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Viking Wrath

Page 5

by Griff Hosker

  "I know father and that is because I am changing. When a butterfly emerges from its cocoon it had spent a long time without the power to move. I will be patient."

  "I will now answer your question. I would not have you travel to On Corn Walum. It is a long and perilous journey. This time of year often sees sudden storms and the waters twixt here and Corn Walum have many enemies. Besides Elfrida and our people need you. Soon Elfrida will be ready to give birth and Wolf Killer cannot help."

  She nodded, "Then, Aiden, I would have you seek my mother's advice. I have missed her."

  It was when I saw the distress on Kara's face that I truly understood what she was going through. Aiden promised that he would and, when she left, there was hope in her eyes. It is a sad fact that the Weird Sisters like to give us joy and then snatch it away in a heartbeat. The day after Kara's visit and before Aiden could do aught we discovered that the new bell Bjorn had made for Pasgen worked; we heard it tolling. This was no practice; this was danger. The Weird Sisters were spinning again.

  Chapter 4

  We heard the bell, even on our side of the Water. Rolf and Aiden ran to meet me by the Water. "Did you dream?"

  He nodded, "There was danger. I saw ships and they were filled with warriors."

  "And where was in danger?"

  "I know not. They were far out to sea."

  "Rolf, I will send my family here for you to guard them and we will march to Úlfarrston. I fear the danger may yet come here."

  "Do not worry Jarl, we will protect your family. I will not let you down again."

  "You did not let me down when my wife and child died; that was the Gods."

  By the time we reached the other settlement my son, his men and the married Ulfheonar were all armed and ready to march. The bell had proved its worth. Even more welcome was the rider Pasgen had sent on a pony with a message from him.

  "Jarl Dragon Heart, my master says that we saw three ships hove to off the coast when we awoke this morning. We armed and gathered the people inside but they sailed away when they heard the bell. They were not dragon ships."

  I felt relief that the danger had passed but something in the man's voice told me that he had not told me all. "And?"

  "And they sailed west. One of our ships sailed after them and said they headed along the coast, north."

  I looked at Aiden, "Then the dream you had was accurate."

  He nodded, "I wish that it were not."

  "Ride to Erik and have 'The Heart' of the Dragon' prepared for sea." As he ran off to find a horse I said, Kara, I want you, Elfrida and your women in my hall."

  "Why?" asked my son.

  "I will brook no argument. We know not where these raiders will land. It could be towards the west near the Roman fort or it could be at Thorkell's Stad. I cannot afford to leave any men here to guard this settlement." I nodded to Bjorn, "It will be up to my people to fight from the walls." I looked at Kara and Elfrida. "Rolf and my men can protect you."

  It was Kara who swayed the argument, "Father is right. I have no powers at the moment and we are vulnerable. Come sister, we will do as my father suggests." She laughed, "At least we can tidy his hall with all the men gone."

  "Wolf Killer, I want you to take half of the Ulfheonar and half of your men and head for the Roman fort at Hardknott. Take ponies with you and send to me if they have landed there."

  He began to tap men on the shoulder as he picked the ones he would take. "And where will you be, Jarl Dragon Heart?"

  "I will head north to Thorkell's Stad with the rest. They could come from either the north or the west. We need to cover both eventualities. Bjorn send a rider to Windar's Mere and warn them of the danger." I slung my shield over my back. "At least we know the road to the south is safe for Pasgen has bolted that door already."

  I saw that my son had left me with my new Ulfheonar as well as Snorri, Bjorn the Scout, Haaken and Cnut. He had only taken Sigtrygg of my older men. We marched towards the Rye Dale as quickly as we could. The ground was thankfully hard. Had it been muddy and wet then the journey might have taken us much longer. We knew that we could reach the river before nightfall if we kept up a steady pace.

  Haaken quizzed me as we marched. "If it is not Norse do you think it is the same ones who raided before Yule?"

  "I have neither Kara nor Aiden to give me second sight but I would guess that they must be either Welsh or Irish."

  "Not Saxon?"

  "Our Saxon enemy is Egbert and the journey for him would be a long one, even in summer. He would have to negotiate the land of On Corn Walum and we know that they do not care for the men of Wessex. When he defeats the men there then he will come. The Welsh and the Irish both have short journeys."

  "I would have thought they had learned their lesson the last time. They left behind a good ship and many men."

  "Perhaps they come for revenge but I am concerned that they sailed away. It is almost as though they wished Pasgen to see them. Perhaps it is a trick."

  He laughed, "You have been playing too much chess with Aiden and reading much into small actions. The tolling of the bell meant that they knew we were forewarned. They may have gone to Strathclyde."

  Haaken's words made sense but I could not rid my mind of this feeling that I had missed something important.

  We crossed the col and rested briefly. I peered north to see if I could spy any smoke. That would be a sign that the men who guarded the river and Thorkell's Stad were under attack. Einar was a good jarl and he was not easily panicked. If they attacked he could hold out until we reached him. We had descended the far side of the col and were passing the dale of Mungo when Snorri held up his hand, "Jarl, a rider is approaching!"

  My men went into a defensive circle with me in the centre. Those with bows nocked them and we waited for the rider. I was relieved when I saw it was Karl Thorkellson. He reined in, "Jarl Dragon Heart, Jarl Einar sent me. This morning three ships, he thinks they were either Welsh or Irish arrived at the mouth of the estuary. We called the men to arms and marched to meet them. Jarl Einar would have stopped them landing but they sailed west and then south. he thought you should know."

  "Thank the Jarl and tell him to stay alert. Loki and the Weird Sisters must be hatching a plan!" Now the feeling of dread drew my heart into my boots. We had been tricked. We had been drawn north! Why? my men looked at me. "We go back to Cyninges-tūn but we run. There is danger. Snorri, Bjorn the Scout, take the four new Ulfheonar. You have the swiftest legs and the keenest minds. Get to Rolf and my hall and warn them that they are in danger."

  The six of them loped off and were soon lost to sight. We would take hours longer than they would to cover the same distance. There was neither time nor breath for talking and we ran hard. I saw warriors gathered at the col. I took out my sword. I had no breath for words. My men needed no words and they emulated my action. To my relief it was my son. Gasping for breath I asked, "Have you met with Snorri?"

  He shook his head, "We reached the fort and the shepherds there said that they had seen three ships draw close to the shore and then sail north after a short time. We were coming to your aid."

  I had my breath and I shook my head, "It is a trick. They sailed to Thorkell's Stad and turned around. They are heading for Úlfarrston. They hope to have drawn us off and they have succeeded."

  Wolf Killer almost screamed, "Elfrida!"

  "I have sent Snorri and five others to get to Rolf. They should be able to reach them before the ships have landed at Úlfarrston and headed up to our home. Ships cannot fly!"

  "I like it not."

  "Neither do I."

  It was almost dark when we reached the head of the Rye Dale and my fears were realised when I saw the flames. Cyninges-tūn was on fire and, to the east was another fire; my home. Kara and Elfrida were in danger. I asked Odin to watch over them until I could reach them.

  We needed no whips to make our men run. These were their homes. Cyninges-tūn was the closest and we ran for there first. When we reached
it I expected to find a ruin surrounded by bodies. Instead I found Bjorn and the men dousing a fire. Kara's hall, which lay to the west of the others had been set on fire.

  "Who did this Bjorn?"

  He shook his head, "We know not. With your daughter and your women in your hall there was no one close by. The flames began a couple of hours ago. By the time we reached it the fire had taken hold and we could do little." He pointed east. "It was then we saw that your hall was on fire. Half of our men went there to see if they could offer help."

  "I fear that someone has a Greek mind and they have made us run around chasing ourselves. I dread to think what we shall discover when we reach my home."

  We were almost exhausted and yet we summoned up enough energy to run around the Water to my hall. It was a charred ruin; flames still licked around the buildings and the walls. It would need rebuilding. We discovered bodies some thirty paces from the walls. We would investigate them later. First I had to find my family and Rolf. When I saw Bjorn the Scout and Snorri walking towards me with Rolf hanging between them then I knew that we had come too late. The flames which burned still showed that Rolf was alive; but only just.

  "Jarl, we were tricked. That Priestess from On Corn Walum returned. She asked for her and her small party to be admitted and Kara said to allow them entry. When they did so warriors burst from the trees and they fell upon us. We fought but…" his head slumped and I thought he was gone. He raised it to say, "I am sorry…" and then he died. He was oathsworn until the end.

  I put my hand on his head, "Go to the Otherworld with honour my friend. You could have done no more."


  Snorri shook his head, "They are not here. All of the women," he looked at me, "have been taken. All of the men have been slaughtered. No one lives here now."

  It was as though a fog had lifted. I saw it all so clearly now. For some reason the High Priestess had wanted Kara. Perhaps she wished to harness Kara's power for her own ends. The attack against Pasgen and the decoy ships were all part of a vast plan. I knew that the warriors from On Corn Walum would be driving my family south and they would take ship. They would head to their home and Tintagel. I turned to my son. "Gather the men around us."

  Haaken asked, as the men formed a circle, "Could we catch them?"

  Bjorn the Scout shook his head. "They had horses of their own and they took every horse the jarl had. You can see the hoof prints." He pointed south. "They headed south down the Water."

  "There is little point in worrying about what is and is not. The Weird Sisters have spun and now it is our time. Haaken, salvage all that we can and then join us across the Water."

  "And the dead?" He looked at the forlorn bodies which lay around us. Osbert lay there this his shoulder almost severed from his body. In his hand he held a meat cleaver; he had died with the only weapon to hand.

  "We must see to the living. Those who live in Cyninges-tūn must honour our dead and, when we return, we can speak our words over their graves." He nodded and set to. "Wolf Killer, let us head back across the Water. We have much to do."

  We trudged rather than marched back to Cyninges-tūn. We were exhausted. No one spoke and I had time to picture the events in my mind. This Angharad was a clever woman or perhaps it was her brother. Then I knew, in my heart, without even seeing this Mark of Tintagel that it was the High Priestess. She was a powerful witch, a sorceress and this had all been carefully and meticulously planned. She must have landed her men and come towards the eastern side of the Water and avoided Pasgen's settlement. They could even have landed some days earlier. The more I thought about it the more likely I thought that to be. They had been watching us. Our departure and the movement of the women to Rolf's care would have been observed. Of course Kara would have admitted Angharad; had she not been an honoured guest once? She had ingratiated herself into Kara's heart. The fire at Kara's hall had been inspired. It drew any who might have aided Rolf to the west. I had no doubt that they were, even now, many miles to the south. Her ships would have sailed to the estuaries which poured into the sea along our south coast and they would leave from there. They would be safe in the knowledge that none of our drekar could pursue them. We were busy chasing phantoms. The raiders from Tintagel would have a head start but I would take our ships and follow them. Even if they sailed west to the edge of the world I would be on their trail. There was no corner of this earth where they would be safe. They would feel the wrath of my blade.

  As we entered Cyninges-tūn the only question which I could not answer was why? It seemed a long way to come for slaves and this had been an elaborate plan. They had not bothered to finish off the wounded. Rolf had been left alive; dying but alive. The women had all been taken and they had been given horses to ride. They were being cared for. Why? I would need to speak with Aiden and discover that reason.

  My son was also distracted. He shouted at his men as they gathered all that they might need for our voyage. Corn Walum was many leagues south of here and we would need supplies. I heard the anger in his voice. That was not good. You needed a cool head. I left him to organise that while I sought Bjorn Bagsecgson. His hands and his face were blackened with the soot from the fire. I told him of our loss and he shook his head. He put his ham of a hand on my shoulder, "It is like Hrams-a all over again, Jarl Dragon Heart."

  "No Bjorn, for my family were then taken as slaves. This was not a slave raid and I doubt that my family will be abused but I cannot discern the plan yet." I pointed to my hall across the Water. "We must follow. Have our people buried with honour and I wish you to watch over Cyninges-tūn until I return."

  He nodded, "We will watch over the dead for you."

  "Send a message to Einar and to Windar telling them of this raid. Until we return they will have to watch the land. Tell them it is my wish that they protect our borders."

  "I know they will do so." He paused, "Jarl Dragon Heart, I know this is your family but take care. This has the Weird Sisters smell about it." He pointed to the blackened ruin of Kara's hall, "Even I, a blacksmith, can see that this was cunningly planned. It feels like the work of a witch. The people need you and your sword."

  I nodded, "And I need my family. Fear not, until we regain my women I will be as sneaky and as cunning as the winter fox but when I have them then the men of On Corn Walum will see the anger and the wrath of the wolf!"

  My son was keen to be away. I think he thought we might catch them before they took ship. He was mistaken and I still had tasks to complete. I sought out Scanlan. He had been a Saxon slave but now was steward of Cyninges-tūn. He too looked distraught. His wife Maewe had almost brought up Kara and it was only luck that had kept her in Cyninges-tūn. She would normally have been with Kara but Kara had not taken all of her women. She had taken Seara, her old nurse and the three girls we had rescued from Jorvik. "Scanlan, I leave with my ships and we seek my family. I leave Bjorn to protect my people but you must make sure we prosper still. Ensure that the iron is still mined and crops sown. We must not make this tragedy become a disaster."

  He shook his head, "How can you think of others, Jarl, when your daughter and son's wife are in such danger?"

  "Because I am Jarl and all of you are my responsibility."

  "We will prosper, fear not."

  As I wrapped my new wolf cloak around my shoulders and led my men south to Úlfarrston I glanced east at my old hall smoking in the early light of dawn. My old cloak was gone. Every memory of my wife Erika was burned. The furniture she had made. The lace I had brought her from Frankia; all were but a memory. My old life was gone. All that I had were what I carried with me now. As we passed the Water a voice entered my head; it was Erika's. 'All that you have is now in your heart, my husband. Our daughter lives still but she is in danger.'

  I took comfort from the words. My wife's spirit watched over my land yet.

  'The Heart of the Dragon' was riding in the estuary along with 'Josephus'. Aiden and Erik had done well. Pasgen came to meet us when our column
of men snaked from the forest. The three of them joined me and I was able to tell them all the events of the last day and night at the same time. Pasgen looked the most upset. "I have been used! I am sorry Jarl! Had I not sent the message then your family would be safe."

  "No, Pasgen. There is a serpentine mind at work here. When Siggi and Trygg return from their voyage then tell what has happened. They need to report all that they see."

  He nodded, "You will sail to On Corn Walum?"

  "I will. Mayhap we shall catch them on the seas."

  Erik shook his head, "The sea is a vast and empty room, Jarl. It is harder to find another ship than to count the stars in the heavens. If we do find them then it will be wyrd."

  "We must not lose hope, Erik Short Toe. For if we despair then our minds will not be sharp and our enemies will have won. We believe we will find them before they reach Tintagel. If not then we will believe that we can assault their castle and rescue our family."

  "Aye Jarl Dragon Heart."

  "Are we ready to sail?"

  "We are."

  "Wolf Killer, when you have crewed your oars send your extra men to 'The Heart of the Dragon'. We will make sure that both drekar have enough warriors on board."

  "Aye father." He paused, "Elfrida…"

  "Elfrida and your unborn child will be safe." I took a deep breath. "They would not have taken a woman with child unless they needed her. We would have found her body if not. She will be safe."

  My son was sharp, "Until they have reached their home and then… Who knows? Why have they taken them?"

  "I know not but put that thought from your mind. It can serve no purpose save to distract you. We will find Kara, Elfrida and the others. That is our sole purpose." I saw his face harden with determination. "Aiden, have you charts in case we are separated?"

  Aiden shook his head, "I only have one but I will make you a copy and, when time permits I will give it to you." He looked at my son's' captain, "Tintagel is on the north coast of On Corn Walum. It is a high fortress on a rock attached to the land by a bridge. The Norns have set us a mighty challenge!"


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