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Claiming His Pregnant Innocent

Page 7

by Maggie Cox

Surveying her patient, the nurse briskly interjected. ‘I will leave you alone now, and give you some privacy with your son, Signor Carrera—but not for long. Your doctor is coming to take some more tests in half an hour.’

  After attaching her latest recorded assessment to a clipboard at the end of the bed she left the room, shutting the door noiselessly behind her.

  Alberto immediately swung his gaze to Lily, who had positioned herself further away from the bed, mindful of not being intrusive.

  The older Italian gave no sign of noticing her slight unease and warmly invited her, ‘Come and sit closer to me, tesoro... I did not expect your visit, but it gives me much pleasure to see you.’

  ‘Bastian said I should come. I hope you don’t mind? I was worried about you...’

  Taking her hand in his, he smiled. ‘I am doing much better than they expected, my doctor tells me. Now all I want is to be back at home with the people I love and care about.’

  ‘I know your son feels the same, signor... I mean, he wants you to get well and come home soon.’

  Stealing a shy glance up at her landlord, who was now sitting on the edge of his father’s bed, the strong muscles in his thighs highlighted by his black jeans, she was reassured to have him smile back at her.

  Then, focusing on the other man, he said, ‘As well as wanting you home, I have some good news to share with you.’

  ‘Oh? What is that, son?’

  Before the younger Carrera replied Lily’s heartbeat was already racing as she realised what he was going to say. They hadn’t even discussed telling his father about the situation yet. To reveal it now, at his hospital bedside, didn’t just mean she was committed to going through with it—it meant there could be no going back...

  ‘Lily and I are going to be married.’

  For a long moment all the colour seemed to drain from Alberto’s face. Then, quickly recovering, he started to beam. ‘You’re serious? When did all this happen?’

  ‘Pretty soon after we met.’

  ‘But this is the most wonderful thing I have ever heard! Already I can feel my weakened heart mending.’

  Drawing Lily’s hand to his lips, he kissed it as though it were some priceless treasure, then put it down beside him on the bed as if to keep her close.

  ‘We felt an attraction at our very first meeting,’ Bastian explained. ‘And our feelings grew stronger each time we met.’

  His tone sounded surprisingly assured. It didn’t seem to contain so much as a shred of doubt.

  ‘Quite soon it blossomed into something deeper. Now we want to make a life together.’

  Feeling unexpected warmth flood into her chest, Lily found herself wishing his words could be true. That they were going to be wed because they’d fallen in love and couldn’t for a single moment envisage living their lives without each other.

  ‘I can hardly believe my dearest wish is going to come true at last,’ Alberto remarked, lightly squeezing her hand. ‘I confess I began to think you would be a single man for the rest of your life, Bastian. I know it must have been hard for you getting close to women growing up without your mother. If she’d lived she would have been a wonderful example to you of how loving a woman can be. But Dolores always said you would meet the right woman when you were ready...that God would take care of things...and now Lily has come into your life. I should never have doubted it.’

  ‘All that is well and good, but you mustn’t over-excite yourself. The last thing I want is for your blood pressure to go sky-high and for you to have to stay in hospital even longer.’

  ‘It won’t be like that, son. Not now that I have something unexpectedly wonderful to live for—I guarantee it. But...tell me...what made you decide on marriage so suddenly?’

  Lily almost held her breath as she waited to hear Bastian’s answer.

  ‘We are going to have a baby,’ he said quietly, spearing his hand through his hair and giving her a lop-sided smile. ‘Lily is pregnant.’

  * * *

  It was tough saying goodbye to his father, knowing he’d only just embarked on what was probably a long road to recovery after suffering a second heart attack. Bastian could will him better as much as he liked, but he knew that no one was ever guaranteed the outcome they desired.

  Still, the older man had been noticeably cheered by news of the coming baby and the couple’s intended marriage. He’d always had a soft spot for Lily. So now his son had to put his mind to organising a wedding that was in keeping with the family’s status and also ensure that his bride-to-be wasn’t so overwhelmed by the idea that she ran away rather than face it and enjoy it.

  As much as he wanted to get to know Lily properly, she was still somewhat of a mystery to him. But the practicalities of their union were looming large, and suddenly overshadowing everything else. However, Bastian couldn’t deny that he’d started to develop some unexpectedly powerful feelings towards her. They had slammed into him like a bullet train and he was afraid to explore what they might mean.

  Putting his fears aside, the next morning he took Lily to his house in the hills. The day was warm with an accompanying mild breeze as the car climbed the steep roadway to take them to the panoramic vista that he loved. He’d named the house he’d had built there Buona Stella—Lucky Star—when after several years of consistently dedicated work he’d started to make his mark on the Carrera family fortunes. He loved coming here almost as much as he loved going home to his dad’s place.

  The air was drenched with the scent of aromatic herbs and spices and a medley of plants and flowers native to the country he was so proud of. There was even a winding path that led to an olive grove. But most of all the house itself was breathtakingly lovely, and imposed itself graciously on the landscape as though it had always been there.

  He’d spared no expense in making it even more beautiful. Constructed in traditional stone and marble, it had been brought it up to date with plenty of modern features, such as state-of-the-art bathrooms, two spacious living rooms with access to the latest technology, and a cinema room so that he and his guests could watch and discuss films together. He’d even installed an impressive library, because books had always been one of his passions too.

  But his fiancée was unusually quiet as she dutifully followed him from room to room, and that disturbed him. He wished he knew what was on her mind.

  ‘Let’s take a pause for a few minutes.’

  Guiding her to stop just outside the entrance to the kitchen, he let his gaze finally settle on the lovely features that he never grew tired of, his lips curving into an encouraging smile.

  ‘Talk to me. I’d like to know what you’re thinking.’

  ‘You mean about the house?’

  He raised a quizzical eyebrow. ‘Yes. Would you be happy living here when we marry?’

  Hectic colour instantly flooded her cheeks. ‘I’m sure any woman would love to live in a place like this.’

  ‘So why am I doubtful and thinking you’re not exactly pleased about the prospect?’

  ‘I don’t know why you think that.’ Her upper lip trembled a little, and she folded her arms over her cream cotton sweater as if wanting to protect herself against some potential slight or hurt.

  ‘Perhaps I’m concerned that you still don’t trust what I say, Lily?’

  ‘Trust develops over time, doesn’t it? We’re just—we’re just starting to get to know one another.’

  ‘That’s true... Leaving that alone for a moment, since we should be discussing the wedding, I need to know if you’ll be inviting your parents to the ceremony. You haven’t mentioned them at all.’

  Her green eyes widened in surprise. ‘Does it matter to you if they come or don’t come?’

  ‘As a matter of fact it does. Besides, what parent wouldn’t want to be at their daughter’s wedding?’

  ‘It’s pure fantasy, if you believe that. Not a
ll parents are as loving and caring as your dad, Bastian. My dad walked out on my mum when I was nine. I didn’t know it until later, but he’d been regularly cheating on her with other women. That’s why they were always arguing. One day he just got up and left. Presumably he’d had enough of the rows. After that...’

  Shrugging a slim shoulder, she glanced away, as if she couldn’t bear to entertain the hurtful memories it evoked.

  ‘After that, my mum just got on with her life as best she could. She took care of me, but she never expressed much joy or pleasure in anything. No doubt my dad’s infidelities must have scarred her. Then, when I was eighteen, she met a man who was temporarily working in London. He was an engineer and he came from Edinburgh. When his contract came to an end he went back to Scotland and my mum went with him. So as for my relationship with my parents...we hardly stay in touch. A couple of years ago, when I told them I was marrying a stockbroker, all my mum said at the time was, “Good—at least I know he’ll be able to take care of you.” The truth is I’m sure she was glad I’d finally be out of her hair. Does that answer your question as to whether they’ll be coming to our wedding or not?’

  Feeling as if he’d stumbled into a hornets’ nest, Bastian stared at Lily, feeling stunned. ‘I’m not like your father was, Lily. I’m not someone who cheats on the woman in his life and I never would.’

  ‘I can only hope that that’s true. I wouldn’t like to go through what my mum did.’

  Frustrated that he couldn’t immediately convince her, he remarked, ‘You say your father left when you were nine? Isn’t that when you went on that school trip and woke your teacher in the night to tell her you couldn’t sleep?’


  ‘I think your dad’s leaving affected you much more than you care to admit, Lily. Am I right?’

  She nodded mutely and a lone tear slid down her cheek. It was quickly followed by a steady stream.

  Bastian could hardly bear to see her cry. In less than a heartbeat he had her in his arms. Pushing his strong supple fingers into her hair, he brought her head down to his chest.

  Touching his lips to the silken strands on her scalp as though she were a distressed child, he murmured gently, ‘It will all be okay, tesorino. It’s perfectly natural to cry and express your grief. It’s better to let your feelings out than to bottle them up inside. It sounds as though your parents were too caught up in their own troubles to give you the support you needed. But that can change, you know?’

  Sniffing, she pushed back her hair and glanced up at him. ‘Can it?’ she asked croakily. ‘They don’t even really know me. I’m not sure if they even want to.’

  Laying a hand against her dampened cheek, he said, ‘I doubt if that’s true. I cannot imagine a mother or father who wouldn’t love a daughter as beautiful and talented as you are, Lily. You should talk to them again. You need to tell them about the baby as well as the wedding.’

  ‘You really think so?’

  There was still a suggestion of doubt and uncertainty in her voice.

  ‘You don’t need me to tell you what to do,’ he breathed. ‘You just need to start having some faith in making your own decisions.’

  ‘You’re right.’ Flushing a little, as though suddenly backed into a corner, she motioned towards the open doorway. ‘Would you like to show me the rest of the house?’

  ‘Of course.’

  Gesturing for her to go ahead of him, Bastian followed her, wishing he could knock down that wall she’d erected around herself and get her to see what he suspected was a very competent and able woman underneath. See that there was no need for her to believe she was any less important than anyone else.

  When they went through to the kitchen at last, she took him aback when she exclaimed, ‘Oh, Bastian, this is wonderful. Who wouldn’t love to cook in a space like this? I’m sure your mother would have adored it if she’d lived.’

  The comment stunned him with how apt it was. His father had often told him how much his wife had loved cooking, and Lily’s thoughtful remark emphatically cheered him.

  Without hesitation he drew her against him, delighting at the way her feminine curves felt against his body as he captured her lips in a warm, heartfelt kiss.

  Startled, she didn’t hide the pleasure in her lustrous green eyes. ‘What was that for?’

  ‘I thought about my mother a lot when I had this area designed. I didn’t know her, but sometimes I feel like I can sense her presence... I like to think that she was giving me some guidance.’


  She moved her fingertips down over his shirt, and although her touch was infinitely gentle he could still feel her heat radiating through the material.

  ‘One thing’s for sure...she would have been very proud at the way her son has turned out.’

  Expelling a sigh and smoothing his palm over her hair, he remarked huskily, ‘If you keep on saying such nice things to me we won’t get round to discussing the wedding at all.’

  ‘Oh? Why’s that?’

  ‘Because if matters follow their usual course we’ll give in to something even more pleasurable and everything else will be forgotten.’


  AS IT TRANSPIRED, they did discuss the wedding. But every time she met Bastian’s seductive brown eyes and saw the desire that was never far away when they were together Lily found it hard to curtail her feelings of lust and longing.

  If she’d imagined that pregnancy would call a halt to sexual desire then she couldn’t have been more wrong.

  And now, as if the prospect of their marital union didn’t already feel like a mountain to climb, Bastian had informed her that he’d arranged for them to visit the family’s private jeweller the next day, to look at a selection of wedding ring designs.

  The Carreras had a private jeweller? Yet again she was reminded of how wealthy and important the family she was marrying into was and her stomach flipped. What would Bastian’s relations and friends think when they met her and found out that she was no one significant?

  By the time they got back to her house her energy was exhausted by the see-saw of emotions. First of all at the idea of getting married in the ancient historical church that Bastian’s family had frequented for centuries. being a fitting enough bride for the heir to the Carrera fortune, and walking up the aisle with everyone probably suspecting or knowing that she was pregnant.

  They were none of them small concerns.

  She only hoped she would be able to set them aside for a while and garner enough motivation to finish some of her book illustrations.

  As she opened the front door her handsome husband-to-be startled her by catching her arm and turning her round to face him.

  ‘I can sense that you’re still not at ease.’ He frowned. ‘I realise that everything that’s been happening must seem quite formidable to you, but I’d like you to remember that I’m doing all this for you and the baby.’

  ‘And what about you, Bastian...? Are you honestly happy to be marrying a woman you barely know because you made her pregnant and now find you have to support her?’

  ‘Don’t you listen to anything I say?’ For an unsettling moment, a flash of electrifying anger flared in his eyes. ‘I told you I’m not a man who runs away from his responsibilities. I am marrying you and supporting this child because I want to. No one is forcing me.’

  Lily shivered. If only he’d said he wanted to marry her because he loved her, instead of still leaving her with the impression that he was merely doing his duty.

  But even as she entertained the thought she knew she shouldn’t delude herself if she didn’t want to invite any more hurt and disappointment.

  ‘I heard what you said and I’m grateful. Really, I am.’

  Clearly dubious, he released her to sweep his hand restlessly through his hair. ‘I don’t expect you to be grateful. I just wish...�

  ‘What do you wish?’

  ‘Never mind.’ His tone was dismissive. ‘It’s not important. Look, I need to get back to work. I have a pressing meeting with some of my workers this afternoon.’

  ‘That’s fine with me. There’s no need for you to stay any longer. We’ve discussed the most important things, haven’t we?’

  ‘Yes. I suppose we have.’

  ‘And I want to say if you need me to go to the hospital with you to see your dad later, just give me a call.’

  ‘I wouldn’t dream of it. You look dead on your feet. There’s been a lot for you to take in today, and you’re probably anxious to have some time to deal with your own work...hmm?’

  Reaching out a hand, he lightly stroked his fingers down her cheek, and once again Lily’s heart leapt at his touch. What she wouldn’t give to have some more time with him alone...

  But in the next instant he’d moved away, his smile regretful. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow, around midday—I’ll pick you up for our meeting with the jeweller. Make sure you get some rest tonight and don’t overdo things. Arrivederci.’

  Sighing, she watched him walk past the bed of new blooms she’d planted in the hope that they’d symbolise a new beginning for her and the baby. But he wasn’t to know that was her reason for planting them. Why hadn’t she told him?

  He didn’t even glance at them. Instead he got into his car and drove away...

  * * *

  She had dark circles beneath her eyes from another sleepless night. She had tried to drink a cup of coffee to help perk herself up, but had ended up tipping it down the sink because in her pregnant state even the smell of it made her feel queasy.

  But, remembering the reason for her lack of sleep, Lily knew she would have to deal with things as soon as possible before she backed out. So it was with trepidation that she rang Bastian on his mobile.

  He wouldn’t like what she had to say, but he was the one who’d told her she needed to have more faith in her decisions and to believe in herself. Now she was going to put his advice into practice.


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