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The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1)

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by Cilla Lee


  The Devils Daughter

  Cilla Lee

  Copyright 2017 Cilla Lee

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locals is entirely coincidental and are the product of the authors imagination. All rights reserved except for use in a review, the reproduction or use of this work in any part is forbidden with the express written permission of the author.

  Due to the explicit language, acts of violence and sexual content, this book should not be purchased by readers under the age of 18.

  This book is not a stand-alone but the First book in The Devils Soldiers mc Series

  The Devils Daughter © 2017 by Cilla Lee

  Cover design by Les Solet

  ISBN 9781386941163

  For Jane, a beautiful woman who has become a beacon of light for me…

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four





  “The Eiffel tower is one thousand and sixty-three feet tall and is the biggest structure in all of Paris it has a restaurant where we can eat frogs’ legs”

  “Eww mommy, frogs’ legs”

  “Yep, French people love eating frogs’ legs”

  “Yuck, I don't want to go there if they eat that”

  “Oh, baby girl France is the city of love”

  “Why do they call France that?”

  “Because France is where people who get married go for their honeymoons to walk along the Seine River eat and drink cappuccinos on the side walk cafes and the French language is the language of love”

  “Have you been there mommy?”

  “No baby girl, but someday we'll go together” Mommy turns to me and smiles, I love her smile, she's so pretty

  “I love you baby girl, sleep ok” I nod my head

  “I love you to mommy”

  I wake up with tears in my eyes, my mom was so beautiful and I miss her every day, but in my dreams, she's always with me happy laughing enjoying life...


  Chapter One


  The knock at the door had me looking up from my book, my heart rate sped up and my palms started to sweat. We never have visitors ever, unless they were trying to sell you something or save your soul and in this household no book could save my soul or my worthless fathers. People avoided this neighbourhood unless you were a drug dealer a prostitute or a pimp and the only people that called to our house where debt collectors with brass knuckles baseball bats or guns, my father always owed someone something.

  The knock comes again and I slowly make my way to the door peeking through the curtain, a guy wearing a leather vest standing there with two other men standing behind him. (definitely not a bible basher)

  “Can I help you” I ask through the door; the guy pulls down his glasses with one finger looking at me

  “Why hello there darlin' is Jeff in?” I shake my head but answer as well

  “No, he's not here”

  “Can I come in and wait for him?”

  “No, I don't think so” my voice shaky as I answer my palms sweating, the guy rubs his nose and shakes his head

  “Open the door darlin' I need to speak to him”

  “He's not here I told you that already, he'll be hear in about an hour if you want to come back than”

  “I really need to speak to him”

  “He's at work just come back later” I tell him starting to get really scared

  “Can I come in and wait I won't bite” (fucking hell no) I shake my head

  “No, I don't think that's a good idea, just come back later”

  “No darlin' I think you should open the door” I can see he's losing his patience and my heart starts pounding in my chest and that fight or flight response kicks in and I back away from the door, I click the door lock in place and step back. I hear him say something to the other men as I back away more needing distance from the man at the door the back door opens, I spin around fast and watch a guy walk past me and open the front door for the others (fuck, you idiot the back door) I berate myself for not running to the other door and locking it.

  “Hello darlin'” the guy says and I swear I feel like I'm going to have a stroke (Ok note to self no more Sons of Anarchy) but dam I love that show, he motions for me to sit on the sofa and I slowly step towards it and sit keeping an eye on all three of them

  “Now let’s try this again, where's Jeff” he sits on the coffee table facing me and I get a better look at him, his eyes are sunken and his skin has a translucent quality about it. I look at his vest on the front it says Enforcer with the name Mad Dog above it.

  “I told you he's at work” I say trying to sound calm but my mind is screaming to run, I look around at the other two men, will I make it past them (remember six by six hole doesn't go with your skin completion)

  “I need to talk to him” he says and everything in my wants me to roll my eyes but I don’t, I'd probably just end up with a back hand or a punch to the face (but dam, how many times can I say he's at work maybe I should use sign language or smoke signals)

  “I told you he's at work and will be home in an hour just come back than”

  He looks at one of the guys and gives him a chin lift, the guy walks out closing the front door and the other guy walks around looking at things. I watch him out the corner of my eye, we don't have much but what we do have I don't want some friggin’ biker stealing it.

  The guy takes my hand making me jump and I stare at our hands as he rubs his thumb over my knuckles, he lifts my head with his finger and I look right into his eyes

  “What's your name?” he asks me as I try and pull my hand out of his but he holds me tighter

  “Niya” I answer still trying to watch the other guy

  “Beautiful name Niya, how do you know Jeff” I frown at him

  “That's none of your business, will you please leave and come back later”

  “No can-do Sugar” (Sugar what an asshole)

  “Please just come back later, he'll be here than just give me your number and I'll get him to call you” I know my father won’t, but I still lie just so these two will leave

  “No, I think I'll wait and keep you company” he smiles at me, I want to gag the guys older than my dad (don't piss off the biker you enjoy breathing)

  “What you thinking darlin'” he asks me leaning in closer, I move away trying to get as much distance as possible

  “I'm wondering who you are” I ask him making him smile, his gold front tooth glistening as he licks his lips (eww gross)

  “Where the Dragon Kings mc darlin'”

  “Oh, and how do you know...”

  “Jeff.... he's a hang around, but he borrowed money and now he owes us”


>   “Yeah oh, maybe you'd be nice to me and the boys and give us a ride if you know what I mean, a nice fine ass like yours is wasted on that piece of shit Jeff. Maybe if you come to the clubhouse we could have some fun” the other guy laughs and I turn to look at him, he winks at me but I turn back and look at Mad Dog

  “No thankyou but thanks for the offer” he snorts and moves to sit next to me rubbing my leg and I clamp my legs together and move away from him more.

  “Shame darlin' I could give you one hell of a ride” he rubs himself through his jeans, I feel sick even the thought of this pig touching me makes me want to throw up. I hate my father even more for bringing scum like this to our door, he moves closer to me and his scent hits me (someone needs a shower and badly) his leg rubs up against mine and I move over more the end of the sofa digging into my side

  “Dam you smell good baby what is that” (um soap dumbass) I just smile

  “It's just soap from the store”

  “Well you smell fine” he rubs my leg again and I can feel bile slowly moving up my oesophagus. I turn my head so I don't smell him as much, but he smells so bad it’s hard to get away from.

  I watch him out the corner of my eye he's staring at me, his eyes one my chest I swear he’s drooling (oh god some men are pigs) everything in me wants to cover myself from his gaze but I stay still. His hand rubs up and down his crotch and the urge to throw up is getting worse, from his disgusting smell and the obscene rubbing it’s getting harder to not throw up. I hear a car pull into the drive, Mad dog and the other guy watch the door, my dad comes through the door and his eyes go from me to the other two men. He turns to run out the door but stops suddenly, when the other guy who left before come walking in holding a gun stopping dad from getting away. Mad dog rubs my arm and gives me a little squeeze making me turn to look at him and he winks, the guy with the gun pushes my dad forward towards Mad dog and I. My dad stares at Mad dog’s hand on my arm.

  “Mad Dog what are you doing here” dad asks him sounding nervous, I can see he's starting to sweat shifting from one foot to the other. The bikers look so calm it's quite scary, Dad walks closer and sits in his recliner

  “Just a courtesy call to make sure you'll have my money on time” Mad dog says to him, my father just nods his head

  “I will man but I still have two months to pay you back”

  “We know where just makin' courtesy calls, you know just so you know we didn't forget about you” dad shakes his head and laughs, but not a normal laugh more nervous laugh as he looks at all three of them

  “I'll have it man I promise, tell Spyder I'll have it” my dad says sounding desperate, his forehead dripping with sweat

  “You better” Mad dog says to him

  “I will man don't worry” the three of them laugh and Mad Dog moves forward and punches my dad in the face

  “And how are you going to raise, Ten-grand in two months Jeff” I look at my father feeling panicked myself (Ten thousand dollars in two months, god I hate my dad) My father doesn’t say anything he just holds his jaw but the guy with the gun hits my dad in the side of the head.

  “Well asshole answer him” he says

  “I promise man, I'll have it don't worry please man my daughters here” Mad Dog turns to me smiling (fuck)

  “I thought this was your bitch” Mad dog says giving me the once over again, dad shakes his head

  “No, she's my daughter”

  “How does an ugly fucker like you, have a daughter like that?” the guy with the gun asks looking at me like he wants to eat me, I wrap my arms around my waist trying to cover as much of myself as possible.

  “Just lucky, her mom was the same” dad says and I feel my heart skip a beat with the sorrow of my mother not being here (god I miss her)

  “Fuck I'd like to sample her pussy I bet it's sweet, you a virgin” the guy asks and I look at all three of them and nod, the guy hisses rubbing his crotch again like Mad Dog did and I throw up in my mouth a little. Just my luck to be raped by bikers in my own home as my useless father watched.

  “Fuck man what I'd do to her” he says

  “Enough, we don't got time for this shit” Mad dog says making me let out the breath of relief

  “Man, theirs always time for pussy and a sweet one like hers, I'll make the fuckin' time”

  “Shut the fuck up dumbass, I'd like to fuck her too but not today. Sixty days Jeff and not one hour past you hear me or we come back for little Niya here. I think the boys would love to play with her” he says turning and looking at me, I sit back further and Mad Dog laughs

  “Nervous little thing, aren’t ya” he says but turns back to my dad

  “Sixty days asshole” he says walking past my dad to the door

  “I promise man, I'll have your money” the three of them walk out of the house and Mad Dog winks at me as he closes the door behind them. My dad gets up goes to the kitchen and grabs a beer out of the fridge sculling half of it before coming back into the living room and looking at me, I can see he's furious his eye's burn into me as I stand frozen. He goes to the widow to make sure there gone, I see he's shaking a bit but I'm not sure if it's from anger or if he's just scared, it’s not until he turns around to face me I instantly no I’m in trouble.

  “Why did you let them in Niya” I knew the second they left me alone with my dad what was going to happen

  “I didn't they came in through the back door, I couldn't stop them” I try to explain, but I know it's pointless and before I know it I'm back handed and flying into the wall hitting my head and landing on the floor. He grabs me by the hair pulling my head back and punches me right in the temple yelling at me while punching me at the same time, all I hear are the words

  Worthless! Stupid Fuckin' Cunt! Dumb Bitch!

  He keeps punching me over and over, every hit has my head bouncing back from his fist to the floor back and forth like the paddle and ball game the one with the ball is attached to the paddle with a piece of elastic and you have to see how many times you can hit the ball he hits me over and over choking me until I'm almost unconscious and then letting me breath and doing it again and again until there's nothing but blackness.

  I wake up the next morning on my bedroom floor my head is killing me and my body aching from head to toe, my throat aching with every breath. When I go to sit up I feel my right shoulders out of place, I sit up slowly grabbing my pillow to put in my mouth and kneel on the floor moving down fast in a downward motion with my arm stretched out on the bed and I scream into my pillow as I feel the pop and my arms back in place, the pain radiating throughout my shoulder bringing tears to my eyes but I don't make a sound, I feel like I've just ran a marathon my adrenaline kicking in from the pain I slowly rotate my arm to make sure it's in but it hurts so bad. I know I have a black eye because I can't open it, I feel like I've been hit by a truck so I go through my check list.

  My life is so pathetic I have a check list after every beating. I start moving things my legs, good not broken I move my fingers feel my ribs sore but not broken either, lip is swollen my arms are good. I stand and make my way to the bathroom the huge bruise on my leg making me limp.

  I can't hear my dad anywhere so he's either asleep or not hear, I’m praying for not hear and head to the bathroom. I look like a fighter who's gone twelve rounds in the ring, my neck is purple with his finger marker where he was choking me, I assess the damage in the mirror, fat lip black eye and a small cut above my eye a huge lump on the side of my head. Even my hair hurts from him pulling it, my ribs are tender. I've had way worse, looking at myself doesn’t even make me feel like crying any more, well not from the beatings just the pain of the aftermath.

  I turn the shower on and just stand under the water every movement is painful so I stand as still as possible letting the water run over my beaten body, it’ll take me a good few weeks to recover from this beating and lucky for my dad home schooling was one way to avoid teachers and cops and nosy parents.


Two weeks go by, when dad comes through the door in a hurry and throws a bag at me, his lip bleeding and his face swollen

  “What happened?” I ask but he just yells


  “What? what for?” he raises his hand to hit me but stops

  “I said go” he pushes me towards the bathroom “and shave everything”


  “Go and fuckin' do it”


  “FUCKIN' GO NIYA” he goes to the kitchen and I hear the refrigerator door open and close. I open the bag when I get into the bathroom and pull out the items, a red dress and gold high heels


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