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The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1)

Page 11

by Cilla Lee

  “Hay darlin' feeling better”

  “Nico” I say and he smiles nodding his head

  “Yeah how ya feeling”

  “A little better” I shake my head feeling a little buzz from the shot the guy gave me for the pain, but wish Colt and Razor where here more

  “Did you call Razor” I ask him

  “Yeah darlin' I did” I feel the rumbling of bikes the second I hear them than he's there running straight for me (Colt)

  “Baby, fuck baby you ok?” he holds me so tight it's hard to breath

  “My arms a bit sore” I say nodding at it with my head

  “Fuck baby you were shot”

  “Nico fixed my arm”

  “Dam Niya” Nico comes walking back over to us

  “My man patched her up it went through and through, he's sewn it up and given her something so she's not feeling any pain for now”

  “Thanks man I owe you one” Nico smiles at Colt

  “I'll hold you to that” Colt nods his head, next thing I know Razor has me in his arms and I swear I see a tear in his eyes

  “You ok darlin'” I nod my head as the two men I love in the world hover over me. Razor starts barking orders at everyone the drugs seeping into my system and I feel dizzy my legs give out and the next thing I know Colt’s carrying me out side to the van and where driving. When we get to the clubhouse Maggie comes running out pulling the door open before the vans stopped and grabs me crying all over me

  “Let me get her inside Maggie” I feel Maggie letting me go so Colt can lift me up, I'm carried into the clubhouse and into my room. Maggie comes and sits on the other side of me when Colt puts me down and tucks me in

  “Take this shirt off baby it's covered in blood” and before I know it I'm sitting on a bed in my jeans and bra he walks over to the little Ensuite and brings in a wash cloth and washes the blood off my breasts and back goes over to my dresser and pulls out another shirt

  “Let me help baby” I slip it over my head and he pulls the rest of my clothes off

  “Lay back baby and sleep he whispers” I feel my eye's closing, whatever that guy gave me it's good stuff and I feel myself getting heavy as my eyes close and then I'm out.


  Waking the next day was painful it felt like I was back at home with my dad and I'd gotten another one of his beating, my arms on fire, the pain unbearable I want to scream with every movement


  “Baby don't move, here take this it's a pain killer”

  “Colt my fucking arms killing me” I don't swear often or I do just not in front of people but I think today is a good day for it

  “Don't move Niya it's ganna take a few weeks for it to heel”

  “Fuuucccckkk Coollltt the Paaaaiiiinnnn”

  “I know baby just sit still, it won't hurt as much give the pills time to work”

  “where's Maggie?”

  “She's making breakfast babe I'll go and get her” he gets up and runs out, within seconds she's at my side tears in her eyes holding me hand

  “Oh, honey I'm so glad you’re ok”

  “Where are the other girls are they ok?”

  “Yes, honey Nico's looking after them”

  “How did you know I was missing”

  “Razor came home and said he hadn't seen you at the clubhouse he was on the phone straight away sending out everyone looking for you, the boys found your car at the gas station and you weren’t anywhere in sight what happened how did you end up there in the warehouse”

  “Maggie not now Colt says” and she nods her head “Of course later, are you hungry, honey” I shake my head no

  “Ok I'll let the Razor and the boys know your awake” she kisses my forehead and leaves Colt and me alone


  The next three weeks go by pretty quick everyone treating me like a baby doing everything, I wasn't even allowed to go to work Razor making it clear on the third week. I'd told the guys everything that happened, Nico had got the others girl’s stories of what happened to them. Razor and the guys had cleared out the Kings clubhouse disposing of the bodies and burning the place to the ground. I wasn't sure if I was ok with that but then at night sometimes the image of Spyder licking me made my conscious ok with it the thought of him touching me made me sick.

  “Get the fuck back up to your room Niya you’re not going to work”

  “Razor it's been three weeks my arms good”

  “Is it still sore and in a sling”

  “Just a little bit it's fine”

  “Nope you could pop a stitch and you could bleed to death while you’re driving and for that matter you’re not driving anyway go back to bed”

  “Razor bleed to death really”

  “Yes fuckin' really I'm not takin' my chances darlin' go back to bed please”

  “Fine but I'm only going because you said please” I head back to my room and get my pj's on, now I know how Dover felt with Sheryl I'd bribe anyone to get me out of here, Razor was like a hawk hoovering over everyone that came to see me, Colt came every day and that was only on the condition that it was for a half an hour and that was it


  Christmas day was only three days away and Maggie and I had decorated the house like Santa's Grotto. I couldn't believe one person could own so many Christmas baubles

  “So, Maggie I guess you like Christmas than” I ask her as she opens the first box out of about twenty

  “Oh my god Niya I love it, it's my favourite holiday”

  “I can tell” I say smiling. It took us over an hour to get all of her decorations out of the loft and then another hour to go through everything and the rest of the day putting up decorations by lunch I'd had enough

  “Maggie I'm ganna get some lunch you want anything”

  “Oh, lunch is it that time already” I nod yes “I'm heading to The Smokin' Grill for a burger you want me to get you one”

  “Oh no I'm ok you go”

  “ok Mag's I won't be long”

  “Ok I'll see you when you get back and we'll put Santa on the roof”

  “Ok Mag's” I say grabbing my keys dying to get away from the madness. Driving to get a Burger I thought I'd head to the club first to see if Colt wanted to join me

  “Hay baby what you doing here?... what's that in your hair” I pull a strand of tinsel out of my hair and realise I'm covered in glitter from the ornaments

  “Oh, Maggie's decorating the house for Christmas I'm heading to get a burger you wanna join me”

  “Fuck baby I can't I'm heading out with Tiny and Cookie”

  “Oh, ok no problem you coming over later”

  “You know it” he says and winks

  “Come on fuck nut let’s move” Tiny says as he comes into the hall

  “Hay there Niya girl how you doing”

  “Good Tiny thank you”

  “What's with all the glitter?”

  “Maggie! she decorating the house”

  “Fuucck” we hear Razor say as he walks in

  “She, get them all out” he asks me and I nod my head

  “Yep a real Santa's Grotto Razor”

  “Fuckin' women loves Christmas every year I come home and she's added more shit what's she got up”

  “Well so far, we've got up the Christmas tree in the living room one in the hall, small one in the kitchen decorated the banister hung countless baubles and streamers little figurines everywhere she even changed the rugs in the house. She got all the dinning where glasses bowls Santa's reindeer snow men snowflakes and elves around the hole house and when I get back I'm helping her to put up Santa and his reindeer on the roof”

  “Fuckin' women, under no circumstances do you let that women get on the roof Niya, she'll fall and break her dam neck or you'll fall do you hear me girl neither of you”

  “Ok Razor I'll tell her but you know Maggie, she can be stubborn”

  “Fuckin' women does my head in”

  “Yeah but you love her�
� I say hugging him

  “Yeah I fuckin' do “he says hugging me back

  “Ok baby gotta go” Colt kisses me on the cheek as do the other two and they walk out the door to their bikes.

  “Where are they going?”

  “Getting stocked up for the New year at the Den got a couple of others headin' over to put the order away”

  “You’re having a New Year’s Eve party at the Den”

  “Yeah it'll be the first one”

  “Can I go”

  “No, the club always have our own party here at the clubhouse”

  “Oh really” he nods his head

  “Yep and every year Maggie makes it a costume party”



  “Am I invited to that” he pulls me in for a hug

  “Of course, let’s get food I'm starvin'”


  We sit in one of the booths and the waitress comes over

  “Afternoon what can I get ya”

  “I'll have the Hawaiian with the lot fries and a coke”

  “Just a XL Stacker onion rings and a beer”

  “Razor you’re supposed to be watching your cholesterol”

  “Fuck darlin' you only live once and Maggie's got me eatin' vegetables out the ying yang, she won't even let me have a ham sandwich says there's too much salt!... too much salt can you believe that, fuckin' woman has lost her dam mind...... too much salt” he says shaking his head making me smile,

  “She's doing it because she loves you”

  “Turnin' me into some metrosexual fuckin' homo is not love”

  “A what?”

  “Just drop it I want a big fat greasy fuckin' burger instead of some turkey low salt no fat burger with lettuce, tomato, no sauce no fun burger that she's been feedin' me, I think I'm getting' sicker cause I'm eatin' no fun food anymore” I laugh hard looking at him

  “Don't be so dramatic a healthy salad is good for you” he groans making me laugh harder, Maggie's been a really hard ass lately and really strict on everything Razor puts in his mouth.

  Chapter Fourteen


  When they came home from the doctor two weeks ago Maggie had a handful of pamphlets about cholesterol and eating healthy, apparently Razors cholesterol count was off the chart and being a little bit over weight didn't help. That day she came home and was like a mad woman throwing everything away that she though was unhealthy, that was an epic battle of wills that day I can still see Razor yelling at her

  “Don't you do it, don't you dare Maggie there my favourite”

  “Razor there full of sugar and they've got to go you’re a grown man for goodness sakes” she'd already thrown out biscuits, sweets, crisps half the stuff from the fridge and freezer the pantry was basically empty

  “Don't fuckin' do it Maggie there my favourite”

  “Razor Jesus there full of sugar there going”

  “NO THERE FUCKIN' NOT” Razor yelled, Before Maggie had a chance, Razor grabbed the box out of her hand and held it above his head straight in the air. Maggie was jumping up and down pulling on his arm, I was pissing myself laughing sitting at the kitchen table watching them when Maggie climbs up Razor. She literally climbs up him like a tree and before I know it there on the ground wrestling for a box of fruit loops, it was the best thing I'd ever seen. In the end Razor had them up his shirt running for the door and was gone, Maggie yelling at him from the front porch as he rode off with his booty tucked under his shirt. Now he keeps his fruit loops at the clubhouse for safe keeping. (big bad biker and his fruit loops)

  “Fine just this once Razor but if she finds out you owe me”

  “Deal” he says with a big smile I shake my head at him


  By the time I get back to the house Maggie has decorated the front with lights candy canes and another Christmas tree. We never got a chance to put the Santa and reindeer up, Razor sent the new Prospects Jaxson and Jordan out to do it so we didn't end up killing ourselves. They were cute and twins so it was a bit hard to tell them apart, Maggie and I kept getting their names mixed up all afternoon.


  By the end of the day I was shattered Maggie had the house looking and smelling like Christmas and I was looking forward to it, my first ever Christmas. My dad never celebrated anything, I never once had a gift, I never even had anything new I always bought my clothes from charity shops. the only thing that I ever bought brand new was under ware and bra's, but this year I had money saved and I was going to make the most of it. But tonight, was the pre-Christmas party at the clubhouse.


  “You have a good night baby” Colt asks as he strips down to his boxers and I instantly feel wet, my body humming for him to do things to me. He'd spent the past two nights sleeping over, Razor grumbling and telling us under no circumstances where we to have sex in his house and let me tell you it was dam hard to sleep next to this man without acutely wanting to jump on him and fuck his brains out.

  “I had so much fun but my feet are aching”

  “I'm glad” he says as he lays down and pulls me to him his warm breath running across my neck making my nipples ache for him to rub and my nether region was on fire to be touched.

  “You lookin' forward to Christmas tomorrow” I nod my head as his breath tickles my skin his large arms wrapped around me

  “Did you have a good night” I ask and he chuckles

  “Yeah baby it was fun watchin' you enjoy yourself” he pulls me to him my back to his front and he kisses my neck

  “I really had fun”

  “God baby you smell amazing”

  “Do I” I say giggling as he nuzzles my neck

  “Yeah” I grind my hips up and down on his crochet and he hisses

  “Fuck baby you keep doin' that and I'm ganna turn you over and fuck you” I grind my ass on him again and he reaches for my breast and rubs my nipples making me moan.

  “Baby you gotta stop”

  “I don't want to”

  “Razor will cut my dick off, if I fuck you in his house” I smile but feel frustrated, he leans in and kisses my neck again “I really wanna fuck you baby but not here ok” he says rubbing my sensitive nipple making me moan again. I nod my head agreeing now is not the time “Good go to sleep baby” he pulls me to him and I listen to the beat of his heart as my eyes slowly close to nothingness.


  As I open my eyes I look to the side of me and see Colt's gone the past few nights have been torture having him in bed with me but I can honestly say I really do like it. The smell of breakfast cooking down stairs makes me get up, it's my first Christmas since my dad died and I feel excited. Maggie had taken me shopping and showed me how Christmas was prepared for the boys at the clubhouse, she was so enthusiastic about that her excitement buying everything she could get her hands on it was hard not to love her enthusiasm for the holiday plus the fact it was the first Christmas that I've ever had. My dad would make me get up cook him breakfast than he drank all day watching TV while I was in my room staying out of his way. I pull my robe on and head downstairs, I have no idea how she's even up this early with the drinking she did last night at the clubhouse the pre-Christmas party showing me what the Old Ladies and girlfriends where really made of even some of the strippers from Pink Slip had come, some of the waitresses from Devils Den, Chelsea was here as well, all the club whores to with Pixie giving me the evil eye all night, but Maggie dam Maggie showed just how much of a partier she could be. I swear she drank a hole bottle of tequila by herself more beers than I could count and she had so many more shots of anything and everything I thought at one stage she would have to be taken to the hospital to get her stomach pumped. We danced we drank we just had a blast. It was so much fun a real family get together and I loved it every minute of it. When I get to the kitchen Colt was sitting at the table talking to Maggie

  “Morning baby Merry Christmas” he gets up and gives me a big hug lifting me off the ground and spinnin
g me in his arms

  “Morning to you to Colt and Merry Christmas”

  “Merry Christmas Maggie” and I give her a big hug “how are you feeling”

  “On top of the world sweetheart”


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