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The Alien Assassin’s Convenient Wife: An ‘In The Stars’ Romance

Page 5

by Dixon, Ruby

  "Indeed." I do not know the context of “suck” but now I am picturing all kinds of things, none of them that have anything to do with my target. By all the god-stars, I hope Heriot is not suffering as I am. This is the sweetest torture I have ever experienced, and it's distracting as anything.

  I've been attracted to females before, but never to this extent. It's almost…almost as if she's my fated mate.

  But surely not. She's not R’Etor. She has no “alien” blood in her. I don't think. I glance over at Jenna. "You know both of your parents, yes?"

  "Yes? That's a weird question."

  "Forget I asked it." Humans can't be compatible with R’Etor. They just can't. To think otherwise is madness. I'm just attracted to Jenna because of her long hair and her bouncy breasts and the soft hand clasping mine and… "I need a moment."

  She pauses, and we wait in front of the building while I take deep breaths, trying to cool myself down. My cock throbs with intense pain, as if every bit of blood in my body has shot to it and refuses to leave. It is going to be difficult walking, but I don't have much of a choice. The longer we wait out here, the more likely it is that my target will know I am after him.

  "Ready?" Jenna asks after a time.

  I scrub a hand down my face, rubbing hard in the hopes of distracting myself. "Let's go."

  We move inside the building, the automatic doors swooshing open as we head forward. Inside, there is soft music and the tinkling of falling water from a nearby fountain. Potted plants decorate the room and pairs of chairs are seated in the waiting area. There are two security guards stationed at nearby doors. At the front is the elderly female I encountered earlier.

  She gives us a skeptical look as we approach. "So you found the missing wife, hmm?" Her smile says she doesn't entirely believe that I'm back.

  "That's me," Jenna says, beaming at her. She holds her hand up and wiggles her ring finger. "My honey said you didn't believe that we were married."

  "We get a lot of weirdos showing up alone," the woman says primly. "It happens in this line of business." She eyes me with skepticism. "Can I see some ID?"

  Jenna fishes out something from her handbag and hands the woman a small card. "Is there a deposit?"

  "No, I just need to take photos to add to our file. I need both of your IDs."

  "Both?" Jenna gives a little shake of her head and then glances at me. "My husband didn't bring his. I didn't realize we'd need it."

  "You wouldn't think so for this sort of thing, but it's to ascertain that everyone's information is on file in case you need to be contacted later. I'll also need you to fill out the non-disclosure for me." Her expression gets stony.

  I start to sweat. Am I going to have to kill this old female? Right in front of the guards? I will need to take them out as well, and if I do, it will be a tumble-down effect. More will need to be killed and attention will be drawn to things.

  Plus, my mother would be upset. She doesn’t like it when I kill the elderly.

  This is a problem, but I am running low on time. I need A’Dor’s head to take back with me to claim my bounty. I put a hand on my blaster, ready to pull it out and take my chances, but Jenna squeezes my hand again.

  "Look. I'm sure you have our information already on file, non-disclosures and all." Jenna's voice is achingly sweet, sending a surge right to my loins. I watch as she pulls out an object and unfolds it, showing a great deal of cards and the green paper I know is this world's currency. She begins to count out currency. "How much will it take for us to have our documents misplaced? Five hundred?"

  "I'm outraged," the woman says in a stiff voice. "How dare you."

  "How much, then?"

  "Jenna," I begin.

  "I'm sure something can be figured out for a thousand."

  "A thousand," Jenna echoes, and then swallows hard, flipping through her satchel. "Can I give you half now and a check for the rest?"

  "I'll cash it tonight," the woman warns.

  "It's in there." Jenna smiles and clicks a writing instrument, posing it over a piece of paper. "Do we have a deal?"

  The woman glances at the two of us, her gaze flicking between Jenna's smile and my frown. "How do I know the two of you are married?" she asks.

  Jenna turns and grabs me by the front of my shirt, pulling me down toward her. I realize a split-second later that she's going to kiss me, and the ferocious need thunders through my body. I can deny myself no longer. With a feral growl, I claim her mouth, hungry and wild. Kissing Jenna is…the most perfect pleasure ever. Hungry and wild, I devour her lips, my tongue fucking her sweet mouth like I want to fuck her cunt.

  It doesn’t even matter that she’s not drooling like the females in the vids. I like this better.

  She whimpers and clings to me, and I bury my hands in her hair, lost in her scent, her taste, the feel of her soft mane flowing over my fingers. My cock throbs with the need for release, and I could take her right here, right now—

  The elderly female clears her throat. "I think I've seen enough."

  Jenna pulls away from me, a dazed expression on her face. She reaches up and smooths my mouth. "Lipstick." She's panting, though, and I can still taste her on my tongue, and I have to take a deep breath or I'm going to forget all human laws of society and take her. She smiles up at me and pats my cheek. "You got a sunburn working on the yard today, babe."

  "Did I?" I manage to grit out. She is clever, my Jenna. Nothing this female throws at her makes her flustered, whereas I am lost.

  "You did. I'll have to kiss your booboos later." She winks at me and gives me a sassy look that makes me grab her hair and pull her against me again.

  "Lemme guess," the woman says drily. "Newlyweds."

  "Is it that obvious?" Jenna asks, and then lets out a girlish giggle. She extracts herself from my grip and moves back to the counter, writing on the paper. "Who should I make this out to?"

  Her back may be turned to me, but it presents an enticing view of her rounded ass, the sight of which is burned into my brain. I move forward and press my cock against that perfect bottom, desperate for more. Desperate to touch her, to claim her. I've lost all control, and only the thin clothing between us separates our bodies. It would be such a small thing to remove it, to tear it with one prick of my blade.

  "Save it for the fourth floor," the woman says in that same sour voice. She pulls out a key and passes it to Jenna, who hands her the currency and a piece of paper. "It's also another six hundred for the room. Per night."

  "Right." Jenna moves out of my grip and pulls out a little plastic red card this time and offers it to the woman.

  I remain where I am, the blood roaring in my ears. I can feel my body trembling with the need to claim her as my mate. This is not mere R’Etor mating lust. This is something more.

  Something specific. I sniff, and sure enough, despite the filthy Earth air, I can smell her pheromones. They smell…perfect. She’s my truemate. I can feel my color growing deeper even as I stare at Jenna's rounded ass, so close and yet so far away. I want my mouth there, between those globes and licking every fold I find. I want to hear her cry out and move against my tongue as I fuck her cunt with it first, and then with my cock.

  My entire body pounds with the heat in my blood.

  Jenna is my mate.


  I need to claim her. Mark her as my own. Give her my seed, make her mine, cover every bit of her soft, giving body with my own and push her thighs apart so she can clasp them around my hips and—

  "Let's go," Jenna says, reaching for my hand again. She jingles the key in front of my face and smiles, leading me forward.

  I stagger, barely coherent. Her pheromones are making me crazy. All I can think of is Jenna. The way her ass sways as she walks, the gentle shift of her breasts under the thin tunic she wears. We turn down a hall and then Jenna spots a door with a blue symbol on it. She looks around, and when she doesn't see anyone nearby, she opens the door and hauls me inside. At first I think we are in
our room, but a quick glance around shows me that this is a lavatory of some kind.

  Once the door closes behind us, she turns the lock and presses against the door, as if to keep anyone else out. Her eyes snap fire at me. "You need to get your shit together, Jadzion."

  "My…shit?" I echo, fascinated by the blaze in her eyes and the way her breasts heave. She breathes quickly, panting, and seems just as keyed up as I am.

  "Yes! You're turning red again. And you…the way you kissed me, you can't be doing that to a girl." She puts a hand to her neck, as if trying to compose herself, and I can see the outline of her nipples through her top. Her lips are full and pouty from my kisses, her mouth reddened. "Not like that. Not without warning."

  And then her gaze flicks to my mouth again.

  With a groan, I realize she wants me to kiss her again. I surge forward, my hands slamming onto the wall on both sides of her, pinning her in the circle of my arms. I don't touch her, though. Not yet. If I do, there's no stopping me, and I have to be sure that we both want the same thing.

  It's Jenna that flings her arms around my neck and drags me down for a kiss. She makes this sweet little gasping noise the moment her mouth hits mine. Then, I can hold back no longer. I devour her mouth, claiming her with bold strokes of my tongue against hers. I touch her, because I'm dying to, and my arms go around her smaller body. I press her against the aching bar of my cock and it takes everything I have not to grind against her.

  "So red," she whispers, pulling her mouth from mine and then pressing hot, frantic little kisses to my mouth. "Do I turn you on that much?"

  "You are everything to me," I tell her, lifting a hand to smooth her hair back from her lovely face. "The only one I have ever wanted."

  "Now you're laying it on thick," she murmurs, and kisses me again.

  I want to tell her that it's the truth. That I've been caught up in the mating lust before, but it was always more convenient to antidote up and avoid it. With Jenna, though, it's not going to happen. She's my truemate, my perfect match. She's impossible to ignore…and I don't want to. My heart and soul are already hers, and I barely know her.

  But then she gives another sexy little moan and I stop thinking altogether. The world is nothing but the sultry heat of her lips and the press of her body against mine.

  "Jadzion," she pants, breaking away again. "I can't give you my panties again."

  I bury my face against her neck, breathing in her hair, dragging my teeth against the soft skin of her throat. I'm not entirely sure I need them this time, not with her pressing against me. "Just…let me touch you."

  "I'll do you one better," she murmurs, and her hand slides down my stomach and caresses my length. "This can't be real, can it? Tell me you're not really this big, this hard."

  My entire body quakes in response to her touch. I let out a choked groan as she runs her hand up and down my shaft, only the thin fabric of my clothing separating us.

  "No, I don't think this is fake," Jenna breathes. "I can feel you move against my hand. God, Jadzion, you're so big. It's making me wet just thinking about it."

  I bare my teeth in a snarl, beyond words. Nothing has ever felt so good, so right. "Jenna, I am going to…" I choke back the words and thrust into her hand to show her instead. "Move. Away."

  "Let me do this for you," she says. "It's for me, too. I want to watch you come." When I lift my head to look at her in surprise, she nips my lower lip.

  With a growl, I claim her mouth in another fierce kiss and begin to pump my cock against her grip. She can't encircle me because of the clothing, but she rubs my length and tells me filthy things as I work myself against her hand. My sac tightens and everything in me clenches. I stroke my tongue against hers, my hands buried in her hair as my release surges and bursts like a dam. My entire body quakes with the fierce intensity of my climax, and my pants feel as if they're plastered to my front with the sheer volume of my release. Then, it's over far too quickly and I'm rocking against her hand, both in awe of how good that was and yet disappointed that it was only her hand and not her cunt.

  "Wow," she breathes, and then lightly kisses me again. "I have to say, I've never been the type to give a hand job to a stranger in a bathroom, but that was really sexy." She leans in, and then pauses, a look of frustration on her face. "I guess I shouldn't kiss you. Your color's draining and I don't want it to rise again."

  "Of course," I tell her, but I'm disappointed. I'd give anything for her to keep touching me. She's right, though. I have a mission to finish.

  And if I can finish it tonight, I'm dragging Jenna back to the ship with me so I can fuck her over and over, until she's begging for mercy.

  I like that thought.



  I'm still feeling breathless and rattled even as I watch Jadzion clean off at the sink. Man, who am I? I just acted like a total wanton, rubbing a stranger off until he came…and I loved every moment of it. I wish we had more time so he could shoot me a few more of those hot looks and we could keep fooling around. I'd see if he liked going down on a lady, and if that talented tongue was half as skilled between my thighs as it was in my mouth and—

  —and I need to stop thinking about those things or we're never going to get out of this bathroom. Composing myself, I fix my hair in the mirror and try to ignore Jadzion despite his nearness. I'm still humming with unfulfilled need and the best thing I can do is calm myself before we have to go forward with this job. I need to be focused on the fact that Jadzion has to kill someone.

  A dangerous someone that wants to nuke planet Earth.

  Focus, Jenna. There'll be time for that sort of thing later.

  Except…will there? Because Jadzion's made it pretty clear that he's leaving Earth the moment he gets his kill. Five hours ago, I would have been more than fine with that. Five hours ago, I didn't know he was an alien, though. Five hours ago I would have thought he was attractive, but I wouldn't know the goofy, endearingly sweet side of his personality that's so appealing. Five hours ago, he wouldn't have looked at me as if I hung the moon.

  A lot can change in five damn hours. I feel like my whole world has shifted in just that short amount of time.

  "Ready?" I ask Jadzion, finally daring to look over at him.

  He's watching me with a smoldering look that makes my already-damp panties even wetter. "As much as I can be, yes."

  He straightens his clothing and I notice the material seems to be liquid resistant, because you can't tell that the man just came in his pants. Not that I should be noticing something like that, but I kind of wish I had fabric like that because if I get any more turned on, I'm going to need to change clothes. I offer him my hand, slightly hesitant. "Are we okay to touch?"

  "For now. I might have to let go," he admits. "If it affects me too much."

  "If it does, we'll handle it," I tell him in a light voice, and give his hand a squeeze. I could swear he turns a shade pinker with that, and I feel like a tease…and I'm loving it. He's just so deliciously fun to tease and he makes me feel like the sexiest woman that ever existed. I've never felt that way in my entire life. When he takes my hand, things just feel…strangely right. Like he would adore and shelter me for all of my days if I'd let him.

  "So is it dangerous being an assassin?" I ask him as we exit the bathroom and head for the elevator. "Don't you have people that worry about you?"

  "I work with my brother. My parents know we’re safe enough as long as we watch each other's backs." He shrugs. "As to safety, I have not given it much thought. Every job can be dangerous, and I’ve never had a mate to go home to." Jadzion casts a look over at me. "I think if I did, I would seek out less dangerous work so I could be at my mate's side, always. She deserves to have her male around to protect and care for her at all times. He should attend to her needs, in bed and out of it."

  Annnnd now I'm getting flushed again, because something tells me we're not talking about a hypothetical mate any longer. "What would you do, then?"
r />   "Mmm. That is a good question. Perhaps…collections."

  I laugh at that. "Collections? Like if people don't make their spaceship payments, you'd show up and shake them down?"

  He chuckles at my amusement. "Why is that so odd? It is profitable, and it would allow me to travel without the bother of collecting heads."

  Collecting…heads? I hope that's a figurative statement. We get to the elevator and I push the button. The doors ding and open immediately, and it reminds me that we're almost there. We step inside and I hit the indicator for the fourth floor. "What's this guy's name again?"

  "He is going under the assumed name of Neville Goodsir. I am told that he will be here for the weekend and so I must go to him, it seems." Jadzion turns and looks at me. "Now that we are in, this is the easy part. He will look as I do."

  "Tall, pale and handsome?" Now I'm the flirty one.

  Faint music and a pulsing beat seem to be coming from outside the elevator. Beside me, Jadzion's eyes narrow and he gives me another smoldering look. "Pale R’Etor skin and pale hair, yes. You will not find him handsome."

  It sounds like more of a jealous question than a statement. "I imagine not, no. Something about a man who wants to murder an entire world is decidedly unsexy."

  Before Jadzion can respond to that, the elevator chimes and the doors open.

  Into…a party.

  As we step out of the elevator, I'm confused. Music blares and thumps, so loud that the entire hotel seems to be shaking. The lights are low and flash like we're on a dance floor. To add to the surreal feeling, there are people everywhere. They flood down the hall of the hotel and crowd in the common area, gyrating and talking and pairing up. As I stare in surprise, a woman saunters past, topless, and she pulls a man by his tie as they head toward one of the bedrooms.

  "What is this?" I say to Jadzion, and I'm barely audible over the music.

  "These are your people," he says, equally mystified. "You tell me."


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