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The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1)

Page 8

by Cilla Lee

  “Dam, girl don't give up your day job” Chance laughed, I not so lady like give him the finger

  “OH, Niya such rude gestures from such a beautiful hand” Chance says smiling with his hand over is heart

  “Fuck off Chance”

  “Vulgarity coming from such a pristine mouth”

  “Leave her be dumbass and get back to work” Oki says winking at me, I helped the girls with makeup that they couldn't reach in places I never even imagined make up went and the outfits that they wore all had to be easy to rip off. The routines that they practised over and over, I have to tell ya these girls worked it and they earned even dam penny. I'm never going to look at another stripper again and think yep you’re an idiot, no I'm ganna have mad respect because dam they earned it. I helped out there for a week while Jeremy their usual makeup guy was out sick and Razor couldn't trust any of the guys getting distracted with the girls. I was surprised when Oki had given me an envelope at the end of the week.

  “Thanks for helping out darlin'” Oki said handing me an envelope

  “What's this?”

  “Pay day darlin'”

  “Oh, I no it's fine, I was helping the club out”

  “Take it darlin' you earned it”

  “Ok thanks Oki” I give him a hug on my way out the door. When I got home that night Razor and Maggie where sitting on the sofa together and I handed Razor the envelop that Oki had given me, I'd counted it before I got out of the car and it had eight-hundred dollars in it

  “What's this darlin'” Razor says as I hand it to him

  “Some of my dad’s debt”

  “Oh” he gives Maggie a look and she gets up

  “Anyone want a cup of tea, coffee”

  “No thanks Mag's”


  “No sweetheart, Niya sit” I sit down next to him and he hands me back the envelope

  “Club voted darlin' debts clear”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It means no more payin’ for your dad’s debt it’s cleared” I stare at him a bit confused

  “I don’t understand”

  “Debts done darlin’”

  “Does that mean I'm free I can go” he nods his head

  “If that's what you want” Oh god my heart feels like it's stopped, they want me to go. I feel tears prick the back of my eyes and I have to blink to stop them

  “Do you want me to go” I ask almost a whisper, Maggie comes walking in and sits on the end of the sofa tears in her eyes when Razor takes my hand

  “Niya we would love it if you stayed, your apart of the family now us three and the other sixteen men in the Devils Soldiers”

  “Really” I feel my heart beat faster with relief

  “Yes, really, we love you Niya, like our own daughter” and that's it, tears slide down my cheeks and Maggie and Razor hug me so tight it feels like all the broken pieces my father broke are pulling back together with those three simple words (we love you) We stay like that for what seems like hours a family of three with fourteen, Uncles Colt defiantly not Uncle material and Stryker more brother than Uncle. That night I slept so soundly like all the years living the nightmare with my father where just that a bad nightmare, I'd finally taken the red pill and woken up from the matrix to my real loving family who actually loved me and for the first time I felt alive.


  Weeks passed quickly with my new leaf on life, I was really enjoying it. I was still taking my Krav Maga classes and it had given me a lot more confidence, I even went out and bought some new clothes that where my actual size. I'd put on some weight not fat but muscle with going to the gym and my classes and I looked good, I felt like a woman a real woman. I had curves and everything was now tight, I felt stronger inside and out.

  “Oh my god Niya you look beautiful” It’s the first time I've worn my hair down and I went all out and straightened even though it's naturally straight, I'd put on some make up, the girls at the strip club had giving me some pointers

  “Diamond saying natural is better but a girl could always use a little help” I had on my new skinny jeans, a t-shirt with Devils Tattoo logo on it right across my breasts. All my sizes so everything emphasised my round curves to my slim waist to my size D breasts and a nice pair of open toe black heels.

  “Why thank you Maggie I feel it today”

  “What the fuck! no go back upstairs and change” Razor says as he comes down the stairs

  “What do I look bad?” I look down at my body

  “Fuck no darlin' you look to good, I'm ganna be fightin' off every motherfucker out there”

  (slap) “Ow” Razor grabs is arm where Maggie hit him

  “Don't listen to him sweetheart you look amazing”

  “Fuckin' ordering new shirts for the shop all I'm lookin' at are her tits”

  “Razor shut up or I'm hittin' you again”

  “Argh” Razor grumbles as he passes me and kisses me on the cheek than Maggie “I'm out see you ladies later”

  “See ya” I say as he walks out

  Maggie just mumbles “idiot, honey you look amazing go kick some ass” she says smiling

  “You really don't think it's too much or too little not to tight”

  “No Niya your young, you have an amazing body and your beautiful, go out flaunt it enjoy it, it's ok to enjoy yourself” she grabs the side of my face and kisses my cheek “Unless you wanna stay here and help me wash Razors underwear”

  “No, I'm good see ya later Maggie”

  “Yeah thought so” she yells as I make my way to my car


  “Wow what the hell Niya you look good girl” Chelsea says as I walk in

  “It’s not too much I'm so not used to wearing clothes this tight”

  “Honey you've seen some of the chicks that walk in here and you lived at the clubhouse, I've only ever been there once but the bitches there walk around half naked, you look hot as fuck”

  “Who looks....... wow... Niya girl dam you look good” Cuff says “Razor let you leave the house lookin' like that”

  “Dam I knew it I's too much I'm going home to change” Chelsea grabs my arm as I'm about to walk out and she turns me to face her

  “Niya where's that badass bitch that's been learning Krav Maga”

  “What? why you learning that shit” Cuff says

  “Shut up Cuff, where is she?”



  “Right here”

  “That's right you are, now sit your sexy as fuck ass down and get to work.... you to” she points to Cuff and he walks off laughing. A couple of weeks ago I'd told Chelsea about my Krav Maga lessons and she'd asked me why, I told her about Pixie and the day she had me up against the wall

  “Fuck she's such a cunt” she'd said and I couldn't agree more

  “Hay Niya can you go get us a coffee and bagel from the cafe I'm starvin'” Cuff asked me

  “Sure, Cuff, Chelsea, you want anything” I ask her through her door as she's getting ready of a client coming in

  “Yeah, large cappuccino please”

  “Ok won't be long” It takes a good twenty minutes because the cafes busy with all the morning commuters getting there fix before they head to work, when I pull up to the shop Chelsea's standing out the front sunning herself on the bench seat

  “Hear you go large cappuccino”

  “Thanks, chicky” When I get inside I can hear Cuff talking to someone in his room

  “Is that you Niya” he calls out

  “Uh-huh you need something”

  “Yeah come hear” I walk towards his room and Colt is sitting on his stool and when he seeing me he jumps up and just stares, I instantly feel uncomfortable and want to cover myself

  “Huh motherfucker you owe me twenty bucks” Colt digs into his pocket and hands Cuff a twenty dollar note still not saying anything, just staring at me

  “What's going on?” I ask

  “Bet dickhead hear t
hat I couldn't shock him today”


  “I'll leave you two alone, is my coffee and bagel on the counter” I nod my head and watch as he leaves me and Colt alone in his cubicle

  “Colt are you ok?” He holds up his hand and takes a breath still staring me up and down “Colt your making me feel uncomfortable say something” he takes a gulp and I watch as his adams’ apple bobs when he swallows

  “Colt say something” Still nothing I go to walk out but he grabs my arm and pulls me into him, I smell Colt leather oil and cologne and feel a huge bulge in his pants

  “Fuck baby, you look so beautiful”

  “God Colt I thought you had a stroke or something” I go to step back but his hand holds me to him tighter and he leans down and whispers

  “I'm so fuckin' hard baby, I really wanna to fuck you” I look up at him in shock, he’s flirted with me before but never said anything so sexual before and I blush getting instantly wet just thinking about the two of us

  “Colt” I whisper not wanting Cuff or Chelsea to hear us

  “Fuck Niya I want you so fuckin' bad” I lick my lips because I want him just as bad I take a deep breath “Fuck it” I tell myself, I crab his leather vest and pull him down as I lean up. Within seconds his gorgeous lips are on mine and I moan, his hand moves down and he grabs my ass pulling me to him. He grinds his hips into me and turns me so I'm sitting on Cuff’s bench he does tattoos on and he grinds his dick into my pelvis. It sends at bolt of need through me and I wrap my leg around his legs and pull him closer to me, our mouths devouring each other my whole body on fire and my nipples so hard they feel painful the aching feeling between my legs pulsating (fuck I want him)

  “Baby stop” he whispers and pulls away leaning his forehead on mine

  “Colt I want you”

  “Fuck baby we've gotta stop” he says our breathing the only sound

  “I know” I whisper my heart racing

  “Razor’s ganna have my balls” he says smiling making me smile

  “Colt” I say on a whispered needy breath and pull him closer to me again needing him to touch me

  “Fuck I know baby”

  “I want you so bad” I tell him nipping his neck with my teeth

  “Baby if you don't stop, I'm ganna fuck you right here” he steps back and adjusts his erection as I reluctantly let him go “I gotta go ok how about we have dinner tonight” I nod my head yes “Ok drive to the clubhouse after work and we'll go from there” he says kissing me on the cheek

  “Ok Colt I'll see you later” he steps back and holds his hand out. We walk out together hand in hand the hole way to his bike, Cuff smiling as we pass him at the desk and Colt flips him off, Cuff starts laughing. I walk him out to his bike giving him another mouth devouring kiss and I swear my panties are on fire I'm so hot with need down there

  “Tonight baby” he says and gets on his bike (god even watching him get on his bike is sexy) I nod as I watch him back out before he rides off he does one more up and down look at me shakes his head and rides off. I watch until I can't see him anymore, Chelsea coming up next to me on the pavement drinking her cappuccino

  “Fuck that was……… so hot” she says smiling

  “Chelsea” I say slapping her arm and we both start laughing walking back into the shop. The day drags on for so long, every minute felt like an eternity. I think I'd looked at the clock a million times, I called Maggie earlier to tell her I was having dinner with Colt and she sounded a bit surprised.

  “You and Colt” she asked

  “Yeah Mag's Colt”

  “Oh, ok just don't be out to late or call if you are ok” I smile loving her concern for me

  “I will don't worry bye Mag's”

  “Bye sweetheart” By five my fingers felt numb from tapping them on the counter repeatedly driving Chelsea crazy all day

  “If you don't stop that finger tapping I'm ganna rip 'em off” Chelsea says coming out to the front desk

  “Oh, sorry I didn't realise”

  “Dam girl you got it bad” I smile and nod my head

  “Who wouldn't he’s gorgeous”

  “So, you two done the deed yet” she asks me wiggling her eyebrows

  “Chelsea” I chastise her

  “What?....... well!” she says smiling

  “No, today was our first kiss”

  “Fuck off” she says surprised, I nod my head

  “Dam girl you gotta get in there and snap him up quick, you know how chicks get when they see a hot guy on a bike, bitches will trample their own mothers for some of that shit” I blush just thinking about Colt. Chelsea starts laughing and I blush again.

  Chapter Ten


  “Colt” Razor yells from his office

  “Yeah boss man what's up”

  “Come in and close the door” he motions for me to sit

  “Maggie just called”

  “Oh yeah what about?”

  “You takin’ Niya out tonight” he says

  “Yeah is there a problem”

  “Look I don't want to interfere but...”

  “Boss don't worry”

  “She's not club pussy Colt, treat her right” he says sounding annoyed

  “Scouts honour” I say and raise up three fingers

  “Scouts honour my ass, you better treat her good cause if you fuck her off and Maggie hears and makes my life hell, I'll make yours, hell, ya feel me”

  “I promise boss I'll be a perfect gentleman; my dick'll stay in my pants and I'll treat her like a queen I swear”

  “It fuckin' better you break her heart boy Bella Mae’s got a hot lead bullet for you right here for your ass”

  “Yes sir” I say standin' up and salutin' him he gives me the finger as I walk out laughin’



  Walking into the clubhouse that day was nerve raking, even though I'd done this countless time before. Today was scary not fear scary, but nervous scary excited scary.

  “Dam, girl look at you” Cookie says with a wink

  “Keep your eyes off her motherfucker” Razor says walking in from his office


  “Fuckers too old for you darlin'”

  “I'm not fuckin' old” Cookie said annoyed

  “you are for her...... Maggie called me”

  “Oh, did she”

  “Yes, she did”

  “And” I really wanted Razor to be ok with Colt and I going out “it's just dinner Razor”

  “It fuckin' better be”

  “Argh” I said rolling my eye's like an annoyed teenager pissed their parents are interfering in their lives, but I smile loving that he cares.

  “You ready baby” Colt says coming in and I smile (so gorgeous) I swear my ovaries are on fire for this man

  “Yep all good” I say with a big smile and kiss Razor on the cheek

  “Wait where's your coat” Razor asks me

  “Razor I'm fine” I say but he walks off to his office and comes out with a cardigan putting it over my shoulders. It’s one of my cardigans I'd left in there a few weeks back, it was at least three sizes to big that it could fit around me twice and falls past me knees covering me completely.

  “Thanks Razor” I say frowning

  “You’re welcome darlin' wouldn't want you getting cold” he says happy with the coverage of the cardigan. I know he feels uncomfortable with people staring at my body

  “Night guys” I say waving to all the others, as we walk past my room, I throw the cardigan on my bed and follow Colt out to his truck. Razor yells out just before where about to walk out


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