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Abe: Four in Hand

Page 18

by Mj Fields

  Oh man, Houston we have a problem. Son of a bitch!

  I kissed her belly and came out from under the covers.

  “Is everything alright?”

  “How freaky are you gonna let me be?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you against sex during menstruation?”

  “What?” She sat up and looked under the covers. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry. I can’t believe it.”

  “It’s gonna happen right? I really have no reservations about it.”

  “You’re not going down on me when I’m bleeding.”

  “Like never?”


  “Just clarifying.”

  “Yes, like never,” she scooted off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

  As soon as I heard the shower running, I stripped the bed. Blood stained sheets and as much as I loved the girl, there better not be any shit on my mattress.

  Son of a bitch. Okay, I know it’s no big deal to most people, but I have some quirks. A clean house and unstained shit were two of them.

  I could flip the mattress, but it was pillow top. How the fuck is it that I have whores here and they don’t stain my shit, but this hot little almost virgin who I have fallen in love with comes in and messes shit up. I’m not a douche or uptight okay? I just have a system.

  I grabbed my phone, Googled “how to remove blood stains”, and then ran down into the kitchen to see if I had any salt or hydrogen peroxide.

  I did and I hauled ass up the stairs because I wanted to make sure she didn’t think I was pissed.

  By the time she returned I had conquered the stain removal and all that was visible was a faint stain that I was certain would go away after the mattress dried.

  By the time she was out of the shower I had successfully removed a stain, changed the sheets, and made the bed.

  I was standing back admiring my work when she said, “I’m sorry.”

  I held my hand out behind me and she took it, “It’s not a big deal. See, it’s all better.”

  I looked down and she sighed.

  “Look, if we’re gonna be living together, I am going to have to expect things like this and you’re going to have to get over any embarrassment that comes along with it.”


  “What’s up?”

  “We aren’t living together, I just stayed the night.”

  “Fine, but tonight when we go load up your belongings and bring them here, then we’ll be living together.”

  “I can’t do that,” she let go of my hand and started walking towards her bag.

  I felt my blood start to boil as I watched her pull her panties on and then drop the wet towel on my hard wood floor. Okay, that discussion would have to wait, right now I needed to get her to agree that yes, she was in fact living with me.

  “Explain why.”

  I sat on the bed as she pulled a bra out of her bag and turned her back to me again so I couldn’t see her. She still hadn’t answered me.

  “Nikki, turn around and explain.”

  She shook her head, grabbed a tank top out of her bag, pulled it over her head, and turned around.

  “I promised them I would still be me.”

  She looked completely miserable and as pissed as I was I didn’t wanna make it worse for her.

  “I don’t want you to be anything else.”

  “I’m independent, self-sufficient, strong and—”

  “Kind, caring, so much that you don’t want to disappoint them.”

  She nodded.

  “I won’t push, I have you here now and until you find a place, right?”

  She nodded again.

  “Good. Now I want you to think about something else, too, okay? I want you to consider telling them how we truly feel about one another. Maybe then us wanting to live together wouldn’t be as hard for them to come to terms with. I’m sure they want you to be happy. If this makes you happy they would eventually embrace the idea.”

  She looked down at the ground.

  “Just so you know, you make me happy.”

  I stood, kissed her head, and walked down the stairs, leaving her to her thoughts.

  I went down to the gym to get in at least two miles. A late start to my day was gonna cut my work out time down. I was alright with that when I thought I’d be getting some extra cardio in this morning. That is until fucking Shark Week went live on my bed.

  I turned on Fox news, go ahead and judge, I’m a conservative guy, not a democrat or republican, I don’t play a side, I play what feels right. Which is why after fifteen minutes, I turn it to CNN. I catch both sides.

  When I was done, I ran upstairs and decided to boil some eggs while I showered. I knew how much she hated my shakes, which still had me concerned that I may possibly be going without a blow job for—maybe ever. But I was willing, that’s how much I liked this girl. Fucked up, huh?

  I ran upstairs and she was doing her hair. I kind of chubbed up a little as I stood and watched her in the mirror primping.

  Out to Sea


  “You’re upset with me.”

  “No. I understand the thought process.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  He walked over, stood next to me, and took his toothbrush out of what I am sure was a sterilizer that cost way too much.

  “I’m an only child¸ too. We want to please our parents, that’s all.”

  I turned and watched him brush his teeth. “So you think I’m being childish?”

  He put both hands on my hips, moved me to the left, then spit in the sink, and rinsed it. “You’re not being childish, you’re doing what any twenty-two-year-old only child would do. And don’t try to argue, I was twenty-two and an only child, so I get it.”

  “That’s when your mom got sick.”

  “Yeah,” he continued brushing his teeth.

  “And that’s when you fought with your Dad.”

  He leaned over, spit again, and rinsed the sink again.

  “That’s when I voiced my opinion, and he didn’t like it.”

  “So you’re telling me I should fight with my parents so that I can live here with you. Do you know I fought with them just to come back here so that I could be with you?”

  “Thank you for that.”

  He grabbed a Dixie cup, filled it, and rinsed again. Then he grabbed the mouthwash and filled it.

  “That’s it? Thank you, but in your head you’re thinking what? That I’m a child?”

  He finished gargling, spit in the sink, and rinsed it out.

  “You do know that you’ll have the same effect if you just wait until you’re finished to rinse out the sink and you’ll save water, too.”

  I didn’t like him treating me like I was a baby almost as much as I didn’t like him not answering me.

  “You hungry? When I get done showering, I’ll make you breakfast.”

  I turned around and walked out of the bathroom. I heard the shower start and I grabbed my phone. Jerk.

  I flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I looked at my phone and it was only 6:39 A.M. Living with him would not be a good idea.

  He walked out butt naked and into his closet, for a minute I doubted the whole living with him thing. That alone would make it worth it. He was F.I.N.E fine.

  When he reappeared, he was in suit pants and an off-white button down with a tie slung over his shoulder.

  “You should go back to sleep for a while. You might feel better.”

  “I’m not sick I’m—”

  “Emotional, which is worse because of your period. I get it.”

  “Wow, and the zings just keep coming.”

  “Nikolette,” It occurred to me that I was Nikolette when he was frustrated with me, Miss Bassett when he was pissed, Nikki when things were cool, and Four when he was, well you know. “I don’t want to argue with you. Like I said, I want you to be you, too. You’re battling yourself, not me. Let’s grab some breakfast; maybe you’ll
feel better.”

  I sat on the bar stool as he cracked and shelled hard-boiled eggs, then he buttered toast. He set it in front of me with a large glass of orange juice.

  “Make a list of things you like to eat and I will have Nancy, our housekeeper, pick them up.” He retrieved a pen and paper from a drawer and set it in front of me.

  “I can go to the store.”

  “I want you to just relax for a few days, you have a lot to consider.”

  “Like what?”



  “Okay, Nikki, you talked about finding a place, wondering what your next assignment will be, wondering about your next internship, and whatever else it is your trying to figure out. It’s a lot to consider,” he said as he pulled out his dreadful drink mixture.

  “I can still go to the store.” I was pouting I knew it, but I was tired and crampy, which wasn’t normal, but neither was the work over he gave me yesterday.

  He washed his hands and planted them on the counter, glowering. I knew it even before I looked up. He sighed and grabbed the paper and pen.

  “All that stuff in your head and then,” he pushed the pad of paper in front of me.

  Pads and tampons. I read it again and wanted to be annoyed, but I had to laugh.

  “Yes, and then there is that.”

  “Everything will work out,” he turned on the blender and watched as it all got mashed up. When it was done, he looked up. “Fridays, Nancy cooks, a lot. We can either eat at home or go out. Message me whatever you decide. I can be home by six.”

  “Home,” I had meant to whisper.

  He smiled as he drank down that nasty concoction.

  When he finished, he rinsed his glass and then put it in the dishwasher.

  He looked down at the list and smiled.

  “It’s not that funny you know, it’s kind of gross.”

  “I was just thinking.”

  He walked around the island and turned my stool, “I made you breakfast and I don’t get to see you eat it. That’s unfortunate. I wish I had time to feed you.”


  “Movie and take out?”

  “Maybe I’ll cook for you.”

  “Oh Christ, don’t tell me you can cook. I’ll fall even harder.”

  “Southern food. Mostly fried.”

  “Oh, maybe we’ll stick to Nancy’s cooking.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “I need to stay in shape. I have this girl who can almost keep up with my needs.”

  “Do you have a cheat day?”

  He leaned in closer and stared at my lips. “I’d never cheat.”

  “Promise?” I whispered as he leaned closer.

  “Most definitely.” His minty breath hit my face at the same time his lips touched mine.

  His kiss was soft and plenty. He kept giving me little pecks. “Four…”


  “What?” he laughed as he stood up.

  “You call me ‘Four’ when you’re in a sexy mood.”

  “I do not,” he laughed.

  “Miss Bassett when you’re pissed.”

  “Fine. You may have a point. But at least you know what you’re getting.”

  “Oh no you didn’t.” I laughed.

  “I have to go.” He kissed me again and grabbed my face. “I love you.”

  “I like that.”

  “Me too. Have a good day. If you’re not too busy, you could stop over and have lunch with me.”

  “I have a lot to do you know. Busy girl.”

  “Okay, I will see you when I get home.”

  He started to walk away, “Abe.” He turned around. “I love you, too.”

  He smiled and nodded his head, “I know.”

  And then he walked out the door.


  I walked into The Shore ten minutes before nine. I smiled to everyone who looked up from their computer screens. The front offices housed the secretaries of the advertising executives. It appeared that none liked their jobs. I felt sorry for them. I wished everyone could do what they loved, what they dreamed of doing.

  I walked through the double doors into the newsroom. It was always very lively and I loved the energy. I was sure there were some who didn’t like it back here either, but I did. I loved it. I walked to my cubical, sat at my desk, and flipped on my computer. As always, I checked my inner office email to see if there was a new assignment. I swear it was like Christmas morning every time.

  “You got a minute, doll?” It was Bogart.

  “Sure thing.”

  “Good. Follow me.”

  I followed him to his office and he shut the door when I sat.

  “Look, I’m gonna be honest with you, I found your interview to read more like a college newspaper article. I thought for a few minutes why the hell did this kid who turned in an ass kicking interview with the owner of the Atlanta Braves for her internship application turn in something that read like a kid with a crush.”

  “To be fair sir—”

  “No, to be fair, it sucks.”

  I didn’t like the way he was talking to me or the way he looked at me. He had always given me a creeper vibe, but I ignored it, thinking I was wrong.

  “So I drove over to your place last night hoping to find out just what made you change as a writer. To my surprise, a neighbor said you hadn’t been around since the incident. Being a news guy, I asked questions. I was pretty shocked that one of my own people would keep something so big and newsworthy a secret from me.”

  I felt sick to my stomach as he continued.

  “So I looked into that too. What I found out shocked me. If you want to be taken seriously, Miss Bassett, you shouldn’t be sleeping with the subjects of your interviews.”

  “To be fair, what happened to me has nothing to do with the Shore. And to be honest, my personal life is none of your concern.”

  “I’m not running a fucking dating service here, Nikolette! So here’s what you’ll do. Fix this ridiculous excuse for an article. I know more shit about Abe O’Donnell than you put in this from just a few phone calls I made with, how do I say this, mutual business associates. Don’t throw away your career on a piece of ass, understand? Then you’ll write a story about what happened at 1273 Park Avenue, it’s your duty. Then maybe I’ll continue talks with the Giants’ press people.”

  I was sure I was going to get sick to my stomach when I stood to leave

  “Don’t fuck this up, or I’ll ruin you.”

  When I walked out the door, I swear I heard him say “bitch,” and that too, made me ill.

  I grabbed my briefcase as I headed to the bathroom. I would be leaving, but I wasn’t sure what I would do after that.


  When I left The Shore I knew where I was going, but once I pulled into Steel I couldn’t get out. He had taken care of so much for me that I truly felt I was becoming weaker by the day. I pulled out and headed to 1273 Park Street. I was going to pack up my place and figure out what I would do next. What I did know was that I was bringing in too much drama into Abe’s life and that wasn’t me.

  I spent three hours packing up my apartment and carrying boxes down three flights of stairs in the crazy heat. The entire time I was trying to decide what to do. When I finished, I sat back on the couch and decided I was thankful that my place was furnished.

  I looked down at my phone. It was twelve thirty and I had missed two calls from Abe. I decided I better call him back; as much as I enjoyed last night I was pretty sure next time the punishment I received wouldn’t be so sweet.


  “Yeah, sorry, things just got a little messed up today, that’s all.” And then the water works started.

  “Okay. You’ll be okay.”

  “No, I don’t think you understand.”

  “No, I do. Sit still. I’m walking up now.”

  And then he hung up. I grabbed my purse and decided I better hurry. He thought I was at his place
and he was gonna be upset. When I opened the door to leave this place for the final time I saw him standing there.

  He wrapped his big old arms around me and rubbed my back as I cried. He didn’t say anything, he just held me. When I was done, I wiped my eyes and shook my head.

  “You’re angry.”

  “No, just concerned, let’s get you home.”

  “How did you know I was here?”

  “Sixth sense I guess.”

  He opened the door to his SUV, “Get in.”

  “My car.”

  “Someone’s coming to grab it, should be here any minute. Just have a seat and give me your keys.”

  It wasn’t more than a minute before I dozed off in the air conditioned vehicle. When I opened my eyes, my car was gone and Abe was shaking my landlord’s hand.

  When he got in he handed me an envelope. “This is your rent money back. The lease is broken and he understands. Says he’s sorry.”

  He backed out of the driveway and started towards his place. He reached up, turned on the radio and the words made me cry even more, I’ll be your keeper for life. A keeper for life. The song was Guardian by Alanis Morisette, and it was beautiful.

  I remember when it scared me that he wanted to own me. It felt wrong, but if I am to be honest with myself, nothing in my life has ever felt so right.

  “Abe,” I said in a hushed voice. “The Shore knows—”

  “I know what happened today. It will be handled.”



  “I want to live with you. I want you to.” I swallowed hard, “own me.”

  “Where is this coming from?”

  “I’m scared.”

  “You don’t need to be.”

  “I’m scared you’re going to get sick of me and all the drama I bring to you. Then this morning. God, what a mess. But if you’ve changed your mind, I understand.”

  “Have you eaten since breakfast?”

  “What? No, but I am trying to tell you—”

  “Can we talk later? Can we just be quiet for a while? Just a little while?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Good girl.”

  Back to Business



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