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The Devils Daughter (The Devils Soldiers mc Book 1)

Page 15

by Cilla Lee

  “Mornin' baby” he says nipping my neck I look at him through the mirror smiling

  “Good morning” he turns me to face him

  “You wanna have lunch today” I smile

  “I'd love that”

  “Good I'll pick you up around 1”

  “Sounds good” he kisses me again than turns and lifts the lid of the toilet.

  “OMG Colt what are you doing” I say as he starts taking a pee and I run out of the bathroom slamming the door. He laughs as I go and sit on the bed waiting for him to finish his business. He opens the door smiling his toothbrush in his mouth and I look up at his smiling face.

  “What?” he says and I push him out of the way to finish getting ready. He stands next to me still brushing his teeth as I start packing my makeup away he pulls me to him and we stare at each other through the mirror

  “You embarrassed to watch me take a piss” I roll my eyes

  “I think bathroom things should stay personal with the door closed” I say and he smiles

  “Baby you've sucked my cock more times than I can count and I've licked your tits pussy and ass”

  “Colt Oh My God” he laughs louder

  “Baby it's you and me no one else”


  “Ok we'll play it your way for now” he says and I turn and kiss him

  “Umm minty” he stares at me looking serious

  “You’re so fuckin' beautiful Niya” I blush feeling embarrassed and hug him tight

  “Go on I'll see you at lunch”

  “Ok” I say kissing him again and head out the door and grab my bag. Just as I open the bedroom door I hear the shower start up and the thought of Colt in there naked has me getting wet (no get to work) As I step out of the door I run into Pixie again and I groan, being this close to this bitch makes me want to commit murder.

  “Don't you have a house to go to” she says sneering at me

  “Fuck you Pixie” I say as I push past her (fucking bitch)

  “You know he's ganna get sick of you” I turn and look at her she's not ugly per se but she has an ugly aura about her that makes her ugly

  “Don't mess with me Pixie, I let you get away with the little knife attack, but if you try to come between Colt and me again I'll kill you bitch” I tell her deadly serious

  “Hahaha” she laughs “You think you’re going to kill me please little miss damaged, I've heard the guys talking about your dad and what a piece of shit he was to you your just another little cunt for Colt to fuck”

  “You really are delusional you think he'd want a washed-up whore that sucks and fucks his brothers off as an Old Lady” she stares straight at me giving me the evil eye and I know I’ve hit a nerve

  “Oh, honey I think you’re the one deluded hear she says, I've seen him hanging around Star caught both of them the other day in the garages laughing and talking...... real close like” she whispers in my ear as she passes me

  “There's nothing going on between Colt and Star” I say but she smiles

  “Ok if you say so” she says and walks out and down the hall leaving me standing there

  Chapter Eighteen


  Over the course of the day that evil bitches’ words play over and over (real close like) I try and remember if I'd seen them together since she's been here, I mean I work every day and I'm home most nights and Colt lives there and so do the whores maybe they do spend time together and I just don't know it. I know he used to use the whores all the time, him and Stryker even use to share them but he wouldn't.

  “Fuck Pixie no Colt wouldn't do that” I say to myself, Pixie’s fuckin' with me this is what she wants she's playing mind games and your falling right for them “Aaarrrgggh”

  “You ok chicka” Chelsea asks me and I frown

  “Um I need to go I'll be back soon ok”

  “Ok is there something I can help you with” I shake my head at her

  “No” I grab my bag and head to my car (I just need to know) I pull up to the clubhouse and see Colt and Stryker's bikes, as I get out of my car Gunner standing there

  “Hay Niya girl you ok” I nod

  “Yeah I just wanted to see Colt”

  “I think he's playin' pool with Stryker”

  “Oh, great thanks” I walk into the main hall and I can't see him anywhere Stryker’s playing pool with Blaze, I go to his room but he's not there so I head out to the garages nothing. Pixie’s words come back into my mind and I look up the hall towards the whores’ rooms “He wouldn't” and before I know it I'm in front of Star’s door and I can hear moaning (NO FUCKING WAY) my heart is pounding my hand hovers over the door handle “Just do it” I whisper and I grip it the handle for dear life and freeze hearing her moan again my palms are sweating so much the handle becomes slippery in my grip, I slowly open the door my heart pounding

  “Baby what you doing?” I turn to face Colt walking towards me and my heart skips (he's not in there with her)

  “Oops” I say as the door opened and there's Tiny face between Star’s bent legs as she lays on the bed completely naked

  “What the fuck Niya?” he yells looking up (shit)

  “Sorry” I say and close the door so fast the wind blows my hair up

  “Baby what the fuck?”

  “I was looking for you”

  “In Star’s room?” he says frowning at me

  “Yeah, I looked for you everywhere and Pixie said you hang out with her all the time, I don't know I just I don't know Colt” I push past him to walk from Star’s bedroom door but Colt grabs me and stops me from walking away

  “You think that I'd fuck one of the whores’ baby you’re my Old Lady, the only place my cocks going is in your mouth, your pussy or your ass do you hear me”

  “My ass Colt”

  “Fuck baby I'm ganna fuck every hole you own, I've already licked them all”

  “Colt god will you stop saying that your so crass”

  “Crass” he says smiling

  “Yes, Colt crass” I playfully push his chest

  “I'll give you crass baby” he pulls me into him and we walk back to his room where he shows me just how crass he can be with his tongue


  It was now the weekend and Colt and Stryker where taking me to go shooting, I'd never been to a shooting range before and I was feeling very nervous the sounds of gun fire not what you hear on TV the small pop pop popping sounds making it sound more like a firecracker going off than a gun

  “Now baby some rules to remember, treat all guns as though they are loaded, never point the muzzle at anything you don't intend to shoot, keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and your prepared to fire, always confirm your target, as well as what's in front, behind, and around you ok baby”

  “Ok Colt”

  “Good” he said kissing my neck “Ok this is a small calibre pistol it's a Walther PPK/IS .22 it has adjustable sights with a 17.5 lb trigger pull capacity of ten rounds per clip an internal slide stop that reduces external snags and this button is for the magazine release this here is the safety button back it's on forward it's off ok”


  “Here put these on” and he hands me ear muffs and safety glasses

  “Ok legs evenly apart and squeeze the trigger gently don't pull on it” I stand as Colt showed me and I close my eyes my heart pounding and I squeeze the trigger and the gun firing jolting my arms

  “Oh My God that was.... amazing” I say holding the gun down

  “Keep going baby you've got nine more shots” I raise the gun up again and shoot. I tried some of the other guns that Colt and Stryker had brought with them and I felt like a real badass. Colt was so great at giving me instructions showing me just how to use them safely and after my arms started to ache I sat back and watched Colt and Stryker for the rest of the day only stopping for lunch after that we went outside to the larger range and they got to try out some other larger guns that I knew where way over m
y head but Colt and Stryker where in their element and loving it and I was loving watching my man have fun.


  “Baby wake up” Colt whispered as he nuzzles my neck

  “What? it's too early Colt go back to sleep” I roll over and pull the pillow over my head

  “Baby get up” he slaps me on my ass making me sequel

  “Colt what the fuck?” I say turning over throwing my pillow at him

  “It's your birthday baby wake up”

  “Colt go away”

  “Baby it's your birthday get the fuck up” he starts bouncing up and down on my bed

  “Colt I'm going to kill you go away” There was a knock at the door and Maggie comes in with a tray and Colt gets up and takes it from her, I sit up as she sits next to me on the edge of the bed and hugs and kisses my cheek

  “Happy Birthday sweetheart nineteen how do you feel”

  “Um I don't know happy I guess” looking at Colt standing there holding the tray and I smile

  “More than happy Maggie” I blushing as I look at Colt

  “Hear baby and he places the tray on my lap”

  “Um pancakes ice-cream and strawberries yum Maggie my favourite” Maggie and I had gone to the beach markets last month early one morning and we'd had breakfast at one of the little pop up cafes and they had these on the menu I wasn't sure at first ice-cream and pancakes but add the strawberries and it was mouth watering

  “Oh, Maggie thank you it smells delicious”

  “Ok I'll see you down stairs hurry up and eat before the ice-cream melts” she kisses me and walks out, Colt sits where she just got up and leans over and kisses my lips softly

  “Happy Birthday baby” I smile and lean into him

  “Thank you, Colt, here you have to try this” I cut him off a piece and he's shocked

  “Fuck that's good give me some more and I sit and feed him more of my breakfast”

  We spend most of the morning lounging around my room, after breakfast Colt had given me my birthday gift in another black velvet box it was a beautiful charm bracelet it had a letter C for Colt N for me a motorbike a heart a pair of lips representing my first kiss with Colt a book and infinity sign

  “Oh, Colt’s it perfect”

  “Let me put it on baby” I hold out my arm and he puts it on fitting perfectly on my wrist I hold up my arm and admire it in my other hand I play with the locket Colt got me for Christmas since the day he put it on I haven't taken it off

  “I love it Colt thank you”

  “I love you to baby”

  Colt’s mom and Grand ma came over around ten to give me a birthday gift and it felt like Christmas day all over again, having never been given a Birthday gift before. I was overwhelmed breaking down all the women holding me crying it was a very emotional, Colt's mom and Grand ma had gotten me a pair of diamond studs they were beautiful and I blubbered again.

  “Oh my god Cassey, Grace these are too much I can't accept them”

  “Honey you can and you will do you hear me” looking me straight in the face I just nod my head and she smiles, Maggie and Razor had bought me a new car I couldn't believe it a new car

  “Here you go darlin' catch” I catch the little silver object flying at me from across the table and I just stare at a set of keys in my hand and frown

  “What are these for?”

  “You knew car of course” Maggie says so not so matter of fact about it

  “What new car?”

  “The one in the driveway darlin'”

  “What?” and I race to the front door and there it is a silver VW convertible Bug I screamed so loud and run outside they'd put a giant red ribbon on top of it I run down the stairs a freeze I look at the keys in my hand and I just stand there

  “Baby what’s wrong don't you like it?”

  “Colt I love it I love you all” and I burst into tears again

  “Oh baby” I turn around and run back up the stairs and hug Razor and Maggie again

  “Thank you” I whisper to them both and I run back down the stairs jumping up and down screaming everyone laughing at my excitement I look back at the house and thank god for all of these wonderful people I'd meet who I now loved

  Chapter Nineteen


  Fuck waking up that morning with Niya in my arms was amazing actually waking up with her every morning would be even better, we'd just known each other just over a year now and I still hadn't fucked her. It was close a few times but I was holding back for some reason, she'd told me about grownin' up with her piece of shit dad and never havin' much and every time I came close to fuckin' her I stopped myself. I wanted to make sure she really wanted this and today tonight was the night I wanted to make her truly mine, because I knew I couldn't love any one as much as I loved her.

  “Baby you ready”

  “Yes, Colt give me a second”

  “Baby hurry up Razor and Maggie are waiting”

  “Colt just give me a dam minute” I go down and wait for her to come down

  “She ready yet” Razor asks, I shake my head no as he sits next to me on the sofa

  “What the fuck is she doing?” I shrug my shoulders

  “Fucked if I know girl shit”

  “Fuckin' hell” Razor says slumpin' in his chair

  “Razor shut up she's coming” Maggie says walking into the room. I turn when I hear her on the stairs and my heart skips a beat when I see her (fuck she gorgeous)

  “Fuck baby you look.... fuck” she's got on a skin tight black dress that if she bends over you'll see her pussy, high fuck me heels which I fully intend to make her wear when I'm fuckin' her later, her hairs down with a nice wave and her make up fuck she doesn’t need it but fuck she looks fuckin' hot

  “Baby don't you bend over everyone will see your pussy” he slaps my ass

  “Colt” Maggie's says

  “Colt why would I bend over” she says rollin' her eyes

  “I don't know just don't” I grab her and give her a big kiss, when I look at her tits and her lockets not there

  “Baby where's your locket” she reaches up and feels for it

  “Oh, it must be upstairs”

  “Go put it on”

  “Colt it doesn’t go with my accessories”

  “Go put it on baby”

  “Ugh your annoying”

  “And your Property Jacket”

  “Colt it won’t go with my dress either”


  “Ugh fine” She stomps up her gorgeous ass back up the stairs to get her locket and jacket. There's no fuckin' way I'm lettin' her out of the house without my jacket on her. When she comes stomping down the stairs and she does a little spin my dick instantly getting hard


  “Very fuckin' happy, I'll be even fuckin' happier when this dress is on my bedroom floor” I pull her to me and kiss her on the neck

  “Keep it in your fuckin' pants asshole” Razor growls

  “Come on let’s go Maggie says and we head out to her new car” The ride to the clubhouse was nerve raking, I've been dreaming about this night for months now and nothin’ and no one was ganna to stop me from gettin' in Niya's panties.


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