappeared from view. I panted, desperately trying to find the urge to run. The sudden noise of fighting was loud in the small gathering of trees.

  The house lights next door were larger and stronger reaching further in to the garden. They came on suddenly and the place was as floodlit as a football pitch. I could see it over the wooden fence and the loud growling stopped. There was more rustling and then nothing. I flashed my torch again but I couldn’t see anything else although I still had the uneasy feeling someone was watching me from afar.

  Still, the relief was enough to engender feeling back in to my limbs and help me to turn and begin walking fast back to the house, nervously glancing over my shoulder to make sure no one was following me. I hurried back towards the flowerbeds and the raised patio balcony but voices next door had me pausing. I had hadn’t met any of my other neighbours so I was curious. Silently I moved to the fence hoping there would be a hole for me to snatch a glimpse of them. I know, I know, nosey, right?

  It sounded like a man and woman were having a row. As I moved closer to the fence I was pleased to see two holes. One of them was wide enough for a good old nosey look. Carefully I looked through the hole praying I wouldn’t be seen. It wouldn’t exactly have been the best way to meet my new neighbours, now would it?

  A woman was charging up the snow-covered garden in a full-length black evening dress away from a handsome man in a tux. They had obviously come home from a party. I wondered if they had been checking out a disturbance in their partition of the copse. Perhaps they had also seen these two strange men in their garden.

  “I told you to stay indoors. I thought I made myself perfectly clear the other day, Katrina,” the man was angry. “I do not
want you out here on your own at night.”

  “I heard an intruder in the garden and I went to investigate. You were still talking to Julian outside. Someone had to do something. Besides, I have told you, I can look after myself. Sometimes you Trian males are far too overprotective for your own good. You are obsessed,” she declared with a raised voice.

  She sounded frustrated even resentful and full of impatience at the very notion. And who the hell were the Trians? I had never heard of them. I frowned, desperately trying to work out why I didn’t know who the Trian race were. Maybe they were Arabic or something. I always prided myself on a good sound knowledge of Geography and the world. I was University educated to postgraduate level and was no dunce but here I had no clue what the hell they were talking about. Anyway I digress...

  “We have a right to be. You know the risks to women,” his voice was crisp, suspicious of her motives. He was watching her like a hawk as though something was about to pounce upon her. Every now and then his grey eyes roamed around the garden searching for some predator and then came to rest on her with intense worry. He was really frightened for her.

  “Oh shut up. I have told you I can look after myself. Back off.”

  “You could have been killed or at the very least raped and taken from me tonight. I won’t take this from you, Katrina. I won’t lose you.”

  “Go to hell. I won’t be made a prisoner in my own home.”

  The fair-headed man reached out and caught hold of her arm in a rough manner. She gave a small cry when he quickly spun her around and brought her close to him. He trapped her body and her arms against him. He was a strong tall man and kept her easily in check when she attempted to free herself with her violent struggles.

  “No, Haydn, let me go.”

  “I think you need some good old fashioned discipline to make you see sense, Katrina. I will not be disobeyed when I give you an instruction regarding your safety,” he told her firmly leaning his head over her shoulder. His speech sounded quaint, old fashioned. I was confused.

  His hands were already around her waist. He moved them to the back of her dress and gathered the silky material of the dress just below the seductive swell of her bottom and forcefully tore it open. I gasped loudly, so loud in fact I thought I had been heard. I covered my mouth and moved my face away from the hole in the fence, terrified they had seen me acting like a shameless peeping Tom. I would have moved away but for fear they would hear me.

  To my relief, they hadn’t. I heard more material rip and small helpless female gasps. I couldn’t believe what was going on. Daring to look again, now convinced they hadn’t heard or seen me I couldn’t resist seeing what he was going to do next.

  The woman’s back and bottom faced me. Haydn still leant his head over her shoulder holding her still against him. He had ripped the material of her beautiful dress over her bottom up to the small of her back. Her shapely slender bottom was naked as the day she was born. The moon cast a silver light over her form highlighting its beautiful contours to perfection. Haydn stroked his fingertips lightly across one buttock cheek and then along it’s pouting crease. Surprisingly, Katrina became still.

  “I am pleased to see you have at least been heeding my rules on not wearing any underwear. I want to be able to access your body any time I choose, my sweet,” he spoke darkly in to her ear. “It is my right. And besides it makes it easier to discipline you should the need arise as it has done now,” there was a thin layer of amused triumph lining his words.

  “Please, Haydn. I won’t do it again,” she wasn’t tearful but she was annoyed. There was no fear. Her voice was breathy, clearly knowing of what was to come and the discipline he was referring to. “Please don’t spank me.”

  Once more I covered my mouth to stifle a gasp.

  “Too late, my darling. You must be punished. My word is law concerning your safety and when you break it there are consequences.”

  I watched Haydn raise the hand he had been stroking her buttock with and curve his palm. Without further hesitation he brought it crashing down hard against her pale white and peach bare bottom. Katrina yelped loudly but another strike was raining down upon her flesh before she could finish the sound.

  At first I was outraged, ready to mount the fence as best I could and go to her aid but there was something about Katrina’s yelps that made me think she protested too much. For one strange moment I considered the idea that she partly enjoyed the punishment and the robust way her husband dealt with her misdemeanour.

  Haydn’s hand swing was an art form. It was well practised, graceful and elegant in its application and hard on its target. His hand imprinted on Katrina’s skin branding his wife as his own property. There was something primeval stirring in my blood and the pit of my stomach at the way he spanked his wife like an errant child. Unexpectedly, I found the action, sexy, protective and undeniably male and dominant. I felt my cheeks grow hot with a blush I should allow such thoughts to enter my mind. I was a good girl. Yeah, and also a very naive one. Those weaknesses had led me into a marriage with a domineering controlling man who was more freak than sexy caveman. Is that what I wanted in a man? To be bound to some sexy caveman type? I frowned. No it was mostly definitely not, I lied to myself.

  Katrina’s bottom wobbled and jumped as Haydn slapped it firmly. Her hips bucked against him mimicking the sexual act in response making the scene charged with eroticism. I wondered how the slaps felt. Katrina was no doubt experiencing pain. Her yelps had turned in to sobs yet still I felt no need to rescue her. The spanking was almost loving and provocative of something else, sex.

  Need stirred painfully in my vagina. Would I ever find a new man? I tried in vain to dismiss my thoughts and tuned back in to the tantalising scene before me.

  “I want you over my knee to finish your punishment, Katrina. Run to the balcony, my darling.”

  Haydn suddenly let go of his wife with a grin. With a helpless shriek she turned and ran clutching at her blushing bare bottom. Before mounting the stone steps in her high heels she let go of her buttocks and lifted her tattered skirts about her leaving her bare bottom open and vulnerable. As she took the first stone step Haydn was upon her quickly. Every step she took produced a surprised shriek as Haydn slapped her pink bare bottom hard.

  I felt wet and aroused. My desire was to pool when at the top of the steps Haydn slipped his arm under her waist and surprised Katina by lifting her up easily against his waist. Bent over his arm her legs kicked in to the air. She screamed and yelped knowing of what was to come. She kicked like a mule but he merely laughed. Within seconds he was sitting down on one of the garden chairs on the patio and she was draped over his knee.

  Haydn lifted his knees slightly to raise her backside up in the air and moved the remnants of her dress away to the sides. This time, Katrina appeared to be receiving the spanking of her life. The blows were hard, dominant and male, designed to convince Katrina of his resolve to make her obedient and show his wife the error of her ways. This time his cruel hand caught the vulnerable softness of the backs of her pale thighs as he spanked each buttock in turn with an unforgiving wide palm. I jumped with each slap watching Katrina’s bum colour crimson. Still she kicked and screamed like a naughty child refusing to take her punishment and sobbed like a baby. I felt uneasy at my arousal.

  “Stop your crying, Katrina and accept your punishment. You will earn yourself a longer spanking and a stay in your locked room if you don’t.”

  But he did have to spank her a little harder before she became limp and penitent over his knee quietly sobbing.

  “Good girl, Katrina. Just a little more to make sure your punishment has hit home. “

  Haydn gave her three more hard slaps for good measure and then ceased her torment. He massaged her swollen red flaming buttocks. I winced, thinking about how hot her flesh would feel. She would be lucky if she could sit down for a week. I felt shame at having been aroused and I was uncomfortable with my feelings after having born witness to Katrina’s
painful chastisement. To my horror I found I was soaking wet between my thighs. Shame burned hotly inside me and betrayed itself in a warm flush to my cheeks.

  Haydn pulled his wife up to sitting in his lap. He spread her legs wide across him. She sat looking at him sobbing as he encircled her waist with his hands and began tearing the dress from her body until he freed her and her soft gently moulded milky white breasts bounced out of it. He tossed the silky material to the side and viewed his naked wife lustily. Only her grey and silver high-heeled party shoes remained on her feet. I jumped when she slapped his face hard.

  “You will pay for that dress. It was one of my favourites.”

  He whipped his jaw back sharply and rubbed it. He grinned. God he was handsome. His features were refined, aristocratic and he wielded power easily.

  “I will buy you a hundred dresses like it, baby. Just do as I tell you. I want you in my arms forever, not dead. Now come to papa and let me satisfy that ache between your thighs. I know you are wet. You always are after a punishment, little girl.”

  I watched Haydn unzip his trousers and lift out his cock. It was long, thick and crushingly hard more than adequate enough to satisfy any woman’s pleasure including my own I thought with lament. Then he lifted Katrina up as though her weight was a mere nothing and lowered her down on to it. With a grunt he moved up deep inside her.

  “You are so wet, Katrina. I love it when you are wet. I want you wet all the time, baby.”

  He nuzzled his face against her breasts, sipping at one taut nipple as he helped move her up and down on top of him. It was freezing cold yet Katrina and Haydn did not seem the slightest bit bothered by the snowy weather. They looked gorgeous together.

  I shifted uneasily feeling the wet discomfort and ache between my thighs making me wish I was in Katrina’s place. It had been so long since I had been taken by a man. It was unfair. Tears gathered in my eyes. I was alone without a husband without anyone.


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